Liber Necris and Night's Dark Masters both state that Abhorash hated Ushoran because Ushoran was the worst offender in Lahmia in terms of feeding of its population.

According to Liber Necris (I don't think Night's Dark Masters mentions this) the Bloodlines in general took poorly to Ushoran's offer to reside in Strigos because Ushoran had at the time come into possession of Nagash's hand and crown with which he could control them as Nagash had and so viewed his offer as just a trick meant to get them within reach so he could use the crown and hand on them.

Mm, it does not mention it in that context, no. And ironically, it does however mention that Ushoran:
1. Did not care about the exclusivity of the Vampire cult, nor fear Nagash as they did.
2. Replaced worship of Nagash in Strigos when he claimed it with worship of himself and his Bloodline
3. Brought peace and prosperity
4. 'Restored Abhorash's principle of the Vampires only feeding upon criminals and enemy captives, so once again, the people would have nothing to fear from their immortal masters.'

The way Night's Dark Master's frames the ill-fated invitation and response is as follows:

Soon, the kingdom of Strigos was vast and powerful. Ushoran then sent word to his four other brethren, welcoming them to his new Vampire state, where they would be free to feed and live luxuriously, just as they had back in Nehekhara, safe from the hand of Nagash. To Neferata, this seemed yet another insult. Her interloper brother would dare to presume his empire greater than her own (though it certainly was) or that he might ever rule over her. As well, the queen saw at last her chance to get her revenge. She slaughtered Ushoran's messenger and at once spread rumours to the other bloodlines, assuring them that Ushoran either meant to enslave them all, or worse, sell them out to the reborn Nagash. After two hundred years of living with their guilt over abandoning their master and their fear of his revenge, the Vampires had grown bitter and insular. Each bloodline blamed the others for their betrayal and scattering but was prevented from acting on this because of the taboo against harming their own kind. When Neferata gave them a target and a reason to break this pact, the pent-up fury of the other bloodlines exploded in an orgy of violence. They sent mortal armies and Vampire assassins to that kingdom to destroy the interloper once and for all.

So pretty much no mention of the other stuff. Honestly, I'm not sure if he would have put the thing on, lest he be overwhelmed by Nagash's spirit which I think he would not want given his previous open defiance of worship or even fearing Nagash. Though, sources do conflict on Kadon entirely on his wiki page:

Kadon of Strigos Canon Conflicts said:
Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts (7th Edition) and Warhammer Armies: Undead (4th Edition) claim that Kadon founded Mourkain in -1147 IC and was slain with his city in -1020 IC during an Orc Waaagh! lead by Dork Redeye.

Most other sources -- among them Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts (6th & 8th Editions) and the Liber Necris -- claim that Kadon was killed by Ushoran after the Vampire convinced Kadon that he was one of the gods of the Cult of Nagash, usually around -1020 IC.

The Time of Legends series novel The Master of Mourkain implies instead that Kadon was killed by the Crown of Sorcery for denying its last commands.

With those 'last commands' being to give up the crown to the Crown's desired replacement i.e. Ushoran because Kadon was despite all he'd learned from the Crown growing weak and too rotted to do anything.

So, again accounting for Liber Necris being more specifically an 'in-universe' text and Night's Dark Masters retaining a bit more distance and 3rd Person Semi-Omniscience as an Info-Book built with tables and mechanics and careers and what is certainly a big wiggly.


Also, ya'll, yeah the Barbarian word history discussion thing, while interesting, should probably stop now, yeah?
I wonder if Luthor Harkon would have made his own Bloodline, considereding he was (I think?) a first gen.

Honestly I just want boat vampires
Mm, it does not mention it in that context, no. And ironically, it does however mention that Ushoran:
1. Did not care about the exclusivity of the Vampire cult, nor fear Nagash as they did.
2. Replaced worship of Nagash in Strigos when he claimed it with worship of himself and his Bloodline
3. Brought peace and prosperity
4. 'Restored Abhorash's principle of the Vampires only feeding upon criminals and enemy captives, so once again, the people would have nothing to fear from their immortal masters.'

The way Night's Dark Master's frames the ill-fated invitation and response is as follows:

Soon, the kingdom of Strigos was vast and powerful. Ushoran then sent word to his four other brethren, welcoming them to his new Vampire state, where they would be free to feed and live luxuriously, just as they had back in Nehekhara, safe from the hand of Nagash. To Neferata, this seemed yet another insult. Her interloper brother would dare to presume his empire greater than her own (though it certainly was) or that he might ever rule over her. As well, the queen saw at last her chance to get her revenge. She slaughtered Ushoran's messenger and at once spread rumours to the other bloodlines, assuring them that Ushoran either meant to enslave them all, or worse, sell them out to the reborn Nagash. After two hundred years of living with their guilt over abandoning their master and their fear of his revenge, the Vampires had grown bitter and insular. Each bloodline blamed the others for their betrayal and scattering but was prevented from acting on this because of the taboo against harming their own kind. When Neferata gave them a target and a reason to break this pact, the pent-up fury of the other bloodlines exploded in an orgy of violence. They sent mortal armies and Vampire assassins to that kingdom to destroy the interloper once and for all.

So pretty much no mention of the other stuff. Honestly, I'm not sure if he would have put the thing on, lest he be overwhelmed by Nagash's spirit which I think he would not want given his previous open defiance of worship or even fearing Nagash. Though, sources do conflict on Kadon entirely on his wiki page:

I suppose it could be that the part about Ushoran's invitation to Strigos being a plan to enslave the other vampires with Nagash's hand and crown could be a lie told by Neferata "at once spread rumours to the other bloodlines, assuring them that Ushoran either meant to enslave them all, or worse, sell them out to the reborn Nagash" with Manfred's mention of it in Liber Necris being him buying Neferata's lies hook line and sinker. Though we do know that Ushoran really did have Nagash's crown and hand so "wiggles hand" up to you boss man.

What is consistent in both Liber Necris and Night's Dark Master's is that Ushoran very much ignored Abhorash's warnings to limit their feedings while in Lahmia itself, which resulted in a fierce emmity towards Ushoran from Abhorash.
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This discussion is making me reminisce about an old quest I ran in which the PC, after having unwittingly thwarted a Lahmian plot to take over the throne of Hochland by killing the boss Lahmian's patsy, stepped into her lair in Hergig. I tried to hint to the players that there was something fishy going on when the Strigoi Ghoul King they had encountered along the way kept screaming a woman's name over and over again, he was looking for the boss Lahmian to settle a grudge match, but then my players voted against going to the ball where they would have met her:cry:
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This discussion is making me reminisce about an old quest I ran in which the PC, after having unwittingly thwarted a Lahmian plot to take over the throne of Hochland by killing the boss Lahmian's patsy, stepped into her lair in Hergig. I tried to hint to the players that there was something fishy going on when the Strigoi Ghoul King they had encountered along the way kept screaming a woman's name over and over again, he was looking for the boss Lahmian to settle a grudge match, but then my players voted against going to the ball where they would have met her:cry:
So did it end in death, vampirism, or another dead vampire? You can't just leave a cliffhanger like that!
So did it end in death, vampirism, or another dead vampire? You can't just leave a cliffhanger like that!

That's the thing, the ball was meant to be the climax of the arc. The players instead voted to leave town and got news several weeks later about how the ball ended up becoming a huge massacre in which the elector count's heir was killed while the count barely escaped with his life once a huge army of undead was suddenly raised in palace, fueled by the power of an unexpected Geheimnisnacht.
Yeah, as mentioned before, Lutr who became Luthor was definitely a get of either Abhorash or Walak who became Walach. Personally, I think it was probably Walak because he and Lutr were brothers - Walak of the Palace Guard and Lutr of the Harbor Guard. Abhorash was not...super into spreading the Bloodline in those early days especially given how reviled he was by the whole situation, I figure, outside of his more devoted disciples. His whole misanthropic hatred of the living didn't really come into play until after Lahmia fell. I mean, its possible Abhorash spread the Kiss to Lutr, but his brother could easily have been the one to do it too.

Regardless, it doesn't really matter because in those early days, the Bloodlines hadn't really fully...crystallized, per se, except maybe for the Lahmians proper under Neferata and Necrarchs under W'soran - though the latter probably hadn't gotten as all twisty and decrepit as they would become. The Blood Dragons, in fact, are very very technically also Lahmians by way of literally being born of Abhorash in Lahmia. But instead of priestesses, noble daughters, courtesans, etc. they were gets of Abhorash the general/champion fighty man, who presumably had his 'disciples' made up out of similarly martial folk. So yeah, actually, its entirely possible he did both the head of the Palace and Harbor Guards who were brothers that were also good at the fighting business.

In the end, though, whether he's proper 2nd or regular 3rd Generation, Luthor stands on his own two feet and his ol' broken head as a considerably powerful Vampire Lord. In the End Times, sure, he was named as one of the major necromantic whatsits, Mortarchs or whatever, by Nagash, but I'm not sure if he ever properly qualified as a Bloodline Overlord/Progenitor. I mean, consider that Walach is his brother, and he was never considered an Overlord, cause, you know, Abhorash. Yes, the Vampire Coast is a vaster territory than just Blood Dragon Keep, but also it is known that the various Vampire Captains/Admirals of the Vampire Coast are definitely not super crazy and insane like Luthor Harkon, hence my saying earlier that they're sorta a weird offshoot branch of Von Carsteins because of how they run things. And Mannfred + Konrad (badly) ran Sylvania, so its not like a powerful enough vampire ruling a land isn't a thing without them being a 1st Gen, necessarily.

Mahtmasi rule stretches of Araby, Brahtriya rule stretches of Ind, and there are minor kingdoms/territories in Cathay ruled by Jade-Blooded, much like how the Vampire Coast and Sylvania.

So...yeah. He's quite powerful in his resources and personal strength, Luthor, but I wouldn't judge him a full on Bloodline Progenitor.

That's the thing, the ball was meant to be the climax of the arc. The players instead voted to leave town and got news several weeks later about how the ball ended up becoming a huge massacre in which the elector count's heir was killed while the count barely escaped with his life once a huge army of undead was suddenly raised in palace, fueled by the power of an unexpected Geheimnisnacht.

Aw, man. My sympathies. Sometimes that's how it goes. It just happens. S'happened in this quest, even. Could have gotten a bit more prior warning on Zacharias coming in, could have found out the true breadth of a certain someone's plans in the Elector's Meet. Heck, we left Marienburg instead of hanging around and so Evangeline had to take on Munvard the Cruel with just her crew instead. She managed it, but it wa a close thing.
Aw, man. My sympathies. Sometimes that's how it goes. It just happens. S'happened in this quest, even. Could have gotten a bit more prior warning on Zacharias coming in, could have found out the true breadth of a certain someone's plans in the Elector's Meet. Heck, we left Marienburg instead of hanging around and so Evangeline had to take on Munvard the Cruel with just her crew instead. She managed it, but it wa a close thing.

At least continuing writing afterwards how after ending up in Miragliano the PC was mistaken by the local Dark Elf Slaver's ring as Malekith's tax man come to audit them, having to kill his way out of their hideout when he was discovered to not in fact be Malekith's tax man and then having to lead an escape group of a militia of refguees out of the now ratman infested city after the Skaven began their canon sack of Miragliano was pretty fun :p

Plus one of the results of the PC missing the ball was him getting a side character tag along that I had kind of grown to like writing.

Still a bit bummed out what I had in mind for the ball didn't play through though. I suppose that's to part of GMing however.
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That's the thing, the ball was meant to be the climax of the arc. The players instead voted to leave town and got news several weeks later about how the ball ended up becoming a huge massacre in which the elector count's heir was killed while the count barely escaped with his life once a huge army of undead was suddenly raised in palace, fueled by the power of an unexpected Geheimnisnacht.

At least continuing writing afterwards how after ending up in Miragliano the PC was mistaken by the local Dark Elf Slaver's ring as Malekith's tax man come to audit them, having to kill his way out of their hideout when he was discovered to not in fact be Malekith's tax man and then having to lead an escape group of a militia of refguees out of the now ratman infested city after the Skaven began their canon sack of Miragliano was pretty fun :p

Plus one of the results of the PC missing the ball was him getting a side character tag along that I had kind of grown to like writing.

Still a bit bummed out what I had in mind for the ball didn't play through though. I suppose that's to part of GMing however.

Pretty much, yeah. Sometimes the plans go through...and sometimes you gotta improvise a bit.
And sometime the GM is just bad at foreshadowing or simply say something that mean something else to the players.
If i'm not mistaken, you are referinng to your Thiakhaine quest where the MC is a descendant of Aenarion, which is cursed/blessed by Khaine.

Another exemple of negative foreshadowing was when the MC reveal his curse to another High Elf asking for help, who look at him in disgust and gate her help beyond disarming the MC and imprisoning him in Ulthuan under heavy guards.
The players refused of course since it reeked of bad-end foreshadowing. And after that the GM explained that it was a ploot hook toward curse-mitigation, which no one managed to see.

Moreover, this was not the first plot hook the players didn't see, it was a recurring problem during the quest:
The issue of your face can be mitigated by having powerful friends. In Ulthuan Afiraine's house is somewhat powerful and rather respected, and once he found out, which would likely happen pretty quickly, Teclis would have been willing to go far in order to keep his family, other then Tyrion and Alarielle, on Ulthuan, as well as for another chance at studying the Curse of Khaine. In Bretonnia Skulltaker showed up to fight Joseph when he got back home. After he died depending on how well you had performed in the enusing pandemonium the new duke of Carcassone would have been willing to tolerate much for the person who saved his life and that of much of his family. Had you guys gone to meet Elspeth von Draken in Stimmigen then depending on how that went she might have used her sway with the countess of Wissenland to smooth things over for you, though there were ways in which that meeting could have also ended in a bad end.

Alternatively there are places with no central authority like Norsca or the Border Princes in which you could try to become a monarch in your own right, in which case your word would be law and you'd have to answer to no one about why you keep your face covered.

The problem is that you presented going back to Ulthuan as a bad end: Under heavy guard, confined to a place = BAD END ALERT! I think everyone thought that asshole noble elf would have orderered the MC assassinated since the curse is linked to khaine which is a drucchi favoured deity.

Moreover if the other players are like me they simply didn't see the plot hook.

You guys got a harsh response from Afiraine because she's a hard person and because you failed or ignored all three events to establish an impression on her before the meeting: You stood in place and kept staring at her when she offered her hand for you to shake, which made you come across as a dumbass to her, you chose to not sit next to her back in the stands during Armiil match, which could have been a chance to establish a rapport with her, though it could have also lead to you leaving a worse impression on her depending on what choices you guys made, and you chose to not ask Armiil about her when the two of you were talking here, which had you done so, would have likely lead you to know enough about her to think better of going to a job interview with an Asur princess while wearing a suit of Dwarf armor. As is, all of these things combined with the shock of finding out you're a living WMD/Walking blight field without your helmet on and that she'd be the person held responsible if you ended up killing someone on Ulthuan lead to you getting the worst possible response you could have gotten from her. She was frankly hoping you'd go away. The only reason she was even still considering it after all of that was as a favor for Armiil, who was impressed by your fighting skills and felt bad for you for clearly being all alone.

As is WOG on the matter, had you gone ahead with heading to Ulthuan Teclis would have been one of the persons who'd have found out about you and would have vouched for your continued stay. As the High Loremaster of the White Tower of Hoeth and a considerable part of Ulthuan's military power on his lonesome he would have had enough authority for you to get the go ahead.

And yeah you'd have a heavy guard. You're an unknown who just needs to take off your helmet in order to kill what may be hundreds of people and/or cause an ecological disaster. Even Teclis would have wanted some his people with you at all times until he at least felt had gotten to know you. He would have been a lot more polite about it though.

Some of the High Elves' most prominent current heroes are Cursed by Khaine. Much more of an issue then you being cursed by Khaine was the issue of in just what way you were cursed by Khaine, as I explained above.

Also while Khaine as the god of bloodshed/war/murder etc,etc is worshipped by the Druchii as their prime deity, Khaine worship is found in much, much, much more minor forms in Ulthuan. A High Elf soldier heading to war might offer some small tribute to Khaine to keep his sword arm steady and true when heading to war, for example. It's just a much more minor thing in Ulthuan because the High Elves don't like bloodshed and war as a society. When they engage in it it's mostly because they've been forced to out of necessity.
I'm going to quote Raylar Givens from Justified: "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.".
If you have one incident with foreshadowing, your players just didn't see it. If you have two your players are thick. If you have more you are bad at foreshadowing.
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And sometime the GM is just bad at foreshadowing or simply say something that mean something else to the players.
If i'm not mistaken, you are referinng to your Thiakhaine quest where the MC is a descendant of Aenarion, which is cursed/blessed by Khaine.

Another exemple of negative foreshadowing was when the MC reveal his curse to another High Elf asking for help, who look at him in disgust and gate her help beyond disarming the MC and imprisoning him in Ulthuan under heavy guards.
The players refused of course since it reeked of bad-end foreshadowing. And after that the GM explained that it was a ploot hook toward curse-mitigation, which no one managed to see.

Moreover, this was not the first plot hook the players didn't see, it was a recurring problem during the quest:

I'm going to quote Raylar Givens from Justified: "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.".
If you have one incident with foreshadowing, your players just didn't see it. If you have two your players are thick. If you have more you are bad at foreshadowing.

Entirely possible I was just being a bad GM. I was pretty inexperienced at the time. I wasn't saying my players were incompetent, I was just saying I was bummed out that I didn't get to play some events I was looking forward to, which factually speaking I was. The nostalgia of it, invoked by the discussion about Lahmians and Strigoi, was pretty fun.

For that matter my later plot events like Miragliano did work out pretty well.

But I'm worried that if we take this discussion too far we might end up derailing a thread about torroar's quest into a long winded discussion about mine, so I'd appreciate it if you PMed me if you want to have a more in detail discussion about how that quest rolled out.
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I would like to ask how exactly would Sieglinde of stopped the rise of Ostland if she was in the position of her father, would she of let the risk of Nordland falling to Nurgle by not sending troops to help, how could she stop the alliance with Kislev or the creation of the northern schools, would she of let Zaharias take over Ostland probably killing the emperor in the process and maybe Zacharias would move on to another province once he is done cause I am not seeing an argument how her father could of stopped it

She would probably say that her father should have been the leading the charge against Gruber and why do thing any Imperial Noble with a brain would have let Zacharias destroy a whole province. She views her father a a weak man who was incapable of being the kind of leader Middenlanded and needs. He was to her unworthy of leading the City of the White Wolf.

I feel like we need one those Naruto memes with everybody puppetting eachother to explain what happened in this update.

I mean I love your writings @torroar but when stuff like this happens I start to question if I am still reading Warhammer. How in the hell does anybody can get this many people working together? Only thing I can thing of is somebody has dialed up the difficulty of the game and now AI is cheating by cordinating every AI controlled faction with not regards to plausibility.

I mean I get it it is possible to manipulate a faction or perhaps two but I see something like 5 factions and nobody tripped eachother up? Got unlucky? Didn't have some shitty members start fights with other factions before go time because they were that kind of assholes? None? Nada?

I imagine you plotted whole thing because I know you do that kind of thing, but I can't really buy it. If bad guys had this kind of pedal to metal mentality first everchosen would have won just by stolling in and setting would not existed, so looking at this I can't put this in next to source material and get anything that makes sense to me.

As far as I know* In canon when Magnus won he had relatively peaceful reign of rebuilding which Empire badly needed. Here there was too many exitential wars in this quest so much so I think Empire should had to abondon parts of it to keep going. And by that I mean entire provinces.

Here looking to Kislev now, only thing that makes sense that Kislev should collapse here and now. It is the only way to make sense to me with what is happening.

And again I would like to repeat I love your writing Torroar, infact I read every one of your quests including the first one of Albion where you said you regret making too easy to win but ,like, I am feel this is the far too much in the other direction. Any two factions would have been fine in this update but we have 5-6(?). That is both needlessly complex and should be impossible to survive.

So I am rooting for Alexa to fail. Not because I don't like her but because if she succeeds I will never be able to take any threat in this story seriously.

So yeah.... Sorry to be a bummer.

I would point out that Alexandra goal is to stop the Tzarina getting turned in to a Vampire. She is not trying to stamp out every fire by herself.

No offense to you guys but if they are fighting eachother they are doing after killing Kislevites that stuck in the middle. So it doesn't really matter since Kislev won't be wining this. I can't belive that they have a chance. Also how in the hell all of these guys are ready to go at this moment? They should not have been able to this precise with their timing. Orks and Beastmen should have been either early or late unless somebody is also manipulating them to get them in at the just right time which just adds more implausiblety on top.

Yeah but how is Kislev is still standing after this? None of them are going to win because they are not actually allies but they hit hard enough that Kislev should collapse and either a new country takes its place or it splits. None of these coming back from the ashes stuff when the ashes of 3 previous wars have not fallen to ground yet.

Yeah and Kislev should split to warring states already. There is no coming back unless there is a new conquest in a century or two. But here an now Civil war/Orks/beastmen on the field? Kislev is fucked and unfucking it should take a century.

Timing of it doesn't make sense to me. In canon there was atleast few generations between every apocaliptic war. Here there has been 5 times as many wars of same scale has happened and there is still people around. Clearly somebody has gotten to cloning bizz.

More to point I would buy if Empire were to be helping Kislev. That would make sense but here and now I am not buying it. Every Destro faction is coordinating despite claiming not to and Empire and Allies are still standing? Either Destro factions were not a threat in the first place or Empire and Kislev has Plot Armour.

The thing is the Destro factions are not working together, they were not before and they are not now. What is happening is bad but it is both different and not as Bad as the Great War

The Beastmen have nothing to do with Malagor. They have everything to do with the Turnskin Shamaness, who is a former Ice Witch, who was referenced literally IRL years ago as going missing near the Oblast. It was an assassination attempt by Kattarin which mostly failed, and now that angry Ice Witch Turnskin has come to take her revenge. She was always going to be making this attempt, regardless, because she's been driven mad by the Chaos Gods. She was granted visions by Chaos that now would be the best time to try and get Kattarin, because even if the Chaos Gods didn't contribute to what the Lahmians were doing, that didn't mean they didn't want to take advantage.

This is a perfect example of someone doing evil shit and the Chaos Gods taking advantage to make things even worse. Dammit Kat you fucked up big time in a bunch of ways didn't you.
I know you know that those posts were in the past, and that we had thankfully moved past that discussion entirely.

I'd appreciate if it remained where it was, i.e. in the past.

Furthermore, there is nothing known for certain about why Kattarin was taken. Save for the fact that if she was outright known to be dead it would make power transfer issues much simpler depending on the people involved.
I know you know that those posts were in the past, and that we had thankfully moved past that discussion entirely.

I'd appreciate if it remained where it was, i.e. in the past.

Furthermore, there is nothing known for certain about why Kattarin was taken. Save for the fact that if she was outright known to be dead it would make power transfer issues much simpler depending on the people involved.

I was just pointing out that Kattarin making enemies she did not need to is part of the reason Kislev is in the mess it is in and that you did a good job with your writing. Plus I am not surprised the Vampires could pull of this kind of Kidnapping considering the group that did it.
Again, it was the Yellow Fang, Humble Ones, and Prosecutors who were the hands used to do the deeds. There is no knowledge about who or what has or has not or what has happened or where is Kattarin, save that she was taken away.

Additionally, it was the quoting and responding and reiterating points that were already discussed that I was hoping to not have to go over again for at least a while yet that was the issue.

I'd like to just put a pause on that discussion as a whole for a while longer.

I am asking you, please, to do this.
I'm pretty sure all breeds of elf are perfectly happy to abuse whatever substance they want, drink, smoke or otherwise, when they feel it's appropriate.

They have so much extra lifespan that they'll probably die before they get to live it, so why not indulge?
The Druchii do drink wine, yes. They are, after all, still elves of Mallus. There is undoubtedly a variety of wines they produce, but they are likely to be somewhat strange and possibly tart things considering the weather they get out across most of icy, icy Naggaroth. The southern regions might have more arable land, but the western coast is a bit wastelandy, I believe.

Blood-Wine as an intoxicant is definitely going to be a thing, given the Death Hags and the Brides of Khaine and so on, while I'm sure there's some sort of mildly hallucinogenic and also 'bitey-bitter' wines that go for the Sisters of Slaughter.

I imagine, however, that outside of said two different Cults, that the Druchii as a group likely refuse to ever allow themselves to overindulge unless they're basically in a heavily defended safe room, lest they be taken advantage of by their peers. Or assassinated and such. Or having fun in one of the Cult of Pleasure's secret places.
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The Druchii do drink wine, yes. They are, after all, still elves of Mallus. There is undoubtedly a variety of wines they produce, but they are likely to be somewhat strange and possibly tart things considering the weather they get out across most of icy, icy Naggaroth. The southern regions might have more arable land, but the western coast is a bit wastelandy, I believe.
Actually seeing as how Naggaroth is Warhammer Fantasy Canada, The Druchii probably take pride in being the only ones able to create large batches of Icewine, which requires a sweetspot of cold temps to grow grapes and freeze them in the particular way Icewine requires to concentrate sugar. Normal wine would be considered 'sweet' at around 35 grams of sugar per liter, and Icewine has a sugar content of around 160 grams per liter. For reference, Coca-Cola has a sugar content at around 100 grams per liter I think.

Canada is the world leader in Icewine production, and makes more than the next five countries combined or something like that.

Just one of those things I remember from selling booze in a liquor store. Icewine starts with pretty expensive prices.
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IRL we're seeing more varieties of grapes have been developed for cold weather in recent years, and wines using them are getting more popular. With magic bullshit I imagine the druchii can have their own varieties too.

Something like a Cayuga White, maybe.
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I do wish the twins saved up some space in their trunks for booze the herd can sample when they get back home.

Given the Chinese festivities IRL, it be a shame Freddy didn't get to taste some of that An's Victory Dragon Booze!- Unlikely that'll be given the distance and obstacles the girls need to travel through from Cathay.

Hm, given our prominence as Alcohol Capital in the Empire, think we can add more stock into our markets/ get more trade contacts in other nations to boost up the treasury?
Actually seeing as how Naggaroth is Warhammer Fantasy Canada, The Druchii probably take pride in being the only ones able to create large batches of Icewine, which requires a sweetspot of cold temps to grow grapes and freeze them in the particular way Icewine requires to concentrate sugar. Normal wine would be considered 'sweet' at around 35 grams of sugar per liter, and Icewine has a sugar content of around 160 grams per liter. For reference, Coca-Cola has a sugar content at around 100 grams per liter I think.

Canada is the world leader in Icewine production, and makes more than the next five countries combined or something like that.

Just one of those things I remember from selling booze in a liquor store. Icewine starts with pretty expensive prices.

[Knowledge Integrated]