Gamble? What about gambling that we're going to spend 30pp next year?
The Influence won't evaporate if we wait until 2314 to use it.
Unless we
never add any more assets to the anti-Syndicate campaign, we're going to need to amend the legislation sooner or later. Sooner is preferable to later, but we also have a pressing need to Do Something about the Apiata and Sydraxian crises, which is presently drawing off 80% of the 100 or so political will that we can spare for this kind of stuff.
What are the differences between the two leading plans?
Nix's Plan
[][COUNCIL] Base Plan Pull Your Head Out of the Sand
-[] Request Science Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
-[] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species: Gretarians
lbmaian's Plan
[][COUNCIL] Base Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew
-[] Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
-[] Acquire new Influence to spend on Anti-Syndicate Legislation, 20pp/5 (Can only be taken once)
In all other respects, the two plans are identical.
So lbmaian's plan costs 10pp more total, which it spends to get an Explorer Corps recruitment drive instead of a Tech Academy expansion.
lbmaian's plan spends 20pp on Influence we could then use to throw more assets at the Syndicate in a year or so. Nix's plan spends the same 20pp on a diplomatic push to the Gretarians, who are currently at 50/100 relations with us, based on my reading of Oneiros's snakepit post.