GM NOTE: Moratorium 12 Hours
Turn 38
2342 IC
I expected it, of course. Many of the other prospective initiates found that they disliked me based on my entry alone, thinking that I somehow thought I was better than them. Frankly, I think it is more that they were more insecure than anything else. My passing through the Sacred Flame was never a secret, nor was my coming to Middenheim on the request of the Ar-Ulric, but I swear to you both that I have never made a point of lording it over anyone. If anything, I wish I were just a regular initiate, it would make things much simpler. But of course, I am not, and so I must accept the consequences of my birth and of my cleansing. I am part of Ulric's pack, but I wonder now if I might never be part of any of my supposed brothers' and sisters' packs. This should not surprise you, but there are few Ostlanders in Middenheim. Few of any from the Northern Trident, really, as they have their own temples. The pranks, the sneers, and so on are all part of being a strange foreign entrant into their territory, and I accept that. Just as they accept that I wish to be here and will not let them make me leave. Or at least, they will.
Anyway, it was five of them this time. The night was stretching on, and dawn was approaching. Anyone who couldn't make it back to the Sacred Flame by morning and the sounding of the fifth bell would be deemed a failure and reduced to a mere lay-person until they could try again next Hochwinter Festival.
Obviously, I couldn't afford to let that happen. It would be an insult to the Ar-Ulric, and to the Hohenzollern name.
It's not like anyone seeking to join the Order of the Howling Wolf is particularly scrawny, at least not after the training regimen and diet proscribed to us, but that wasn't the problem. The problem is Sir Zullner. He is a White Wolf, and he seems to, unfortunately, be part of the group who think that I act far too high and mighty for my 'station'. I don't even know what that means, at this point. I am not the Ar-Ulric's cupbearer, I receive no specialized tutoring or anything of the like. Regardless, he was the knight in charge of making sure that none of us died in the woods, there were members of the White Wolves spread throughout the forest to make sure of that for all potential initiates. I do not think it was just bad luck that had him assigned to the section I was in. He pretended like he didn't see them coming for me, but I know he did. It wasn't a trick, or them coming up from behind, it was an 'ambush' in that they charged out of the woods yelling at the top of their lungs.
Thankfully, the trees were thick enough that I didn't have to take them all at once, but of course that wasn't the end of it.
Sir Zullner said that I was being a coward for not letting all five beat on me. Well, no, he didn't say it like that, but that's clearly what he meant.
I told him that I was going to get back to Middenheim one way or another.
He said I would have to prove I wasn't just a 'feckless coward' and take him on.
At the least, he did me the 'honor' of leaving his sword and knife on his horse. He didn't take off his armor though. Luckily, that worked out on my behalf. He just a bit slower. I think that he expected that I would run away, or try begging, or something? He seemed mightily surprised when I dodged his first punch and then scrambled up him to bite off his nose. Then he was a bit focused on that, so I was able to clap both of his ears and then beat him in the forehead to make him fall over. Please do not worry – it is expected both that knights might challenge certain initiates to make sure they are truly ready and it is also expected that said initiates should, in fact, fight as fiercely as possible to prove they are. Luckily, his warhorse let me drag all of them back to Middenheim, though I had to put some of them atop my pallet and the offerings to the Flame I'd gathered.
The priests and attendant knights were surprised, but none gainsaid me as I was allowed to take on my new robes and swear my oaths. I write to you now not as a mere layman, but as a proper inducted priest of the Order of the Howling Wolves. I am quite young for it, even amongst the lengthy history of the Cult, but not the youngest. The main difference, it seems, is that now I just have a lot more duties than before. I am the lowest rank of priest, at the moment, and there will be much more testing before I shall do more, or go elsewhere, of course. Though, for some reason, I rather doubt that I will be made to take on the role of a village priest in some backwater in the future, no matter what some might wish. I do not say this out of arrogance, but because I am, unfortunately, blessed by Ulric. I suspect I shall have to, by that alone, be made to be more visible in some measure.
Still, those are thoughts for the far future, not now. For now, I merely wished to tell you of my success, and to wish you and mother my love. Please convey my love further on to the rest of the Herd, and of course to Uncle Urgdug and his wife.
Ulric's Blessings Upon You,
The full head of steam you'd been working up as you'd read through the latest batch of letters sent north to Wulfenburg by courier had, thankfully, let out as you'd read the rest of the entry. Wasn't like you could do anything about it now. Even at best speeds, couriers couldn't carry the message without more than two weeks of travel. If perhaps one had a dedicated ship, purely running the river route, or perhaps one was willing to purchase a new horse at every station along the roads, but that could be prohibitively expensive. As it was, his letters were brought to you by way of the Cult of which he is now a part. Sighing, you pass the last of the letters over to Natasha, who has been reading them sequentially after you finished them yourself. While she reads through it herself, you get up from your desk and pour yourself another cup of ostka, downing it in one go before refilling it and taking it back to your seat. It only takes a short while for Natasha, out of the corner of your eye, to bare her teeth in silent growl before it smooths out again into a small, pleased smile.
She is, you realize, five years older than you.
It doesn't really show. You've noticed that, lately, about wizards, and those who wield the Winds of Magic. Something about using that otherworldly power, regardless of how or when or why, seems to sort of softly lock them into an 'adult' appearance, after a certain point. By all reckoning, Supreme Patriarch Volans was apparently already a mature adult man, and yet so many years after the Great War Against Chaos he seems as vigorous as ever, at least according to Arthur when he met the man while in Sylvania. The same is true for Odelia, who is only a little bit younger than Natasha. There are lines upon their faces, sure, the same is true for you, but there just seems to be a bit more to it. Then again, you don't have any right to judge. She could easily be mistaken for early forties, the same is true for you. The Royal Berry Wine in Athel Loren, the Light of Summer on your chest, whatever the hell happened to you in Karak Ungor, the aftershock of killing Gruber, of the Bloodthirster outside Nuln…you've heard it remarked in one way or another by multiple beings that your body, your very soul, have been altered by your experiences. Especially your soul, what with it being forged together with the soulstuff of others. Sometimes, on idle mornings like this, you can't help but wonder will happen when you pass on. Will you be allowed past Morr's portal, or will you be flung away into the Underearth? Or, perhaps, it will be worse than that.
"Oh!" Natasha's voice interrupts your maudlin line of thought.
In her hands is a small roll of vellum, bound with a single green vine that has been expertly rolled into a bow. A red wax stamp bearing a remarkably familiar sigil on it keeps it extra secure.
"Who is that from?" You ask with a raised eyebrow. "Isn't that…,"
"It's from Sunweaver," she confirms with a nod.
Right. Instead of the antler and spear of Naraiel's kindred symbol, Sunweaver has her own kindred with its own symbology. It's something you would only notice if you'd met her several times, but her robes often had it stitched somewhere on the shoulders or front.
"Since when are you talking with Sunweaver? And what about?"
Natasha impishly smiles as she holds it out of reach of your grasping fingers.
"We've been talking since Laurelorn, we were discussing something before…well…," she trails off, expression darkening as her eyes fall upon her left hand as it holds the letter.
Or more specifically, the iron of her nails. A blessing, but a cruel one indeed, from the Widow.
"Natasha," you begin, pausing in your pawing and sitting back. "If it truly is something you don't wish to discuss-,"
"No, no it's fine," she shakes her head, clearly lying somewhat, but she inhales deeply and smiles more brightly at you. "I've been discussing something with her. She says she can come visit in a short while, if that's all right?"
"So long as it has nothing to do with the greater operating and status of Laurelorn proper," you say jokingly.
"Of course not. It's more personal than that," she snorts before her eyes soften and she places her hand – the one without iron nails – on top of your own. "Frederick…,"
Immediately your skin prickles and begins turning red from the extreme cold, but you ignore it so you can appreciate the gesture of affection as fully as you desire to.
"Yes, my love?" You say back warmly, tilting your head to the side.
"You know I worry."
"Of course," you nod, placing your other hand over the one currently atop yours, rubbing small circles upon her freezing skin with your thumbs. "I am sorry."
She ducks her head, exhaling through her nose before looking up at you again.
"But I've come to accept the duties you hold yourself to, to wife and to nation," she says it with only a trace of bitterness and plenty of weariness. "If anything, if I were more properly Kislevite, I would accept it outright."
It is a matter that the two of you have gone around and around again on. It doesn't mean that you don't feel the knife hit you in the heart.
"Unfortunately, I love you too much," she says, scoffing affectionally as she goes to withdraw her hand before you can begin suffering too overly much.
"And I, you," you inform her promptly with a smile as you refuse to let her hand free, even as your own hands have turned pink and a definite stiffness has begun to fill your joints.
"Frederick," she glares without any heat, her lips twitching towards a smile despite her self-control.
"Natasha," you say right back, your voice getting a bit deeper and rougher.
She blinks rapidly, inhaling deeply, before shaking her head again.
"In a bit," she defers before waggling the letter to get your attention. By the time your eyes are back on her face, she's settled a bit more firmly in her chair. "After Sunweaver brought up that the Light of Summer is bound to a place of power-,"
And wasn't that still quite a vaguely upsetting if not completely unexpected thing to find out.
"I wanted to ask her about how such a thing might be done," she finishes, looking vaguely embarrassed.
"What do you mean, exactly?" You raise an eyebrow at your wife.
Your mind is already circling the idea, poking at it based on the information already offered.
"I worry, every single time," she says instead, looking rueful. "I just mentioned to her that all I wanted was peace of mind, for once."
"Let me guess," you say, still not withdrawing your hands from enclosing hers, a smile on your face. "The Elves long ago figured out some miraculous thing which for them is commonplace or at least known to be possible, and us poor humans could not manage such a thing for some barrel full of reasons or another."
Natasha scowls a bit at you and swats your arm with her free hand, thankfully not even noticing the nails at the moment.
"I wouldn't say it like
"But it is like that," you follow after her doggedly before sighing. "So…what, she'll come here, we'll do something I can't even properly understand what with my inability to perceive magic the way you can, and…,"
"We don't have to do it at all, if you don't wish to," she says immediately, earnest and loving as she looks at you.
"But if I do, and it works, it would make you happy, right?" You say softly, bringing the hand you've captured between your own upright, kissing lightly at the freezing fingertips.
"I don't even know what it is, for certain," she says, shivering slightly as you continue to kiss along the length of her hand down to her wrist. "It might look odd, it might upset anyone who doesn't understand."
"If it make you happy, then fuck them," you say succinctly before nipping at her wrist, placing the hand against your cheek to cup your face. "It'll probably be plant related. I assume this is some sort of offered reward for offing Coeddil, right? Or at least putting him out of the fight."
She nods but doesn't say anything more, something satisfactorily dark and smoky entering her eyes instead.
"Then we can see what is what, and decide then," you keep her hand to your face, the other hand dancing down her arm slowly. "And we'll decide whether or not to go to Marienburg later. The Matriarch's offer was vaguely worded, but she is interested in meeting."
Natasha, deliciously, struggles to get her mind working in a different direction if only for a moment.
"And you are happy to potentially walk into that nest of vipers?" She says, voice a throaty growl.
"Wouldn't you know it," you chuckle, tapping a hand on another letter, "I've just been informed that the Sword of Justice Herself is going to be in Marienburg this year."
"Just a coincidence, I'm sure," she says breathlessly.
"Probably," you nod before the two of you cease being in two separate chairs.
Which is just a few seconds before the door to your office is slammed open by Urgdug, one-handed. Papers are flung everywhere off of the table from the gust of wind, followed shortly by a pair of yelps.
"It's HAPPENING! IT'S HAPPENING!" He booms into the office, only to stop, the excited and fearful look on his face turning a lot more quizzical as you pop up irritably from behind your desk, now shirtless. "Uh…,"
"What. Is. Happening. Urgdug," you bite out each word, trying to force the blood in your body to go in different ways than it had been a few seconds ago.
"Uh…Cherag is giving birth?"
"Oh! How wonderful!" Natasha hisses as she pops up as well, her frostfiend eye glowing especially brightly, one arm across her chest. "We'll be right down."
Urgdug's eyes are bulging in their sockets.
"Sorry! I didn't-,"
OUT!" You and Natasha shout at the same time.
Two hours or so later, Cherag displays the sheer terrifying strength that ogres are capable of when she crushes every bone in Urgdug's hand while giving birth. Thankfully, Adira is there to help heal him immediately. It is another few minutes after that, whereupon you and Natasha can agree that the child had certainly inherited his father's lungs, that you are introduced to the first legitimate son of Sir Urgdug Greatbellow. The first thing you notice, is that ogre children are essentially small spheres with limbs and heads. It is all the chubbiness of human babies scaled up to an extent that would be grossly obese if it weren't on an ogre's frame. Then the little one just about tears your finger out of your socket when you waggle it in front of his face. As you are being healed by a bemused Adira, who had only just finished healing Urgdug's hand, Cherag declares that she has decided upon a name.
Bolgden. Bolgden Greatbellow. Son of Urgdug Greatbellow and Cherag Steakripper.
Damn if the little bugger isn't already strong and loud as all get out.
Military: Stephan von Raukov is a quiet yet experienced mercenary soldier, but his dedication to Ostland and family is unquestionable. He strongly believes in honor, preserving the lives of your own fighters, and unconventional tactics. (Choose 3):
Tracking Beast-Paths: The mercenaries found one last year, now it is time to find more. All, if possible. With aid from the Army of Ostland and the Army of the Forest, you need to start locating these assault vectors as soon as possible. With the beastmen hopefully scattered by the fighting at the Blood Fane, it will not nearly be as dangerous as before to investigate. By which you mean send the mercenaries in, and through fire and steel ensure their efforts succeed and that they live to continue doing the job you desire from them. The militia will likely help out as well, in different areas of course. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: At Least One Major Beast-Path Located. Chance Of Success: 75%
Gold Testing: It's time to put your newest wizard journeymen to work. Just as before, with the Amber and the Bright and the Jade, you need to make sure that they are not only as capable in combat as the promise but also to make sure any teething issues between them and your troops are dealt with as soon as possible. You've seen some small demonstrations, but you would prefer that all three armies are able to understand and not necessarily freak out and scream or worse drop their weapons the moment they start glowing a bit. Unless the glowing is because a bray-shaman is casting something horrific, or anything like that. Differentiating that is also extremely important. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Armies of Ostland Suffers No Penalties From Unfamiliarity With Gold Wizards.
Intensive Hunting: Now that you know that some of the Beastmen have managed to infiltrate, you need to get rid of them. These are the sorts that managed to keep hidden all this time, or at least keep their true threat to a minimal profile to keep from your attentions. Which is disturbing. You don't want the beastmen to have patient and cunning leaders capable of such things. It's time that you put them down. Put out the smoke signals for the Amber Wizards, bring the Jade, the Bright, and the new Gold Wizards. It is not time for regular patrols, but penetrative searching and aggressive scouting. The Wing-Suits will surely help as well. Bring the rest of the mercenaries in this effort rather than spreading them about the province like usual, including down from the Middle Mountains. Put a call out to the knights, see if they'll help too. You can't possibly stop them all, but you can get these ones, hopefully. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Especially cunning beastmen warherds that made it through an Ostland-Talabeclander Beast-Path hunted down and killed. Chance of Success: 50%
Ogre Archery: It is easy to imagine that ogres are universally slow and totally lacking in dexterity. Surely, something that large and bulky is a slow, lumbering brute, right? Wrong. Ogres are dangerous because of how fast they are. Their eyes are as sharp as a human's eyes, and even some cursory questions about the hunters of the eastern mountains will give you many tales about legendary scouts and killers. Trackers who manage to follow through an environment that frankly sounds nearly impossible to survive in, and yet the ogres continue to do so. The ogres that have taken to the worship of Taal help prove it. They can wander through the wilderness, hunting and living off the land, but harmoniously rather than as a damn near locust plague on two legs. The ogrebow that you've invented is toeing the line towards issues of technology and science, which Taal has issues with, but you're reasonably sure that you can convince them otherwise. Their worship is not perfect, after all, they've just been introduced into the faith. If you can convince them, they'll be able to be mobile devastating ranged warriors, who need not worry about rain or snow or the like ruining their ability to contribute. Or you'll just try to recruit other ogres who are Esmeraldan but who have sharp eyes and fast hands. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 100 Ogre Archers Join Army of Ostland, devastating ranged units, faster firing rate than cannons or handguns, less affected by weather conditions that can stop black powder weapons.
Not This Year: Pull your ships back, keep them close to the coastlines, but move the Army of Ostland to the coast, along with elements of the Army of the Range, to defend them. Let the Norscans know that they will not find you easy prey this year. The fishing ships now have their guns, and will be better able to defend themselves. Keep the Norscans
out, damn it. Keep the troops amongst the isolated hamlets and villages, not just the bigger settlements like Salkalten. Let them lend their cannons, bows, and guns, to defend the coastline this year. It is not the same as an actual deployment, but this is their homeland, let them defend it. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Bonus To Sea of Claws Rolls For This Year, Slight Lowering Of Roll Requirements For Success.
Mercenary Office: An office has been established, purely for the purchasing and ending of mercenary contracts, as well as ordering them to aid in different purposes. When one does not require this, the office will ensure that no issue is made of it. When does, it will not take away resources from other offices of the central government of Ostland. [
Note: Do not need to act upon this if not desired]
Purchase Additional Mercenaries: You have the money to pay, and you have the need. Mercenaries are omni-present in this world, and you could use some extra bodies. Or expertise, or training, or any other number of things. Send out the call, see who responds, and set up the contracts. Depending on what is being done and who is being hired, they would arrive some time into the year, with an absolute guarantee of arrival by end of the year. Cost: Depends. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Choose Which Mercenary Band To Hire, and For What.
End Mercenary Contracts: Sometimes, you don't have the money to pay. Sometimes, you do but no longer need the assistance of mercenaries. As it is, the time has come for you to cancel some contracts. Probably nothing malicious, unless they screwed up and you need them to get out of your employ. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: At End Of Turn – Choose Which Mercenary Band Gets Fired.
Third Imperial Navy: As the Steward of the Third Imperial Navy, you have a responsibility to build up, maintain, and use the ships of the Empire for its betterment and protection. The First Imperial Navy is based in Nordland, while the Second Imperial Navy is based in Marienburg. Should the material requirements extend beyond that of the Imperial Stipend, they will come from the treasury to fill in the gap. (Choose 3)
Guarding Ships: A number of wolf ships could escort your trade caravans, ensuring that they can be relied upon to gain both more goods and be better protected in bringing them back. This will, obviously, draw away some of your wolf ships from regular patrol duty to do so, but it is not the worst thing in the world when you have a good number of wargalleys, right? Off they'll go, ranging out down the coasts in search of wealth, with some mighty Ostlander Wolf Ships guarding them the entire way. Far better than the simple defenses merchants would otherwise possess, right? Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 50% Chance Of Increased Trade Income For This Turn, Recoup Cost And A Bit Of Extra Profit.
Extra Careful: Magnus has brought this one to your attention. He has concerns about the relative safety of the convoys heading to Albion, especially because of the recent oddness in the Sea of Claws. Though the past years have not held too much trouble, that could all too easily turn into something else, something worse. The Norscans may have all headed inland for some reason or another, but the Druchii are definitely still out there. They have targeted your shores and your ships before, and more importantly, they use Albion as an anchorage point. At least two of their Black Arks have utilized it as such in the past, and though the Asur attempted to cast them down into the depths the Druchii managed to avoid their cousins. He thinks that some additional support should be made for the convoys heading to Albion, just in case. It's certainly not the most unreasonable idea. Cost: 250. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Assurance that even if Sea of Claw Rolls Fail, Albion Diplomacy Action Not Affected.
Checking For Yourself: There have been reports that the Norscan coastline is empty lately. Make a concerted effort to confirm this for true or not, for your own edification if nothing else. Your ships shouldn't do anything overly aggressive about it, as you absolutely do not want to somehow provoke them into coming back across the waters. Still, it might be your only chance to actually do some cursory mapping of the Norscan coast, if only to mark positions of past and future likely settlement. Which, in turn, could be quite valuable information. Something that would certainly fit into the useful if ever needed category. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Southern Norscan Coastline scouted by Third Imperial Navy, in-depth, marking settlement sites past, possibly present, and likely future. Information. Chance of Success: 75%
Greatship 6: It's been many years, and the greatship hasn't capsized, exploded, or otherwise run into a disaster. It's proven itself in year after year of naval raids, so it is time to build another one. Considering the size of them and the actual specialized work it requires to make one compared to wolf ships or galleys, it will take a considerable bit of funds to produce another. But, hopefully, it should be worth it. Throw some money in, some lumber, and write up some new cannons to be granted. You can trust the Prince of Salkalten to select a proper captain for the ship. You'll also have to come up with a name for the thing. But, overall, it shouldn't be too hard to make one thanks to the repeated expansions on the docks of your major port city. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 1 New Greatship.
Galley Focus: Smaller ships, sure, but Wargalleys are perfect for quickly patrolling the coastline specifically. They might not be as directly powerful as wolf ships, but they can be built in greater numbers due to their size. Being ramships, they are more likely to actually engage Norscan raiders who are looking for a fight, in terms of boarding, while with wolf ships the raiders might try to sail around, or flee to attack from another direction. On the other hand, it is the wargalleys that will have more knights and soldiers on them, for just such a fight. It is a bloody work, but one worth it, you think. Cost: 1500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 10 Wargalleys.
Wolf Focus: You need Wolf Ships more than you need Wargalleys, you think. They are sleek, fast, and have good rams. Plus, they're capable of ranging further out than wargalleys. Considering how things went last year, it would be better for your naval forces to be capable of ranging out that far. If only to keep them out of the coasts entirely, right? It will take more men to crew them, but that is simply the cost of building things in this manner. Cost: 2000. Time: 1 Years. Reward: 10 Wolf Ships.
Greater Galley Focus: The Sea of Claws is one of the most treacherous of its kind, not because of weather conditions that might afflict large bodies of ocean anywhere, but because of those that might ply its waves at any given time. Druchii Corsairs. Norscan Raiders. Greenskins on their ramshackle pirate ships. Privateers and pirates of other races, seeking plunder or simple destruction. But one does not necessarily need to fight them out on the Sea of Claws, but instead remain close to the coast, which is where the war galley comes in, ships built to sail up and down the northern coastline, protecting the villages from up close and personal. Cost: 3000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 20 War Galleys.
[Due to Production Requirements, Dock Usage, Etc. Counts As Two Actions]
Greater Wolf Focus: You not only need more Wolf Ships, but you need a lot! They are sleek, fast, are good at ramming, and can range further out on the seas than the wargalleys. They are an invaluable and core part of your fleet, of any of the Imperial Fleets, and their usefulness cannot be understated. Plus, with the upgrades of cannons and scorpions, they are actually a bit more powerful than their peers in the other fleets - though you hear Nordland may or may not be changing that. It will take more men to crew them, and cost more to build more, but that is simple mathematics. This is the northern coast of the Emipre! You have plenty of Ostlanders who have grown up along the coast who could be willing, and others from further in who feel the call. Cost: 4000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 20 Wolf Ships.
[Due to Production Requirements, Dock Usage, Etc. Counts As Two Actions]
Diplomacy: Natasha is your incomparable wife. She commits to her work with business-like attitude, with no distractions. With Sabine here, what can be done, and with who, has expanded in scope and scale, it seems. (Choose 2):
Arming Albion – Charity: It is entirely possible for you to sell steel weapons to the Albionese. However, it would also be possible for you to simply give it to them. The thought of it appeared to have caused Sabine to get green in the face, but she nevertheless acknowledged that it was possible. Do these people not fight against the horrible beasts of primordial times, beings that have worshipped Chaos since time immemorial and performed all manner of profane and horrific deeds upon humanity? As well as the Druchii? For the most part, the Albionese fight practically naked, and too much steel would have them sinking into the mud during one of the near constant rains that lash the island. But that doesn't mean a bit of chainmail and hardened studded leather couldn't improve things, as well as steel weaponry and crossbows. They could be simply given these things, which would understandably cost you, and if you wished them to get proper training with all of that it would require trainers to be present there for some time, at least a good half the year to more. Yet doing so would grant them significant aid against the literal forces of Chaos which – to your extreme distaste – seem to rule most of an island which is too close to Ostland and the Empire! Cost: 750 Per Turn Until Tribes Capable of Self-Training And Fully Equipped. Time: 1 Year For Training To Complete, 2 Years Until Fully Equipped. Reward: Albionese able to resist the Albion Fimir and druchii much better, significantly better equipped in arms and armor.
Will Complete This Turn.
Double Barreling: With your double-barreled handguns created, it seems reasonable for you to extract a higher price for selling them, does it not? Some might not see it that way, but the effort must be made to convince certain customers that you are offering a better product and thus require more in payment for it. Or at least, that is what Sabine has stated most firmly in council meetings. Sure, there's a learning curve to the things, and they require greater amounts of black powder, but quite literally it is two bullets instead of one while firing. And given reloading rates? That's more than reasonable, one might think, in terms of stopping power. Still, if it works out, then it could represent a blanket increase in profits from your gun sale. If it fails you might lose customers, but that is the risk one takes when they enter Handrich's realm of influence...or so, again, Sabine says. Though she clearly is hoping that such a thing does not occur in this case. As do you. But, yet, nobody really
likes paying more for things. Cost: 1,000. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Double-Barreled Ostland Handguns begin being sold to current customer base, current customer base begins paying more as a result in gun sales. Increase in Income From Gun Sales.
Grasping The Comet: You are not blind. Your finances have been running very closely to the wire for a short while now. It would not be the first time that a noble of the Empire has done something like this before. A thought you'd had after discussion with Stephan. But something new for you. Getting loans from the Cult of Sigmar – likely one of the wealthiest individual organizations in the Empire – is relatively simple. Paying them
back on the other hand might not be so. After all, if you're asking for loans, you might not have the money to pay it back, now do you? Not to mention possible interest issues, both financially and literally. You cannot simply get money from a cult without them demanding something in turn, and at the least them being responsible for your funds gains them influence in your province whether you like it nor not. But…if you
need the money…you know that they would love to provide. Their demands on the other hand, you cannot know until you ask. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Loan Offering Special Choice (Immediate Choice After Vote Closes)
Approach The Jade College: It's been offered, or rather not offered but opined, that the Jade College might be able to do something for Magnus' son. His shrunken and somewhat twisted son. You've no idea on what his mental ability might be either. It is a horrifying thing to consider, yet one that you are in the smallest way experienced with. Those monstrous things, by description at least, that once nearly slew Natasha from within. But this boy is, at least, free of discernable taint from beyond. Sometimes these things just happen. Noble families give birth to disadvantaged children just as commoners do, they just have more money and the ability to hide it. You do not have to do it, and technically you should not have been told at all. But you know. So you can ask. It may not go over well, but if there is a chance…it may be a chance. On the other hand, perhaps it should not be done. He may grow up well enough, his mind whole and hale, but his body a bit off. But if…but if. Or they might refuse, angry that you would try to ply their secrets. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Jade College ???? Aid Chance of Success: 50%
Trying To Speak To Middenland: At the very least, Gunthar's wife seemed less immediately and virulently hostile towards you. Somewhat. A bit. Considering the fact that she has her own reputation as a war leader and harsh law-giver in that she has performed the duties of executioner personally more than once. The beastmen are everyone's problem, and considering the situation going on in the Drakwald, it might be prudent to make plans or at least give the option of making plans for mutual defensive aid against one of mankind's greatest threats since the time of Sigmar. But you'll have to talk to Gunthar as well, because you've learned enough from Talabecland to not even try to go around the main roadblock. In one case, Adolf. In this, Gunthar. Maybe he'll be more considerate if you are a mountain range away and not pissing him off by being in the same city as him. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Middenland approached on working together in defense on the off-chance the beastmen erupt from the Drakwald in greater numbers than the usual. Chance of Success: 5%
An Open Hand: You don't know Count Rommel personally, but then, the same could be said for many of the Electors. But Reikland is one of the strongest provinces in the Empire. It always has been, as befitting the land from where Sigmar himself once roamed. From there the Unberogen arose as a true power, a power they retain today. They are, you know, one of the wealthiest, strongest, and most populous provinces in the Empire and have been for a long, long time. It may be time to reach out to Count Rommel, as while he was not part of that odd little cabal which came up against you in the Meet, he was not one of those who was clearly on your side either. You could try reaching out to him, shoring up amiable relations. He will not simply become a friend out of nowhere, but you could get something out of it. Maybe. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Amiable opening to relations with Count Rommel. Chance of Success: 65%
Radical's Measures: You've had a thought, though it is one that you were not sure you could even allow yourself to fully form. Yet it came to you and refused to leave. A drunken thing, slopping out into existence after one too many drinks late at night. Still it remains. This spell, the one mastered by the Jade Wizard Adira, that can ensure successful conception? There is a careful value to it, not only to you, but potentially others as well. Say, a race whose decline has been hammered into your mind like nothing else by your experiences? At the same time, that same race is intensely mistrustful of magic, for various reasons. But there are others, you know, who stand apart from the rest of their fellows. Those who have spent a considerable time apart, whether culturally or outright physically. It's something they probably would not consider at all, due to magic being involved, but they might, perhaps, maybe listen to you if you suggest it? Maybe? You would have to think about it, and the risk if it goes wrong could be considerable, but you could at the very least ask, right? Very, very carefully of course. You need to ask someone who has spent a long time away from the mountains, whose mindset is not calcified. Someone…like Kazul Goldeneye of Karak Ungor. Obviously, it is immensely arrogant to think you could suggest this at all…but you were quite drunk when you came up with the idea at all. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Very, very quiet dialogue opened up with Kazul Goldeneye, Princess of Karak Ungor, former Mercenary Thane, about the possibility of a Jade Wizard like Adira aiding in increasing pregnancies and easing births for the dwarf population of Karak Ungor. Chance of Success: 35%
Stirland Soils – By Morr: The Seeding Drills have proven their worth in the Northern Trident. Now it is time for you to steadily proliferate them south. If this were the Empire of old, the broken apart wreckage one, you wouldn't even consider this. But you've spent just about most of your life, numerically speaking, in the Empire of Magnus the Pious. As such, the question is not 'if' you will help ensure that the rest of the nation might benefit of increased agricultural yields, but 'how'. Sabine, obviously, agitates that you should sell them for tidy profits. Magnus, on the other hand, in direct contrast to his wife, thinks it might be worth it just to give them out. It would significantly increase the cost, doing so, but it would also be seen as an act of giving and charity in the long run. Or buffoonery, depending on who you're talking to. One province that could surely benefit from this, and would regard you kindly for it, would be Stirland. Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Stirland granted many seeding drills for usage across their province, vastly increasing agricultural production.
Stirland Soils – By Handrich: The Seeding Drills have proven their worth in the Northern Trident. Now it is time for you to steadily proliferate them south. If this were the Empire of old, the broken apart wreckage one, you wouldn't even consider this. But you've spent just about most of your life, numerically speaking, in the Empire of Magnus the Pious. As such, the question is not 'if' you will help ensure that the rest of the nation might benefit of increased agricultural yields, but 'how'. Sabine, obviously, agitates that you should sell them for tidy profits. Magnus, on the other hand, in direct contrast to his wife, thinks it might be worth it just to give them out. It would significantly increase the cost, doing so, but it would also be seen as an act of giving and charity in the long run. Or buffoonery, depending on who you're talking to. One province that could surely benefit from this, and would regard you kindly for it, would be Stirland. Even if you do choose to simply outright sell to them, instead of just giving them away, they'll likely be happy. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Stirland granted many seeding drills for usage across their province, vastly increasing agricultural production. Will make back costs by selling, i.e. +1000 To Treasury.
Northern Soils - Warmth: Kislev is becoming a colder and colder place, and you don't just mean the weather. However, out of an interest in trying to help your sister-in-law, and possibly assist your daughter without directly doing anything overly foolish, you could see if they would appreciate the seeding drills. Kattarin dominates the viable southern farmlands and increasing the yields of such things could only benefit her faction. On the face of it, however, it would just be you attempting to gain more income for your province by selling something to another national leader, right? As pragmatic a woman as Kattarin would surely make use of it. You are, after all, her brother-in-law, married to her younger sister. Let her expand her farming yields, strengthen her faction, and frankly enough just help feed a people who have suffered much. And if it just happens that you've subsidized the costs out of your own treasury, letting her have them for less than nothing, that's just you trying to create positive relations for the seeding drill, right? Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Romanov Farmlands in Kislev gain access to seeding drill, vastly increasing farming production for Kattarin (and your daughter's) faction. Greater speed of introduction/usage. Chance of Success: 60%
Northern Soils – Cold: Kislev is becoming a colder and colder place, and you don't just mean the weather. However, out of an interest in trying to help your sister-in-law, and possibly assist your daughter without directly doing anything overly foolish, you could see if they would appreciate the seeding drills. Kattarin dominates the viable southern farmlands and increasing the yields of such things could only benefit her faction. On the face of it, however, it would just be you attempting to gain more income for your province by selling something to another national leader, right? As pragmatic a woman as Kattarin would surely make use of it. You are, after all, her brother-in-law, married to her younger sister. Let her expand her farming yields, strengthen her faction, and frankly enough just help feed a people who have suffered much. If you sell it at around cost, you'll likely break even. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Romanov Farmlands in Kislev gain access to seeding drill, vastly increasing farming production for Kattarin (and your daughter's) faction. If successful, will make back profit of +1,000 Chance of Success: 50%.
Stewardship: Morgan von Bernhardt is an energetic and creative woman. Though she is not the startlingly young spitfire she once was, regular checkups by Jade Wizards, priests, and physicians has ensured that she is as vibrant as ever. (Choose 1):
Lumbering Heat: Charcoal is one of the most common heating sources in the Empire, and is reasonably cheap. Everyone uses it in winter, even in Wulfenburg. But Sabine has spoken of diversifying your usages of lumber, for while a few minor charcoal producers exist in Ostland, most in Ostland independently make their own. Hamlets and villages make it themselves, and it is not necessarily the easiest work. Sabine has also brought up charcoal companies, entire organizations built around the production and selling of charcoal down in the southern parts of the Empire, where it doesn't even get as cold as it can up in the Trident! If it works down there, it should work here. Normally people do it on their own, but a full company could produce far more, and gain you some funds as well, if done properly. Sabine has, therefore, requested an allocation of funds given over to her to set up such a charcoal company. It would, by necessity, use Nassau traders and caravans, but your treasury should still be capable of making a profit. It will most likely not be based at Wulfenburg proper, but in Roezfels, Vandergart, or Jegow. Cost: 1,000. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Ostland Charocal Company created. New Income Source: Charcoal Sales.
Have Laws, Need Judges: Your introduction of a revised law code has been, for now, accepted. A consequence of this, however, has been a sudden dearth of judges to carry them out. While in the north, much of justice and law is dealt with by the nobles themselves within the areas that are under their authority. But in many cases, the sprawling masse of humanity are too great for all to be easily dealt with. Hence, the traveling judges, who usually require special licenses by local magistrates within a territory to operate with. The problem being that license fees, requirements, and bounds of authority varied wildly. Now they don't, and suddenly many of the traveling judges within the province find they no longer have the right authority. It is a dangerous job, of course, and they do in fact serve a purpose. It's just that you also made it so that their wages had to be regular and standard, not based around how big and showy a trial was, as that led too many times over to spurious and fruitless endeavors whereupon they utilized the law purely as a money-making process than anything about actual justice. It seems that a great many local magistrates no longer wish to pay this standard wage, and the people are suffering as a result. That must change. Now. You wrote the damn system, you can add on to it and actually organize the traveling judge network, then. There are less than a handful of Barristers in Ostland, a far cry to the comparative swarms of them in the southern provinces anyhow. Cost: 1,000 Now, An Annual Fee To Maintain Traveling Judges Of Ostland Network Afterwards. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Traveling Judge Network set up with regular fair pay, who will work to utilize the Revised Law Code, thus making it more normalized. Also reduces corruption of Traveling Judges. Increases general Law and Order for province.
The Lighthouse Of Salkalten, Foundation: Morgan wishes to create what is, effectively, a prestige project. Not vanity, no, the value of an actual lighthouse greatly improves a port's standing amongst its peers. In bad weather, storms and the like, such things are often all that can help a ship find its way home. Or, at the very least, avoid smashing itself into the coastline. And, not untruly, Morgan has noted that major ports do possess something similar which, if you want Salkalten to be taken seriously, will require. The actual lighthouse itself is something quite gigantic in the schematics, and she wishes to have it be an actual extension of the Temple of Manann located in Salkalten. The foundation itself will be enormous. She wishes to pull, once again, from the dwarf engineers of Barak Varr, to help. By the end of it, she wants it to stretch up above the walls, quite high, so that it can be visible from quite far away. She wishes to, at to start, have the most vital part be the 'light' portion, with the possibility of adding a bell or foghorns or the like to it later. This will involve the Bright Wizards – possibly more than the ones you have currently for it to be more advanced – but either way, it stands to be quite a thing. But first, you need to start. Cost: 3,500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Salkalten Lighthouse Foundation Created/Bottom Third Of Structure Built.
Will Complete This Turn.
Secure Storage: Well, you've certainly learned that you cannot trust the militia as much as you had with as much black powder as you had. As such, you need to ensure that the black powder sent out to them is much more carefully managed and secured. This means an expansion and increased security to nearby forts, which will have to be the new distribution points, and you'll require them to be far more exacting in their records for what is going where. It won't ensure utterly zero corruption, that's frankly impossible, but you won't run into a scenario where a cultist is able to shift about whole wagons of the damn stuff in attempted assassination attempts or who knows what else. Hopefully. Cost: 1,000. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Militia Black Powder Distribution Process Made More Secure, Facilities More Secure.
Will Complete This Turn.
Research: Helga and her daughter have taken up this position, switching off whenever the other has to be teaching a class or engineering something or other in your engineering facilities. ONE OPTION LOCKED OVERALL DUE TO AVERLAND PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS (Choose 0):
Off-Roading: Cyclers are a viable creation. However, they are thus far only exceedingly useful on paved roads. Off-road they are less viable for important things. But also there are concerns for weight and the effort it takes to use them. Anna can ride one around, a fully armored soldier never could. So, these two things must be worked upon. A way for the wheels to grip better, as well as testing truly what weights can and can't be used. The latter will determine what use they will have on the battlefield, though you know immediately that they will be of use for passing messages and packages at the very least amongst the roads. They do not require the same things that horses do, though they are not without cost in terms of maintenance. More research is required, but the goal is easily visible. Though the wheels are going to be the greater issue…and Anna is focusing on other projects now. Cost: 1,000. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Functional Cyclers For Both Road And Off-Road, Increased Knowledge. Chance of Success: 65%
Will Complete This Turn
Heavy Blastguns: The blastgun itself is not too bad of a weapon. An insanely short match, a quick light, and pop goes a concentrated shot straight to who or whatever is in front of the barrel. But it could be improved, especially with what you've learned of gunnery and metallurgy over the past years. If it were larger, it could fire more. If the barrel's internals were altered, they could increase the spray without losing penetration capabilities. But more specifically, recent pistolier developments elsewhere in the Empire have inspired some of your engineers. They want to make weapons capable of firing a much more powerful blast, much more than the damage a pair of pistols could manage. As such, they wish to create heavy blastguns, something that, say, a lightly armored horse could manage with ease. Allowing light cavalry to ride up to the enemy, fire, retreat, and then reload before turning about. With all of the experience and advances made in gunnery, it shouldn't be
too difficult. Cost: 1,000. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Heavy Blastgun, an upgraded and more damaging version than the infantry version. Meant for cavalry use. Chance of Success: 75%
Vaporcyclers: Okay. You had to read through the proposal a few times. It is known that the steam boilers in both doomspheres and steam/soup tanks work as artificial and powerful motivation to get them moving. It can grind wheels forward harder and faster than legs of flesh could ever possibly pump. Well, human ones at least. You're reasonably sure that Urgdug could simply pick up a steam tank and throw it. If ogres can wrestle giants, after all…but in any case, this one came about as one of a proposal from Idette after a ten-day drinking binge in which she was even drunker than is normally tolerable. Seriously, she was sent home there due to how drunk she was. But she came back ranting about fully metal – or at least mostly metal – cyclers with the vapor engine attached to it. Because the wooden ones, reinforced as they might have been, would be torn apart by the potential strength behind it. No pedaling, only velocity-by-vapor! She won't stop talking about it. If you threw some money at Idette, maybe she'll actually manage it? Anna promises to help when she can, so at least there's that. The engines work, you know that much. But will the cycler? Cost: 2,000. Time: 4 Turn. Reward: Vaporcyclers? A likely highly expensive specialized vapor engine-accelerated cycler made of metal, possibly good for scouts/recon/??? Chance of Success: 50%
Vapor Tanks: You know the Soup Tank intimately. As does Anna. The actual steam system was heavily modified by the halflings over many years. It likely bears very little resemblance to the steam systems present in the other steam tanks in Nuln. Not least of which is because each of the tanks have their own individualized internal components and systems. Leonardo may have been brilliant, but for wide-scale production he was perhaps just a bit less able. But that's fine. You don't
need the steam systems anymore, or so Anna say. The 'fucking be-damned skaven', by Anna's own words, managed to create their precious rat tanks with the aid of warpstone. While you'll never touch the stuff out of your own volition if you can help it you don't need it either. You know how the frame works, both skaven and soup tank designs are well known to you for various reasons. You have an engine. Time put all of that knowledge together. Anna is willing to make an effort at it. It will be expensive, but your engineers have had years and years to study the damn tank, with the engine…well. You can fit on a cannon as well, that part is simple. Cost: 2,000. Time: 5 Years. Reward: The Vapor Tank, a war machine powered by alcoholic vapor based upon a foundation of knowledge gained from studying destroyed rat tanks and long-term possession of the soup tank, and knowledge skimmed of the steam tanks in Nuln. Chance of Success: 50%
Will Complete This Turn. DD Applied.
Imperial Organs, Big: The organ cannon used by the dwarfs was certainly very interesting, though unfortunately the somewhat distasteful business regarding Valma and her revealing apparently illegal secrets at your pressuring has resulted in the majority of the dwarf Engineering Guild to not much liking Anna. As such, at Karak Ungor she was not allowed to examine any of the more exotic and new dwarfen machinery that they had brought to bear. Still, the initial concept was intriguing and the engineers of Ostland are relatively sure that they can manage something similar only…bigger. Instead of four smaller dwarf cannons put together into a single device, they wish to try something with four imperial great cannons, and all that may or may not imply. Still, the better to not annoy the dwarfs any further they are happy to make it not be so blatant a copy. So instead of
four they're going to stick
three together. In a sort of…tri-barrel design. One on top of two. Testing and creating such a thing would of course take time. Hopefully this would just be a good amount of firepower. Cost: 2000. Time: 4 Years. Reward: The Ostlander Grand Volley Cannon, effectively 3 Imperial Great Cannons worked together, rotating to fire faster. Greater concentrated and more rapid firepower. Chance of Success: 65%
Piety: You now have three religious advisors. One, Jorgen Albrecht, is a Priest of Sigmar, Emil Beltz on the other hand is a Priest of Ulric, while Lady Rosa is a Priest of Morr. Having all three prominent advisors from all three of these religions is a powerful statement, and with their own staffs you get a little bit more ability to…well,
do things. (Choose 3):
Seek Out Myrmidian Priests: The general opinion of Myrmidia in the Empire is that of a warrior Goddess. Or, simply, a treacherous wench considering the more immediately recent past. But they've been working quite hard to banish the latter opinion, throwing their knightly orders into the fray across the Empire with almost reckless abandon. Except going by her own tenets, it is quite rare for them to be reckless at all. At least that is what you think, based on your own cursory knowledge. It is time to expand such knowledge. Seek out Myrmidian priests or priestesses from beyond the Empire's borders who specialize in things not purely based around warfare. If they say that she is a Goddess of far more things than war, find some of their clergy who focus on such things and bring them to Ostland. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Myrmidian clergy not purely focused around War arrive in Ostland, further Myrmidian options. Chance of Success: 75%
Iceborn Flame Guardians: The Iceborn Flame is a religious marvel. Every year since its creation, you've had at least a few handfuls of Ulrican pilgrims who wish to journey to a site where Ulric quite visibly triumphed over the forces of darkness. These same pilgrims have been helping open up the paths through the forest, set down the roads, and build up the temple itself. Or rather, the walls. It has been noted that normal rains and winds do not seem to affect the Iceborn Flame, which continually burns above the large patch of never melting ice which gives the fire its name. The White Wolves are quite proud and territorial about their chapterhouse in Wulfenburg, as it is one of the best ways for them to represent Ulric in the heart of Sigmarite territory in Ostland. However, with the Iceborn Flame being what it is, you would not be remiss to petition the Ar-Ulric, who has supreme command of the entire Order of the White Wolves, to dedicate some more guardians to the flame, right? To help protect it, without taking away from the other White Wolves in Ostland? It is known, to everyone, that the absolute largest Knightly Order in the entire Empire are the White Wolves, with members in literally every single province, even the Mootland. Surely they can spare a few? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: New Detachment of White Wolves Dedicated To Defending Iceborn Flame Sent To Ostland. Chance of Success: 80%
A Pilgrimage Of Cold Fire: Emil Beltz has been one of your advisors for many, many years now. His beard is white and full, his head as bald and hard like a rock with no moss on it. He has advised you, argued with you and your other advisors, and yet for the most part has proven a remarkably small presence in the council for all of that. Now, however, he comes to you with a proposal. The Iceborn Flame was created, essentially, as a child of the War Altar of Ulric that was built by the Cult, effectively carrying the Flame of Ulric – the proper silvery white religious one instead of the mundane ones built to represent it in temples of Ulric all over – that later trundled back to Middenheim. Leaving the Iceborn Flame as its own independent fire, if one that still radiates visibly with the power of Ulric. Emil has had a dream, a vision perhaps, of propagating the holy flame further. It is not something that can simply be done, even you know that, and Emil knows it too after the sheer effort exuded to give birth to the Iceborn Flame. But he still wants to try. There are Temples of Ulric all about Ostland, it being a majorly Ulrican province after all. But he wishes to give it a try nonetheless. First, more than any other, he wishes to bring the silver flame to Wulfenburg's main temple. It will be difficult, the flame might not light, it might be blasphemous or wrong to try and do more than what has been done, and still Emil stubbornly wishes to try. He won't without your permissions, however, as it would be a highly visible endeavor no matter what. You can evacuate the temple, add further guards to the train to and fro, and so on ahead of time. Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: The Sacred Flame of Ulric will burn within Wulfenburg's main Temple of Ulric, replacing the mundane representative flame. Large opinion boost amongst Cult of Ulric. ????? Chance of Success: 40%
Standing Taal: You know that you won't ever get purely exact numbers on how many Longshanks there are in the province, they likely don't even know for certain. It's part of the nature of being such a spread out organization. But based on the words of the people, and rumors brought in thanks to Hagrid, you know for a fact that they are in fact doing good work. On their lonesome, they appear from the woods with warnings for villages, helping defend them, and then melting back into the forests. They travel along in similar manner to the Roadwardens, but are fanatical to an extent that most hard bitten Roadwardens simply are not. They are religiously dedicated. It may be possible to convince more of them to drift into Ostland, especially as the forest begins to truly come to life without the oppressive presence of Zacharias in it any longer. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: More Longshanks begin operating in Ostland. Chance of Success: 75%
Equivalent Exchange: You did bring in the Verenans to help you out previously. With the actual studying and reworking of the legal code, but also to help legitimize it. You cannot, in good conscience, ignore that they helped you out. You also can't ignore it because you've started getting letters. From the Verenans of Ostland. They are a minority group, in the north. For the most part, they spend a lot of time solely in the cities, and rarely in the outer settlements. There is no comparative venerable learning institutions like in the south such as the University of Nuln, which as far as you know might well be the largest and most expansive of its kind in the Empire. There are trade schools and smaller universities throughout the Empire, obviously, but the biggest quasi-peer in the north is the school of Gunnery and Engineering, a mixture of the Altdorf Imperial Engineers School and the Nuln-based Imperial Gunnery School. It teaches purely hard subjects, sciences and mathematics that are rather purposefully focused. The Verenans don't wish to try and form one of their universities or what have you, just yet, but merely wish to set up another of their libraries. Which is possibly a more dangerous proposition than before, seeing as Verenans occasionally go a little too deep into their 'all knowledge is valuable, even Chaos-related knowledge' thing, and start doing things that most of the other Cults of the Empire call 'heretical' and 'pogrom-worthy'. They want to do this in the heart of the Order of the Silver Hammer's founding Chapterhouse, in the open before the very eyes of the witch hunters. On the other hand, if you do fund the creation of their library, you'll get the thanks of the Verenans of Ostland, which could be useful as they are a highly decentralized religion without a main central temple. You will, hopefully, be able to at least minorly improve the scholastic traditions and worth of Wulfenburg, and gain access to the library, which could be valuable in its own ways in the future. Plus, you'd prefer if the Verenans were happy with you, rather than agitating for some reason or another like they're occasionally known to do. Cost: 1,500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Small Library of Verena built in Ostland. Verenan Approval. Access to library as desired. Future Verenan options unlocked.
Debating Rhya: You give your respects to Taal and Rhya. Everyone does. But you don't quite agree with some of Taal's people, and especially not with the scriptures that essentially go directly against civilization and humanity growing stronger. The foes of the Empire are too numerous, too strong, and often too mightily equipped, that you would ever give up the usage of artillery and gunpowder, and most importantly, of wearing metal armor for Sigmar's sake! Anyway, this is more about Rhya. The Mother of Bounty, Patroness of Love. Though the Cult eschews the temples and concentrated institutional nature of most other Cults, every farmer who begs for aid asks Rhya first. Now, there is, in fact, a scripture which says 'Take pride in your strength and natural skill. Avoid firearms and other works of science.' The thing about that, is that firearms weren't always around. So at some point, that one had to be tacked on by some priest or priestess who didn't like the early handguns or something. But seeding drills are different, aren't they? You're getting a few reports of especially devout farmers refusing to use the things still, and many often hide the things when the cultists of Rhya come around. That needs to change. Seek out the Matriarch, and her sub-leaders, and try to talk to her about this. You don't necessarily think you'll convince them to upend everything, but surely an agreement can be reached? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Cultists of Rhya relent on seeding drill as a 'work of science'. Increased Farming Income. Other Options In Future. Chance of Succss: 65%
Intrigue: You have two different intelligence organizations. One, Witch Hunter Marlisa, is focused on combating cults, threats, monsters, and generally outside forces. The other is Master Baggins, a very influential halfling cook and champion of the common man. Now, a third, is present in the form of Sabine. Her own experience is different, but that does not preclude her from having value in this. (Choose 2):
Into The Wolf Den: Who the hell is Dolph? What is going on in Middenland? You need more information. And there is someone who has already proven some ability at getting where you have had little success before. Sabine is sure that she can help in this, not least of which due to the small amount of additional trade she was able to establish with Middenheim. Which means spies. And, in turn, a bit of paranoia on your part that every caravan from everywhere might be carrying informants from said places. Sabine chuckling lightly at this did not help matters, though she clarified that the cost expenses would be absurd to ensure such a thing, and it is more likely that every few merchants and traders work for any singular entity in particular. Far more are more freelance, offering word for coin as much as any other good they might be able to sell. You need to know what the hell is going on in there, but can't do much without the groundwork being laid. Have to start somewhere after all. Cost: 1,000. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Information. Chance of Success: 15%
Corporate Warfare – Geisen: House Geisen runs generally perishable goods, which is an eminently profitable endeavor. Things that don't last long can easily become incredibly valuable. They are also major producers and traders of various apothecarial and herbalist goods, including medicinal items and cosmetics. They've managed to essentially dominate the trade of all such goods throughout the north of the Empire, from Middenland to Ostermark, but it is time for that to end. They have been poking at you for far too long. This, then, is a battlefield that you may not know, but Sabine does intimately. If you wish to be particularly aggressive, she knows exactly where to start. Sabotage of goods, blocking up transport access to ensure perishable goods go rotten or lose potency as they wait for a new ferry, multiple minor detours adding up to cutting deeply into their profits, and so on. Sabine can hire agents, and utilize old ones that she still has access to. So long as the conflict doesn't spark into anything heavier, there is no reason to worry about damaging anyone who doesn't deserve it. Then, begin extending tendrils of control and other goods offered through various means that challenges the monopoly as it flails. Cost: 1,000. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Process of destroying House Geisen's domination of the perishable goods, apothecarial, cosmetics, etc. trade in the Northern Empire begun. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Success: 65%
Corporate Espionage - Geisen: House Geisen runs generally perishable goods, which is an eminently profitable endeavor. Things that don't last long can easily become incredibly valuable. They are also major producers and traders of various apothecarial and herbalist goods, including medicinal items and cosmetics. They've managed to essentially dominate the trade of all such goods throughout the north of the Empire, from Middenland to Ostermark, but it is time for that to end. They have been poking at you for far too long. This, then, is a battlefield that you may not know, but Sabine does intimately. If you wish to be subtle about it, especially so, you could begin propping up competitors. The thing about monopolies, Sabine notes, is that if one does not take care, the establishment of one can often step on quite a few hands. She would prefer taking those hands and pulling them up with – but always beneath – her own companies and trade concerns, but the issue with that method is that it cuts into net profits for the person at the top. Something House Geisen clearly did not care for. Begin propping up the little folk crushed down, and trouble for House Geisen will follow. Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Goods Producers/Traders. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Geisen dominance of markets begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 50%
Corporate Warfare – Rutger: If House Rutger falls, a vital pillar to House Geisen and House Weiss collapses underneath them. It is Rutger that transports their various goods, by wagon and boat, with merchant trains bearing the Rutger name or at least being subordinate to it present all across the North of the Empire. Rutger itself does not actually make its money on anything other than transport. But oh, do they transport. They transport all over the place, and have crushed numerous smaller coaching and wagon companies, on other occasions simply appearing soon after their competition 'suffered numerous unforeseen accidents'. Things like the wagons just never arriving. They are brutal and thuggish, on the face of it at least, and have to be in order to organize transport through the deadly world that you all live in, facing off not just against corporate competitors but beastmen, bandits, greenskins, and all sorts of other things as well. Still. It's time they begin suffering 'unforeseen accidents' back, which in turn would viciously harm the income of Weiss and Geisen seeing as they exclusively use Rutger Transporting. Cost: 1,000. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Sabotage of Rutger Transporting harms income of all three members of Tri-Claw Compact. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Tri-Claw Compact Assets Does Affect Trade.
Corporate Espionage – Rutger: If House Rutger falls, a vital pillar to House Geisen and House Weiss collapses underneath them. It is Rutger that transports their various goods, by wagon and boat, with merchant trains bearing the Rutger name or at least being subordinate to it present all across the North of the Empire. Rutger itself does not actually make its money on anything other than transport. But oh, do they transport. They transport all over the place, and have crushed numerous smaller coaching and wagon companies, on other occasions simply appearing soon after their competition 'suffered numerous unforeseen accidents'. Things like the wagons just never arriving. They are brutal and thuggish, on the face of it at least, and have to be in order to organize transport through the deadly world that you all live in, facing off not just against corporate competitors but beastmen, bandits, greenskins, and all sorts of other things as well. Still. They crushed a lot of companies to get their way, to make their brand, forcing independent ship captains off their beloved vessels, tearing down smaller coach companies, mysteriously showing up after a fire has destroyed the warehouse where the transport wagons were being stored to offer to buy them out, and so on. Many of those people, or their very angry children, are still alive. If someone were to fund these smaller groups, and help protect them, the utter dominance of Rutger would be thoroughly shaken. Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Transport Companies That Will Begin Damaging House Rutger Dominance. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Rutger dominance of northern transportation begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Rutger Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 65%
Weighty Weiss: House Weiss is a conglomerate which has essentially become the overarching trade group that one is forced to go to in some measure or another in the north. Furniture, clothing, vehicles, raw materials, these are just the start. They have fingers and controlling interests in the trading of basically all goods not included in the banner of the 'perishable' or 'soft' goods of House Geisen. As such, they technically make the most money out of the entire Tri-Claw Compact by dint of sheer control of so many separate categories. Even if certain things are not traded by their merchants directly, you can be assured that others selling things into the north are incredibly likely to, knowingly or not, aid in increasing House Weiss' coffers. Whether because the House commands the middlemen, are the middlemen, owns the parent company or has a controlling interest at the least, and so on. One cannot simply begin trying to prune out all of their traders, their storehouses, and so on. It would irreparably damage the economy not just for the Northern Trident, but likely could have knock on effects in Hochland, Middenland, hell, other parts of the Empire too. They are a giant too big to hack at the knees of. Sabine, however, has admitted that there is one way she can think of to challenge them – to make a giant of your own. It would not be easy, or fast, but if you give her the permission to do so, she can attempt to overtake them, starting in Ostland. Out of deference to you, and an effort to at least try and keep any potential blowback off of the Hohenzollerns, it would be under the name of the Nassau, already known to be a mercantile family that is growing more integrated into the north. On the positive side, she would be making use of House Nassau funds and resources rather than solely draining upon the Hohenzollern treasury. It wouldn't be, in the end, something that would suddenly make your own treasury explode. The point is to reduce Weiss, by challenging them in the markets directly and indirectly. Cost: 0. Time: Unknown. Reward: Nassau Family begins Mercantile War For Control of Northern Trident Markets, eradicating House Weiss Influence in Northern Trident.
Personal: God's above, your family has been through too much. (Choose 3):
Engineering Aid: While you are not technically accredited by the school you founded, your engineering knowledge is undeniable, even if you started a bit later than others. And, frankly, it is perhaps time that you put that knowledge to use. Not just for yourself, minor projects and the like, but with the big things. Actually enter the College, ensure that you are visible and participating in the research and development, which in turn will both hopefully help out the actual projects ongoing there, while also ensuring a positive relationship with all of those scholars and educated folk. Many of them might go on to just take on other lucrative scholarly positions, only some have the right grit for the army, but either way, there's likely some benefit to associating with them. And they with you! Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: +20 To One Research Action's Roll This Turn thanks to Masterful Engineer+Blacksmith traits.
A Little More Conversation: You have a Handmaiden of the Everqueen wandering around Ostland as a semi-unofficial ambassador, informant, and general roustabout. Sadrina is pleasant in conversation and utterly deadly in battle. A thought came up between you and Natasha as you were musing about nothing one night. You've learned Kislevite to converse with your wife and understand the insults of her enemies in Kislev. You took up a bit of Bretonnian after making Roland's acquaintence. You're absolute shit at Classical, let alone most modern Tilean and Estalian, and are fluent in Khazalid for rather extranormal reasons. What Norscan words you know are mostly insults. Why not add another to the list? It might help you understand the insults and sneers better, and let you respond in turn. Of course, learning a language as complex as Eltharin, let alone Fan-Eltharin, will not be quick or simple. Especially with just how many meanings each damn character can represent. But, after an idle question, Sadrina offered to teach you, as it would be a way to occupy her time. Also she's apparently fascinated by Imperial-accented Eltharin. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Exceedingly Rudimentary Foundation Of Eltharin, Language of the Elves, Positive Opinion On Part of Sadrina.
Imperial Fighting Patronage: Sabine has announced that the first Grand Arena of the Imperial Fighting League has just finished construction, as an addition to the already monolithic structure of a gambling house she bought out years ago. It rests in the Old City, having bought out and demolished a few other buildings around it so that it could fully expand properly. There is all manner of gambling there, with card and dice and various other board games being played for cash, as well as singing, dancing, and drinks. It sits only a short distance away from several inns that Sabine also owns. The arena, however, is a new expansion from the building, stretching more than three floors upwards, and is large enough to fit twenty thousand inside, while featuring multiple fights at once or one single main event match. She apparently consulted dwarf engineers on the acoustics. Which is…quite ambitious. On the other hand, it's the promise of being able to partake in pit fighting like everyone has for thousands of years without having to furtively huddle in a basement or move from place to place. It is legal, it is open, and though there are a few more rules than usual, Sabine has been working for years on this project to make it work. It would be the first major transition from the smaller fighting throughout the city, to a proper centralized location. It would really, really help her out, she says, if the Elector Count would attend the grand opening and first exhibition matches. All you would have to do is sit in one of the 'VIP Boxes', which are private, closed off, and furnished to Sabine's standards, but visible through high quality Tilean glass windows by the audience below. While she's sunk the majority of her own funds and work into this, you will gain some of the profits from it thanks to the shares in the company you possess. Though the funds you've gotten so far are not too much compared to other things, this could change that – while also further adding to the economy of Wulfenburg in the long run. Entertainment might not be as directly valuable as more crops, but diversifying income streams is vital in its own way, or so Sabine says. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Considerable legitimacy given to Imperial Fighting League, increased IFL income.
Tutoring The Herd: It's time that you began spending more time with your grandchildren. Of all of them, only young Frederick is about ready for the sparring that the rest of the family partakes in. But the rest, possibly, could do with a bit of teaching from you. More than just in passing, actually make an in-depth concerted effort at it. It's one thing to idly discuss what they would do in a fight, tactics, etcetera, but there's more to fighting than just the brain. Obviously you aren't going to be knocking them around the place, they're children after all. Nothing that should require a Jade Wizard or a priest for, anyway. It could end up beneficial for them. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Chance for younger Hohenzollern Herd members to gain Martial Traits. Chance of Success: 65%
Studying The Past: The Gold Wizards are very, very specific about the jobs they do, and what they are being paid for. They are meant for combat, and combat only, without the more general 'aiding' aspect that the Jade Wizard are more comfortable with. But you've had a thought. You don't actually know that much about the blade that Arthur wields, the one recovered from the false Wulfenburg that Zacharias built.
Night's Razor is the size of a zweihander, but is midnight black, magically enchanted, and curious all the more for its place of origin. There is also the strange necklace that Natasha bears, which seems to enhance her magical strength in battle. You could see if the Gold Wizards, with their penchant for examination and study of such things, at least from what you've seen thus far, and see if they could spend some time doing so. It will cost, though, as it remains outside the current limits of the contract they negotiated for. Cost: 1,500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Gold Wizards study
Night's Razor and power necklace. Chance of Success: 70%
Urgdug Choice
Urgdug was knighted many, many years ago. He is, technically, Sir Greatbellow, though he is also technically Sir Captain Headmaster Urgdug Greatbellow Thunderbringer Daemonthumper Dragonrippa Giantbreaker Deathcheater Castleshatterer Maelstrombringer Beastcrush Overfather Monstertosser Ratsmasher Thronewielder Wormbreak Heartswallower Dragoneater Dal Bolg Tyrant Breaker Maw-Stomp Dawongr Treebreaker the Tremendously Sizable. But the former works better on most paperwork. In any case, he is the first ogre to ever be so ennobled, and you're still paying for it now with the gimlet glares of Talabeclanders from over the river. Regardless, he is a knight without a home, legally speaking. But that may be time to change. There is now a
catalogue of potential options for him, and it is up to you, as the Elector Count, to decide where House Greatbellow might set its roots.
[] Choose from the linked post [catalogue] in the above section for where Urgdug gets to have his home as befitting a knight. Further development can be done later.
Runefang Choice
Magnus, your son, is a good heir. He has proven himself in battle many times over, not just as a fighter but as a leader amongst all three of the armies of Ostland. He bears a hammer of dwarf runecraft, honorably given for his aid in Karak Ungor. Most recently, you've begun letting him take over court proceedings more and more, including an abrupt and unplanned multi-month stint while you fell into a depressive hole over Natasha's condition immediately post-Laurelorn. Everyone knows that he is your heir. But while you've let him sit the throne, make decisions of minor and major import, there is one thing that you have yet to do – wield
Brain Wounder in battle. It is more than a weapon; it is a symbol. Of power, and of trust. He's handled it in practice, in sparring, just to make sure that when the inevitable happens and you are no longer around to wield it he won't accidentally cut his head off. You could loan him the Runefang, to wield while out on patrol and in battle this year, showing all and sundry from the Middle Mountains to Salkalten to Wurzen what their one day future Elector Count will look like. This, of course, means that you won't be wielding it for the year, whatever it is you end up doing, but that doesn't mean you will be utterly useless without it.
[] Why Not?: Let him wield it properly. Cost: Frederick will not have
Brain Wounder for a year. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Magnus wields
Brain Wounder for the entire year, potent symbol of trust in your son as your heir, potent weapon for him to wield in battle.
[] Not Yet: Maybe not this year. Cost: N/A Time: N/A Reward: N/A
Jade Magister Choice
You don't know what happened to Jurgen and Ilse, only that that man and woman are not available. Carlotta and Karl, however, are willing to return to Ostland. Their fees have jumped up quite considerably, but so has their skill, power, and repertoire. Though neither of them are quite so powerful as, say, Wolfgang, who is one of the few Wizard Lords of the Jade College, both are quite a bit more than mere journeymen now. It is up to you if you hire them, however, back into Ostland.
[] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[] No
Cult of Manann Choice
This entire situation with the Cult of Manann is intolerable in the long-term. So long as the Cult of Manann is leery of you, the worse it will get. New ships will not be blessed in their creation, or they will, but it will be out of fear rather than actual religious fervor and favor, which means that it isn't really a blessing at all. The especially superstitious ship captains will not sail to Ostland, for fear that they will lose the favor of Manann. Riverine trade is unquestionably and unavoidably vital to many of your southern settlements, and to your northern coast. You did the bloody Trouser Legs Ritual, you've been tortured for three days underneath the Grand Cathedral of Sigmar in Nuln, if it makes the Cult of Manann forgive you or move past the matter, you might damn well be willing to do it. Though you haven't had any massive unnatural storms that have wiped out your ships doesn't mean that there isn't the potential for one. Matriarch Maghda Sprenger gave you a somewhat vague letter inviting you to Marienburg to discuss reconciliation in some measure or another, some matter of public display of 'submission' to the Cult, a public bowing of the head to the power and strength of Manann, something like that. You would be leery of going into the nest of vipers and rats, especially given the Tri-Claw Compact, but it just so happens that the Sword of Justice, Evangeline Hertwig, is going to be in Marienburg this year in the course of her duties of the Emperor. Now, it is entirely possible that you could simply say no, she did add in a bit of a clause at the bottom that a financial donation could help salve some wounds, but you aren't an idiot. The amount of money it would take to cover up the blood completely would be…considerable. The Ostland branch has outright surrendered their independence, if only temporarily, to the decisions of the Marienburg temple. Sabine, coming at the problem from an entirely different perspective, says that if you could somehow get the Marienburg temple and the Matriarch on your side, you could potentially try to put pressure on House Rutger, dealing some damage to the Tri-Claw Compact. It hasn't come to a head yet, aside from the initial shock, but Hagrid reports that it is already starting. Fewer ships are willing to dock, meaning belts are beginning to tighten. It hasn't really tipped over the cliff yet, but 'yet' is the operative word. For goodness sake, major portions of your cannon and handgun
and alcohol sales throughout the Empire requires traveling along the waterways for significant portions of the journey.
[] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly. Deal with this problem once and for all, lest the tension end up utterly ruining your water-based economics and the lives of tens of thousands in Ostland who rely directly on it. This needs to be solved, one way or the other, definitively. Cost: N/A. Reward: Marienburg Interlude(s)
[] A Soggy Sop: It won't solve things in the long run, but it might be enough of a display to the rest of the Empire that on the face of it they'll think things are being reconciled enough that ships might start coming more regularly again. Hopefully. It should work, for a while at least, until people realize that the Cult hasn't
actually reconciled anything. Cost: 5,000. Reward: Temporary trade income increase.