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- Somewhere
Wrong, having an +750 income is more valuable than an research slot.Simply that now we have much more sources of income than we had when we made the deal, and that the deal has been going for almost 10 years, so Averland sould be pretty full of our arms already...
I am not saying anything about stopping selling our guns, I want to keep selling them guns but it may be interesting to renegotiate the amount of guns and weapons that we sell them each year so that we can recover our third engineering research action...
Sorry but at this point to have an extra research slot is much more useful than an extra income 750 gold.
That cash income comes from arming Averland's defences as much as possible with quality in preparation for the greenskin WHAAAAAGGH! The empire is possibly going to be hit by a massive Beastman tide soon. Having the defenses in Averland solid against any other attack while the Empire deals with the beastmen is needed. There's also the possbility that the equipment we are sending to Averland is faulty like the equipment we sent to the south when it had the demonic incursion.
And, even disregarding the military defense of the empire. We cannot afford the loss. Not right now anyway. If we are making an extra 750 gold income from somewhere to replace the 750 from Averland I'd be all for dropping the 750 income from Averland, or looking to change it a bit.
We got new mercs! That eats into our income. Two research slots are likely going to be available next turn.
Do you have any idea how much we spend each turn? Even when we don't expect to spend so much for each turn! We spend a lot, or get involved in a loss of money. A third research slot on average costs around 1000+. we can't afford that with a DD, I think. Our income looks so good because we don't have that third research slot.
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