This is my plan for what I'm going to be voting for, I think. Calling it "Manann, take the wheel!
[] Plan: Manann, take the wheel!
[] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
[] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires
actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
-[] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (Write-In How Many If Any/Which Greatships) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
-[] Give all 5.
[] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
Triton's Fury: A traveling temple-ship of Manann, practically the size of a Greatship, but its structure has been given far less over to battle than to making a mobile living space for its crew of Sea-Born. [Most Dangerous/Extreme Appeasement/Approval Gain]
I fully expect for Maghda to keep some, perhaps even all!, of the Greatships in Ostland and defending its coastline.
Furthermore, she'll crew them with the most elite and devout of the Cult of Manann. Which means not only will we have the finest crews on our finest flagships... But that our navy will see that they are sailing alongside Manann's finest and most blessed. And THAT will be a hell of a sign to them! A hell of a morale boost, and a hell of a way to calm and reassure them.
Finally, donating 5 Greatships to the Cult of Manann on Maghda's say-so? That will be a right kick in the pants against the merchants in Marienburg. Maghda will have a lot of prestige and confidence from this. Furthermore, she'll be more likely to like us, and so we might be able to cooperate or coordinate with the Cult of Manann, when it comes to coastal stuff and ship stuff.
The favor of the Matriarch of the Cult of Manann is not to be underestimated.
The maximum Keelhauling... Is because I want the people to be satisfied with seeing
how serious and willing to show personal repentance and responsibility Frederick is. This will not just calm the masses though, but also the angry priests. Furthermore, we have a Jade Wizard
and the Light of Summer. We have a lot of assurance here.
In short: I see this options not merely or not just as a cost or sacrifice... But also a huge opportunity. An opportunity to
show everyone back home that, yes, Manann has been appeased. That Manann approves of them continuing to sail and bless ships.
This is not politics (or not "just" politics), this is also for the good of our people. All of them.
And if we
can bear the burdens and the costs of this... Then, why
not pay them and take them? Frederick is greatly positioned to withstand the keelhauling. And Frederick is able to give a great and new gift to the Cult of Manann, in the form of an entirely new ship.
Hell, if we manage to get the favor of the Cult of Manann, and Maghda's favor, then they'd probably be willing to help bless the Lighthouse of Salkalten too.
And to bless the
new Greatships that we will be making to
replace the ones we will be giving away.
So: I see this as both the right thing to do (in the sense of "something that will help and reassure and protect all our people back home") and an opportunity too.
And the fact that the cost is one we can afford to pay. The cost being risk, and the giving away of ships that will probably be used to protect us anyway.
And the potential gains -- even if we don't see some kind of mystical gains from Manann? that's okay, that's fine -- as good too; having great crew on Greatships, sailing the Sea of Claws and defending the Empire's north coasts? That's a boon. To all of the Empire, not just Ostland.
I am off the opinion 3 is too much. Going maximum overkills is likely to leave both the heart of summer drained, Adira drained and/or Us down for the count for a while. I'm thinking second most dangerous at the MOST for keelhauling and at most 2 ships, along with of course burning the two dark elven vessels. The harder we go, the more likely we need to undercut the meaning of the keelhauling by needing healing to survive it as well. being a try hard who is clearly trying to hard to get back on Manaan's good side rings of insincerity.
I disagree actually -- I think we will be recovered in mere days at most/worst. Because, like, the Light of Summer recharges in hours I think. I think it's totally worth going all in.