@torroar After reading your message. I am going to give you a bit of advice here, wanted or unwanted. I have been in this situation before, as one example Ibmaian left the forums after having almost this exact situation happen to him. He was so focused on his side work on Star Trek: To Boldly go that it was seriously impacting his life and health. so, he decided to stop with the forums and get his life back in order. I hate to say it but, you might want to very seriously consider putting this quest and any others your part of or doing to the side for a while and come back later. Your focus needs to be on your health not this quest or any of the others.
@torroar After reading your message. I am going to give you a bit of advice here, wanted or unwanted. I have been in this situation before, as one example Ibmaian left the forums after having almost this exact situation happen to him. He was so focused on his side work on Star Trek: To Boldly go that it was seriously impacting his life and health. so, he decided to stop with the forums and get his life back in order. I hate to say it but, you might want to very seriously consider putting this quest and any others your part of or doing to the side for a while and come back later. Your focus needs to be on your health not this quest or any of the others.

On the other hand, it's possible this quest acts as a coping mechanism, and if he dropped it his mind would be plagued with even more negative thoughts without the distraction.

Tor, do what you think is best for yourself, whatever that may be.
hey, so those daemonetts got Freddy twice, is slaanesh daemons Freddy's hard counter?
More like exposure potency. Khorne got him too, whille Gruber did defeat him at some point, so it's more accurate to say that Thirsting ones are more often coming in contact with him.
Or perhaps its the auxulary that keeps on besting his support. Ya know, its not deamons that got him but sorcerress. Both times.

Edit: Another thing:
How far along would the new Vaportank and Titan cannon be?
They were somewhat along dou to being rushed before Druchii arrival, then things slowed down as engeneers got reduced in numbers...
Somewhere bettwen 80 and 90 % complete? what you folks think?
I have a feeling it was asked before...
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votes been over for a couple days friend - we're going for the docks and arena

Thanks man. Just saw

I just don't understand why it's affected me so badly this time. To drag up questions about my self-worth, my purpose in life, having to consider more than ever a future without the parent at all, and realizing that I'm past my third decade, and do I have anything to offer? Anything of worth?...So what can I do? What do I do?

God be with you, Torroar. You write the best quest on this site, you show a familial piety that is incredibly rare.

I'm sorry you're suffering. Christ have mercy.
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Reward: Amber Magister Alric and unknown handful of Amber Wizards now in Wulfenburg's Wild Places. +25 Trade Income Per Turn. Beastmen+Greenskin patrols by Army of Range+Army of the Forest survivability and effectiveness improved. When marching to battle, Frederick may now call upon them to fight.
huh... guessing that was supposed to be Ostland ...

Since they - to this day - avoid entering cities if it can be helped. Plus wild places inside a city? closes we have are caves and parks... do we even HAVE parks in Wolfenburg? nevermind that part

Edit: Huh. Remember Dolgans?
Yeah, wonder how many of them joined Bohka side... it may shift demographics...
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How far along would the new Vaportank and Titan cannon be?

As much as I hope that they finish these and start hitting beastmen with them, I think they may not finish them any time soon. I checked the vaportank's part of the turn update and as it's a "artisan-like craft", it seems they can't rush it any capacity. Tho didn't we finish titan cannon with production over development? Sorry if I missed something.

Speaking of engineers, we should really try to recruit/train some artillery specialists. I couldn't find the exact post but I think torroar said even with some artillerist, there will still be need for engineers on the field. Which is still more than fine. If we had even a dozen more engineers now it could be a great boon. On this line, maybe later on we can look to founding a powder making guild, to free some more engineers? We make great use of it and dwarves have it too, so there can be both demand and precedence for it.

I checked the the previous Alexandra interlude, War of Bitter Ice part 10. It seems as she handled traitorous ones, rest of them flocked to her. Tho some may still go to Bokha, I think it's safe to say majority is with team Katarin. Didn't she induct a few of them into Kislevite religion? I wonder how they are doing.

Also regarding parks, by Wolfenburg info post it seems we really don't have any in our capital. No school, no theatre, no park no wonder southerners call us barbarians :V
Also regarding parks, by Wolfenburg info post it seems we really don't have any in our capital. No school, no theatre, no park no wonder southerners call us barbarians :V

A park would be a luxury or wasteful expense, somthing Ostland is described as being vehemently against and rightly so as they exist in the unenviable position of near constant seige/raiding from all sides (Sea/Mountains/Forest of Shadows) as well as internal threats constantly popping up, thus making any money spending on luxury/leisure other that practical things very unwise.

Give it a few generations of growth and semi peace and they will start to crop up.
I checked the the previous Alexandra interlude, War of Bitter Ice part 10. It seems as she handled traitorous ones, rest of them flocked to her. Tho some may still go to Bokha, I think it's safe to say majority is with team Katarin. Didn't she induct a few of them into Kislevite religion?
huh. Neat. hope not. good for her and still, proves my point of ' with high casualties amoung generational residents infusion of new blood will be noticible. Also proven since they joined her side during a civil war. Wonder how norscan like their anatomy is? may end up with even more buffed Kislevites some generations down the line. Something to comiserate with Nordland, heh.
She did induct many of them herself, while looking for chaos cultists. Those converst should be solid.
Kislev will not be the same.
so question.

Anyone have an idea why the empire stopped using chariots?
Because chariots are not safe, and property laws?

The chariot is a death trap creation, you can get stuck, worn down, flipped over, a carriage is safer.

As for the property law thing, taking a army across someone's land would irritate people, much less if anyone could just travel off the road in their chariot onto the place where your sheep are grazing. Then your sheep mysteriously dissapeared after the charioteer went through your land.
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Anyone have an idea why the empire stopped using chariots?

As i understand it, chariots were used in an era when horses were smaller, not yet big enough to be mounted. A chariot is an archaic piece of technology, they arent useful for horses. Maybe the ogres could use them for the rhinoxen? but a chariot is inferior to simply riding the animal in question.

At least, from what ive read.
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So I've been re-reading stewardship segments and have an idea about retirement. Maybe bit of a hopeful thinking but current steward Morgan seems to be quite passionate about architecture. She also got along well with that one Myrmidian art focused priestess. This combined with new Verenan additions to Wolfenburg, maybe we can open a architecture focused school later on in which an elderly Morgan can become an instructor?

It can be a predecessor to a future Ostland university or an addition to it if we ever got to build one.
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Also it appears that they were less versatile than horse riders on rough terrain and it aided them in their slow but inexorably phasing out.

And now I'm curious why the Mongols and other nomads never bothered with chariots??
*Down the rabbit hole of internet we goes...*
And now I'm curious why the Mongols and other nomads never bothered with chariots??
*Down the rabbit hole of internet we goes...*
I won't pretend to be an expert but... chariots are manufactured pieces of equipment that require upkeep. This might be anything from specialized tools to additional supplies that complicate overall logistical needs.

These would be on top of the needs for the draft animals you'd need to pull the thing anyways. This coupled with the fact that they're just not usable everywhere and it becomes apparent why a people who are constantly on the move might not bother with them.
I won't pretend to be an expert but... chariots are manufactured pieces of equipment that require upkeep. This might be anything from specialized tools to additional supplies that complicate overall logistical needs.

These would be on top of the needs for the draft animals you'd need to pull the thing anyways. This coupled with the fact that they're just not usable everywhere and it becomes apparent why a people who are constantly on the move might not bother with them.

Not to mention the preferred areas of operation for them were steppes. Chariots are effective on long flat stretches of area. Flood plains, coastal areas and obviously Kansas which is scientifically flatter than a pancake.

Steppes have hills, ravines, gullys and a thousand other obstacles hidden in that grass that will bust an axle quicker than shit through a goose.

Though I imagine like you said the main concern is logistical for them. Not a lot of seasoned wood floating around that isn't in use and plenty of better uses for it when you can ride the horse and not be pulled by it.
And now I'm curious why the Mongols and other nomads never bothered with chariots??
*Down the rabbit hole of internet we goes...*
I'd say iron or rather lack thereof. Making iron is a long process that requires a lot of fuel and specialized facilities. Nomads generally don't have many, if any, of those and have to buy most of their metal items from nearby sedentary civilizations.
Mongols are an exception but by the time they became a thing, chariots were out of use for centuries or even millenia.