It's tied into what you get out of the Master of Orion posts.

Ah. I would may rephrase the Office 8 and Office 36 descriptions then, as they're both pretty specific.

Office 8, Starfleet Intel
[4 base, +2 Infil, can be used to provide 1 Syndicate Intel report]
[3 hp, 5 def]

Office 24, Starfleet Intel
[4 base, +1 Infil, +2 Combat]
[3 hp, 5 def]

Office 36, Starfleet Intel
[Provide 1 re-roll per Quarter, provide 1 Syndicate Intel report]
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[X][ROM] Romulan Daljerra Cruiser Report

[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[X][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: Sydraxian Kalindrax Cruisers
[X][REPORT] History and current status of the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah

Here is my argument. If we're going to start skirmishing with the Cardassians more aggressively, extra combat strength could be very useful. Romulans, well, I had to pick something from the list and getting a report on their newest cruiser seems like a good idea. As for the open reports, if we're going to war with the Sydraxians at the end of the year, understanding the abilities of their ships as well as their shipbuilding status could be very critical. I think for a war that's about to start, devoting two reports to them is reasonable.

The last report is a wildcard, but there is a war on our borders that we have been warned risks dragging in our affiliate, the Gaeni. The Gaeni have told us that if the Ked Peddah defeat the Licori then they might be next on the menu. I think it's critical to get a grip on this war before it blows up in our face.
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[ ][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
[ ][ROM] Romulan Daljerra Cruiser Report
One General on Sydraxian, One on Syndicate, not sure where we want to spend the last, maybe the Lecarre?

[][TMIR] Get a report on Cardassian political in-fighting
[][CARD] Cardassian Shipbuilding Report
[][ROM] Romulan Shipyard Report
[][REPORT] Syndicate strength and how much Impact do we need?
[][REPORT] Klingon Fleet Strength Report
[][REPORT] The relationship between the Sydraxians and the Gretarians.

[][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[][REPORT] Write-in: Cardassian view of the Federation and prospect of long term peace
[][REPORT] Write-in: Reasons for war with Klingons from the perspective of the Romulans
[][REPORT] Sydraxian Fleet Strength Report
[][REPORT] Write-in: Reasons for war with Romulans from the perspective of the Klingons
[][REPORT] Sydarxian Diplomatic Posture Report

[][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Cardassians
[][REPORT] Report on potential level of penetration of Federation institutions by Orion Syndicate informants
[][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[][REPORT] Report on Orion Syndicate bases of operation and assets.
[][REPORT] Romulan attitude towards Federation and future relationship.
[][REPORT] Locations of Cardassian worlds.

Sydraxian fleet strength from 2310:
The Sydraxians operate two types of ship - one is an escort called a Hasque which we consider to be broadly similar to a Centaur or Centaur-A in terms of performance. The other is a Kalindrax, which is a heavy-weight cruiser, sort of like a more well-rounded, faster Jaldun-class that masses about 1.8mt.

7~10 Hasque Escorts
2~4 Kalindrax Cruisers
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Our Consties should be kept away this - while victory is possible, it looks too unlikely. Jaldun vs Connie-B is a close fight, could go either way. Their heavy cruisers are more of a concern. And they certainly have numbers at this hull sizing on us. Which is why we would want our Excelsiors taking them on when ever we can.
Constellations should be categorized as escorts for tactical purposes; they lack the firepower and especially the durability to be a competitive 24th century cruiser design.

Escorts - estimated 25, but no idea which versions they are building more of.
Their combat heavy escorts are likely to beat our Miranda-A and Centaur-A designs though.
True, but not by a large margin. I'd take five of our cruisers and five of our escorts against five of their cruisers and five of their escorts, and be comfortable with the result. Plus, half our "cruisers" are heavy explorers that can handle themselves against their cruisers quite nicely.

The only thing that might be awkward is if they start rolling out their next-generation cruiser design faster than we can roll out Rennies and Excelsior refits later in the decade, and that seems unlikely.

Now they have at least three internal Sectors, and I assume, like us, a minimum force that must be kept at home baring emergencies. We lack any knowledge of what is on their other sides, how many border Sectors they have that we are not going to facing, or what kind of threats they believe they have on those borders.
They're a military dictatorship and can do pretty much whatever they damn well please, unless they have an armed enemy likely to attack them on the other side (possible) or restive subject races that might rebel (possible). And the latter doesn't require them to concentrate modern starships.

Until we have evidence otherwise, I am going to assume that they can vector half their fleet to dispute our territory claims. So ~13 cruisers and ~14 Escorts - mostly the combat focused designs. They can get local superiority by concentrating this, but we will have Amarkian and Apitian forces in the play area as well - decent cruisers and the deadliest escorts in known space.

If this comes to sustained fighting, we are going to take losses, but as things appear to stand, we should give a better accounting then we receive.
If they send half their fleet and the Federation sends enough ships to counter that, we're out of "skirmishing" and up to "it's a war zone." At which point other options are on the table, like us forming up a fleet to strike at their logistics, or threatening their continued control of Bajor.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)
Here is my argument. If we're going to start skirmishing with the Cardassians more aggressively, extra combat strength could be very useful.
Fleets, I note. I think this is only useful in an open war situation where masses of ships may fight directly. I'd save that bonus for a time where fleet actions are more likely myself.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[X][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

[X][REPORT] Fleet Strength Lecarre
[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[X][REPORT] History and current status of the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah

I really want something on the Lecarre, we only know they are conducting intel ops against us and are aligned with the cardassians. Still not happy about not putting in a Syndicate report.
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[][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

[][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[][REPORT] Orion Resilience Report
[][REPORT] History and current status of the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah

@Briefvoice... I don't think we actually have ANY information on the size of the Romulan navy.

@OneirosTheWriter, it isn't listed as an option. Is that an oversight on your part, or is it intentional? If it's intentional, I'll change my vote to get a report on the latest Romulan cruiser shortly.
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Fleets, I note. I think this is only useful in an open war situation where masses of ships may fight directly. I'd save that bonus for a time where fleet actions are more likely myself.
I think you're construing the report unreasonably narrowly.

I really want something on the Lecarre, we only know they are conducting intel ops against us and are aligned with the cardassians. Still not happy about not putting in a Syndicate report.
I'm not to worried about the exact stats of the Kalindraxes, they're weaker than Excelsiors, stronger than any of our escorts, and probably about as strong as a ConnieBee but probably not stronger.

For this reason, I swapped the report on Sydraxian cruisers for the report on Syndicate resilience we've wanted for a year or two.

I'm not worried about the Lecarre since they don't seem to be an urgent problem that we need a military solution to. We need a counterintel solution to them, but Linderley is probably already on MAXIMUM INFILTRATOR DETECTION OVERDRIVE as it is, even without us telling him to be. I doubt that us ordering him to do stuff differently would result in better results. He may not be great at foreign analysis, but by Qute the man can play spy games.
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[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[X][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[X][REPORT] Ship Analysis Report: Sydraxian Kalindrax Cruisers
[X][REPORT] History and current status of the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah

@Briefvoice... I don't think we actually have ANY information on the size of the Romulan navy.

@OneirosTheWriter, it isn't listed as an option. Is that an oversight on your part, or is it intentional? If it's intentional, I'll change my vote to get a report on the latest Romulan cruiser shortly.
I think Fleet strength has to be one of the General Reports since the Romulan and Cardassian give specific option with no write in.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[X][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[X][REPORT] Dawiar Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Background, history, and current status the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah

I mostly agree with Briefvoice here but I think we should get the Romulan fleet strength report. Since we can't get it with our locked ROM action we do have to request it. It's a major flaw not to have this for such a crucial major power. If we had another report I would certainly get an analysis of the Hasque or Kalindrax, or Orion resilience. But we don't.

By the way, if you're asking for Syndicate resilience, I would phrase it like this:

[ ][REPORT] Syndicate resilience and potential vulnerabilities to reduce resilience.

As that gives us actionable intelligence instead of just knowing about what # it is.

EDIT: Vote changed as we are allowed the ROM fleet strength report.
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Oneiros has repeatedly offered us Romulan Fleet Strength reports as a Romulan option in the past, as I recall. To me, the most probable explanation is that he just forgot and left that option out.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'll edit my vote later. No time now.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[X][ROM] Romulan Daljerra Cruiser Report

[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Dawiar Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] History and current status of the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah

It has been since before their brief diplomatic silence that we asked about Cardassian diplomatic posture, so we should get an update. For planning a possible war it's important to know whether the Dawiar are going to stay neutral, and it would also be nice to know how easy it would be to get them to break away. I think "more well-rounded, faster Jaldun-class" is enough for planning, that basically nails the Kalindrax' stats down as 4 4 4 4 4 5 (with perhaps presence or science off by a point). If we are going to inquire about one of the Sydraxian ship classes the Hasque would make a bit more sense, but we can more or less assume 3 across the board and should be close enough, so no high urgency there either.
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Fleets, I note. I think this is only useful in an open war situation where masses of ships may fight directly. I'd save that bonus for a time where fleet actions are more likely myself.

I assume that it would apply even if each 'fleet' consists of only one ship.

[X][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

@Briefvoice... I don't think we actually have ANY information on the size of the Romulan navy.

@OneirosTheWriter, it isn't listed as an option. Is that an oversight on your part, or is it intentional? If it's intentional, I'll change my vote to get a report on the latest Romulan cruiser shortly.

I agree that if Romulan Fleet Strength is a legal vote for the 'free' Romulan report than we should take it. It didn't appear to me to be a legal vote, and I didn't want to spend a general vote on it.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

Same reasons as Briefvoice.

[X][ROM] Romulan Daljerra Cruiser Report

We have a good idea of all Klingon ships but less so about Romulan ones.

[X][REPORT] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

We got the Klingon fleet strength last year and I want to know the Romulans to compare them.

[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Syndraxians

I want to know where their shipyards are so we can take them out as fast as possible.

[X][REPORT] History and current status of the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah

Again, same reasons as Briefvoice.
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[X][ROM] Romulan Daljerra Cruiser Report

[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[X][REPORT] Romulan Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Background, history, and current status the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah
[X][CARD] Cardassian Tactics Report (Gain +5% combat vs Cardassian fleets for the next 12 months)

[X][ROM] Romulan Fleet Strength Report

[X][REPORT] Shipyard Activity Report for: Sydraxians
[X][REPORT] Dawiar Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Syndicate resilience and potential vulnerabilities to reduce resilience.

I'd rather have more options to hit the Syndicate than info on the Licori and Ked Peddah.
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[X][REPORT] Syndicate resilience and potential vulnerabilities to reduce resilience.

I'd rather have more options to hit the Syndicate than info on the Licori and Ked Peddah.

We can get resilience maybe, but I'm very skeptical that we can get extra options to reduce resilience out of a Syndicate Report. Our guys are already trying as hard as they can!
We can get resilience maybe, but I'm very skeptical that we can get extra options to reduce resilience out of a Syndicate Report. Our guys are already trying as hard as they can!

I'd like to understand how their resilience is structured, even if our people don't have the ability to act on it at this time. It will guide future strategy, especially future amendments to our legistlation. e: For example, if Intelligence concludes that the Syndicate is resilient because we aren't really touching their cash streams, then we need more mercantile oversight like the Vulcan investigators.
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