So 2304 to 2390 of time for him to fight his way through one dwarf hold.
Still pretty fast against a major hold.
As near as I can tell, he tried to play it off as 'oh, well, Asavar Kul was supposed to be the great undefeatable Everchosen, but he died, so clearly I'm better because I didn't ' except at the same time he couldn't actually BECOME the Everchosen, because the Gods didn't declare him such, and instead he had to try for calling himself the Emperor of Chaos instead, and then he managed to defeat one dwarf hold over the course of almost a century, and then...I don't remember seeing much else about him.
One of Warhammer's most forgotten major bad guys, to point even own gods don't care for him, lol.
@torroar I did the proofreading for the High Elf Player's Guide. I ended up writing 15k words of notes over three days, and proofreading takes a lot less time than creative writing. Your output is insane.
@torroar I did the proofreading for the High Elf Player's Guide. I ended up writing 15k words of notes over three days, and proofreading takes a lot less time than creative writing. Your output is insane.

Yeah but like, you got to proof read for an actual canon piece of Warhammer material and be involved with it that way. So that beats my ass ten ways to Sunday my man. Also, 15k over three days is still nothing to sniff at regardless of whatever you were doing. Also you could probably say anything about how I've been doing Asur in DoDA and I'd have to capitulate to whatever you said immediately, lol.