The Asur, to do a vivsection.
I wouldn't really want to make something of it after that, but they are the faction who's purged Dhar on screen before.
I would hesitate to call that productive, though.

If anyone is going to have reasonable expectations of getting more Black Dragon corpses to experiment with itll be the Asur, and you can count on them not being willing to let anyone else benefit from any hypothetical research results they might find
Guys, I understand the temptation, but I seriously think we should just say no to Druchi loot, of any sort. Entire civilizations have been destroyed or brought to the brink of ruin due to trying to use Dark Elf magic to their own ends. Nothing good will come of such things.
Guys, I understand the temptation, but I seriously think we should just say no to Druchi loot, of any sort. Entire civilizations have been destroyed or brought to the brink of ruin due to trying to use Dark Elf magic to their own ends. Nothing good will come of such things.
First off. We aren't going after their magic items. We're going after their monster remains.
those civilizations don't have Eonir neighbors, Asur trading partners, everqueen favors,or Dawi friend status(who find themselves in debt because they couldn't come help defend us despite promises)

Even human Priests can cleanse taint.
The colleges are Asur/Teclis taught.

And as soon as Kislev is out of it's civil war, our daughter has it within her best interests to support us.

If you have your way we'd toss out everything good that may come out of the loot here. Reagents from dragons and slaughtered beasties aren't anything to sneeze at. Especially not for the rebuilding of Salkaten.
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Yeah, I'm all for selling the corpses and loot. After everything is over we still have to rebuild a city and several villages. Money doesn't grow on trees and given that we have absolutely no idea how the fighting at the Everpeak is going, we might as well prepare ourselves.

I mean... what are we supposed to do with the remains of the Black Dragon? Forge a sword out of his genitals?
Guys, I understand the temptation, but I seriously think we should just say no to Druchi loot, of any sort. Entire civilizations have been destroyed or brought to the brink of ruin due to trying to use Dark Elf magic to their own ends. Nothing good will come of such things.
I think you are overestimating the danger here. The only time i can think of when a civilization fell because of Druchii mahic was Nehekhara and that took Nagash, greatest evil genius in history of WHFB humanity getting an entire curriculum and then adapting it to his needs. We here got a single weapon, which we know had been in use for a long time, so not a trap either. Now, obviously we should double and triple check if it is safe for use and dump it if we still have doubts, however if our caster greenlight it I see no reason not to make use of it
Theres a considerably good reason to not make use of Caledors Bane:

Its literally priceless, which means certain powers in setting will drop fucking astronomical amounts of money for it on us.

Possibly enough to pay for rebuilding the Province outright after all is said and done. And assuming that the Beast tide hits everyone?

Massive fucking advantage for us right there. Marienburg is straight up the least likely province to get sideswiped in the aftermath of this barring Elven retaliation should that come up. And even if it does, that'll still put Ostland on a very beneficial trajectory going into the future. Enough to contest Marienburg on more even footing possibly.

Maybe even enough to solidify the standing of the Trident in the Empire even if the worst should come to pass.
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And speaking of loot, we have Tullaris the Dreadbringer actively trying to kill Freddy if we kill him (and let's be honest we either kill him or die here), have two extremely valuable items on its possession, his sword "The First Draich" and his necklace "The Back Amulet" so we may get to buy/exchange it for something else...
Couple of things.

1. Hirtzeller is a good example that Frederick still has peers what ain't daemons or dragons or even elves.
2. Neither Tullaris nor Malekith are full on mantled Avatars of Khaine in the same vein as Orion, Ariel, or Alarielle. That would require them to take up the Widowmaker. Malekith claims position as Avatar/Herald/blah out of political reasons, possibly some personal ones. He's got the ego for it. Tullaris on the other hand is simply ultra devout, his true one master is Khaine. And both acknowledge the that, all things being business as usual for the Druchii, that at some point they're going to have to have a go at one another.
3. The Lance known as Caledor's Bane is a powerful piece of work, but it is not inherently tainted like some objects of Druchii creation might be. It was forged not with Dhar by Sorceresses, but by the Druchii Forge-Priests of Vaul. Frederick or Roland or heck any of the Whitewings could use it, they'd just have to be aware it looks like a cruel and deadly black and red Druchii implement of pain and death. Cause it is.
4. I don't recall saying the Shu ever used Dhar in significant quantities.
Honestly superlance might be neat if we get to keep it :V Finally something for aerial mounted combat.

I really would not sell it, and if so, for favours from Ulthuan. But idk.
I was sorely tempted to lend it to Roland for a stint, honestly, until I remembered the Questing Vow.

Chivalry is hard work. They *really* love the Lady.
Let's not... A Quest is a holy journey towards something greater and chasing his corrupted son (initially Slaanesh) with something that might serve the dual function of satisfying particularly disgusting fetishes might not be the best idea.

Now granted, the thing isn't corrupted, but symbolism is a thing in Warhammer.

Edit: Oh yeah. Questing vow. Forgot about that.

Edit 2: Now Alexandra on the other hand...
her I could see using the lance on top of whatever ice mount she tamed. Would also be a safer analogy with Kislev being all about cold and harsh women and whatnot.
More thorny rose theme.
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Personally, I'm in the 'lets focus on the immediate situation ahead of loot possibilities ' camp.

But if you must know...

Caledor would be mightily interested in the Lance, for reasons of retribution and what not for the princes and dragons slain. They'll likely take it to their Vaul's Anvil and sunder it, but would probably pay handsomely with a lot of gold that they've been hoarding as, well, dragons.

The Eonir would find some value in it, as it would be a potent weapon to add to their comparatively threadbare arsenal compared to Athel Loren. Further improved relations and gold would likely result.

The Dawi would enjoy breaking the thing, even though there are no specific Grudges relating to Maranith. Some gold and appreciation, but not a whole lot more.

The Gold College would VERY much like the chance to study a powerful magical weapon for their own studies. They don't have their 2522 IC cash reserves, not yet, buy they'd pay. Not as much as Caledor, or the Eonir, or the Dawi though. On the other hand, it would GREATLY increase relations with the Gold College and furthermore likely improve their own possible things with the knowledge gained.

As for the Black Dragon's corpse, three possibilities immediately open.

Eonir readily use Dhar, they have a whole sect of magic users who deal with it, and another who's job is often to corral and check the former. There are things to be done there...likely resulting in gold, a relationship boost, and [REDACTED].

Dwarfs know how to make use of such things, with care, caution, and purifying Runes. They are potent materials indeed, after all. But you'd need to shop around for the Runelord who feels confident that they could properly work the material.

You could let the Esmeraldans have at it. They have spells to purify foods and drink. They've never taken on such a job before, but hey, kinda hard to pull jobs of incredible deific notability without the chances to do so. It's not the same as punching a mountain top flat or outright physically incarnating to lead a potential Empire before dying and returning to the realms of the Gods, or so on, but it's something. Also, would be an utter insult to the Druchii to manage it.

Obviously some less scrupulous/arrogant Wizards might request it, confident they can handle any potential issues. But not likely to have the gold or other rewards to handle it.
….. please concentrate on winning the fight first and foremost before you guys get so far ahead you want to sell the loot we get from winning.
The thing is that at this point, we either kill Tullaris and get his loot, or Freddy dies (he is targeting specifically Freddy, and as THE Champion of Khaine is extremely unlikely to retreat without Freddy´s head)... So it is better not to talk about the alternative...
Let's not... A Quest is a holy journey towards something greater and chasing his corrupted son (initially Slaanesh) with something that might serve the dual function of satisfying particularly disgusting fetishes might not be the best idea.

Now granted, the thing isn't corrupted, but symbolism is a thing in Warhammer.

Edit: Oh yeah. Questing vow. Forgot about that.

Edit 2: Now Alexandra on the other hand...
her I could see using the lance on top of whatever ice mount she tamed. Would also be a safer analogy with Kislev being all about cold and harsh women and whatnot.
More thorny rose theme.
Well, I would rather exchange the lance for some other weapon with the high elves if possible, but having some weapon specialized for aerial combat seems like a good idea...
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People are gonna want those trophies regardless

Whether they pay us for them or not is mostly a matter of what they care for public perception.

Best to offload the hot goods as soon as possible
Most of it. If we manage to grab some Repeater Crossbows and Delf artillery in general, then that's certainly something worth studying. The rest... not so much.

It's not like every single weapon is a Dhar infused mess, but that doesn't mean the stuff is particularly nice to look at.

As for any beasts/animals we somehow capture? We either put them out of their misery and sell their parts or, by some miracle, the Everqueen deigns to come over and purifies them. But at that point we mias well give them over to her.
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Hmm Im feelibg Gold College For the lance to boost up the empire again though fine with giving it to caledor for cash since we can never have enough of those.
You could let the Esmeraldans have at it. They have spells to purify foods and drink. They've never taken on such a job before, but hey, kinda hard to pull jobs of incredible deific notability without the chances to do so. It's not the same as punching a mountain top flat or outright physically incarnating to lead a potential Empire before dying and returning to the realms of the Gods, or so on, but it's something. Also, would be an utter insult to the Druchii to manage it.

Obviously some less scrupulous/arrogant Wizards might request it, confident they can handle any potential issues. But not likely to have the gold or other rewards to handle it.

Hold up, our esmeraldians can actually do that?

Who wants some cooked dragon?

Freddy can have the best part, the Torpedo soup (aka penis soup.)
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