Nope, for this one with Roland, and a crazy slann running around in norsca. I found out about it on the tv tropes page for this quest specifiacally this line:
Hero of Another Story:
  • The story is rife with them; periodically, Torroar randomly generated groups of NPCs, then rolled for their actions and adventures in the background. At this point, the surviving members of the first generation (all three of them) are just as dangerous and arguably have had just as much influence over the world as Freddy himself. After a while, however, upon reaching a self-determined saturation point Torroar stopped, as to avoid overload.
Ah, okay. So, specifically the GeNPC thing. Right. Here's what we'll do. I'm going to go find some quotes of myself. Watch this post.


Behold. GeNPC mass-quote post of myself explaining the system.

He's pretty big, but ah, well.

Ok, so...

I have the GeNPCs, of which there have only been four generations. Those are created, plopped down and given a basic starting goal. If they live past the first few events I run them through, they go on to do even more things. You know, like people do. Ripples and such then flow around the world at times and in places, affecting all sorts of things.

Then I have more regular NPC's who are created for specific situations and places, you know like Luthor who happened to join up when I rolled for what Natasha would be able to get. Or when I needed a student of Anna to provide additional dialogue and perspective (Eckhart). Now I might expand on their personal stories and stuff and they can grow to really become their own characters but they aren't part of the original GeNPC list.

And...I'm not saying which is which or whatever in this situation. Cause I don't wanna. :p
Kazul is a tough cookie, I'll give her that.

I've tried killing her many a time in her backstory before we got up until this point. She's certainly the hardiest of the 4th GeNPC thus far. I'd planned on Stonehammer having this kind of tragic blubbery moment at some point where he got drunk and was sad about his daughter who he drove away and that ended up dying on some foolhardy expedition to the lost holds in the Mountains of Mourne to give him some player sympathy. Except she didn't die >.>
A lot of it is homebrewed, honestly.

I asked Gaius some preliminary questions, then basically threw my hat into the ring with my now fully defunct Albion Quest and went whole hog at it.

Over the course of that I slowly began developing my own ideas, the percentages for inheriting traits, GeNPCs, etc.

For instance, preliminary rolls for whether or not a kid gets magic depends on exposure to magic, and just random chance really as well due to Warhammer. Then I roll their stuff, their traits, and a basic personality package and then for which of the 8 winds they might align with...etc.

All from my own mind. So really, there is no major source code save for my own mind.

Sorry >.>
So Gunari is a Strigoi who was at Mourkain when it fell, broke like much of the rest of his kind, and the beastial unthinking vampy bumbled around for a good long while until it ended up in Cathay at which point a train of travelling monks beat him down (albeit with some casualties) with such an extreme level of pain that he literally went full circle back into sanity. He's largely stayed in Cathay since which let him escape the majority of constant whipping and beatdowns that the other major vampire bloodlines inflicted upon the Strigoi of the Old World. In that time he's tried to hold to some of the old Mourkain principles of protecting the weak and only feeding on criminals and enemy captives, but it's been a harsh and long personal journey for him to maintain himself and stop from slipping into the bestial mindset of the majority of his shared bloodline.

He is one of the few remaining 4th GeNPCs.

He's old as fuck but due to his pretty extreme isolation hasn't really affected the World much at all. He has nothing like, say, Roland, on his roster.

Well he tore through the orcs during the fall of Mourkain but that was ages ago. Literally.
Uh...I usually just delete stuff when I'm done with it to save space in my folder. Lemme think.

There was...a Von Carstein who planned on making an alliance with many of the Strigoi in the Old World by setting Mourkain up again especially due to all the corpses there now in the Bonelands and combining their necromantic powers and knowledge. He got torn apart by the orcs there after underestimating them.

A Marienburger who was going to try and ascend to a singlular point of power over the rest of the city by claiming he was part of the same bloodline as the former Count of the land before the burgomeisters took command of it. Ended up being a cultist of Tzeentch because of the benefits, the boost to planning and intelligence but ended up being found out and executed by the Merchant Council who suppressed the knowledge of his mutations and what have you because hearing that there was a mutant running a powerful racketeering ring who was starting to seize power would have been bad for business.

There was a guy who wanted to transform the Knights of the Blazing Sun into a greater political power in the Empire...I don't even remember how he died.
Ah, yes. Because Warhammer is such a deathworld, for most everyone, I began the whole GeNPC thing by starting very simply. Coming up with a single, and this is important, single sentence describing the character. For like, 50 or 100 or something? Then I flipped a coin/rolled a 1d2 on an online roller. Heads, they lived, tails they died. Then, tails they lived, heads they died. I varied it from each to each, until I was done with the entire list. Then I moved on from that, and slowly developed them with a few more sentences. Who they were. What were they doing. Why are they doing it. When are they doing it. Then I rolled out whether they could succeed with the barest beginnings of the answers to those questions, and if they failed, then they died. Those that lived, I developed more, rolled more, and so on and so forth. The when became more important as they grew more powerful, because it meant that history was changing with their actions. Suddenly you have a certain orc warboss bashing together mobs from this area, meaning that its likely that others in that area suffered more or less depending. It's a bit of a headache, and I probably didn't properly propagate the ripples into every little thing, but that would require several brains better than mine or a really, really good computer. I just did my best with that. After a while, they get basic character sheets, though not necessarily in the same vein as on the front page. For some, its just a bunch of notes on who they are/what they've done/what they're doing/what they've got/etc. etc. For others, I actually do have full on character sheets. For instance, Kattarin has a full character sheet, with Prestige/Wargear/Titles/Fate Points/Fortune Points/Martial/Diplo/etc. etc. Then, I roll for their actions as well, to determine success, while adding in bonuses when relevant, and not when its not. In the same vein of Frederick's martial, however, some things are sublimated as a matter of course. He rolls for how many he kills, not if he can kill just one, that sort of thing. Kattarin might roll for how much of a project she can get done, in this amount of time, but not if she'll outright fail or whatever barring a critical fail plus other issues. Others, like Ortrud, I have a full character sheet, and some pages on what she's up to in Ostermark, what her hopes/dreams are, what is going on with her, etc. I've even got stuff on those with full on character sheets that I wouldn't be putting on Frederick or family's sheets because of spoiler reasons, etc.

For others, beyond that, I usually just think 'who is the person who would be here for this' or something like that and then develop the character immediately as I write the scene involving them, and then do stuff in the background to fill it up if they are deserving of it. Being alive isn't even necessarily a requirement for this, because a dead man can have a huge backstory while a living man has none. It sounds lame, but really, it just depends.
There was a Nipponese Admiral, a woman, sort of did a Mulan/Anne Bonney split. Except by killing the ones in her family that said she couldn't fight. She uh. She sort of fell to Khorne, only there wasn't much falling involved. More of a sprint. Shattered the Cathayan Navy, allowing the Nipponese Land Invasion to swallow up way more Cathayan territory than they otherwise might have. So that's directly affecting trade, and Genevieve+Johanna's adventures. I mean, she later took her command ship north, disappeared as she heard the call to the Blood God's throne, but the deed was already done. So she's somewhere in the Chaos Wastes now, on a ship which tears up the land like it is water.

So, you know. There's one.

Honestly most are dead. We're down to like...less than 15, I think, of GeNPCS. I lost my notes for some, because they were on paper. More fool I, I guess, but I just work that way. Scribbling on paper, I mean. Eh. I haven't bothered with generating new ones for quite some time. Part of the issue of KU is that I was locked into a single time frame for two RL years, so couldn't...actually work on that stuff very much. I can't be having them be advancing years ahead while the players are kept behind, so out of necessity I had to put a pause on all that. Having a bit of trouble picking it back up. On the other hand, not having to keep track of nearly that much stuff is easier on my brain and what not. For those that are still alive, I am still tracking, of course, but going forward I'm more likely to produce individualized NPC's for my own purposes as antagonists, allies, etc. rather than the batteries of before. That was largely for foundation purposes for the overall latticework that is the quest anyway, you know?
Let's make a GeNPC, with a considerable amount of fudging to make them live a bit beyond the initial section into 'full' flesh.

  1. Live Or Die: 1d2 = 2. Lives. [If it had been a one, then that would be it. Literally, that would be it.]
  2. Bone Concept: Indi Princess. Live Or Die = 1d2 = 1. Lives. [I occasionally vary which rolls mean which. For this one, 1 = life, 2 = death, unlike Step 1]
  3. Bare Fleshing: Arranged marriage with other powerful family, doesn't want the marriage. LoD: 2, Lives.
  4. More Fleshing: IP's family is weakened after recent fighting amongst the Tigermen and other rival families, losing the patronage of their Deva. The other family is far richer, has the patronage of another Deva, but is also brutal, cruel, and greedy. But they are powerful with great measure, and IP's father is willing to deal with them. LoD = 1d4 For Dies/Fails Immediately/Lives But Struggles/Greatly Successful.
  5. Further Fleshing: IP Gets A Name. Generate name. Roll 1d2 for Living or Dying. 1 For Living.
  6. Continued Fleshing: Ananya Ahuja is an Indi Princess of the Ahuja Dynasty, once one of the greatest dynasties of Ind, with hands in the ivory and spice trade, as well as a proud martial tradition. They had the patronage of the warlike Deva Ishveratar, a powerful being who blessed a chosen member of the family every generation with power, vitality, etc. But in recent times, the family has been plagued with failure. The Tigers of the forests and jungles have struck out at their merchant caravans, raided the farmlands under their Dynasty's protection, and warfare against the Balakrishnan family - a rival Dynasty of another Indi city-state - has not been going well. Their latest Champion, Ananya's brother, died to ambush and poison. This angered Ishveratar, who has ceased their patronage to the Dynasty. But there is a chance, if the Ahuja can marry with the Dārayavahush, they may still survive until the next generation. But Ananya wants nothing to do with these brutal warmongers, for she is a believer in peace. It was her own family's aggression which brought their ruin, and frankly she never held much love in her heart for the fickle Ishveratar. She wishes to escape her marriage, even if it means fleeing elsewhere, perhaps across the seas.
  7. Does she run away, or does she stay, roll for that. Why does she, roll for that. If she does run away, how much can she take with her, how far does she go, etc. roll for that stuff as well. So on and so forth. What makes her succeed, grit, or an ally? Patronage of another Deva, long forgotten and barely returned? Tigermen, factor in or factor out? Friendship, emnity, extermination, apology, work together, slaughtered and eaten by? Roll, roll, roll, etc.

Let's skip ahead here a few steps, to reach 'end point' at which section I generally throw them properly into the world and adjust the framework to accommodate. This is when the players would get a Rumor Mill post, or more likely would have gotten others previously, as the NPC makes their way across, but not necessarily. She could die in the interim, die so far away and in such a manner that no one in the Old World would remark on it, etc.

25. Ananya, through trial and pain, has gained the patronage of the Deva Suryana, and through her marriage to Arjun Dārayavahush has managed to bring peace and prosperity to the area. Her diplomatic endeavors with the Tigermen have succeeded, and some of those strange beastly bipeds now even work as guards upon their trade caravans. With the assassination and usurpation of the Dārayavahush family, and seed of kindness that Ananya planted into Arjun's heart, the future of southeastern Ind is bright and hopeful. But it is a brightness that is backed up by many a blade, trained elephant squadrons, and terrifying power. For the Deva Suryana has chosen Ananya as her champion, illuminating her flesh and soul with strength and will, while a bargain and mutual connection has been established with the Deva of the Dārayavahush dynasty. Of Ananya's former family, her mother and younger sister are allowed to live within her new palace, but her father, who beat and choked her, who forced her into marriage, whose warring and arrogance nearly saw to the ruin of three city-states in their entirety? No. Once, a foolish girl with thoughts of pacifism, of a place in the world without conflict, that she might live in peace, now Ananya is both Princess and ruler, of her own city, her own land, her own life. She will never let another control her in such a manner again. Her children will marry as they choose, without the strangling chains of tradition and caste holding them down. Even as she counsels her husband, she yet holds a special place deep in her heart for the commoner Aditya who had so been a joyous friend, companion, and almost lover through her journey to get here. He died that she may live, and she will never disgrace his memory.

But now, other city-states looks towards this powerful alliance with envy, fear, and anger. Deva are not happy with the return of Suryana, banished as that elder Deva was long ago. But in that time, other Deva have died, been born, or changed entirely in essence. Now begins a time of great potential for Ind, but only those willing to fight will succeed there. So begins the New Age of the Dārayavahush. It remains to be seen how long it will last.

[Ivory Trade Restored, Spice Trade Improved. Elephants being bred for Ivory, Selective Breeding. Trade income increase? Caravans through Silk Road, naval trade. Rumor likely for Dwarf Silk Road, Tilea, possibly Estalia, definitely Araby. News described as 'warlord' or something similar, depending on who is talking. Dwarfs more accurate, Arabians less so, Tileans add in wacky other non-true things, or described in a manner as such to sound preposterous. Warp reverberations as Deva scattered into component parts, devoured. Newborn Deva as foe later? 1d50, 5 categories, varying strengths for the 5 categories depending on roll. But first, 1d2 = 2. No, Ishveratar fully discorporated, fragments devoured. Good for Suryana, it seems.]


And that would be that.

Roland, for instance would have been - and this is summary, I don't keep the notes like this once they get far enough. I just have, you know, the character sheet and deeds and some pertinent notes and what not.

Live -> Mousillon Noble -> Questing Knight, trying to redeem Mousillon's name -> Questing Knight, trying to redeem Mousillon's name because related to Last Duke of Mousillon, tried to stop, but failed, saved by Fay Enchantress. -> Etc. Etc. Etc. -> Fighting Sand Daemon of the Wastes, or whatever, rolling for that fight, succeed with Lady's Blessing, etc. etc.

And so on and so forth, until we reach a point where I don't need to do that anymore. Like with Roland in Karak Ungor, he was just...part of the quest, then, fitted into the framework fully.
Honestly guys, I'm kind of tired of the GeNPC stuff. I'm not as young as I used to be, and a lot has changed in the two years it took to get through KU, most importantly me graduating college. I just - frankly - don't have the time, energy, or really some days creative spark to try and do stuff with it. Which in its own way is depressing, because it's just been two years, but...I just don't seem to have it, anymore. The ability or time to just while away an hour or two building up characters that no one sees but me, and then shredding the paper when they die. It was something to do, to pass the time between classes or to procrastinate on studying for something, or when I was waiting for friends to show up so we could go do other stuff. The vast majority of the GeNPCs are sort of going on inertia at this point. I don't have the inclination like before to drag them this way and that, all at the same time. Most are sort of going in the directions they were before. Some, like Roland, I obviously have a closer hand on. Others, like Uesugi Shimazu (The Nipponese Admiral From Before), have done their thing, and are currently in slightly moving stasis. Like, probably until she dies, her 'bit' is 'fighting in the Chaos Wastes'. So that's fine, and I can just roll for that off-hand once every turn or so. Which is much easier.

I've burnt out before, and some of you might or might not recall those moments happening, those who were here early on, or stuck with KU the whole way through. I'm really, really not inclined to reach the point where that happens again.

Hell, I don't/haven't even done this for any of my other quests. None of them, not to this extent. And I won't be, because holy shit guys, two years ago I was in college and had crazy manic energy, but now I wake up exhausted at 6 almost every morning, go to bed early too, and am doing things that I can't procrastinate on, or while away, like I used to. I'm barely even doing more than single sentences for the Kislev stuff now in my notes, I remember when I was just writing that shit like it was an actual quest in my word docs with options and whatever, but that's all gone now. Hell, this most recent turn I didn't even do that, I just rolled and went 'bleagasdgasgd' for the general direction of things. Which disgusts me, but I just couldn't do much better.

God, I'm only 24 but I feel fucking ancient. Which is ridiculous, but it is what it is.

So if you're expecting some new wave of GeNPCs, don't. Or major mention of current ones, beyond a handful, even.

I'm just tired. Tired of doing em, keeping track of them, writing for most of them. Roland is, really, the only one that's really stuck hardest, so I don't feel the same strain with him. It's a different strain, like I deal with for Ostermark, Ostland, etc.
Okay. This is the last time I would like to have the GeNPCs mentioned for some time. I looked through my notes, and I think remembered some that are probably still alive, I just stopped keeping track during KU because there's only so much I would do with them per-year in quest time. Turns out there's even less alive than I remembered, which is pretty sweet for me. I've redacted a lot of information, though, for various reasons ranging from 'you shouldn't know this' to 'it really doesn't matter'. These are the only ones that are alive, plus some that I kept in because they were mentioned elsewhere.

Now please don't ask me about it again, because I barely do much with any of them anymore anyway, with a small handful of exceptions who have pretty much ascended by this point to something away from the regular GeNPC stuff.

First Generation
Grishgak - dead, but mentionable.

Second Generation
Uesugi Shimazu – Nipponese Khornate Admiral
A certain beastman
A certain ogre
A certain vampire
A certain skaven warlord
A certain skaven warlord of a different clan
Lucrezia Vega
Lorenzo Vega - dead, but mentionable cause still on Lucrezia's sheet
Juana Vega - dead, but mentionable cause still on Lucrezia's sheet
An Arabian slave
A human noble of the Empire
A mutant of the Empire
A being in/around/from the Grey Mountains
A non-savage greenskin warboss, in the Southlands

Third Generation
Grol – the skaven master assassin of Eshin. He died, but he's already been mentioned in thread so I included him here
A certain vampire
A Tilean merchant
Princess Fenna of Zhufbar
The Ungol Wieran – recently showed up in the rumor mill, a blademaster in Kislev

Fourth Generation
Kazul Goldenye – still alive, obviously
Gunari – sane Strigoi, met by Johanna and Genevieve in Cathay

Additionally, @rokafella, the Slann in Norsca is a canonical character, he exists in a blurb from the Lizardmen Armybook, and I just happened to slot him into doing things actively in the quest. He's got a wiki entry and everything: Ulha'up

So...yeah, now I'm even more confused about the 'break the game' phrase, because that's not how the GeNPCs worked, nor how the survivors are doing things.
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When we do get to Nuln would love to store the Vapor Tank at Gunnery School if they offer and their engineers chat with ours. We should work with our sister/rival school more often after all and we might get good stuff out of it in turn if we give them a little something to study.

I am sure their engineers really want to compare the Vapor Tank to their Steam Tanks.
I think it was because you had so many characters doing who knows what that the dice and the factions in the quest were getting thrown around like rag dolls and why it was a mess that you decided to stop using. And just keep with the remaining GeNPC's till they all die or live till the quest ends.
You uh, you don't have to 'think' about why it ended, I quite clearly quoted myself talking about it. I've quite concretely stated as to the hows and whys of the GeNPC system.

Here look, I'll quote the most pertinent one from the quotes I just posted.

Honestly guys, I'm kind of tired of the GeNPC stuff. I'm not as young as I used to be, and a lot has changed in the two years it took to get through KU, most importantly me graduating college. I just - frankly - don't have the time, energy, or really some days creative spark to try and do stuff with it. Which in its own way is depressing, because it's just been two years, but...I just don't seem to have it, anymore. The ability or time to just while away an hour or two building up characters that no one sees but me, and then shredding the paper when they die. It was something to do, to pass the time between classes or to procrastinate on studying for something, or when I was waiting for friends to show up so we could go do other stuff. The vast majority of the GeNPCs are sort of going on inertia at this point. I don't have the inclination like before to drag them this way and that, all at the same time. Most are sort of going in the directions they were before. Some, like Roland, I obviously have a closer hand on. Others, like Uesugi Shimazu (The Nipponese Admiral From Before), have done their thing, and are currently in slightly moving stasis. Like, probably until she dies, her 'bit' is 'fighting in the Chaos Wastes'. So that's fine, and I can just roll for that off-hand once every turn or so. Which is much easier.

I've burnt out before, and some of you might or might not recall those moments happening, those who were here early on, or stuck with KU the whole way through. I'm really, really not inclined to reach the point where that happens again.

Hell, I don't/haven't even done this for any of my other quests. None of them, not to this extent. And I won't be, because holy shit guys, two years ago I was in college and had crazy manic energy, but now I wake up exhausted at 6 almost every morning, go to bed early too, and am doing things that I can't procrastinate on, or while away, like I used to. I'm barely even doing more than single sentences for the Kislev stuff now in my notes, I remember when I was just writing that shit like it was an actual quest in my word docs with options and whatever, but that's all gone now. Hell, this most recent turn I didn't even do that, I just rolled and went 'bleagasdgasgd' for the general direction of things. Which disgusts me, but I just couldn't do much better.

So if you're expecting some new wave of GeNPCs, don't. Or major mention of current ones, beyond a handful, even.

I'm just tired. Tired of doing em, keeping track of them, writing for most of them. Roland is, really, the only one that's really stuck hardest, so I don't feel the same strain with him. It's a different strain, like I deal with for Ostermark, Ostland, etc.
sorry, didn't read that last post before sending my message and then read it. More, the fool me I suppose.
I just hope we get an opportunity to chat with Magnus in order to learn more on the Iron Brass expedition kerfuffle. As well as maybe propose the idea of making a small Eonir embassasy in the near/far future.
Though on regards of age, i hope you can take care of your quests well, especially once you hit your 30's, which you are going to hit moree or less in 3 years at this point. But on that regard I am still happy about this quest that you have made, just hope they dont die, like Dynasty shrouded in the mists.
Ok, kinda rude to bring up a person's age like that, in fact, it's very rude.

Avoid double posting.

And the GM dislikes talking about that quest.

Though in regards to Gaius, He finally has started work again with his knights quest in The empire of man again, and almost finished with this section of their timeline. If in a few years he finish's it like he is with his others than maybe we will see Dynasty again. I do hope we get to see it, especially with the cliffhanger it was left on.
This isn't a forum for discussing other people's quests.
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When we do get to Nuln would love to store the Vapor Tank at Gunnery School if they offer and their engineers chat with ours. We should work with our sister/rival school more often after all and we might get good stuff out of it in turn if we give them a little something to study.

I am sure their engineers really want to compare the Vapor Tank to their Steam Tanks.

Don't think that's a good idea, they are already salty at us building these tanks if we store it at the Nuln school their is a good chance one or more may try to sabotage it at worst or the more likely scenario they collectively get even more salty and think we brought the tank to their hone just to rub it in their faces causing them to get even more salty.

I remember we or Anna at least has already had to deal with spys from the Nuln engineers before their may have even been sabtouers we don't know about sent to by them or Marienburg can't remember well outside of our internal engineers who sold defective guns and cannons in the black market. Best to keep the tank close and under guard to not have to start anything with people if they get tempted to try anything.

Best thing to do is store the tank at the mansion if possible under guard and if any of the Nuln engineers come asking to take a closer look it will probably be the less prideful and more openminded ones looking to further just their engineering.
Though on regards of age, i hope you can take care of your quests well, especially once you hit your 30's, which you are going to hit moree or less in 3 years at this point. But on that regard I am still happy about this quest that you have made, just hope they dont die, like Dynasty shrouded in the mists.
Hey, it's very rude to talk about a person's age.

Also, please avoid double-posting, that's considered rude as well.

And one more thing? The GM dislikes talking about his previous quest.
Though in regards to Gaius, He finally has started work again with his knights quest in The empire of man again, and almost finished with this section of their timeline. If in a few years he finish's it like he is with his others than maybe we will see Dynasty again. I do hope we get to see it, especially with the cliffhanger it was left on.
And like EVA-Saiyajin said, this isn't a forum for discussing other people's quests.
Don't think that's a good idea, they are already salty at us building these tanks if we store it at the Nuln school their is a good chance one or more may try to sabotage it at worst or the more likely scenario they collectively get even more salty and think we brought the tank to their hone just to rub it in their faces causing them to get even more salty.
Doing anything like that during Meet would be treason, and we wouldn't rub it in their faces but frame it as trade since likely tech in school we don't have too we can trade a look at tank for.

We might be rivals but still of Empire so should foster healthy competition and equal trade.
Doing anything like that during Meet would be treason, and we wouldn't rub it in their faces but frame it as trade since likely tech in school we don't have too we can trade a look at tank for.

We might be rivals but still of Empire so should foster healthy competition and equal trade.
1.) Should and can are two entirely different things, and we've repeatedly been shown that Elector Meets aren't safe from attempts to cripple us, never mind that someone else could use the opportunity to frame them.
2.) Equal trade implies that the college has something of equal worth to trade.

(Also please edit your post to be more understandable. I think I addressed all your points but I'm not sure.)
So I think we can all agree that if Kislev isn't already in the middle of a civil war then it's about to be. So obviously Alexandra isn't in a position to work on her obsession and likely hasn't been for years.

So UNTIL she has the time to make that magic armor, we need to do something. Right now we've only got normal if well made Steel armor, we've COMPLETELY outgrown basic steel armor. Anything we face from here on in isn't going to even be slowed down when they rip through steal. So we need Magic Armor, or Rune Armor that can keep up with the threats we're going to be facing.

Hell normal steel armor was Never able to keep up with us. Still when/if Alexandra is finally able to make her ice armor we wear that, and make whatever rune armor we buy the armor our Heir wears because Magnus doesn't have shit for armor either.
So I think we can all agree that if Kislev isn't already in the middle of a civil war then it's about to be. So obviously Alexandra isn't in a position to work on her obsession and likely hasn't been for years.

So UNTIL she has the time to make that magic armor, we need to do something. Right now we've only got normal if well made Steel armor, we've COMPLETELY outgrown basic steel armor. Anything we face from here on in isn't going to even be slowed down when they rip through steal. So we need Magic Armor, or Rune Armor that can keep up with the threats we're going to be facing.

Hell normal steel armor was Never able to keep up with us. Still when/if Alexandra is finally able to make her ice armor we wear that, and make whatever rune armor we buy the armor our Heir wears because Magnus doesn't have shit for armor either.
The issue with that is with the level of fuckery that gets thrown at us were just as likely to end up naked anyway, this time after having broken a set of Armor that cost a lot more money and capital to make and aquire than just steel plate.
The issue with that is with the level of fuckery that gets thrown at us were just as likely to end up naked anyway, this time after having broken a set of Armor that cost a lot more money and capital to make and aquire than just steel plate.
To play Devil's advocate, in fairness there's a difference between damaged armor and being dead.

I'm ambiguous on it myself. But Freddy admittedly isn't getting any younger.
The issue with that is with the level of fuckery that gets thrown at us were just as likely to end up naked anyway, this time after having broken a set of Armor that cost a lot more money and capital to make and aquire than just steel plate.

There is several worlds of difference between steel plate and runed gromril plate armor.

To play Devil's advocate, in fairness there's a difference between damaged armor and being dead.

I'm ambiguous on it myself. But Freddy admittedly isn't getting any younger.

Agreed while the Everqueen, and the wine seems to have done him wonders far to many time has our healing trinket got horrible fucking rolls. We've been using that thing as a crutch instead of getting proper armor I don't understand the mindset it isn't like the armor can't be passed down like all our other toys but we need to wake up. The beastmen look to be hitting everywhere the middle mountains just ate an entire army. It's worth the investment.

Also Fred doesn't have any guns on him anymore we should get one or two pistols with runes on them as well.
Like I know Alexandria might be upset that we didn't wait but come on. We have been waiting for a very long time and now she has a civil war on her hands so while I would like it if we had it it's simply not going to happen so we might as well get the next best thing.
Like I know Alexandria might be upset that we didn't wait but come on. We have been waiting for a very long time and now she has a civil war on her hands so while I would like it if we had it it's simply not going to happen so we might as well get the next best thing.

She won't be angry unless we refuse her armor when she makes it which we fucking won't... we might pay to get runes placed on it but we'll use it. The fact that we've done this long without proper magic/runed armor is both insane and stupid.