2317.Q2 - The Snakepit

News of the arrival of an Ambassador from the Harmony of Horizon to the Starbase at Rigel was one of the two main talking points at Council. Their Ambassador arrived on a lightly armed science cruiser that shows sign of being at least the Federation's technological equal, and likely ahead in a few areas. From what the FDS was able to discern, Horizon is a large and powerful polity. They have a policy of uplift for pre-warp cultures, and they say that it was an uplift gone wrong that led to their unfortunate history with the Tauni. Despite their best intentions, Tauni dissidents began to take violent action. The Captain of the vessel faced by the Courageous was one who lost family in one of the terrorist actions of the Tauni separatists, and this tragically escaped the bureaucracy's notice so he was unable to get the proper help. They deeply regret the incident and have en route compensation for the lost auxiliary ships to the Tauni government via Starfleet, as well as compensation for any harm that befell members of the Courageous' crew.

The Tauni for their part are full of warnings about the ability of Horizon's ambassadors to spin straw into gold, and that the real reason they withdrew was almost certainly to work their non-violent takeover methods from a position where their necks weren't on the line.


The Moratorium declared on addition of new members to the Federation is over, and there is a considerable debate on who ought to be approached first. The Development faction is applying the brakes to any of the wilder proposals of mass entry, however, it is certain that at least one accession will occur this year. A number of affiliates in the intervening years have reached the point of being willing to join the Federation as Full Members.


Conclaves of Queens and High Queens came together, endowed with the will of their colony-families, and have returned to the Council the four existing Councillors.

[ ][COUNCIL] Submit a plan to the Council
(You may select any number of options, as long as you can pay the Political Will cost. You currently have four-hundred and twelve (412) Political Will to spend.


Federation Council Options for 2317.Q2
With 441pp available, a lot of options may be taken. If many projects of a similar type are undertaken (most particularly, if the Engineering resources are stretched too thin) it may cause delays in implementation.
  • NEW Request a Sweeping Tactical Review, which will clear all roles and allow them to be redefined en mass, 50pp
  • NEW Advocate for a particular Affiliate to be Ratified as a Member first, 180pp
  • NEW Push for two new members this year, 180pp
  • Request Mining Colony at 2 Curacao, 8pp, 20 (30) sr/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Fornost VII-19, 8pp, 40 (45) br/yr, 8 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Kappa Tau, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Proxima Eridani, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request development of San Francisco Fleet Yards, 14pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, 18pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Ana Font Shipyard, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Oreasa Starfleet Yards, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Intazzi Shipyards, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Lasieth Craft Yards, 8pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request Excelsior berth at a shipyard, 32pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth) [+5 for every extra 3mt berth present at shipyard past the first]
  • Request Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 11pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Utopia Planitia, 28pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Amarkia, 33pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Ferasa, 22pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Rigel, 22pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Indoria, 18pp (12 turns, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Gaen, 33pp, (12 turns, 2 x 2mt Berth)
  • NEW Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at <System), 40pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 15pp for home sectors or CBZ , 25pp for KBZ, +12pp for each Starbase past the first in-sector - GBZ Invalid
  • Reduce Militarisation Level 80pp
  • Increase Threat Level 60pp
  • Request Ongoing Budget increase 60pp (Roll for success)
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 45pp
  • Request Academy Development, 45pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Science Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
  • Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
  • Request Start of General Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 18pp
  • Request Start of Combat Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 20pp
  • Request Start of Garrison Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 20pp
  • Request Start of Science Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 10pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Can be taken up to four times]
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 30pp for Medical, 30pp for Personnel, 25pp for Explorer Corps.
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Vice Admiral position to an Admiral position. Pick one: 50pp for Shipyard Ops, 55pp for Ship Design Bureau, 45pp for Starfleet Tactical (This may create subordinate Vice Admiral positions)
  • Reorganise Starfleet Engineering Command to be a separate reporting Command that reports directly to Commander, Starfleet, 60pp
  • Sponsor efforts to create additional Critical Ship Infrastructure on another world, 50pp (Pick world)
  • Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 25% in that system when making either a parallel or serial build, provides Heavy Industry options pre-SoE, 8 turns, 115pp (pick world)
  • NEW Sponsor efforts for a Major Shipyard Preparations to pave the way for a Utopia Planitia style shipyard, 4 turns, 75pp
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1 Intel report for powers on that border. (pick border zone), 20pp
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 70pp (Gain +1 Intel Report per year)
  • Acquire additional resources to establish a Horizon Desk for Starfleet Intel, 30pp (Gain +1 Dedicated Horizon intel report)
  • Acquire additional resources to establish an ISC Desk for Starfleet Intel, 30pp (Gain +1 Dedicated ISC intel report)
  • Declare a Horizon Border Zone, 20pp
  • Declare a Seyek Border Zone (Seyek-Cardassian Border), 20pp
  • Declare a Rimward Border Zone (Dawiar border, some Caitian colonies, some Themis), 20pp

(Pick 2, top 2 vote getters will be taken)
[ ][TECH] North Apada Industrial Council (Sk 3, Starship Construction / Cruisers)
[ ][TECH] Inid Uttar Institute (Sk 3, Sensors / Propulsion)
[ ][TECH] Technocracy Interstellar Ministry (Sk 3, Diplomacy / Computing)
[ ][TECH] Kedaia Naar Institute (Sk 3, Offensive / Defensive Doctrine)
[ ][TECH] Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (Sk 3, Starbases / Minerals)
[ ][TECH] Pallas-Abat Institute (Sk 3, Warp / Cruisers)


Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 100 [Now 222]
Current Maximum Combat = 455 [Now 274] *

(Maximum Combat is a Soft cap, will gain +1 Militarisation per 5% of cap over - Each point of Threat Level adds 5% to Max Combat)

Minimum Concurrent 5 Year Missions = 4
Current Militarisation Level = 0
Current Federation Threat Level = 15 (Increased by 5 with reappraisal after discovery of new major powers)

* Will start calculating necessary discounts when you get closer to the cap

Council Objectives:
200 Science by 2321 [222] - Will count as complete next snakepit
250 Defence by 2321 [257] - Will count as complete next snakepit

Starfleet Ambitions:
Have Ambassador prototype into production by 2321
+50pp gained, counts as awarded at end of Q2

[ ][AMB] Announce new Starfleet Ambition

Federation Council:
President - Arsharra N'Gir, Development Faction

Factions -
Expansionist (Human, Andor) - 23% [Langford (Earth), Singh (Alpha Centauri)]
Pacifist (Vulcan) - 30% [Stesk (Vulcan), T'Torah (82 Eridani)]
Hawkish (Amarki) - 15% [Korielis (Tales Har), Aelanna (Leas Akaam)]
Development (Tellar) 25% [Jorth (Tellar), Sadek (Atatan)]
Mercantile (Rigel) 7% [Rangyad (Rigel), Meiyama (Welleck)]

[Next Elections - (2318) Original Four, (2319) Rigel/Indoria]

(Species listed in brackets are principal backers, not exclusive membership)

Current Federation Full Members:

Pending Ratification

Current Federation Affiliates:
Qloathi 490/500 + 27 = 500/500
Risa 499/500 + 37 = 500/500
Kadeshi 328/500 + 25 = 353/500 - (I hope no one is expecting anything major for 300+ here)
Honiani 351/500 + 24 = 375/500
Ked Paddah 276/500 + 43 = 319/500
Yan-Ros 364/500 + 24 = 388/500
Laio 164/500 + 30 = 194/500
Tauni 245/500 + 42 = 287/500

Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Bajorians 109/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Cardassian Patronage]
Yrillians 355/100 - Affiliate Membership Internally + Externally Obstructed, but lines of dialogue opened
Dawiar 101/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Cardassian Client]
Ashidi 93/100
Gretarians 110/100 - Affiliate status blocked externally and internally, but the idea is being floated
Dylaarians 60/100
Hishmeri 64/100
Sydraxians 50/100
Lamarck 50/100
Sotaw 35/100
Licori 25/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Recently at war]
Ittick-ka 25/100 + 29 = 54/100
Lecarrens -30/100
Konen - x/100
Goshawnar - x/100

Major Powers
Romulan Star Empire - Treaty of Mars
Klingon Empire - Khitomer Accords
Cardassian Union - Treaty of Celos
Ferengi - Limited
Interstellar Commonwealth - Positive beginnings
Harmony of Horizon - Negative beginnings
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2317.Q2 - The Snakepit - Results
[X][TECH] Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (Sk 3, Starbases / Minerals)
[X][TECH] Inid Uttar Institute (Sk 3, Sensors / Propulsion)

[X][AMB] Announce new Starfleet Ambition: Maintain a strong Forward Defense.
- (Complete at least six Forward Defense technologies, put a Starbase in every Border Zone, and complete the first slide of Foreign Analysis Research for both the Harmony of Horizon and the Klingon Empire.)
- FD "technologies" means 6 full slides.

[X][COUNCIL] 2317 Snakepit – Intelligence and EC Reorg
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Ashindi]
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Sydraxians]
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp [Foreign Analysis/Xenopsychology]
  • Request Mining Colony at Fornost VII-19, 8pp, 40 (45) br/yr, 8 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at 2 Curacao VII, 8pp, 20 (30) sr/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Kappa Tau, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Proxima Eridani, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Academy Development, 45pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request development of Utopia Planitia, 28pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth)
  • Request Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 11pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Lasieth Craft Yards, 8pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Reorganise Starfleet Engineering Command to be a separate reporting Command that reports directly to Commander, Starfleet, 60pp
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. (25pp for Explorer Corps.)
  • Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1 Intel report for powers on that border. (Klingon Border Zone), 20pp
  • Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 70pp (Gain +1 Intel Report per year)
  • NEW Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at Ferasa), 40pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth)
Total: 409pp

Total Cost 409 PP

Council Sessions Preparing
Determination on Invitations to Accession

Council Reporting

Ship Design & Refit Projects


Colonies Commenced
Mining Colony at Fornost VII-19, 8pp, 40 (45) br/yr, 8 turns
Mining Colony at 2 Curacao VII, 8pp, 20 (30) sr/yr, 4 turns
Mining Colony at Kappa Tau, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
Mining Colony at Proxima Eridani, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns

Shipyard Expansions Commenced / Complete
Request development of Utopia Planitia, 28pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth) - ETC 2318.Q2
Request Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 11pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build] - ETC 2318.Q4
Request development of Lasieth Craft Yards, 8pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build] - ETC 2318.Q2
Request new Auxiliary Shipyard at Ferasa), 40pp, (12 turns, 1x2mt, 4x1mt Berth) - ETC 2320.Q2

Installations Commenced / Complete
Starship infrastructure is expanding on Amarkia
Starbase 13 complete at Shrantet III, KBZ - Sector command functions migrating from Tipperary to Shrantet III for now
Starbase 14 complete at Indoria, Apinae Sector

Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1 Intel report for powers on that border. (Klingon Border Zone), 20pp - ETC 2318.Q2

Starfleet Academy
Request Academy Development, 45pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput) - Come into effect next income period

Tech Teams Requested
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (Sk 3, Starbases / Minerals)
Inid Uttar Institute (Sk 3, Sensors / Propulsion)
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry (Sk 3, Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis)

(QM/N: Anyone want to save me some dough and take a crack at these logos? :V)

Starfleet Reorganisation
Starfleet Engineering Command to be designated an independent Command, reporting to Comamander, Starfleet, under a Rear Admiral - will occur by end of next year.
Starfleet Explorer Corps to be reorganised to a Vice Admiral billet - will occur by the end of the year.

Acquire additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence Gathering, 70pp (Gain +1 Intel Report per year)

Diplomatic Pushes:

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Ashidi]
Ashidi 93/100 + 29 = 122/500
Getting past the paranoia of the Ashidi was no easy task, though it helped that the Konen, for all the advantages their telepathy gave them, are a very unsettling people to be around. Not so much for the telepathically resistant Cardassians, but certainly for the rest of us. The offices of the Public Concordat are exchanging Ambassadors with the Federation, and seeking closer links. The key breakthroughs were made on trade reassurances, courtesy of veteran Vulcan diplomat Sanuk.

Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Sydraxians]
Sydraxians 50/100 + (19 / 2 = 10) = 60/100
It's not as open as hoped. The Obsidian Order is thick on the ground, the Tal Shiar is present, Yrillians are involved, there are subfactions of every faction in play and in general it is a colossal mess. That's the bad news. The good news is that although the Obsidian Order is aware of our presence, they are making no meaningful protest, at least under the Treaty of Celos. I mean, they are trying to kill us, and the operatives of Office 37 are doing their best to return the favour, but they're not making legalistic arguments. Either the Cardassians recognise that with the fall of first the Reds and then the Greens, the Sydraxian government tied to the Ashalla Pact effectively no longer exists ... or else our presence here is just considered par for the course in their mind. So far it looks like the Graduates are gaining inertia, and if we wish to push a different barrow, we may have to make some further investments.

Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commissioned in 2317.Q2:

Andor - Renaissance (NCC-2613)
Vulcan - Renaissance (NCC-2612)
Tellar - Refit [Constellation-A]
UESPA - Miranda-A (NCC-1922)
Betazed - Renaissance (NCC-2614)
Caitian - 1 Cargo Ship

Shipbuilding Operations Report

From: Commander Argrut Lannoch, Superintendent, Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1

To: Admiral Hikaru Sulu, Starfleet Command; Commodore Cergun ag Hugac, Director, Ana Font Shipyards; Vice Admiral Sirvk, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a) and United Federation of Planets Edict, as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the construction of the USS Reason (Renaissance-class Cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-2602) is complete, assessed, and ready to be presented to the Fleet Register.

CommanderArgrut Lannoch


The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have completed, namely:

USS Reason, Renaissance-class, NCC-2602 @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1

Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3601 @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 2
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3602 @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 3


The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for this quarter have commenced, namely:

Starfleet Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3713) @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 2
Starfleet Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3714) @ Lasieth Craft Yards Berth 3
Super-Freighter (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3606) to commence at Intazzi Shipyard Berth A at 2317.Q2
Starfleet Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3709) to commence at Intazzi Shipyard Berth 1 at 2317.Q2
One Freighter (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3608) to commence at Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1 in 2317.Q2


The following ships have drawn crews:

USS Spirit, Excelsior-A-class Explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2025) @ Utopia Planitia Berth A
Crewed from Standard: 6 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 5 Technician

USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A-class Explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2026) @ Utopia Planitia Berth C
Crewed from Explorer Corps: 6 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 5 Technician


Starfleet Spacelift Command, Starfleet Logistics Command

14 Cargo Ships
4 Freighters
[128 Small Cargo, 68 Bulk Cargo]

Deep Space Division, Starfleet Engineering Command

6 Engineering Ships
[18 Special (Engineering), 12Sm, 12 Bk Cargo]
9 Cargo Ships
6 Freighters

Starfleet Colony Command

6 Colony Ships
4 Prospectors
[36 Special (Colony), 16 Special (Prospecting)]
2 Civilian Ships

Spacelift Division, Starfleet Security Command, Starfleet Tactical

2 Passenger Ships
4 Civilian Ships

Squadron 4, Transport Division, Starfleet Intelligence Command

6 Civilian Ships

Starfleet Hospital Ship Command, Starfleet Medical Command

5 Hospital Ships


Ked Paddah have reached 300+ Diplomatic Relations
Homeworld: Paddah
- Provides: 25br, 15sr, 5rp, 5pp, 0.45 Officer, 0.55 Enlisted, 0.55 Technician
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Ked Paddah Starbase [Starbase I], Central Fleet Yards (1x2500kt, 1x1000kt), Repair Yards (2x1000kt)
- Local Currently: 4 Aggadah Battleships, 4 Egillah Battleships, 11 Orah Frigates, 5 Almud Frigates
- Merchant Marine: 18 Civilian Ship, 23 Cargo Ship, 18 Freighter, 2 Passenger, 4 Engineering, 3 Prospector, 2 Colony Ship, 2 Hospital Ship, 1 Research Cruiser, 2 Super-Freighter

Major World: Adad Bande
- Installations: Shipyard (1x2500kt, 2x750kt), Outpost I
Major World: Ashira
- Installations: Shipyard (2x750kt), Starbase I
Major World: Gad
- Installations: Shipyard (1x1000kt), Starbase I
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Captain's Log - 2317.Q2.M1
Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26328.4 - Captain Larai Leaniss

Strange request has come in, from the Council this time. Councillor Hiar Voluniel, the Expansionist who represents Amarkia itself, has asked for the Tarrak to visit the Senate at Lironh. There's something rotten in the Senate, he believes, and he would like someone with some experience in that world to go see on behalf of the Federation.

This will be my first time seeing Lironh after the bombing. I'm not sure how I'll react when I see it.


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 26329.2

An investigation of energy fields that permeate the Anak Peninsula, which is part of the small nebula that many Yrillian corsairs attempt to use to access Federation space undetected, has been very fruitful. With the help of the USS Gale, we were able to push tachyon washes through the local parts of the nebula and get a better sense of tracking subspace wakes through the area.

[Gain +10rp]


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 26329.7 - Captain Vol Chad

With the Hishmeri situation a little quieter, we have left the Ataami with the holding force, and the USS Kumari's capable hands. The Atuin has just arrived to meet the Lamarck again. The FDS would like us to spend more time discussing the galaxy around them, as well as stressing the importance of having the voice of the whole planet heard as they start to branch out.


Captain's Log, USS Endurance, Stardate 26330.1

A peculiar geographical feature in the Perdis system was suspected to contain large stocks of exotic materials. However, further surveying has revealed nothing.

[No gain]


Captain's Log, USS Reason, Stardate 26330.4

Diplomatic and trade links between the Seyek and the Ashidi have been forged following the Treaty of Hacitorus being signed by both parties, with Starfleet and Federation diplomats helping to facilitate the meeting. There is some interest in the Ashidi taking on a protectorate status with the Seyek, as their position (-6f) is very vulnerable.

[Gain +25 relations with Ashidi, gain +5pp, Seyek-Ashidi trade links forged]


Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26330.8

Years of work still can't hide the scar of the bombing. The radiation has been dealt with, but there's still a strange smell on the air that never used to be there.

In the same way, there is a smell to the Senate's dealings. There's something twisted at work here. I think it's been missed in the frantic work to reforge the fleets of the Confederacy of Amarkia. And that work has been fierce - I saw the bones of the new Riala-A in the Arsenal as we came into orbit. I need to find some of my old allies and find out what is happening.


Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 26331.3

I daresay, our approach to diplomacy is not likely to appear in any official playbook for the FDS, but our green-maned friends are responding to it.

Sure, these guys may party a lot, but if the Risans can handle a world government, the Lamarck will do just fine.

[Gain +25 with Lamarck, advance Lamarck political development]


Captain's Log, USS Pathfinder, Stardate 26331.7

The Betazoid government and the Gaeni technocracy have hosted a summit at Ollasa IV to develop deeper ties, including advanced trade and increased cross-border awareness and media take-up.

[Gain +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26332.2

We had thought the Cardassian sympathisers had been rooted out before the accession to the Federation, but it seems not. A cell was hiding nestled in the bosom of the Amarkian state, as Senators and their staff, who were working to weaken the state's ability to support the current development. The economic ramifications could potentially have spread to other neighbouring partners, even potentially to threatening Tellarite post-scarcity.

I'm sick at heart to see them, but I'm furious to know they act so brazenly so near the reclamation zone bombed by Cardassian-aligned Syndicate agents. The Gendarmes have arrested many, and the political scandal is rocking Amarkian society to its core.

[Gain +15pp]


Federation Broadcast Service

Reports from the Council suggest that there is a deadlock regarding accessions. The Expansionists and Pacifists are pushing for bulk accessions, starting with Caldonia, but fall three votes short of a majority. The Hawks are advocating for single accession, and the Seyek preferably. The Development and Mercantile factions, meanwhile, are set upon the Orion Union.

Dr Phaniel sh'Innith of the Interstellar Politics Think Tank in New York spoke with FBS News and said that the most likely outcome was the Hawks compromising to support an Orion accession, helped along by the Amarkian wish to remove the non-Member bubble between themselves and Ferasa.

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Captain's Log - 2317.Q2.M2
Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 26361.4 - Captain Langa Mbeki

A former Directorate science base, now a colonial town hall, on Lomay, will be the venue for the accords that should bring a close to this turbulent chapter of Caldonian history. The Odyssey and Hood are providing protection for the event, with our own Odyssey's sleek lines being kept in geosynchronous orbit. The Caldonians are great fans of the Excelsiors and this should go a long way to keeping both sides focused on the main idea: science in peace.


Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 26361.8 - Captain Maryam Ajam

We are approaching an installation in deep space - the best guess of our science officers is that it was once part of a solar system before a gravitational perturbation sent it out on an escape trajectory, until it ended up here. It is vastly old, and as well made as it was originally, it has clearly seen better days. The many, many years have weighed on it, but there is still a flicker of power, if only a spark compared to the vast output that our sensors show it must once of had.

It is not a mighty fastness, being perhaps the size of a Federation Outpost, but you still get a sense of wonder as you look at it and consider the long-dead hands that built it. It feels at once alien, yet familiar, and my Kadeshi colleagues tell me the same.

We are sending boarding teams across, while Karen Sarjan is apparently attempting to connect to the main computer, over the protests of many of her command staff.


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 26362.3

[Classified 1-A]

Starfleet Intelligence put in a call, and we are returning from unclaimed space into Sydraxian space, given cover to approach by XXXXXXXX.

[Chief of Staff's NB: He's scrubbed the mention, but it's the Concerned Citizens group and the Hasque Churnax]

We have a lead on where a key Obsidian Order outpost in Sydraxian space may have been set up, but our field intel people need some assistance tapping the signals. We will be approaching one of the subspace comms relay buoys and doing a little creative maintenance.


Captain's Log, USS Thirishar, Stardate 26362.5

A Klingon Empire envoy arrived in a civilian ship to discuss arrangements for getting diplomatic access to their interned crew. We are more than happy to assist. We've entertained a few of the Klingons aboard for dinner, including the diplomat and his staff, and heard many fascinating tales of their war with the Romulan Star Empire.

[Admiral's NB: Things have certainly come a long way since I was a young officer...]

[Gain +10pp, strength ties with the Klingons. Free War Update Report]


Captain's Log, USS Avandar, Stardate 26362.9

Someone has fouled up, and I don't envy the investigators who are going to have to piece it together. A Yan-Ros expedition was delivering a research specimen to the Rigellians, and while they prepared the holding facilities on another orbital platform, it was held at the Starbase, in parts still largely occupied by their government. It got out, and got into the infrastructure of the Starbase.

Did I mention it was disruptive to sensors?

Did I mention it doesn't require oxygen?

As Rigellians start going missing, Commodore Sinok calls in every available ship in the area, so we respond with the Selaya close behind. A visiting Honiani cruiser activated two War Plates and their security staff and constributed. A Turtleship beamed over security. Unfortunately, the Yan-Ros consider this particular creature a more easily controlled threat, and did not have a Ranger aboard. Much to the chagrin of their Captain. Recognising that this creature was more than capable of turning the engineering spaces of the Starbase into a bloody mess, we ordered all non-essentials out of the area and started sweeping. We lost two patrol teams to the creature, but we were finally able to convert the sensors to trace the effect that the creature had on the metals of the jefferies tubes, and were able to corner it and bring it down with isomagnetic disintegrators. Something I never expected to be utilising at close quarters in a Starbase.

I apologise for any unprofessionalism in this log, but I am very, very tired.

[Gain +5pp, +25 with Yan-Ros and Honiani, casualties minimised]


Captain's Log, USS Typhoon, Stardate 26363.3

A moon that has long been the subject of speculation by Caldonian scientists was surveyed, and found to bear out their suspicions. A variety of rare ores can be located there once one uses the Straak-Bergman Reassociative Analysis tool.

[Gain +20sr]


Captain's Log, USS Voshov, Stardate 26363.6

A secret Obsidian Order base was destroyed by approaching from further along the asteroid belt and free-floating a pair of photon torpedoes in the same orbital track. With sufficient time and access to the blast site, they may be able to pin it to Federation anti-matter production techniques, but we strongly believe that with the fall of both the Reds and the Blues, they will have neither time nor access. Not that they don't suspect us anyway. Office 37's teams have defended against a counter-attack on a safe house already.

However, with the destruction of the Obsidian Order outpost, we are being told that pretty much any of the remaining Red, Blue, or Green faction officers are fleeing Sydraxian space, mainly for Yrillian space, but some for Gretarian or Federation space.

With that out of the way, our diplomats have started the first meetings between the Graduates and Vanguard to establish a compromise government. It may not work, and the Sydraxians may descend into outright civil war, but we have to try.

[Gain +5 with Sydraxians, remaining Cardassian influence in Sydraxian space neutralised]


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 26363.9

The Lomay V Accords are signed and delivered, with promises of representation in the Directorate for leading groups among the ostracised scientists, more open and transparent peer review processes, and a variety of other measures. Stability has been achieved.

This has been the work of millions, and I have played only a small part in it. But I do not think there has been a prouder moment in my life since I donned this uniform. This campaign of diplomacy and hope has cost me a personal tragedy, but for the billions of Caldonians caught in what could have been a vicious cycle, Starfleet has come through.

[Gain +15pp, an effective end to major dissident action in Caldonia]

[Chief of Staff's NB: You're never going to believe this, but I have a personal note of thanks here from the head of the Diplomatic Service]


Captain's Log, USS Stargazer, Stardate 26365.9

A device has been retrieved from the outpost, one that Karen knew was there, though she had trouble communicating that to anyone. Her mind is ... muddled somewhat. Working with the Preserver's AI has cleared her thoughts somewhat, but she still has a ways to go. The device is, surprisingly for Preserver technology, relatively easy to duplicate, and we are sending details back to the Federation. It provides an effective means for synthesising a number of ultra-rare components used in shield and sensor assemblies

Unfortunately, the drain on the power systems removed the last protections on the reactor, and the preserver outpost immolated itself. We were frustrated by this, but Karen tells us that it was important to do according to the Preserver database. We can only go along with what she says here.

[All Federation members and affiliates gain +10sr/yr income]

Captain's Log - 2317.Q2.M3
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 26388.2 - Captain Sabek

We are in orbit around the human colony of Tanner IV, which is reporting a peculiar problem. Apparently there is some microbe or organism that is passing from person to person and inventing memories. We're not sure if it is to an intelligent purpose, or if it is simply drawing from a jumble of existing memories to make new ones.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 26388.8 - Captain Samyr Kanil

A distress call from a team of scientists examining some of the remains of one of the Licori Mentat's macro-organism incubators has us on the move. I am loathe to stretch the Sarek's legs again so soon after refit, but after reviewing such details as were recovered from the Suvek, I am equally loathe to delay on anything related to those creatures.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 26389.2 - Captain T'Rinta

We identified a supply of heavy ores under the surface of a highly compressed moon that had seemingly formed under variable high gravity. In order to crack the tightly bound outer layer, it was necessary to utilise a photon torpedo with a stellocene jacket to irradiate parts of the surface to allow sampling equipment to get through the surface.

[Gain +35br]


Captain's Log, USS Zephyr, Stardate 26389.7

A set of ancient Tkon ruins has been unearthed on a kuiper belt object of Klivvar Proxima. It was far enough out that it was not picked up on a few generations of scanning, which is the only theory that can be brought to mind as to why the Tkon made this installation. We ourselves only discovered it when leaving Klivvar Proxima on a peculiar course trying to intercept a Sydraxian civilian ship.

[Gain +10pp, +10sr]


Captain's Log, USS Pleezirra, Stardate 26390.4

An outbreak of Tellarian Pox on the USS Cloudburst has seen us make an emergency run to render aid. Many crew members have come down with the highly contagious plague which, despite the name, will jump species easily. A hospital ship from Medical Command is en route as well, but I believe the Pleezirra's medical crew have the situation in hand. The Cloudburst has thankfully had no fatalities, though it will be returning to Beta Indi in the care of Starfleet Medical until it is fit to resume service.

[Gain +10rp]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 26391.7

After arriving at the former incubation site, we found that the scientists had nearly gotten themselves killed off. An unintentional harmonic wave that shattered much of their living areas. It was only through a stroke of genius by one of the scientists that they were able to identify peculiar properties in the crystalline structures surrounding the incubation area that would allow them to loop an annular confinement beam in a sort of "holding pattern."

We were able to secure the annular confinement beam and get the scientists aboard. As an additional boon, the cracking of the harmonic wave revealed unexpected deposits of rare materials.

[Gain +25sr]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 26392.2

Well, for a while there half the crew believed just about anything about the other half of the crew; at least, the non-Vulcan component of the crew. Our Vulcan officers were able to guide a number of confused colleagues and colonists through the ordeal, though resisting the effects of the organism required frequent meditation.

The culprit turned out to be a thin, centimetre long parasite that was able to insert itself subcutaneously into a host and interrupt their nervous system activity. If left unchecked, the end results could be fatal. However, a way to identify and remove the parasites were detected, and by modifying the preferred food of their normal symbiote animals, we have been able to devise a system to keep them away from colonists in future.

[Gain +20br, +5pp]

2317.Q2 - Steering Committee

Starfleet Intelligence Command - Steering Committee


Cardassian pressure has eased off considerably over the last couple months. First the Sydraxians give them a very urgent situation to pay attention to, then many of their sources fall silent there and in Amarkia. The Obsidian Order is reeling under the reversals. Naturally, this just makes me paranoid about where they will return. Lecarre activity likewise has been quiet, though I still believe that is down to wariness surrounding the Hishmeri Septs who only recently passed them by.

Our operations with the Voshov and SS Slipper are proceeding smoothly in Sydraxian space. If the environment continues to grow more permissive, I may load up additional assets with the Hummingbird and increase our presence there. The recent budgetary increases to our operations forces are providing me with more ability to deploy forces like this.

Vice Admiral Scott Linderley, Director

[This message will self-delete in 10 seconds]


[Remember, as always, this vote is non-plan, just vote the options you want to see]

(Pick Two Cardassian Tactical Reports due to Tier 2 Analysis, bonus rolled failed)
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Ship Analysis Report - Write in class
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[ ][CARD] Cardassian Fleet Strength Report

(Pick One Romlan Tactical Report)
[ ][ROM] Romulan Ship Analysis Report - Write in
[ ][ROM] Romulan Shipbuilding Report
[ ][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[ ][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

(PIck up to six General Intel Reports)
[ ][REPORT] What would you like to see reported on?
[ ][REPORT] Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report
[ ][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[ ][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[ ][REPORT] <Any> Diplomatic Posture Report

[ ][REPORT] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[ ][REPORT] Klingon New Battleship Early Report
[ ][REPORT] <Any> Fleet Strength Report

[ ][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: <Write in Ship to try to get profile>
[ ][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: <Write in Power to get current build details and possibly resource levels>

[ ][REPORT] <Any> Tactics Report (2% combat bonus vs this fleet for 12months)

[ ][REPORT] GBZ: Pick a faction to gain an estimate of fleet strength in the GBZ
[ ][REPORT] GBZ: Determine what projects other factions are up to

[ ][REPORT] Write in other Question
(QM/N: As always, bear in mind what SI will be able to access or determine)
2317.Q2 - GBZ
Admiral Sulu,

After their defeat at 24 Enio, the Cardassian fleet has pulled back. However, their science ships are running intense sensor sweeps of the area, and we are picking up faint subspace tracks in different areas. I suspect that what the Cardassians have been unable to achieve through their fleet, they will attempt to achieve through the Obsidian Order. I have requested of Starfleet Intelligence that the SS Appleseed move to shield our forces from hostile infiltration, including the colony worlds.

Operating at the end of a logistical line means I am loathe to issue orders to unnecessarily increase shield use, but it may be required until we gauge the threat posed by Cardassian assets.

We can also confirm that there is at least one Konen capital operating within the Gabriel Expanse now.

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Sector Command, Gabriel Border Zone


Ongoing Projects

Starfleet Engineering Team - Building mining colony of 29 Miele V - ETC 2317.Q4
Starfleet Colony Team - Building mining colony on 29 Miele V - ETC 2317.Q4
[29 Miele V station complete]
[41 Miele IV Mine Colony complete, 25 (30) br/yr gain]
[Planning to work on 29 Miele V SR Mine Next]

Amarkian Engineering Team - 10 Miele V Mine Complete
Amarkian Colony Team - 10 Miele V Mine Complete
[Outpost I constructed at 10 Miele]
[10 Miele V mine complete]

Apiata Workerbee Team - Developing Mining Colony on Apruzza IX - ETC 2317.Q3
Apiata Colony Team - Developing Mining Colony on Apruzza IX - ETC 2317.Q3
-Apiata Task Force- Defending Apruzza (33 Dorsata)
[Apiata Mining colony on 2 Dorsata is operational]

Caitian Engineering Half-Team - Preparing Logistics Station - ETC 2317.Q4
Caitian Colony Team - Developing Mining Colony - ETC 2318.Q2
Caitian Task Force - Defending 23 Firefly

Key: (This Quarter / Last Quarter / Next Quarter) - Results of Last Quarter

USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector (- / - / -) - Holding
USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector (- / - / - ) - Holding
[30sr collected]

Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304 (- / - / -) - Holding
Forager Onzala, NCC-3302 (- / - / -) - Holding

CAS Ipoor, Prospector (- / - / -) - Holding

CSS Narhana, Prospector (22 Firefly / 5 Firefly / 16 Firefly) - 5 Firefly - Class M world, 2xSR mines (1 on the class M, the other 10sr), 50br pickup

[Caitians looking to trade development rights to the Class M planet here - UESPA leading interest]


Starfleet Intelligence Estimates courtesy of SS Appleseed
Cardassian Exploration of Enio subsector (2g) - 75% complete
Cardassian Exploration of Gabriel Cluster Core (2h) - 100% complete
Cardassian Exploration of Gabriel Cluster Rim (1h) - 100% complete

[Known to have at least 1 Starbase in operation at 67 Gabriel

Dylaarian Exploration of Dayan subsector (4h) - 100% complete
Dylaarian Exploration of Opal subsector (4g) - 75% complete

Konen Exploration as yet unknown

Starfleet Intelligence Signals Intercept Addendum
Fleet traffic believed to be using protocols we affiliate with the Konen fleet has been picked up within the Gabriel Expanse.

Known Systems of Interest

Collie (Starfleet)
41 Miele IV (Starfleet)
Sguirri (Apinae)
Tal Hanar (20 Miele) (Amarkia)
Apruzza III [33 Dorsata] (Apiata), 20sr/yr mine site
Apruzza IX [33 Dorsata] (Apiata), 30sr/yr mine site
10 Miele V (Amarkia), 15br, 15sr mine site

(Starfleet) 41 Miele II, Class L habitable planet, 41 Miele IV Class C frozen rock with 25br/yr mine potential
(Amarkia) 3 Miele VI, 35br/yr mine
(Starfleet) 29 Baker II 15br/yr mine, 29 Baker V 10sr/yr, minor colony potential
(Amarkia) 10 Miele V, Class M Planet, 15br & 15sr/yr
(Amarkia) 10 Miele II-3 Class M moon, 10br & 15sr/yr, 2 planets with ancient ruins
(Apiata) 33 Dorsata III - Class G minor colony, 20sr/yr
(Apiata) 33 Dorsata XI - Class T Gas Giant, 30sr/yr
(Apiata) 2 Dorsata - 2x25br/yr mine <-- only 1 mine built thus far
(Caitian) 23 Firefly IV - 10sr/yr mine
(Caitian) 23 Firefly X - 10sr/yr mine
(Caitian) 23 Firefly XI - Class M, 40br/yr, 25sr/yr - Major Colony potential
(Caitian) 23 Firefly XII - Class L, 25sr/yr - Major Colony potential
(Caitian) 5 Firefly X - Class M, 30sr/yr - Major Colony potential
(Caitian) 5 Firefly XIII-1 - Class C, 10sr/yr

11 Dorsata - 25br/yr mine and 15br/yr mine available
19 Dorsata II - 10sr/yr mine site, small interest
31 Miele V-3 - 5rp/yr research colony site, difficult terrain, minor interest
38 Miele VII - Research Colony site
21 Dorsata IV - Asteroid Belt, 35br/yr mine site
30 Dorsata VI - 35br/yr mine site on 30 Dorsata VI (Class K colony option on 30 Dorsata III)
42 Miele V - Class M 10br & 10sr/yr


The Gabriel Sector

Starfleet Status: Normal (Can travel 1 Sq Length per 2 Weeks)
Starfleet Status within GBZ: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal

UESPA: Normal
VHC: Normal
TSF: Normal
AG: High Alert (Caldonia Peacekeeping Op)
Amarkia: Normal
Caitian: High Alert (Hishmeri)
Apiata: Normal
Indoria: Normal
Orion: Normal
Rigel: Normal
BDF: Normal
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: Minimally Chill (Hishmeri)
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: High Alert (Plague Pandemic)
Qloath: High Alert (Hishmeri)
Honiani: Normal
Tauni: High Alert (Horizon)

Sector Command Staff

Sector Commander: Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Task Force 1: Commodore Jessica Rivers
Task Force 2: Commodore
Task Force 3: Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Auxiliary: Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Apiata TF: High Queen Nerzizza
Amarki TF: Admiral Galen Toor
Caitian TF: Admirall N'shrr Anara

Commander, Collie Outpost: Commander Iftie Torbiebh
Commander, Collie Repair Yard: Captain -
-Superintendent, Berth A, Commander -
-Superintendent, Berth B, Commander -
Commander, Sguirri Outpost: Queen Pimizzieda
Commander, Tal Hanar Outpost: Commander

Commander, Starfleet Medical assets: Captain -
Commander, Starfleet Engineering assets: Commodore -
Director, Starfleet Logistics assets: Captain -
Director, Starfleet Colony assets: Commodore
Others TBD

Additional Personnel:
Collie Mining Colony Administrator:
Sguirri Mining Colony Administrator:
Tal Hanar Mining Colony Administrator:

FBS Embedded Reporter -
FNN Embedded Reporter -
High Comb Times Embedded Reporter -

Rear Admiral T'Lorel
Current Posting: Pending
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 6
Rule-Abiding: Low
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: High
Politics: Medium

Commodore Jessica Rivers
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force 1
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: Medium

Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Expanded Field Repair capacity
Current Posting: Auxiliary Command, GBZ Sector Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: High

High Queen Nerzizza
Current Posting: Commander, Apiata Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: High
Nerve: High
Diplomacy: Low
Politics: Medium

Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.

Admiral N'shrr Anara
Current Posting: Commander, Task Force Gabriel, Caitian Grand Fleet / Task Force 7, Gabriel Border Zone
Rule-Abiding: Medium
Aggression: Low
Nerve: Medium
Diplomacy: Medium
Politics: High

Sector Details
Roughly encompasses area from 4h to 1e, with outcroppings, with space above and below this plane
~15 Squares worth, each of which contains a few dozen stars, of which a quarter will have planets and other items of interest
Each power is accessing the sector from a different direction. Your staff will be attempting to surge out, claim, then retain space. Keeping a safe route for logistics for stations and nascent colonies will be important.
To start with, your commanders will have Starfleet assets and Starfleet auxiliaries. They will begin to ask for other resources, and you will be empowered by Acts of Council to pick and choose who you use to contribute.

Current Sector Policy Settings
Green Light = Fully Allowed, Red Light = Fully Denied, Yellow Light = Proceed on Own Recognizance


Apiata Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
Amarki Fleet & Auxiliary GBZ Access - Green Light
All Member World - Fleet Unit GBZ Access - Red Light
All Member World - Auxiliary GBZ Access - Red Light

Expansion - Green Light
Infrastructure Building - Yellow Light
Mining Colony Building - Yellow Light
Civilian Colony Building - Red Light

Assault on Entry Worlds - Yellow Light
Assault on Link to Entry Worlds - Red Light
Attack Opposing Auxiliary Shipping - Yellow Light

Attack Cardassian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Sydraxian Claims - Yellow Light
Attack Dylaarian Claims - Red Light

Pursuit into Cardassian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Dylaarian Space - Red Light
Pursuit into Sydraxite Space - Red Light

The Competitors

The United Federation of Planets
Entry Point into GBZ:
Delzarr (0f) <-> Collie (1f)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Sol <-> Tellar Prime <-> Amarkia <-> Leas Akaam <-> Apinae <-> Delzarr

Current GBZ Network
Collie (1f) <-> Sguirri (1f)
Collie (1f) <-> Bean's Star (1f)
Sguirri (1f) <-> Apruzza (1g)
Bean's Star (1f) <-> Tal Hanar (1e)
Bean's Star (1f) <-> 41 Miele IV (1e)

The Cardassian Union
Entry Point into GBZ:
Aranyak (1h) <-> 67 Gabriel (2h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Cardassia <-> Vedarot <-> Karadoc <-> Aranyak (1h)

Current GBZ Network
67 Gabriel (2h) <-> ???

The Sydraxian Hierarchy
Entry Point into GBZ:
Moskar(2e) <-> Deva (2e)
Moskar (2e) <-> ???

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Borandt/Dar Nakar <-> Nax Degar <-> Moskar (2e)

Current GBZ Network
Deva (2e) <-> -none-

Have effectively collapsed.

The Dylaarian Federation
Entry Point into GBZ:
Lydantic (5i) <-> Legei (4h)

Capital to Frontier Supply Chain
Dylaaria <-> Lydantic

Current GBZ Network
Legei (4h) <-> ???

Starfleet Assets supporting GBZ

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Sojourner, NCC-2010, Excelsior-A **
-USS Epiphany, NCC-2603, Renaissance
-USS Exeter, NCC-1744, Constitution-B **
-USS T'Kumbra, NCC-1659 Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Agile, NCC-1632, Miranda-A, Captain Stol
-USS Firefly, NCC-1667, Miranda-A

Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Enlightenment, NCC-2604, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Bantam, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Clarion, NCC-1663, Miranda-A, Captain Demari Iekn
-USS Intrepid, NCC-1657, Miranda-A
-USS Eketha, NCC-1655, Miranda-A, Captain Rebecca St-James

Task Force 6, Commodore Nash ka'Sharren
-USS Renaissance, NCC-2601, Renaissance
-USS Insight, NCC-2605, Renaissance
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Thomas Oriskany
-USS Bon Vivant, NCC-1621, Miranda-A, Captain Shurg kap Klasch
-USS Shield, NCC-1661, Miranda-A, Captain -
-USS Eclipse, NCC-1666, Miranda-A,

Task Force 3, High Queen Nerzizza
-Light Queenship Telzziadriz, NCC-3103
-Stinger Gerzzi, NCC-3202
-Stinger Triada, NCC-3201
-Light Queenship Pollizazza, NCC-3104
-Stinger Grizzi, NCC-3205
-Stinger Fozarri, NCC-3204
-Forager Trinzzi, NCC-3304
-Forager Onzala, NCC-3302

Task Force 4, Admiral Galen Toor
-CAS Abhriec, NCC-2203, Riala
-CAS Hebrinda, NCC-2402, Hebrinda-A (C5 S2 H3 L5 P3 D4)
-CAS Hilindia, NCC-2403, Hebrinda-A
-CAS Atorfroil, NCC-2304, Brieca
-CAS Icafroil, NCC-2302, Brieca

Task Force 5
-CAS Ilotraia, NCC-2121, Centaur-A
-CAS Tamac, NCC-2306, Calac
-CAS Socac, NCC-2307, Calac

-CAS Ipoor, Prospector

Task Force 7, Admiral N'shrr Anara
-CSS Horfa,Nirfari-class Fathership, NCC-2702
-4 Mishir-class Modern Swarmers, NCC-28xx



Auxilary Forces
-Home Stationed at Delzarr
-- Starfleet Engineering Command
--- USS Atlas, NCC-845, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Titan, NCC-844, Engineering Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
-- Starfleet Medical Command
--- USS Grace, NCC-747, Hospital Ship
-- Starfleet Tactical Command
--- Runabout Squadron 5 (Tactical Recon Squadron) - Out Exploring
-- Starfleet Logistics Command
--- USS Sidok, NCC-381, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Shri sh'Kannath, NCC-385, Freighter - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Rawhide, NCC-388, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Vega Maru, NCC-391, Freighter- Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Yagok, NCC-473, Cargo Ship - Supporting Upkeep
--- USS Luna Maru, NCC-475, Cargo Ship - Performing Upkeep
--- USS Pikri, NCC-478, Cargo Ship
--- USS Kalakandor, NCC-481, Cargo Ship - Supporting Outpost Build
--- USS Nikona, NCC-3701, Cargo Ship -
--- USS Eridani Sunrise, NCC-3702, Cargo Ship -
-- Starfleet Colony Command
--- USS Nicholas Barton, NCC-632, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 2e
--- USS Somak, NCC-635, Prospector - Exploring Subsector 1e
--- USS Altathyk, NCC-904, Colony Ship
--- USS Trailblazer, NCC-905, Colony Ship
-- Starfleet Intelligence Command
--- SS Appleseed, NC-2653, Civilian Ship

-- Apiata, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Bumblebee 1 - Performing Upkeep
--- Bumblebee 2 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 3 - Servicing Sguirri XI Trade
--- Bumblebee 4
--- Bumblebee 5
--- Bumblebee 6
--- Worker Bee 1
--- Worker Bee 2
--- Worker Bee 3
--- Worker Bee 4
--- Hasilla, Colony Ship

-- Amarkia, Home Stationed at Tal Hanar
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Freighter 2
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering
--- Super-Freighter

-- Caitians, Home Stationed at Delzarr
--- Cargo Ship 1
--- Cargo Ship 2
--- Cargo Ship 3
--- Freighter 1
--- Passenger
--- Colony Ship
--- Prospector
--- Engineering

Engineering Ships = Build and Repair Facilities
Hospital Ships = Allow responses to medical distress calls without tying down your Excelsiors
Freighter/Cargo Ships = Supply
Prospectors = Required to prepare for Colony creation
Colony Ship = Required to deliver colonists
Passenger = Required for evacuations, and major colonies
Civilian = Can be set for a number of tasks.

Example Requirements:
1 Sm per four Auxiliaries deployed
1 Sm per two Escort assigned
1 Sm per Cruiser assigned
2 Sm per Explorer assigned
1 Sm, 1 Blk per Station
2 Sm, 2 Blk per Outpost
5 Sm, 5 Blk per Starbase
Colony: Varies

Current Requirements:
1 Station (Collie) - 1S 1B
1 Station (Bean's Star) - 1S 1B
1 Outpost - 41 Miele - 2S 2B
3 Reinforced Outposts (Sguirri, Collie) - 9S 9B
1 Outpost (31 Miele) - 2S 2B
3 Mining Colony - 3S 6B
4 Explorer - 4S
4 Cruiser - 4S
8 Escort - 2S
7 Auxiliary in action - 2S

15 raw br, 25 raw sr from Collie Mining Colony - 15b/yr, 25s/yr - 25S 15B, handled as part of regular infrastructure

Apiata - 8S, 5b
50 raw br from Sguirri XI Mining Complex - 50b/yr, 1 Bumblebee (swapping Sm-0.5Bk) trip /month - Handled as part of regular infrastructure

Amarkia - 7s

13 Small, 1 Bulk Cargo
Apiata - 9 Small Cargo, 2 Bulk Cargo - Two Bumblebees atached
Amarkia - 7 Small Cargo

Total Available:
40 Small, 48 Bulk Cargo Capacity in regular Cargo/Freighter ships
48 Small, 12 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Bumblebees
36 Small, 46 Bulk Cargo Capacity in Amarkia

USS Yagok, USS Luna Maru - Upkeep
Bumblebee 3 (2 servicing Sguirri XI)

Starfleet Sector Infrastructure supporting GBZ

"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet

- Collie (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard (2x1mt), Critical Logistics Station, BR Mining Colony (+15br), SR Mining Colony (+25sr), Minefields
- Sguirri (1f) - Rein. Outpost, Mining Station, BR Mining Colony (+50br)
- Bean's Star (1f) - Station
- Tal Hanar (1e) - Rein. Outpost, Repair Yard (1x1mt), BR Mining Colony (+15br/yr), SR Mining Colony (+30sr/yr)
- 41 Miele (1e) - Outpost, BR Mining Colony, 25 (35) br/yr
- Apruzza (1g) - Station, [Mining Colony]

Apinae Sector
- Apinae (-1e) - Starbase 11 [Apinae], Shipyard, Critical Resource Hub
- Alrizzine (0e) - Outpost, Shipyard
- Delzarr (0f) - Mining Facility, Key Logistics Station, [Advanced Staging Area]

[ ] = Under Construction

Member World Assets in Sector

United Earth Space Probe Agency

Vulcan High Command

Andor Guard

Tellarite State Forces

Amarki Confederacy Fleet
1 Riala
2 Hebrinda-A
1 Centaur-A
2 Brieca
2 Calac

3 Cargo, 2 Freighter, 1 Colony+Engineer+Prospector+Passenger
1 Super-Freighter

Betazoid Defence Force

Caitian Grand Fleet
1 Fathership
4 Swarmers

Unified Hives of the Apiata
2 Light Queenships
4 Stingers
2 Foragers

6 Bumblebees
4 Worker Bees

Indorian Congress



Member World Sector Infrastructure in GBZ

UE = United Earth
V = Vulcan High Command
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarite State Forces
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoid Noble Houses
F = Caitians Grand Fleet
R = Rigel
P = Unified Hives of the Apiata
I = Indorian Congress

None as of Yet
2317.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[X][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report

[X][ROM] Romulan Ship Analysis Report - Bird-of-Prey-Replacement

[X][REPORT] Horizon Harmony Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Logistics and Deployment requirements
[X][REPORT] GBZ: Pick a faction to gain an estimate of fleet strength in the GBZ (Konen)
[X][REPORT] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: Klingon Bird-of-Prey Mark II
[X][REPORT] Klingon Fleet Strength Report

Free Klingon-Romulan War update

Shipyard Operations Report

The following ships have completed repair and refit:

USS Sappho, Constellation-class, NCC-1812, Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 1
USS Challorn, Constellation-class, NCC-1809, Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 2

The following ships have commenced refits:

USS Kearsage, Constellation-class, NCC-1811, Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 1
USS Vigour, Constellation-class, NCC-1804, Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 2


Director's Log, Ship Design Bureau, Vice Admiral Victoria Eaton

At long last, the powers of completely reckless science are at our fingertips. Why, it's just like being back on the Courageous, running into this, that, and the other all over again.

The Gaeni are joining our operations, with a team from the Inid Uttar Insitute moving into the R&D portions of Starbase 1. These upstanding sorts were responsible for the Prospecting ships used by the Gaeni, and were responsible for the sensor suites of the Tech-Cruisers. Somewhat more alarmingly, they were also responsible for the drive systems of the Tech-Cruiser...

The Henn-Makad Engineering Institute is, well, quite what it says on the tin. They have moved into Starfleet Engineering Command's new research unit compound on Mars. Well, by new research compound, that rather implies that the compound is complete. I suspect it will be rustic living out there, but on the bright side, no one to complain about anti-matter indoors.

The Technocracy's Interstellar Ministry's Department of Advanced Sapient Analysis - quite the questionable name, but they didn't ask me - will be working with our own diplo-boffins and helping out with a variety of research tasks. They will be based between Paris and San Francisco, and I'm told will continue to liaise with the Technocracy more widely.


Current RP Pool = 390pt

8pts are required to activate a Tech Team
390 / 8 = 48 rem 6

48 Tech Teams may be activated. Unused rp will carry forward to next year

The following Tech Teams require assignments:

San Francisco Fleet Yards
Andorian Academy
Capt Kuznetsova's Tiger Team
Vice Admiral Lathriss
Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division
Henn-Makad Engineering Institute (Sk 3, Starbases / Minerals)
Inid Uttar Institute (Sk 3, Sensors / Propulsion)
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry (Sk 3, Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis)

The following Tech Team assignments are carrying over:

40 Eridani A : Kepler Project
Amash Hagan : 2320s Research Centers
Daystrom Institute: Automated Ship Systems
Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems : 2320s Core Power
Office of Naval Architecture : 2320s Starship Armour
Caitian Frontier Police R&D : 2310s Personal Protection
Vulcan Science Academy : 2320s Geological Sensors
Generic Team 1 : 2310s Long-Range Sensor
Weapons Fabrication Division : 2320s Penetrating Nadions
Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team : 2310s Torpedo Development
Generic Team 2 : Primitive Phaser Arrays
Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s Long-Range Comms
Starfleet Science Academy: 2320s Decryption
Generic Team 5 : 2320s Signal Intercepts
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2320s Special Refining
All-Pyllix Geological Institute : 2310s Bulk Resources
University of Betazed : 2320s Affiliates Research
Spock : 2320s Diplomacy
Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Preventative Care
Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute : 2320s Trauma Medicine
Intazzi Team : 2320s Fusion Power
Generic Team 3 : 2310s Escort - Combat
Utopia Planitia 2320s Explorer - Science
Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : 2310s Starbase Design - Control
Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau : To Boldly Go


[ ][PLAN] Submit a Research Plan (Only changing teams need to be listed)

For an additional +10rp each, an extra Inspiration roll will be applied to a team. Up to five teams may be boosted.
[ ][BOOST] List teams to Boost

For list of tech areas and teams, please see: The State of Play - Research Megapost


Member World Coordination Office

Ships Commissioned

Amarkia - CAS Antrala, Hebrinda-A (NCC-2407)

Caldonia - 1 Caldonian Escort
Indoria - Akadi Drive Yard @ Indoria Moon [1x1500kt, 1x1000kt]
Arcadian Empire - 1 Civilian Freighter
Licori Nobles - 1 Civilian Freighter
Ked Paddah - 1 Orah

2317.Q3 - The Ballad of Hunters
"Here," offered the Sydraxian man, passing over a colourful mug with a fragrant broth within. "We call it Ikekka, the perfect thing for calming nerves."

Demora Sulu looks up from her reverie and accepts the mug, trying to keep the surprise off her face. "Thank you."

"The corridor verses tell me you actually fought the Sydraxian fleets in the past," the man says as he settles in on the chair next to Sulu. He is tall, long necked and vaguely avian, like all Sydraxians. Bright colours mark his face in the form of dyed markings, a common custom. His clothes are light and marked with braids and charms wrought like their musical scales. The godfather of the Concerned Citizens movement, his nom de guerre was Nakra Klikuchki.

"Yes, with the Republic at the battles of Lora and Deva," replies Demora, before waving a hand at the Churnax around her. "Hard times. When I fought there, I never expected that a few years later I might be travelling aboard a Hasque as a passenger."

"Indeed not, and I certainly never expected to be carrying Starfleet Intelligence," he replies. "There are many mournful notes woven together for those two battles. In a way, they kicked the edifice out from under the Hierarchy." He looks over, long neck twisting. "So you could say you were there at first verse, and you'll be here at the last verse of our great tumult."

"If all goes well," replies Demora. "If we can't secure that Kalindrax before the Red hardliners capture it this will just drag on and on."

"Or if the Vanguard don't listen to you," points out Nakra.

"Well, they must. If they don't agree to cut off the umbilical power before the Reds are ready, we'll be walking into a host of anti-intruder defences."

"So frustrating to think that the Concerned Citizens are this close, and this stubborn old brutality may still rear its head," laments Nakra. "The Vanguard and the Graduates will agree to a joint government, even to allowing participation from the Blues and Greens, such as are left... We can't let that Kalindrax leave neutral hands." He glances over once more. "You know, there are those who consider what we have done gross treason. Involving the Federation like this. But after the use and lies of the Obsidian Order, I consider this my greatest ever act of patriotism."

Demora stayed silent and sipped at the soothing, slightly sour broth.



To: Captain Kuznetsova, MCD, SEC
From: Captain Sulu, Voshov
Subject: Urgent: Crisis/Opp

Please Be Advised: Kalindrax Sdranach under construction in Ballad of Hunters Berth B, last remaining heavy construction, now complete. Had been held in position my neutral fleet skeleton crew. Information Red Assault underway to claim ship to drop Sydraxians into civil war. Ballad of Hunters shipyard heavily Vanguard, but no heavy assets in place. Hasty counter-attack now underway.


Office 20 Base Team Stats C3 S5 P5 H4 N10 - Irregular Ops
Office 30 Base Team Stats C2 S6 P6 H4 N8 - Field Intel
Office 37 Base Team Stats: C4 S5 P5 H5 N10 - Special Project Security
Security Base Team Stats C2 S4 P4 H3 N6~12 - Starfleet Security Away Team
EC Security Base Team Stats C3 S5 P5 H4 N6~12 - Explorer Corps Security Away Team

Thanks to the infusion of additional resources for Starfleet Intelligence, additional equipment has been able to be secured for these field offices.
[+1 S, +1 P to Field Intel]
[+1 C, +1 S to Irregular Ops]
[+1 C, +1 H to Special Project Security]

Cooperation with the Concerned Citizens have allowed us some important insight into the situation on the ground.
[+1 P to Office 30 and Office 20]

Captain Demora Sulu is taking in an away team personally with trusted team members. As well, her skill with diplomacy and infiltration has filtered down to her crew.
[C5 S6 P7 H7 N6]
[EC Security Base team gain +1 P]
[One Re-roll allowed]


Overall Command - Captain Demora Sulu, USS Voshov
Second in Command - Commander Antonio Hernandez, Chief, Office 37

Special Projects Security
- Office 37 - Tasked with claiming entry points on the Sdranach.
-- Team Cotton (Operators) - (C5 S5 P5 H6 N10) - Beachhead Team
-- Team Candle (Operators) - (C5 S5 P5 H6 N10) - Beachhead Team
Irregular Operations
- Office 20 - Tasked with taking key points on the Sdranach.
-- Team Green (Operators) - (C4 S6 P5 H4 N10) - Bridge Crew
-- Team Gold (Operators) - (C4 S6 P5 H4 N10) - Engineering Spaces
Field Intel
- Office 30 - Tasked with locking out controls
-- Team Ginger (Hacking Team) - (C2 S8 P7 H4 N8) - Bridge Crew
-- Team Gambol (Hacking Team) - (C2 S8 P7 H4 N8) - Engineering Spaces
Starfleet Security
- USS Voshov Security Department - Tasked with making contact with Vanguard leaders in the berth command
-- Team Red (Capt Sulu) - (C5 S6 P7 H7 N6) - Enter Berth Command zone, make contact
-- Team Blue (Lt Wycombe) - (C3 S5 P6 H4 N12) - Protect Team Red
Omake - Ship of Aeons - Simon_Jester
Ship of Aeons,
Once More, With Feeling
Chapter One

Strangers drawn from the ends of the world, jewelled and plumed were we;
She a knight of the winter race, and I was Queen of the Sea.
Under the stars beyond our stars where the new-forged meteors glow,
Hotly we stormed Valhalla, ten million years ago!


Recommended Listening: Enterprise

The night is old, and deep, and beautiful, and you are hard pressed to keep up.

There is glory and wonder, out among the farflung stars. And you cherish these stars, though it may take you long lifetimes to live up to the potential they offer. You've grown from a sailing frigate to a hypersonic glider, to a starship- your crews will learn to master the night of nights in time.

Until then, you treasure the warm sincerity of your captain. The flashes of exciting strangeness from the first alien intellects to pace your decks. The adventuresome spirit and absolute trust of a crew that's farther from home than any child of Earth ever dared to go.

Today, you approach yet another star known to your old, seaborne navigators by another name. That has changed now as your crew uses the Vulcans' ancient charts, older than yourself, nearly as old as those of the Greeks. And like so many other stars, this one has strangeness unimaginable in your past lives, when you had not yet begun to learn the wonders they might hold. Wonders such as the tight knot of curled space, now hanging off your bow.

Unexpected among your crew, the knot reacts, unfurls, untangles, harmonizing with the zones of force that propel and protect you. You are enveloped, enfolded, the universe blurring and twisting around your body. For a timeless moment the incomprehensible and anti-causal overtakes you- and then you are free!

Another ship as small and fragile as yourself might have perished, in that warping transition. But young though you are, fledgling though you be, your captain and crew already know much about Time. Perhaps more than is good for them- but you have made it through! Not only alive, but nearly unmarked. Amazed, your crew call out into the empty, silent skies, realizing that they are adrift in the long, quiet, primordial night. They confer, improvise, conjecture- and then the calls are finally answered.

Two vast presences, mightier than Andorian battlecruisers, swifter and more graceful than the great ships of Vulcan. Their songs are rich and confident, but you cannot look too closely- to try is to feel them shimmer and shift, in a way that shouts to you of Time.

Your crew, not limited by such troubles, exchange words and thoughts and amazement. And then she arrives.

Her shuttlecraft has a warm, familiar feel, its passenger more so. One of the best, a true lover of the heavens and the ships that sail it; you've known that sensation before. And yet... she is more awake to you than any you've known in many long decades. Your song coils around her, and almost she answers! You find yourself thinking wild fancies of shanghaiing. You are sure, somehow, that you will not be allowed to keep her.

Your crew gain understanding of the situation- there is a chase afoot. The stakes are everything. The future of Earth is only a fraction of it, once again. Soon you're off, tracking the enemy at flank speed, after an alien ship you know to be hopelessly, horribly beyond you. Another one of the vast, swift near-sisters accompanies you.

She could push forward to brush the time barrier almost without effort, faster even than the great Vulcan cruisers. You, meanwhile, trudge along at just past Warp Five, consoling yourself only in the knowledge that the alien is no faster. Not after the dreadful, costly savaging your newfound, enigmatic friends have given her.

You sail into battle, with her on your bridge to back your earnest crew. With one of those overpowering near-sisters at your side, another behind. The maneuvers are dizzying, the weapons nearly incomprehensible. You strive and scramble with all that you have and are. It is not as much as it should be, as you struggle to understand what is being done.

Ships appear to your senses, disappear, are armed and disarmed, are at last conjured from the void. All by sciences alien and unknown to the world that birthed you. Your best efforts- you know, at your core, that they are not what they ought to be. And yet... they are enough.

Already you can feel the details blur; the more you think about it, the more you feel them changing. As though to understand what has happened to you would be to alter what happened. You do not, you cannot, grasp the significance of all that has transpired, beyond the most basics.

But you know enough. You know, through them, through her, that the victory could not have happened without you. That your crew has transcended their time and their limitations, their mettle passing the test even if your metal did not.

You will be back, and back again, until the heavens are properly your home. A thing known, sunderstood, mastered.

Once more, you promise yourself. Once more, with wisdom.

Chapter Two

UESPA Archives said:
Captain's Log,
Earth Ship Constellation
October 2182

This is my first entry since the main computer went down. I am pleased to report that my ship is saved, but dismayed to report the apparent loss of the Federation cruiser Enterprise.

The virus in the alien derelict we had tracked to a point near the Aga Carmide system almost finished us. Our main computer core is inoperable. When we brought the backup core online, it was immediately infected despite our efforts. Happily for us, the warp core failed safe. Just as happily for us, the Enterprise was in the area on a survey mission, following up on a re-analysis of data gathered by UESPA prior to the Romulan War.

With the main subspace transceiver antenna hooked up to an improvised control system consisting of a large red button, we were able to signal the Enterprise using the Vulcan equivalent of Morse Code. Their Chief Engineer, Hensen, personally led a Starfleet technical team to assist us. Together, we were able to isolate key systems and rig them to run on localized manual control, enabling us to navigate back towards Sol at Warp Four.

I would like to state for the record that Captain T'Vin and the crew of the Enterprise deserve the highest gratitude from the United Earth Space Probe Agency.

After our repairs were complete, the Enterprise continued her own survey mission, diverting slightly to examine anomalies on a rogue planetoid we had identified shortly before contracting the virus. While she was approximately three light-days from Aga Carmide, we detected a major spacetime distortion near the Enterprise's bearing.

All subsequent attempts to contact the Enterprise failed. I ordered the Constellation back through the vicinity of her last known position to perform a search for debris or survivors. Due to our reduced sensor performance, combing the area took eight days. We found no trace of the lost ship.

Unfortunately, without the computer cores, we lacked the data storage capacity to make useful high-resolution recordings of the incident or its aftermath. I have directed that what information we have available will be relayed to Starfleet Command at the earliest opportunity.

Dust of the stars was under our feet, glitter of stars above—
Wrecks of our wrath dropped reeling down as we fought and we spurned and we strove.
Worlds upon worlds we tossed aside, and scattered them to and fro,
The night that we stormed Valhalla, ten million years ago!


You are heir, now, to alien traditions as well as those of dear Earth. Your place in the stars is understood and embraced, now. Your crew of idealists, human and otherwise, have taught you much in these last fifteen years. They were born in the days when Vulcan warred with Andorian and Tellarite sneered at Earthling. They find the new adventure, the grand design of the Federation of Planets, even more marvelous than do you- you who were born of sea-salt and timber and canvas, and had never imagined the seas you sail today.

But this sea, too, has its storms, darker and stranger than those of distant Earth. And the twisting of space and time that swallows you up now is the darkest, strangest yet.

Your frames are more than steel. Your screens of force could laugh at the lightning, ride out the nuclear blast. But against the wrath of Time, you cannot endure. You rock, whirl, twist, scream- flames and explosions tear your vitals and slay among your crew. The Vulcan is steady, cool, unshakable as she gives every right order and avoids every mistake.

And yet, you are crippled. Screaming distress calls into the void, as your crew realize with dawning horror that this is a time aeons before the dawn of any known species. Your calls go out, but there seems to be no one to answer.

And then, in an ultimate triumph of hope over logic, a ship approaches. The ship. Trim-saucered, with wide-spaced nacelles, she is nearly three times your size, handling the void with an ease you could only envy, even at your best. Like and unlike you, so similar that it becomes almost a wrongness. She seems to shimmer and twist as you look at her, and so you look away, though bursts of her joyous song ring out across the empty heavens.

For her strength and her health, and above all her happiness, you admire her- and envy her.

Newcomers! A repair party. And finally, her captain comes to you. He is not your captain, they are not your crew. He- and they- are hers, even more than the Vulcan is yours. But they are balm for your wounds, the feel of familiarity is so strong.

Their presence leaves you thinking achingly of poor fallen Hensen. That is a jagged wound, her death so cruelly abrupt and recent, the only one of your command team who truly understood you. But the new presences that walk your deck soften the pain of losses. They thrum with a vitality you can almost touch, as if they were almost your own. One, especially. A doctor's capable, soothing hands, healing your crew, healing yourself with a deft, masterful touch that stops the bleeding in your soul, though it does nothing to close the hole the fallen leave behind.

Then Time curls and twists once again, in a horribly familiar way. A new presence explodes in your midst, crashing her way into this time before history. The newcomer is larger than you, but smaller than your rescuer.

Her presence that is... alien, in a way that Vulcan or Tellarite or even Klingon ships aren't. Her song is cacophony to you, her crew a constellation of unstable, brilliantly flaming presences that swirl with facts and figures in a way that would break machines and drive mortal minds insane. With your battered sensors and reduced crew, you barely have time to fully size up the menacing, sleek, area-ruled astrodynamics of the newcomer. She leaps into savage action, assaulting the newfound sister that you dare not look at too closely.

You thought the happy ship that answered your cries was strong- and you were right, but how pitiful your standards are shown to be! Despite the alien's moderate size, her flensing beams hammer your newfound protector backward with flares of shield-light. Your weapons come online, a photonic torpedo gathering its energies-

The ravening hellfire slices into your lightly armored hull. You wish for a second chance, and perhaps it will come, if not against this foe. Once more-, you scream through the shattering of your body, wishing for the power to hold your own. -but give me strength!

After a few moments of painful dissolution, you know no more. The arms of Time reach out, and you lie down to sleep.
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