Actually seeing as how Naggaroth is Warhammer Fantasy Canada, The Druchii probably take pride in being the only ones able to create large batches of Icewine, which requires a sweetspot of cold temps to grow grapes and freeze them in the particular way Icewine requires to concentrate sugar. Normal wine would be considered 'sweet' at around 35 grams of sugar per liter, and Icewine has a sugar content of around 160 grams per liter. For reference, Coca-Cola has a sugar content at around 100 grams per liter I think.
what about Kislav ? , they have plenty of snow and frozen wastland in addition to actual ice mages , if anyone can make comparative amounts of ice wine its them though they properly loss in terms of sheer quality competing with elven product
what about Kislav ? , they have plenty of snow and frozen wastland in addition to actual ice mages , if anyone can make comparative amounts of ice wine its them though they properly loss in terms of sheer quality competing with elven product
They don't have a wine culture like that of elves they have. Kislav has that one really good brew that we get shipped in for nat
Actually seeing as how Naggaroth is Warhammer Fantasy Canada, The Druchii probably take pride in being the only ones able to create large batches of Icewine, which requires a sweetspot of cold temps to grow grapes and freeze them in the particular way Icewine requires to concentrate sugar. Normal wine would be considered 'sweet' at around 35 grams of sugar per liter, and Icewine has a sugar content of around 160 grams per liter. For reference, Coca-Cola has a sugar content at around 100 grams per liter I think.

Canada is the world leader in Icewine production, and makes more than the next five countries combined or something like that.

Just one of those things I remember from selling booze in a liquor store. Icewine starts with pretty expensive prices.
[Knowledge Integrated]
I smell loot. Delicious, alcoholic loot
The quest to find the mythical and legendary Druchii ice wine begins. Let no stone be left unturned, no Druchii spared from hand-holding.

That wine...

...shall be ours
And here I thought eating the dragon meat would be our test of restraint in face of Druchii loot. Clearly I had forgotten what quest we were in to not realize it would be the booze :p
[Knowledge Integrated]

I fucking knew he was a machine all along.

All hail our machine QM overlord!

Anyway. I'll note it was mentioned before that Natasha favors wine. Especially Elven wines. Ice wine seems right up her alley.

Speaking of that post about the Hohenzollerns' favorite alcoholic beverages threadmarked somewhere? Been looking for it.
I thought the idea was to beat the Druchii, not embolden the Pleasure Cults
... Aren't they usually repulsed by wholesomeness? Pretty sure the sight of one does physical and emotional damage to them. To be on the receiving end? Might as well have told them their techniques are weak and they have skill issues hence the extremeties.
Actually seeing as how Naggaroth is Warhammer Fantasy Canada, The Druchii probably take pride in being the only ones able to create large batches of Icewine, which requires a sweetspot of cold temps to grow grapes and freeze them in the particular way Icewine requires to concentrate sugar. Normal wine would be considered 'sweet' at around 35 grams of sugar per liter, and Icewine has a sugar content of around 160 grams per liter. For reference, Coca-Cola has a sugar content at around 100 grams per liter I think.

Canada is the world leader in Icewine production, and makes more than the next five countries combined or something like that.

Just one of those things I remember from selling booze in a liquor store. Icewine starts with pretty expensive prices.

[Knowledge Integrated]
Does that mean Druchii have a Canadian accent ?
Naggaroth is the quasi-North America equivalent in terms of geographic location, not simply Canada, and extends partially down through the 'Central America' component as well.

As they speak primarily Druhir, which is a mix of Eltharin and literally the Black Speech of Chaos it is a language that - straight up - carries elements of primordial evil in its very essence.

Also nah, way I figure it, Total War Warhammer gave us perfectly good voices for the Druchii.

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Does that mean Druchii have a Canadian accent ?
Yes. Yes it does.

As was laid down long long ago in Imrix's Ulthuan Quest...

Of course not.

It's fantasy evil Canada.
Kaggaroth looked upon his forces and grinned as they cowered in his gaze. His reputation for cruelty was legendary, the result of centuries of sickening atrocities committed in the Witch-King's name.
With but a single hand gesture, he bade the whole host to listen to him. Be they Vile sorceresses, warriors clad in wicked blackened plate or shadow-skulking assassins, all turned to face his gaze. To do otherwise would mean a fate worse than death

And with a gluttural voice filled with spite and cruelty he spoke:

"Excuse me. Everyone gather round please. Sorry aboot takin' up your time and all. But I think it's aboot time we gave those Asur a proper licking, eh? Please form an orderly line and get on the boats. Don't worry you're from Klar Karrond. All instruction will be in both Naggarothi and Karrondois. We care very deeply here aboot respecting your local culture.
Now let's go! Last one in the boat's a rotten moose eh!"

And the world wept for all the evil that would soon be wrought.
And the world wept for all the evil that would soon be wrought.

((Quote is from that old quest and it's not been updated for years, but isn't locked yet, so don't accidentally post and necro it.))
((Quote is from that old quest and it's not been updated for years, but isn't locked yet, so don't accidentally post and necro it.))

This isn't Spacebattles:

Commonly called "necroposting", posting in threads long after the last reply is not in itself disruptive. However, contentless complaints about "necroposting" are disruptive and can be infracted. If a post long after the last reply is disruptive, that would be because of some other reason entirely unrelated to how long after the last reply it was made.

so necroposting is allowed.

As for the Icewine I do wonder if Sabine gets an idea of using Ice Magic for wine making. She does consider the utility of magic in her various Edit: businesses.
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So, what I'm getting from all this is that we need to find some Druchi grapes to go with our Asur apples. Or give them to Kislev, what with them being the land of ice…

Ice wine made by ice mages. Yes. This is the key to a peaceful resolution between the factions there.
I suppose that's to part of GMing however.

Honestly one lesson I learned as a QM was to never offer a choice I didn't want the players to choose (or at least one I didn't want to write, which amount to the same thing), though I don't remember in which circumstances I realized that. Like if I don't want to have the players vote to run away, the option won't be here

Status quo for the Warhammer 'verse is a queue of people who want to kill you the length of China's Great Wall. Cathay's Great Bastion
There, FTFY
What do you think the Druchii Hag Queen is stirring inside the Cauldron of Blood? :wink:
Super Hepatitis Z!

All this talk of raiding the Dark Elves for rare alcohol made me think of Freddy retiring his countship to Magnus to travel the world with Natasha searching for exotic and rare Liqueurs. Diving into the jungles of Lustria to get Lizardmen Cachaça, the sake of Nippon or the Feni of Ind.
I'll throw my hat in the ring if you please: the mages and assassins involved in this have spent a lot of energy concealing the true reason for this attack, to violently sample all of Ostland's alcohols.