Eh, it's fine, there's simply zero chance that they're catching up to All In or Not Quite so it doesn't really matter. The only reason I haven't switched my vote for a plan that could win is that I dislike both equally.Yeah, sorry about that. =/ I did start it, but, well, I believe in All In, As Usual. =/ I could offer a vote for it again, if that'd help? But it would only be temporary, and not forever, as I do want All In, As Usual, to win. (Though... if All In starts pulling ahead, I'd be willing to remain with Less Personal Danger, for support? Hm.)
That was one of my thoughts, yes. The update outright says that Magdha doesn't have full sway over all elements of Marienburg, and that she is trying to be a reformer -- feeling that too many of the faithful are gripped by lure of coin rather than caring about Manann and the sailors and coastal workers and river workers and people of Manann. ((Paraphrasing heavily here! Am not pleased with this wording, but... I felt I got it out awkwardly.))I just reread the latest chapter and just had a thought....the priestess does not like rutger, but cannot stop him due to shaky position, the same rutger who is trying to undercut Freddy and the trident of the north....would going all in allow her to be basically unchallenged in the cult of manaan and let her smack down rutger and his little band of troublemakers?
Uh, good question actually! I don't know myself, so let me take a look and...Can someone remind me the cost and time to build a Greatship? If we can afford to build five more over the next two or three years, that's a relatively short gap. Especially since we have other ships at our disposal.
That's good to see, and GM did say earlier can do actions where we make multiple Greatships in one turn. Most likely two to three per action at least.
Read the room. Calling choices half assed is incredibly insulting and we just got the thread locked. No negativity please. And consider this, if this was a binary choice of help province y/n like you're treating it as, then why is this vote? We all know Freddy's character, just auto pick and move on to exploring the city. Since we have a vote at all, it implies all the votes are valid.
She didn't recommend anything. It is simply an option presented. Unless the blue bunny is also recommended?
The Greatships that we give to the Cult of Manaan will go where the Cult of Manan sends them, not where the Third Imperial Navy as headed by Freddie sends them. Now, the coast of Ostland and the Cult of Manaan have many enemies in common and Magda doesn't want to be a dick so we can expect to get some practical benefit from giving them intact rather than burning them but they are still being sacrificed. Their purpose will no longer be the defense of Ostland and the cult's remit is far larger than their current patrol zone even if that zone is part of it. Any or all of them might be thousand of miles away when we need them.
Not to mention that a good part of the Greatship's construction cost was the Imperial Stipend and the cult's remit likewise goes beyond Imperial interests. Sacrificing a few of the ships with the greatest personal connection and/or glory is one thing but it ill behooves us to give away all of the most powerful vessels of the fleet that we hold in trust for the Empire.
On the matter of the keelhauling, while it would seem perfectly in character for Freddy to go out doing an OTT dangerous penance, it would leave Magnus in an invidious position where the Cult of Manaan has forgiven the Hohenzollerns but it's impossible for the Hohenzollerns to forgive the cult. When Freddy took the max punishment option with the Engineers Guild he wasn't in danger of death, when he sent Thorek and the Book on ahead at the climax of Karak Ungor it was in the knowledge that that wins the campaign even if he died, when he paid Fuerbach the whole weregild asked for there was no danger of death and when he got tied to a pyre it wasn't his choice. If Torr says an option is highly dangerous then, even with Freddie's resources, it's highly dangerous. Freddy dying here would fuck the reconciliation far worse than a less impressive penance. Even the smallest of the ships here he's going lengthways and will be ripped, bloodied and with salt in the wounds for everyone to see - it'll do the job.
Also, since I didn't see anyone else point this out:
That is about sacrificing/burning the greatships, not gifting them away, which is definitely less... call it prestigious form of appeasement. Less effective in any case.
The way I see it, the question here is, what do we want?
A gesture of penance?
Trying to politic the reconciliation with the cult?
Or, trying our very best to do what we can to reconcile?
And going all in, in point of fact is not going all in. The true all-in would have the greatships sacrificed to Mannann, not gifted to the cult/temple. In effect, gifting them is trying to appease the temple, and hoping they would intercede with the god rather than 'gifting' them to the god directly.
We have already decided not to even try to do our very best.
I have decided, for myself, to support the one plan that I see try for the next best thing.
So - and I'm just extending upon spud's metaphor, not calling anyone out, in an effort to explain my position - 'All-in' is already not 100%. I'd give it 75% effort.
So, the question I ask is, is less than that something we can really afford?
Yeah.That's good to see, and GM did say earlier can do actions where we make multiple Greatships in one turn. Most likely two to three per action at least.
So its good to know we can relatively easily get Greatship numbers back up, and in a way giving them all up is pretty heavy spiritual wise since kinda like tossing all our possessions away to sea. Its too bad since we didn't bring them with us the burning of dark elf ships/giving of greatships won't be mentioned till later.
This is painful to think about because, like...However, for some reason, when Maghda remarked she wasn't trying to harm Ostland's treasury, and this is offered up as something else, somehow the fact that the Greatships are in fact 500 gold and a year to build got missed entirely.
... The "A Soggy Sop" option literally gave more monetary offering to the Cult than giving all 5 Greatships would. >< A Greatship is worth 500, five of them together make 2,500 and that's less than the 5,000 of Soggy Sop. ><[] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly. Deal with this problem once and for all, lest the tension end up utterly ruining your water-based economics and the lives of tens of thousands in Ostland who rely directly on it. This needs to be solved, one way or the other, definitively. Cost: N/A. Reward: Marienburg Interlude(s)
[] A Soggy Sop: It won't solve things in the long run, but it might be enough of a display to the rest of the Empire that on the face of it they'll think things are being reconciled enough that ships might start coming more regularly again. Hopefully. It should work, for a while at least, until people realize that the Cult hasn't actually reconciled anything. Cost: 5,000. Reward: Temporary trade income increase.
I knew it only took a year to build, but for some reason brain said it was more expensive and I didn't think I needed to check otherwise since sure about it. Weird how if you assume something long enough it seems like fact in head.somehow the fact that the Greatships are in fact 500 gold and a year to build got missed entirely.
Like said, we do have a whole fleet of other ships as well and merc ships as well, way more than we do Greatships. They are great ships, pun not intended, don't get me wrong but not like we will lose all the time without them since we are technically only fleet that uses them and still considered the weakest one. Nordland and Marienburg fleets don't need them for example and they are much better ones.Yeah.
But my worry is what will happen during those two to three years when we don't have any Greatships to defend ourselves with.
Look, I probably come across as stupidly paranoid, but I fear that we will see Salkaten and our other Ports burned to the Ground in that time by Enemy Raids.
Now that is paranoia, no offense. You can't know something will happen when dice rolls are involved mate.Also, if we chose Triton's Fury...I KNOW that Freddy will die from this. i don't know why, I just KNOW.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't want to take the Chance.
*sigh* Yeah, you're right. I just really, really, REALLY don't wanna risk him dying in such a humiliating way.Now that is paranoia, no offense. You can't know something will happen when dice rolls are involved mate.
And that is perfectly fine.The gods are real and burning the ships may well have a greater individual impact in regard to divine favor...but I guess that's my own line I don't want to cross. I don't want them burned when they can be put to use and do good protecting people.
Can I convince you to vote for "Plan: Almost All In, But Less Personal Danger" then?[X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way
I'm not trying to sound standoffish or anything but choosing to go all in on keelhauling because of reasons "X Y or Z" which for some seem yo boil down to "because its it's funny" or "Because Freddy always goes over the top when it comes to penance" just isn't enough for me to put Freddys life in such danger, while some may wave it away or think that the danger is minimal with all the things Freddy has to support him, fact is, it is dangerous. Extremely so even with how it was presented as an option.
And boiler does bring up a good point I hadn't thought of. If..if Freddy somehow does die during the keelhauling, it would destroy any chance of there being reconciliation between the Hohenzollern and the Cult. Not to mention the chance of Natasha/Urgdug/Oskana going freaking beserk in the city.
So yeah, I somewhat understand why people would go for it but I personaly just don't think it's worth it or even necessary.
While I certainly would and even agree to some degree in giving away all the Greatships, I just don't see it getting enough votes at this point and all the people going All In has me already worried, not knowing how the numbers are at this time. So if more people begin going for this or the numbers give it a chance then I'd switch.Can I convince you to vote for "Plan: Almost All In, But Less Personal Danger" then?
It still gives all the Greatships, and does less keelhauling. I truly thing that giving all 5 Greatships is better for our defense and our interactions with Magdha and relations with the cult, and thus our future interactions with Marienburg and the cult.
And I'm voting for it myself, in a show of support for it. (I realize what tactical voting means, but... well, it's in the top 5 as far as vote numbers go? Plus, I made that plan in part so that people who felt strongly about and worried about the Keelhauling could vote for a safer keelhauling, after all.)
And now, off I go on an hour-long walk. Let's hope Manann doesn't freeze me or rain on me.![]()
Can I convince you to vote for "Plan: Almost All In, But Less Personal Danger" then?
It still gives all the Greatships, and does less keelhauling. I truly thing that giving all 5 Greatships is better for our defense and our interactions with Magdha and relations with the cult, and thus our future interactions with Marienburg and the cult.
And I'm voting for it myself, in a show of support for it. (I realize what tactical voting means, but... well, it's in the top 5 as far as vote numbers go? Plus, I made that plan in part so that people who felt strongly about and worried about the Keelhauling could vote for a safer keelhauling, after all.)