Not only does it change the odds of survival from very small to non existent, it seems… extremely irreverent, to take what are, effectively, sacred warriors (in a fashion) and….
I don't really know.
But it doesn't seem like what Sigmar wants, for us to use our Imperial authority to forge them into weapons. Perhaps if they volunteer the idea them self, but not like this.
Edit: Upon further thought, though, it would probably be trivially easy to make them think they've thought of this themself.
I mean it's doing the same thing they plan on doing only more effectively.
And these are the dark elves. Being blown up is probably the LEAST painful way to go when your dealing with them.
Make it voluntary of course but well they're willing to charge the enemy with a broken chair leg and harsh language. You don't do that with any expectation of survival.
However the theory has practical holes in it that need to teach them how to blow something up
2. The dark elves can probably just pull an Indiana jones and just shoot them from a safe distance
3. That's gunpowder that can be used way better with artillery and our ogers
Couple of things, ya'll. I am dead on my feet. Crossed three state lines, twice, back-and-forth, long drive, was up for about 23-24 hours straight yesterday/today, got home a healthy chunk past midnight. I will be trying to work through more questions after I get back from what I'm sure will be a torturous experience at the gym, but these are the ones I could shamble my way through. I will be very wearily picking my way through the rest - SLOWLY - when I get back, assuming my exhaustion doesn't end with me wrapping the car around a pole on the way back. I'm still so very, very tired.
I think the problem of making flagellants into human bombs come into the quandry of (For Anna at least.).
1. It's prob much more effective to design something like that in the first place (I.E Doomsphere)
2. Limited in supply (Doomsphere parts can be rebuilt and reuse, human meat bodies can't)
Those are prob the last resorts, where there's literally no other effective options. There's a reason why those tactics are often used as fear and desperation. I suppose the closest to the calculus that's cost-effective was IJN during WW2, where they calculated that if the kamikaze planes sunk enough heavy war ships, it'll be worth but the plan was hampered by lack of coordination and comment on its effectiveness (For obvious reason.).
Even then, it was still a delaying tactic at best since the US could've recouped those losses anyhow.
But yea, let's use the flagellants as they are intended to first as meat shields rather than walking IED.
@torroar, is there anything we can do to prevent or obfuscate the aforementioned 'dread auguries'? The Druchi knowing our plans and force disposition ahead of time would be a huge drawback.
Kinda hard to pull that off. The wizards can try, but you don't have any Celestial Wizards present who are the sorts who might specialize in that sort of thing. And the Fulcrum is sorta not available at the moment either.
Well, theoretically the fanatics will inevitably take some wounds that incapacitate but don't kill them. Presuming our wounded can be withdrawn, it means they'll miss out on a glorious death. If you give them the means to pull the trigger themselves, then that will no longer be the case, as they will then crawl forwards to the enemy to finish the job.
Barring them being capable of doing so, and the practical concerns of dieing before they ever get there (solvable by giving it to only a few at the back), there aren't many better ways to deploy an explosive than at literal point blank range.
But just because they're fully accepting of death anyways, doesn't mean it's not sacrilegious to some degree, to basically hijack their quest to our own ends, even if they don't exactly mind.
In fairness, the IJN actively recruited deathseekers, we just get them out of the box. If not for the religious issues and utter brutality of the move, suicide bombing immediately becomes more viable than what they currently plan to do when measured in the rate of damage done pre mortem.
I'm mostly grumbly that Naggaroth is more or less going to be secure after this even if they lose worse than we could realistically even hope for. They are secure on their hellscape continent with absolutely no one in a position to take advantage of their moment of weakness, perhaps going through a period of consolidation as internal politics excise weak links. Ultimately, though, they should bounce back from a loss fairly quickly.
The only thing with long term impact if lost is going to be the Arks themselves and it will be a miracle if we take down one over the whole of the invasion. Its just not happening.
too late for that , their quest has already been hijacked for our own gaine , why do you think they are part of our army right now with their roles to acts as cannon fodder , super expendable shock troops , distractions , meat shields and finally a way to deal with monsters by force feeding them flagellants till they choke
letting them strap explosives to themselves is not all that out there
I'm mostly grumbly that Naggaroth is more or less going to be secure after this even if they lose worse than we could realistically even hope for. They are secure on their hellscape continent with absolutely no one in a position to take advantage of their moment of weakness, perhaps going through a period of consolidation as internal politics excise weak links. Ultimately, though, they should bounce back from a loss fairly quickly.
we I wouldn't be so sure of that , the dark elves do border the chaos wastes and deal with threats coming down from there often enough , maybe one of them will smell blood , there is also the Skaven empire they have a presence in Naggaroth and trade with the dark elves since they are two largest slaving networks on the planet so of course they do business , but the skaven are still the Skaven and if they sense weakness they will move to exploit it
Army Numbers in Ostland and the current front page
These numbers are based on Turn 40 Results.
Current Ostland Maximum Ship Capacity: 120
Ships Available
131 ships total
Number of Ships in Service to Ostland: 126
Number of Ships in Service to the Cult of Manann: 5
Ships In Service:
51 Imperial Wolf Ships
59 Wargalleys
1 Ostland Greatship 'Mace of Magnus'
1 Ostland Greatship 'Arthur's Sword' Cult of Manann Ships Present
1 Ostland Greatship 'Fist of Frederick'
1 Ostland Greatship 'Natasha's Grace'
1 Ostland Greatship 'Alexandra's Hammer'
1 Ostland Greatship 'Blue Anna'
1 Ostland Greatship 'Oskar's Omen' Mercenary Ships Present:
4 Heavily Customized War Galleons, Overweight With Weaponry And Boarding Crew [Red Anne]
1 Ironclad Ship 'The Fair Fregar' With Dwarf Naval Cannons, 4 Ironclad Dinghies, 150 Slayer Crewmen, 1 Long Drong [Slayers]
5 Heavily Customized War Galleons And Crew [Saltspear]
4 War Barques of Araby [Golden Scimitars]
Counting the Troops available at the Coast
Army Of Ostland:
2000 Swordsmen
2000 Halberdiers
2750 Archers
2000 Crossbowmen
2000 Light Cavalry
2000 Pike
3000 Handgunners
500 Wing-Suit Fighters [25 Engineers Manning Accompanying 5 Flight Towers]
1000 Grenadiers
250 Greatswords (half are in Wulfenburg)
220 Champions of Ostland
330 Artillerists - Cannon Swabbers to Master Engineers, They Crew The Cannons. 5 Per Great Cannon/4 Per Dash Cannon/5 Per Dash Volley Cannon/2 Per Barrel Thrower / 7 Per Titan Cannon [30 Great Cannons] [25 Dash Cannons] [10 Dash Volley Cannon] [8 Barrel Throwers] [2 Titan Cannon]
50 Doomspheres
1 Vapor Tank 'The Horns' - [Crewed By Team of 1 Master Engineer, 3 Senior Engineers, 1 Engineer]
1 Vapor Tank 'Little Guvuar' - [Crewed By Team of 1 Master Engineer, 3 Senior Engineers, 1 Engineer]
18 Warrior Priests (x6 of Sigmar, x4 of Ulric, x3 of Morr, x5 of Myrmidia)
3 Witch Hunters of Ostland
20 Bird Bomber Flocks
Salkalten Guard
5000 Salkalten Guard
Natasha's Kreml Guard
100 Veteran Kreml Guard
1 Veteran Kreml Guard Captain named Captain Boris
Ostermark Reinforcement
5000 Human Bodies
Unknown Number of Jade wizard journeymen
Unknown if Reinhardt will be in Ostland or Nordland
Unknown if Jade Lord Wolfgang will be in Ostland or Nordland.
Wizard Retainers
Magister Karl
Magister Carlotta
Journeyman Adira of Araby
Bright Magister
Master Wizard Casparan Smokewrought
Amber Magister Alric
Redwing? [Redwing might not be fighting at all, or could be not joining the Salkalten fight, sticking inside Wulfenburg instead]
Unknown Numbers/Ranks Of Other Amber Wizards
Gold Journeymen
We should have 2 Magister Grey Guardians in the Army of Ostland. I don't know if that means they would go to Salkalten.
Land Mercenaries Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks [Race: Halflings] [Origin: The Moot] [Type: Masterful scouts, trackers, game-wardens, archers] [Numbers: 350 Halflings] Cost: 25 Gold Per Turn. Company of the Stag [Race: Human] [Origin: Talabecland] [Description: Experienced Archers - Swordsmen/Archer/Scouts - that specialize in Forest Combat] [Numbers: 200 Swordsmen, 300 Archer/Scouts] Cost: 50 Gold Per Turn Bianca's Black Scorners [Race: Human] [Origin: Remas] [Description: The Leopard Company is not the only pike company in the world, much less Tilea. While their legend is not as great, their characteristic black pikes - and ability to spew legendarily grievous insults - are plenty famous enough.] [Numbers: 500 Pikes] Cost: 100 Gold Per Turn Leopolds Leopard Company [Race: Human] [Origin: Tilea - Luccini] [Description: Legendary Pike Unit, with a long history of famous successes. Expensive but always worth it. [Numbers: 1000 Legendary Pikes] 100 Gold Per Turn Chargers of Chaq [Race: Human] [Origin: Kislev] [Description: Elite Ungol Horse Archers who refuse to work in the land of the Gospodar's who broke their people] [Numbers: 1,000] 95 Gold Per Turn The Whitewings [Race: Human/Pegasus] [Origin: No one is quite sure where these men managed to obtain and train these snow white pegasi, nor have the materials to armor their mounts so expertly. What is important is that they fight for coin and only what they deem to be 'the right causes'. The sheer utility and tactical advantages of flying lancers and scouts is more than enough to have any intelligent enough employer acknowledge their rather inflexible sense of morality.] [Numbers: 10 Heavily Armored Pegasus Lancers] 55 Gold Per Turn Derelict Deadlies [Race: Human] [Origins: Old World] [Description: Gathered up detritus from across the Old World, given armor and weapons, and thrown into the fight. Those that survive in the long-term become hard-bitten veterans.] [Numbers: 750 Halberdiers, 250 Crossbowmen, 1 Derelict Company Leader Luigi] 75 Gold Per Turn Los Bravos Jabalíes [Race: Human] [Origins: Estalia] [Description: Their homes lost or taken from them, these men have turned to becoming soldiers of fortune to make a brutal living in the world. Their pikes are held with all the bitter strength of those who have nothing left to lose.] [Numbers: 500 Pikes With Unbreakable Morale] 40 Gold Per Turn Company Of The Dragonfly [Race: Human] [Origins: Old World] [Description: A grouping of professional soldiers who hold to the old ways of Myrmidia's Legions, an ancient military tradition that died when the Goddess herself left the mortal world. They have revived it in the modern era, updated for the modern battlefield. They are not cheap, but they are a complete military package, backed by priests of Myrmidia who are not afraid to prove their worth to a Goddess of War on the battlefield.] [Numbers: 2000 Pikes, 2000 Crossbowmen, 500 Light Cavalry, 500 Heavy Cavalry, 10 Great Cannons With Crews, 5 Warrior Priests of Myrmidia, 1 Mercenary General Flavio] 350 Gold Per Turn Los Espantos del Torricelli [Race: Human] [Origins: Estalia] [Description: 'The Terrors of Torricelli' are an experienced small army of soldiers who have spent the last ten years ranging across Lustria and beyond, their experience undeniable and their arms of extremely high quality. They still retain the name of Torricelli, the name of their original founder years ago, and have proven themselves time and again in pitched combat. They have returned from the New World, eager to battlefields that are a little more familiar than jungles and fantastical beasts...for the most part, at least. Their banner is that of a rather salacious looking Myrmidia, her spear absolutely drenched with blood as she stalks across a road of slain scaled creatures.] [Numbers: 500 Pikes, 500 Spearmen With Shields, 1000 Crossbows, 100 Light Cavalry, 2 Warrior Priests of Myrmidia, 1 Commander Braggando] 150 Gold Per Turn Helmut's Free Company [Race:Human] [Origin: Empire] [Description: A company of adventurers armored in half plate, armed with crossbows or handguns, swords and bucklers and skilled both at range and in melee] [250 armored Crossbow-Swordsmen, 250 armored Handgunner-Swordsmen, 1 Company Commander Helmut Sepp] 35 Gold Crowns Per Turn Perdición de Los Nórdicos [Race: Human] [Origin: Estalia] [Description: Veteran Estalian Almogavar light infantry hardened by the Chaos invasion of their country, excellent skirmishers, woodsmen and ambushers, armored only with helmets and shields and armed with javelins, slings and an assortment of hand weapons] [Numbers: 500 Almogavar light infantry] 35 Gold Crowns Per Turn The Smoking Manticores[Race: Human] [Origins: Empire] [Description: This mercenary company was originally two separate units, the 5th Hochland Handgunners and Duke Albright's Pikes from Averland, that found they worked extremely well together and joined forces. The hand gunners deserted after some local lord pocketed their wages, and the pikes were raised by some umpteenth son of some rich noble in Averland that tried his hand at lordling in the border princes couldn't hack it and went merc. The two units fought together in one of Tilea's many wars, the lordling died somewhere along the way, and the surviving officers decided to join the companies together and changed the name. Now they are a pike and shot unit led by Captain Harl Schmit.] [Numbers: 1000 Pikemen, 500 Handgunners, 1 Captain Harl Schmit.] 100 Gold Crowns Per Turn Taal's Ever Faithful Pack [Race: Human] [Origin: Empire] [Description: Taal's Ever Faithful Pack or Taal's Pack for short is unlike most mercenary band what one might call literal dogs of war as they are primarily made up of Hunting Dogs. What they lack the ferocety and staying power of proper war hounds they make up for in their versatility. The roles Taal's Pack can fulfill are many and varied from the expected of patroling for and hunting of man and beat to helping law enforcement to sniff out and chase after elusive criminals and protecting herds, caravans and farms from most dangers. As well as training for their employers dogs and selling dogs that become to old or hurt. Taal's Pack claim to fame is however is however more due to how well trained and behaved their dogs are and how a many hardened heart have been softened by the undeniable charm of the dogs.] [Numbers: 101 light armord hunting dogs, 10 Taalite dog handler, 1 Warrior Priest of Taal] 55 Gold Crowns Per Turn The Great Wind - [Race: Human] [Origin: Araby] [Description: Fanatical light cavalry and horse archers] [Numbers: 500 Light Cavalry, 500 Horse Archers] 100 Gold Crowns Per Turn
Counting the Troops available for Wulfenburg and Ostland on land Army of The Forest:
2000 Swordsmen
2000 Halberdiers
2000 Archers
2000 Crossbowmen
2000 Light Cavalry
2000 Pike
2000 Handgunners
500 Wing-Suit Fighters [25 Engineers Manning Accompanying 5 Flight Towers]
500 Grenadiers
13 Warrior Priests (x2 of Sigmar, x3 of Morr, 3 of Taal, x5 of Myrmidia)
285 Artillerists - Cannon Swabbers to Master Engineers, They Crew The Cannons. 5 Per Great Cannon/4 Per Dash Cannon/5 Per Dash Volley Cannon/2 Per Barrel Thrower [25 Great Cannons] [25 Dash Cannons] [10 Dash Volley Cannon] [5 Barrel Throwers]
50 Doomspheres
20 Bird Bomber Flocks
Army of the Range:
2000 Swordsmen
2000 Halberdiers
2000 Archers
2000 Crossbowmen
2000 Light Cavalry
2000 Pike
2000 Handgunners
500 Wing-Suit Fighters [25 Engineers Manning Accompanying 5 Flight Towers]
500 Grenadiers
13 Warrior Priests (x2 of Sigmar, x2 of Taal, x1 of Ulric, x3 of Morr, x5 of Myrmidia)
285 Artillerists - Cannon Swabbers to Master Engineers, They Crew The Cannons. 5 Per Great Cannon/4 Per Dash Cannon/5 Per Dash Volley Cannon/2 Per Barrel Thrower [25 Great Cannons] [25 Dash Cannons] [10 Dash Volley Cannon] [5 Barrel Throwers]
50 Doomspheres
20 Bird Bomber Flocks
Ostland's Naval Power is Ranked Low+.
Ostland has 120 docking space capacity.
131 Ships in total use Ostland Docking Space.
Number of Ships in Service to Ostland is 126.
Number of Ships in Service to the Cult of Manann is 5.
Ostland's Navy is composed of 51 Imperial Wolf Ships, 59 Wargalleys, 1 Ostland Greatship 'Mace of Magnus', and 1 Ostland Greatship 'Arthur's Sword'.
The Mercenaries that make up part of Ostland's Navy
4 Heavily Customized War Galleons, Overweight With Weaponry And Boarding Crew [Red Anne]
1 Ironclad Ship 'The Fair Fregar' With Dwarf Naval Cannons, 4 Ironclad Dinghies, 150 Slayer Crewmen, 1 Long Drong [Slayers]
5 Heavily Customized War Galleons And Crew [Saltspear]
4 War Barques of Araby [Golden Scimitars].
Army of Ostland
17,720(+25 engineers for 17,745) humans composed of 2000 Swordsmen, 2000 Halberdiers, 2750 Archers, 2000 Crossbowmen, 2000 Light Cavalry, 2000 Pike, 3000 Handgunners, 500 Wing-Suit Fighters [25 Engineers Manning Accompanying 5 Flight Towers], 1000 Grenadiers, 250 Greatswords (half are in Wulfenburg), 220 Champions of Ostland.
505 ogres composed of 300 Steelbacks [Ogre Unit], 50 Thunderbringers [Ogre Unit with 50 Bull Cannons], 30 Pulverizers [Ogre Unit], 100 Ogre Archers [Ogre Unit], 25 Urgdug's Maelstrombringers [Ogre Unit with 25 Bull Cannons]
18 Warrior Priests (x6 of Sigmar, x4 of Ulric, x3 of Morr, x5 of Myrmidia)
3 Witch Hunters of Ostland
330 Artillerists - Cannon Swabbers to Master Engineers, They Crew The Cannons. 5 Per Great Cannon/4 Per Dash Cannon/5 Per Dash Volley Cannon/2 Per Barrel Thrower / 7 Per Titan Cannon [30 Great Cannons] [25 Dash Cannons] [10 Dash Volley Cannon] [8 Barrel Throwers] [2 Titan Cannon]
50 Doomspheres
1 Vapor Tank 'The Horns' - [Crewed By Team of 1 Master Engineer, 3 Senior Engineers, 1 Engineer]
1 Vapor Tank 'Little Guvuar' - [Crewed By Team of 1 Master Engineer, 3 Senior Engineers, 1 Engineer]
20 Bird Bomber Flocks
1 Urgdug
1 Natasha
1 Frederick von Hohenzollern
1 Arthur von Hohenzollern
1 Anna von Hohenzollern
1 Kerillian
1 Sadrina
1 Prince of Salkalten (Former Greatsword)
1 Oskana
Wizard Retainers
6 Master Wizard/Magister [2 Jades (Karl, Carlotta), 1 Bright (Casparan Smokewrought), 1 Amber (Alric), 2 Magister Grey Guardians]
5 confirmed journeymen on retainer [1 Jade (Adira), 4 Gold (Otto, Violetta, Rashad, Emile)]
Amber wizard Redwing (unknown rank)
Unknown number of Grey Order Journeymen
Unknown number of Amber Order Journeymen
Salkalten Guard
5000 Salkalten Guard
Natasha's Kreml Guard
100 Veteran Kreml Guard
1 Veteran Kreml Guard Captain named Captain Boris
Ostermark Reinforcement
5000 Human Bodies
Unknown Number of Jade wizard journeymen
Unknown if Reinhardt will be in Ostland or Nordland
Unknown if Jade Lord Wolfgang will be in Ostland or Nordland.
Land Mercenaries
15,100 humans composed of 200 swordsmen [Company of the Stag], 300 Archer/Scouts [Company of the Stag], 500 Pikes [Bianca's Black Scorners], 1000 Legendary Pikes [Leopold's Leopard Company], 1000 Elite Ungol Horse Archers [Chargers of Chaq], 750 Halberdiers [Derelict Deadlies], 250 Crossbowmen [Derelict Deadlies], 500 Pikes With Unbreakable Morale [Los Bravos Jabalíes], 2000 Pikes [Company Of The Dragonfly], 2000 Crossbowmen [Company Of The Dragonfly], 500 Light Cavalry [Company Of The Dragonfly], 500 Heavy Cavalry [Company Of The Dragonfly], 500 Pikes [Los Espantos del Torricelli], 500 Spearmen With Shields [Los Espantos del Torricelli], 1000 Crossbows [Los Espantos del Torricelli], 100 Light Cavalry [Los Espantos del Torricelli], 250 armored Crossbow-Swordsmen [Helmut's Free Company], 250 armored Handgunner-Swordsmen [Helmut's Free Company], 500 Almogavar light infantry [Perdición de Los Nórdicos], 1000 Pikemen [The Smoking Manticores], 500 Handgunners [The Smoking Manticores], 500 Light Cavalry [The Great Wind], 500 Horse Archers [The Great Winds]
23 humans composed of 10 Heavily Armoured Pegasus Lancers [The Whitewings], 1 Derelict Company Leader Luigi [Derelict Deadlies], 5 Warrior Priests of Myrmidia [Company Of The Dragonfly], 1 Mercenary General Flavio [Company Of The Dragonfly], 2 Warrior Priests of Myrmidia [Los Espantos del Torricelli], 1 Commander Braggando [Los Espantos del Torricelli], 1 Company Commander Helmut Sepp [Helmut's Free Company], 1 Captain Harl Schmit [The Smoking Manticores], 1 Warrior Priest of Taal [Taal's Ever Faithful Pack],
10 Great Cannons With Crews [Company Of The Dragonfly], 101 light armord hunting dogs [Taal's Ever Faithful Pack], 10 Taalite dog handler [Taal's Ever Faithful Pack], 350 Halflings [Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks]
====================== Army of Ostland
17,720(+25 engineers for 17,745) humans
505 ogres [75 Bull Cannons]
18 Warrior Priests
3 Witch Hunters
330 Artillerists [30 Great Cannons] [25 Dash Cannons] [10 Dash Volley Cannon] [8 Barrel Throwers] [2 Titan Cannon]
50 Doomspheres
2 Vapor Tanks
20 Bird Bomber Flocks
1 Urgdug
1 Natasha
1 Frederick von Hohenzollern
1 Arthur von Hohenzollern
1 Anna von Hohenzollern
1 Kerillian
1 Sadrina
1 Prince of Salkalten (Former Greatsword)
1 Oskana
Wizard Retainers
6 Master Wizard/Magister [2 Jades (Karl, Carlotta), 1 Bright (Casparan Smokewrought), 1 Amber (Alric), 2 Magister Grey Guardians]
5 confirmed Journeymen on retainer [1 Jade (Adira), 4 Gold (Otto, Violetta, Rashad, Emile)]
Amber wizard Redwing (unknown rank)
Unknown number of Grey Order Journeymen
Unknown number of Amber Order Journeymen
Salkalten Guard
5000 Salkalten Guard
Natasha's Kreml Guard
100 Veteran Kreml Guard
1 Veteran Kreml Guard Captain named Captain Boris
Ostermark Reinforcement
5000 Human Bodies
Unknown Number of Jade wizard Journeymen
Unknown if Reinhardt will be in Ostland or Nordland
Unknown if Jade Lord Wolfgang will be in Ostland or Nordland.
Land Mercenaries
15,100 humans
Uniques: 23 humans [10 Heavily Armoured Pegasus Lancers] [5 Mercenary Leaders] [7 Warrior Priests of Myrmidia, 1 Warrior Priest of Taal]
Other: 10 Great Cannons With Crews [Company Of The Dragonfly], 101 light armord hunting dogs [Taal's Ever Faithful Pack], 10 Taalite dog handler [Taal's Ever Faithful Pack], 350 Halflings [Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks]
17,720 (Army of Ostland) + 5000 (Salkalten guard) + 5000 (Ostermark Reinforcement) + 15,100 (mercenaries)= 42,820
505 ogres
Yeah, I'm not going to go further on the maths to the specific number total. Just a rough estimate of the numbers the army has in humans and ogres, without going for the unique stuff in fewer numbers.
Army of The Forest
15,000(+25 Engineers for 15,025) humans composed of 2000 Swordsmen, 2000 Halberdiers, 2000 Archers, 2000 Crossbowmen, 2000 Light Cavalry, 2000 Pike, 2000 Handgunners, 500 Wing-Suit Fighters [25 Engineers Manning Accompanying 5 Flight Towers], 500 Grenadiers.
13 Warrior Priests (x2 of Sigmar, x3 of Morr, 3 of Taal, x5 of Myrmidia)
285 Artillerists - Cannon Swabbers to Master Engineers, They Crew The Cannons. 5 Per Great Cannon/4 Per Dash Cannon/5 Per Dash Volley Cannon/2 Per Barrel Thrower [25 Great Cannons] [25 Dash Cannons] [10 Dash Volley Cannon] [5 Barrel Throwers]
50 Doomspheres
20 Bird Bomber Flocks
Army of the Range
15,000(+25 Engineers for 15,025) humans composed of 2000 Swordsmen, 2000 Halberdiers, 2000 Archers, 2000 Crossbowmen, 2000 Light Cavalry, 2000 Pike, 2000 Handgunners, 500 Wing-Suit Fighters [25 Engineers Manning Accompanying 5 Flight Towers], 500 Grenadiers.
13 Warrior Priests (x2 of Sigmar, x2 of Taal, x1 of Ulric, x3 of Morr, x5 of Myrmidia)
285 Artillerists - Cannon Swabbers to Master Engineers, They Crew The Cannons. 5 Per Great Cannon/4 Per Dash Cannon/5 Per Dash Volley Cannon/2 Per Barrel Thrower [25 Great Cannons] [25 Dash Cannons] [10 Dash Volley Cannon] [5 Barrel Throwers]
50 Doomspheres
20 Bird Bomber Flocks
Magnus in Wulfenburg
1 Magnus von Hohenzollern
1 Sabine
1 Serhild
1 Frederick, son of Arthur von Hohenzollern
1 Hagrid
1 Cherag
1 Stephan von Raukov
1 Octaine
250 Greatswords
Wood Elf Ingmir? [I dunno, maybe Ingmir and Redwing would show up for fighting in Ostland, although they didn't make an reappearance yet]
Amber Wizard Redwing?
Note: Ostland's fleet has Wing-suits used with the ships for scouting purposes.
Unknown number of Flagellants, and probably some other stuff.
And Magnus might have the Milita for whatever that's worth. [15,000 Spearmen, 10,000 Minute Men, 5,000 Archer Militia, 5,000 Crossbow Militia, 100 Ogre Spearmen]
Edit2: I forgot Freddy has the Mercenaries
17,720 (Army of Ostland) + 5000 (Salkalten guard) + 5000 (Ostermark Reinforcement) + 15,100 (mercenaries)= 42,820
So I've been thinking about something the past couple of days. I certainly understand the desire to wound the Druchii and the need to bleed them as they invade Ostland, but what if we shifted our goals slightly? The current belief is that the Druchii are going to launch a full invasion of Ostland with both Black Arks, likely while having their raiding fleets harass Nordland, but this also opens them to a full concentrated front with all the reinforcements we have lined up to help us out. As such, I suggest we focus on outlasting the Druchii Invasion, and by that I mean we focus on defending Salkalten and our territories instead of taking the fight to the Black Arks and trying to destroy one as soon as we see the first opportunity. Survival is going to be a difficult objective, one that's made all the worse by trying to push into the heart of their forces.
Instead we should hold on to the defense lines as best we can as our reinforcements from Ostermark, Nordland, Marienburg, Barak Vharr, and the Elves gather up and give us better odds on our inevitable counterattack. Strategic genius it isn't, and it means trying to hold off their invasion for the possible weeks it would take for even some of those allies to gather up enough to give us the edge we would need, but at worst, there is some victory in minimizing the death and destruction as long as we can.
The purpose of the gym is to increase your physical capacity in some way. Going there while exhausted actually decreases your ability to push yourself and makes you more injury prone. This is about all I have to say about the matter and hope you know what you're doing.
Don't over do it authorboss.
The purpose of the gym is to increase your physical capacity in some way. Going there while exhausted actually decreases your ability to push yourself and makes you more injury prone. This is about all I have to say about the matter and hope you know what you're doing.
Don't over do it authorboss.
The purpose of going to the gym daily for multiple hours is to punish the garbage body through cardio and resistance training and if I happen to gain in other ways, so be it. So far, that's worked out just fine since I started going again a couple months ago, in that I've carved a significant part of garbage out of me while significantly raising my strength. If I strain something, I alternate the routine until the strain heals. It's going pretty good, honestly. So while I appreciate the concern, it's fine.
Now, aside from all that, I've worked the plan cost into the front page, also did naval numbers, and applied the Heavy Blastgun upgrade. Hopefully got the artillerists and artillery numbers right as well, while also putting the Grey Guardians where they're supposed to be. Not entirely sure when I'll get the next post out, but hopefully not to long ya'll.
Now, aside from all that, I've worked the plan cost into the front page, also did naval numbers, and applied the Heavy Blastgun upgrade. Hopefully got the artillerists and artillery numbers right as well, while also putting the Grey Guardians where they're supposed to be. Not entirely sure when I'll get the next post out, but hopefully not to long ya'll.
What about the Averland Deliveries deal the front page has +1500 gold still for our income? Are you going to save adjusting that for the end of the turn? Cause it's something I'm not sure about when it ended. It already ended and we shouldn't be receiving any cash, or Averland still paid us for this year, but received no mechanical goods?
Edit: Qm, don't forget to mess with the Imperial Naval stipend.
And, the Treasury Reserve number looks off to me. Before the front page changed the Treasury reserve Number was 14,392. After the front page changed the Treasury Reserve Number was 18,661. The net income was unchanged at 16,619
500 (Militarizing Militia) + 750 (Titan Cannon) + 2,000 (Additional Artillery) + 1,500 (Emergency Stockpiling) + 1,000 ([Special] Production Over Development) + 1,500 (Hollowburst Bullets) + 1,000 (Vapor Tank Production) + 0 (Rally The Pitiful) + 1,000 (Heavy Scales, Heavy Heads) + 1,000 (Pre-Emptive Offensive Defense – Geisen) + 0 (Weighty Weiss) + 0 (Engineering Aid) + 0 (Some More Conversation) + 0 (Spend Time With Family) + 1,000 (Centralize) = 11,250
14,392(Treasury Reserve) -12,750 (Plan cost with DD)=1,642 (Treasury Reserve) + 16, 619 Net Income = 18261 Treasury Reserve
18661 (QM's Treasury Reserve)-18261 (Marlin's treasury Reserve) = a difference of 400
We gained 400 gold?
18261 (Marlin's Treasury Reserve)-1500 (Averland Deliveries no longer exist, so we shouldn't get the +1500 benefit from net income this turn?) -1000 [House Weiss Ongoing Trade War] -100 cost per turn due to Titan Cannon Logistics -150 due to Vapor Tank maintenance fee from third Vapor Tank = 15511 Treasury Reserve
Imperial Naval Stipend has yet to reflect the Turn Cost. Imperial Naval Stipend Reserve of 2150. 2150-3500 (Naval cost of Turn 40) = -1350. -1350+1900 (Naval Stipend +1900 a turn) = 550.
Edit: Now, now, I think I didn't screw the numbers up.
Oh yeah, Averland got all the stuff we sent them. Hopefully they can bring everything along. It will certainly be useful against the Orks and might as well count as Ostland's passive contribution. If we are very lucky they we will have enough time to position the boom plates (mines) or whatever their names were.
Ok, so this covers forces we have 100%. Now all we need is to learn what sort of other troops we get. I.e.: militia, knightly orders, exact number of flaggelants, noble and merchant retainers,etc
Nuts, lol. Really thought I had it this time. Ah well. I'll correct it when I'm done at the gym and home again. Thanks again! One of these days, your tireless and invaluable work is going to result in a crit or something. It's gotta, considering the sheer time and stress saved.
Can't help but disagree with this.
Doing daily workouts and improving yourself physically and mentally is healthy. The routine helps with preventing lethargy, laziness and boredom. It provides stability and order.
Everyone can train as much as they think feels adequate and fitting to help their mind and body. Not doing anything and finding excuses, that's the truly unhealthy attitude imo.
But everyone can decide that for themselves.
Nuts, lol. Really thought I had it this time. Ah well. I'll correct it when I'm done at the gym and home again. Thanks again! One of these days, your tireless and invaluable work is going to result in a crit or something. It's gotta, considering the sheer time and stress saved.
Well, I wouldn't turn down a Roland Interlude. Been a long time since we got his story, and he's sorta a character who isn't directly tied into the dynasty, a nice character to get a look at anyways though. As he is the closest we'll see to a Grail Quest as written by torroar. Did Roland succeed, did he die, or is he still questing?
Last we saw him Roland existed in 2330 IC during Turn 26 ( Black Thorns (2329 IC-2330 IC) ). We're on Turn 40 aka 2344 IC.
The more I mull over it, the worse and worse it feels to frogmarch flagellants to their death and have them sing our praises for doing so.
I know it will likely never really go through, not unless the flagellants cover them selves in so much glory they spontaneously develop a 5+ ward save, flaming smites, and an aura of faith so powerful daemons spontaneously combust, but once this is done, if there is an option to quietly divert fanatics from their endless death-march and towards something more useful, like building and guarding shrines in the wilderness, or even just giving them better equipment, training and organisation, I would like to look into it.
Of all the ways to serve Sigmar, screaming about the end of the world and then elaborately killing yourself is a spectacularly dark one.