I gotcha, just wanted to say the most likely reason for the 9/10 of the food going to the Nobles not killing anyone 😅
We'll yeah but let's face the guys behind grimddarking brettonia probably were not thinking about it when implementing the 9/10ths thing though I did hear they actually made distributing thing cannon though…. Likely after someone did the calls on what the presents would actually have to be capable of to not go extinct under those rules.

welcome to warhammer
Think that's mostly a 40k thing…. Or at least it being that extremely bad is….. Burning planets for arbitrary reasons doesn't work out well when you have just the one after all.
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When did Mousillon fall again? How many years ago? Cause we're about at least a hundred years before Karl.

Technically? Mousillon was falling while Landuin, it's first Duke and one of the original Grail Companions and once considered the greatest knight to ever live, was in charge. It was once one of the best slices of Bretonnian land, until the Landuin's sorrow and the subsequent failures of his successors in reversing it came upon it. But even then, it persisted for centuries afterwards, with good leaders and bad, but none ever seemed able to reverse the decline into a marshy, dark, bog-ridden scrabble rock place of quiet despair and desperation. Landuin's grief, the how and why of it, is another story though. The point is, Mousillon started at the pinnacle, and was sliding ever since.

But the full fall, I suppose, you could consider when Mousillon had it's status as a true Dukedom stripped from it. Which was brought about when Duke Maldred the Mad, well, went mad. It was he and a handful of others who instigated the the Affair of the False Grail. Basically, he got so desperate to reverse Mousillon's downward slide that he took to darker routes to restore the Dukedom to glory. See all that occured in the linked article to the wiki above as to what happened.

However, for the canon of this quest, Maldred had a younger brother, Roland. Who has featured in the quest for quite some time. Roland's specific involvement was as a landed knight, and alongside his brother tirelessly attempted to purge the darkness of Mousillon. Unfortunately, that darkness overwhelmed Maldred, but not Roland, and that event can be seen in Karak Ungor 92, through flashback. Roland's been journeying ever since, going Questing Knight in an effort to redeem all of Mousillon, with the true Grail and the Lady's favor. The Fay Enchantress even banished him from Bretonnia's borders until he finds it or dies, though not cut off communications with Bretonnia entirely.

Date-wise? The Affair of the False Grail lasted from 2297 to 2300, and Roland left Bretonnia soon afterwards. No new Duke was appointed by King Gaston in 2300 IC, so that is, I suppose, when Mousillon finally completed it's 'fall', and in canon it would continue to decay all the way up until it was proclaimed the Barony of the Damned in 2522 IC, aka Karl Franz's time. The current date of the quest is 2343.
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... I feel like we should try to fix that from lasting too long. And it we were Marienburg instead of Ostland, I would definitely push for the reclamation of Mousillon with Roland.

As it is, we're too far away and Roland is missing.

ON the plus side. Vampiric infestations and zombiland clearing are specialties of our son, his order, and our resident witch hunter group.

JUst because the land has been cursed doesn't mean we can't fix it while we wait for the owner to come back with the new deed.

in the mean time. Port city access and entrance to Brettonian trade. Oh and less vampires.

On the minus? We're busy with too many other things like the incoming beasttide.
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Its interesting that Roland's Grail Quest is about Redeeming Mousillon in its Entirety.

But over the course of the Quest it's become more and more clear that the burden of his Grail Quest is far far greater than any single Questing Knight shouldve been able to accomplish

Background rolls aside, it makes one wonder if his Oath has taken on a more metaphysical role in the setting due to the fuckery hes been involved with?

And if so, you gotta wonder in turn if he's being lead on by the Lady to quite literally make up for the sins of his line? Itd be properly Arthurian of him. In the whole "The King is the Land" fashion, that is.


Roland reaches the point where hes the metaphysical balance to the karmic debt that Mousillon has accrued over the centuries, and his ascension to Grail Knight would be a long term gamble to suppress whatever the cause of the province descending into becoming a Shithole was? Courtesy of the events of KU, we already know that Roland's existence already carries an element of metaphysical weight in the Warp by virtue of having become the Key in the first place.

And being present for the events of that fateful duel with Skulltaker would have left their mark as well.
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... I feel like we should try to fix that from lasting too long. And it we were Marienburg instead of Ostland, I would definitely push for the reclamation of Mousillon with Roland.

As it is, we're too far away and Roland is missing.

ON the plus side. Vampiric infestations and zombiland clearing are specialties of our son, his order, and our resident witch hunter group.

JUst because the land has been cursed doesn't mean we can't fix it while we wait for the owner to come back with the new deed.

in the mean time. Port city access and entrance to Brettonian trade. Oh and less vampires.

On the minus? We're busy with too many other things like the incoming beasttide.
We would NEVER be able to occupy Mousillon even if none of the building or implied building threats existed. It would be a political nightmare and logistically impossible.
Its interesting that Roland's Grail Quest is about Redeeming Mousillon in its Entirety.

But over the course of the Quest it's become more and more clear that the burden of his Grail Quest is far far greater than any single Questing Knight shouldve been able to accomplish

Background rolls aside, it makes one wonder if his Oath has taken on a more metaphysical role in the setting due to the fuckery hes been involved with?

And if so, you gotta wonder in turn if he's being lead on by the Lady to quite literally make up for the sins of his line? Itd be properly Arthurian of him. In the whole "The King is the Land" fashion, that is.


Roland reaches the point where hes the metaphysical balance to the karmic debt that Mousillon has accrued over the centuries, and his ascension to Grail Knight would be a long term gamble to suppress whatever the cause of the province descending into becoming a Shithole was? Courtesy of the events of KU, we already know that Roland's existence already carries an element of metaphysical weight in the Warp by virtue of having become the Key in the first place.

And being present for the events of that fateful duel with Skulltaker would have left their mark as well.

That's certainly a thought. Roland certainly seems to be tested on a level that makes most living Grail Knights seem like chumps. Maybe he really needs to reach the level of virtue of Landuin of old after facing trials equal to that old knight of Legend in order to enable the investment of power the Lady will need to commit to to cleanse Mousillon.
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It's also been theorized that he continues to fail the most important part of being a Grail Knight.

Devotion to the Lady above all.

Because Roland is devoted to his wife's memory, to his family (whatever remains of it thanks to his Son) and to saving Mousillon. And by keeping those attachments he can't put the Lady above all. And until he does so he won't ever be a Grail Knight.

Of course we see in canon that some Grail Knights *cough*Kruber*cough* don't need that so it's also just possible he's gotten super unlucky.
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The only hope that blighted slice of land might have is if Roland completes his quest for the Grail, and he hasn't had the best luck with that over the years and age is catching up with him.

His faith is constantly being shaken and news of his wife's death and his son's turn to darkness is not helping. For all we know he is well and truly dead at this point.
Honestly Roland's Grail Knight Quest and how it seems to be breaking him for not giving everything to the lady is a bit too uncomfortably close to how a Chaos Warrior has to give up themselves to become a Demon Prince to me. It just feels bad since I like Roland and feel like he has done more than enough in any reasonable world
Honestly Roland's Grail Knight Quest and how it seems to be breaking him for not giving everything to the lady is a bit too uncomfortably close to how a Chaos Warrior has to give up themselves to become a Demon Prince to me. It just feels bad since I like Roland and feel like he has done more than enough in any reasonable world
Thats almost exactly what a Grail Knight is yes. They're better than human in everyway, and imbued with Divine Power, granted as a show of favor for Supreme loyalty above all else. They may be Order aligned but it's clear the Lady took some inspiration for how she wanted her Superhuman Murderblenders to turn out.
Honestly Roland's Grail Knight Quest and how it seems to be breaking him for not giving everything to the lady is a bit too uncomfortably close to how a Chaos Warrior has to give up themselves to become a Demon Prince to me. It just feels bad since I like Roland and feel like he has done more than enough in any reasonable world

Grail Knights are not reasonable and they certainly are not human, they are transformed in a manner far more profound than any other servants of a non-chaos power. Think about it this way, all priests can at the very least get mutations that make them more like their gods in the course of casting, but it is the rare priest who claims to have stood in the presence of their patron and partook of their divine power from their hands. You could look at the Grail Quest as breaking a man in the service of making them into something else, or you could look at it as preparing them for the moment when they stand in the presence of a god without going mad.

Speaking of Chaos Champions I am reminded of Sigvald and his quest to regain his perfect looks as well as more power (because chaos champion). He walks north and he walks north and eventually he smears his blood on the pillar of a warp gate and is blasted into oblivion, left what is basically a ghost to pass into the warp and there see to his horror... another Sigvald, who looks just like him at his most beautiful.

Now you may think that is just normal face your inner daemons (inner angels?) stuff, but nope that is the Dark Prince himself, for Sigvald the Pinnacle of Desire akin to madness is a mirror... and he has seen plenty of mirrors. Now imagine what he would have seen had he not been so close to Slaanesh already that his pride would have made of the dark god a mirror?
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FIne. No taking the zombie Duchy.

But whatever happened to his wife and kid? I Must have missed an update or something. I want to follow that line of inquiry. But we have no real IC reason for that.
Battle Pilgrims tend to be drawn from communities surrounding grail chapels and the like. Their exposure to living saints in Grail Knights and holy relics make them more attentive to the Faith of the Lady of the Lake than other peasants who might prefer Rhya, Taal or other gods.
so knights have no problems with these peasants period. This goes so much beyond "a few prayers".
FIne. No taking the zombie Duchy.

But whatever happened to his wife and kid? I Must have missed an update or something. I want to follow that line of inquiry. But we have no real IC reason for that. so knights have no problems with these peasants period. This goes so much beyond "a few prayers".
Roland's wife is dead and his kid turned out to become particularly loathesome.
So knights have no problems with these peasants period. This goes so much beyond "a few prayers".
A Grail Knight isn't really gonna bother if a few nearby peasants are very respectful and take care of the Chapel or what have you. They're not making claims to chivalry or knighthood, they're going above and beyond in service. It's more when they go to battle that the pilgrims become more of a nuisance...


Grail Pilgrims

"I am but a simple man. To serve this most holy quest is reward enough for me." —Anonymous Grail Pilgrim.[2] Grail Pilgrims are deranged and suicidal fanatics dedicated solely to the service of Bretonnia's fabled Grail Knights, basking in the reflected glory of those mighty individuals. Whilst...

Battle Pilgrims

"Although a fierce foe to Bretonnia's enemies, Knights should be wary of their kleptomaniac tendencies…" —The zealous Battle Pilgrims.[3] Battle Pilgrims are zealous Grail Pilgrims who have survived following their Grail Knight for some time. "This battle is but a test of our faith, and our...
Hey torroar, what were the 3 other characters that you had made for the quest besides freddy before you dropped it because they almost broke the game.
Hey torroar, what were the 3 other characters that you had made for the quest besides freddy before you dropped it because they almost broke the game.
For the Mousillon situation. Freddy can do something about it. There is a Brettonian Embassy in Nuln, from where any aid for Mousillon, or something, can be worked on with the Brettonians. Wouldn't be the first time Freddy did an altruistic act in a far off location. Such as Karak Ungor, or aiding Athel Lauren for free. Major difference would be that this is a no reward scenario, and a money pit for years to come, to try and do something about a potential threat that has yet to be too serious.

From Turn 36 Rumor Mill.
Shallya and Lady Alike: The Cult of Shallya's base in the Old World is in Couronne, and it is from there that they have marshalled a great effort in personnel and material towards trying to contain the plague that has emerged out of Mousillon. Priestesses with wagons of medical supplies and volunteering knights errant have shown up at all major checkpoints to further check over those entering or leaving the wasteland of a former dukedom. Others are actually going within, their only guards those knights brave enough to swear themselves to their defense, despite the dark rumors of Mousillon. They have been joined in their efforts by none other than the Fey Enchantress herself and a large number of Grail Damsels, many of whom begged leave from their advisory positions across the land of Bretonnia in order to answer the call. Surely, with the favor of both Shallya and the Lady of the Lake, the plagues of Mousillon shall be ended soon! Or, at least, failing that, contained to those blasphemous wretches that still deign to live there rather than in a proper dukedom with a proper duke…
We are on Turn 39, if Freddy wanted to he could go to the Brettonian Embassy and probably work out something he can do with the Brettonians for Mousillon. Or get turned down, but something is not completely nothing.

Hey torroar, what were the 3 other characters that you had made for the quest besides freddy before you dropped it because they almost broke the game.
You recently asked that question on the same page. If torroar doesn't want to answer, they do not want to answer.
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No, I saw them, and was just trying to figure out what they were talking about.

I'm guessing they're talking about Mists of Albion, my previous Warhammer quest. I think. It's a bit hard to parse. That's a different work entirely, though, so...yeah. I didn't make 3 characters for this game which I then dropped? At least not in the vein that they're asking? There's the GeNPC stuff. But that's different. I guess he means Duncan and his family? And a hell of a lot more went into dropping Mists than anything as simple as 3 characters.