[X][NEW] Commodore McCoy - Research (Medical) Team [Join Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute to add +2 Skill]
[X][NEW] Andorian Guard Constellation-class Shakalash - Combat (Fleet) team
[X][KADESH] Ask the Romulans to wait one more Month before attacking.
[X] Don't Yorktown the Sarek.

It doesn't change the outcome, but it's nice to know I wasn't alone. :)
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 91 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Yorktown the Sarek
No. of Votes: 12

[X] Don't Yorktown the Sarek
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Invite the Klingons to join the war
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Klingons. Please?
No. of Votes: 1


[x][KADESH] Join the attack with all available assets immediately
No. of Votes: 16

[X][KADESH] Ask the Romulans to wait one more Month before attacking.
No. of Votes: 2

Task: NEW

[X][NEW] Andorian Guard Constellation-class Shakalash - Combat (Fleet) team
No. of Votes: 18

[x][NEW] Commodore McCoy - Research (Medical) Team [May join another Research (Medical) Team for +2 Skill]
No. of Votes: 16

[X][NEW] Commodore McCoy - Research (Medical) Team [Join Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute to add +2 Skill]
No. of Votes: 2

[X][NEW] 40 Eridani A Ship Design Detachment - Research (Ships) Team
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 18
As an aside, as for whether this vote was a trap or not ...

I have no idea! :D

We're just gonna have to roll dem bones!
I can respect that.

Personally, I think going in guns blazing in the hope of saving a civilization we horribly failed because of our astropolitical bullshit with the Romulans is the right move culturally, whether or not it fucks us militarily.
Embarrassed Admission: I have spent a lot of the time today recovering from a headache, and now am out with the wife - there will be a delay with things.
You have nothing to apologize for: your update speed is INSANE.
There are some fanfic authors who write less in the same time than you, and they don't even have to juggle the numbers when doing so!

* wkz's abashed after he realizes he's talking about himself...*
Okay, obviously there's a lot of narrative stuff I'll be putting together, but end result of the suicide shuttle phase of this battle:

===== FLEET STATUS =====

---- GROUP STATUS -----
Group Task Force Challorn, Current Ships: 5
~ Ship Statuses ~
Ship Excelsior: HP 4/4, Shields 5/5, Crew 6-5-5/6-5-5 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0
Ship Challorn: HP 2/2, Shields 2/2, Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0
Ship Centaur 1: HP 2/2, Shields 2/2, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0
Ship Centaur 2: HP 2/2, Shields 2/2, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0
Ship T'Mir: HP 1/1, Shields 2/2, Crew 1-1-4/1-1-4 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0
---- GROUP STATUS -----
Group Task Force Explorers, Current Ships: 2
~ Ship Statuses ~
Ship Courageous: HP 6/6, Shields 2/7, Crew 6-5-5/6-5-5 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 119, Total: 0
Ship Sarek: HP 5/5, Shields 5/5, Crew 6-5-5/6-5-5 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0
---- GROUP STATUS -----
Group Task Force Riala, Current Ships: 0
~ Ship Statuses ~
Ship Riala: HP 0/5, Shields 0/7, Crew 2-5-0/6-7-4 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 117, Total: 0 - DISABLED
Ship Kumari: HP 0/4, Shields 0/5, Crew 2-0-1/6-5-5 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 5, Total: 0 - DISABLED
Ship Shakalash: HP 0/2, Shields 0/2, Crew 2-2-1/2-4-2 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 3, Total: 0 - DISABLED
Ship Miranda 1: HP 0/1, Shields 0/2, Crew 0-0-1/1-2-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0 - DISABLED
Ship Miranda 2: HP 0/1, Shields 0/2, Crew 0-0-0/1-2-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0 - DESTROYED
---- GROUP STATUS -----
Group Team Blue Kirk, Current Ships: 2
~ Ship Statuses ~
Ship Enterprise: HP 7/7, Shields 8/8, Crew 6-5-5/6-5-5 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 80, Total: 0
Ship Devoras: HP 3/3, Shields 6/6, Crew 6-5-5/6-5-5 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 0, Total: 0
---- GROUP STATUS -----
Group Romulan Quarantine Fleet 1, Current Ships: 0
~ Ship Statuses ~
Ship Bird of Prey 1: HP 0/5, Shields 0/3, Crew 1-2-0/1-3-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 53, Total: 0 - DISABLED
Ship Bird of Prey 2: HP 0/5, Shields 0/3, Crew 1-1-1/1-3-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 9, Total: 0 - DISABLED
Ship D7 Cruiser 1: HP 0/2, Shields 0/2, Crew 1-0-0/2-3-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 5, Total: 0 - DESTROYED
---- GROUP STATUS -----
Group Romulan Quarantine Fleet 2, Current Ships: 3
~ Ship Statuses ~
Ship Bird of Prey 3: HP 5/5, Shields 1/3, Crew 1-3-1/1-3-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 52, Total: 0
Ship Bird of Prey 4: HP 5/5, Shields 0/3, Crew 1-3-1/1-3-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 8, Total: 0
Ship Bird of Prey 5: HP 1/5, Shields 0/3, Crew 0-1-1/1-3-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 9, Total: 0
Ship D7 2: HP 0/2, Shields 0/2, Crew 0-1-0/2-3-1 - Shuttles shot down this wave: 1, Total: 0 - DESTROYED
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So Rachel didn't get use of her +1 combat +1 hull without being active in the Explorers Corps?
Correct. May review in future but for now you need to crew to get the bonus.

Edit: If you think this is bad, in an earlier debugging run one of your Explorer Corps Excelsiors had a warp core breach and went up with all hands :V
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More than 343 shuttles in just a month... either they expanded production enormously or they were just playing around before.
...Yikes. This was bad enough for the Federation, but it's downright terrible for the Romulans. This thing is really giving them a bad time. On the other hand, if this is what they have now I'm glad we didn't wait another month for research, given it would leave our allies just as vulnerable and more outnumbered.
...Yikes. This was bad enough for the Federation, but it's downright terrible for the Romulans. This thing is really giving them a bad time. On the other hand, if this is what they have now I'm glad we didn't wait another month for research, given it would leave our allies just as vulnerable and more outnumbered.

Depends on whether you are talking ships or crew. We lost 10 Officers, 13 Enlisted, and 11 Tech, to their 4 Officers, 10 Enlisted, and 3 Tech. Of course, this is 'units' of people, so far more.

Also, what type of ships are the Riala and Kumari? At seven and five on shields, they weren't small.
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