Depends on whether you are talking ships or crew. We lost 10 Officers, 13 Enlisted, and 11 Tech, to their 4 Officers, 10 Enlisted, and 3 Tech. Of course, this is 'units' of people, so far more.

Also, what type of ships are the Riala and Kumari? At seven and five on shields, they weren't small.
The Riala's the Amarki flagship; the Kumari's our newest-built Excelsior.

More than 343 shuttles in just a month...
I count 460 shuttles shot down.
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Well that's going to be a diplomatic headache, at least they seem to have taken the least crew casualties.

Then again given the Amarki this noble sacrifice might only inspire them to work harder towards full membership.
Yeah, considering they were basically chomping at the bit to join in this fight, I think we shouldn't have to worry too much about diplomatic problems with them. Hell, doing glorious battle with them might end up helping.
If Rachel Ainsworth survived, she's going to be haunted for a long, long time. The Kumari surviving to "DIsabled" but the crew going Crew 2-0-1/6-5-5 almost certainly means she was forced to use EPS Venting protocols very liberally indeed. Not criticizing that in any way, but giving those are the sort of orders result in commanders having nightmares for the rest of their lives.
So the Romulan Quarantine Fleet had four ships disabled or destroyed and is down to:
2 X Bird of Prey (undamaged)
1 x Bird of Prey (heavily damaged but operable)
Devoras (When is its "Heavy Warbird" ship class going to get a name?)

We had five of our ships disabled or destroyed, meaning both of our Mirandas, one Excelsior, and the Andorian Constellation-class and the Amarki flagship that just reinforced us. Yeah, the Federation definitely got the worst of this.
So the Romulan Quarantine Fleet had four ships disabled or destroyed and is down to:
2 X Bird of Prey (undamaged)
1 x Bird of Prey (heavily damaged but operable)
Devoras (When is its "Heavy Warbird" ship class going to get a name?)

We had five of our ships disabled or destroyed, meaning both of our Mirandas, one Excelsior, and the Andorian Constellation-class and the Amarki flagship that just reinforced us. Yeah, the Federation definitely got the worst of this.
I'm kind of hoping there aren't any more surprises in store. I don't think we could survive it.
If Rachel Ainsworth survived, she's going to be haunted for a long, long time. The Kumari surviving to "DIsabled" but the crew going Crew 2-0-1/6-5-5 almost certainly means she was forced to use EPS Venting protocols very liberally indeed. Not criticizing that in any way, but giving those are the sort of orders result in commanders having nightmares for the rest of their lives.
You know, this might be why the federation ended up putting counselors on their ships.

Maybe we should look into doing that, or at least counseling for most of the officers after this is over.
Shipboard therapists, plural, should be a no-brainer for Explorers. They need people with psychological training anyway.

I feel that going in now was the correct choice. Imagine a full uninterrupted production month of those.
This might be several months of build-up... or it could be the borg-ification of an entire planet for just a few weeks. Hard to tell until we check the aftermath.
Actually. Looking at that, most of our losses in actual ships are DISABLED, a lot of lost crew though..... > : (
The really heart-rending question is, how many lives could have been saved if we'd waited a month for this research to complete? And, as counter-point, how many lives will we have saved through this fool-hardy manuever?

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