[X][COUNCIL] Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew
[X][FACTION] Approach the Pacifists about creating a special Starfleet/Diplomatic Corps joint operation to investigate and eventually mediate in the Licori/Ked Paddah War.

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew
[X][FACTION] Approach the Pacifists about fueling extra sophontitarian relief aid to the Orions

Be advised that the influence bought cannot be used until next year, which is a waste.
My main problem with Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew is banking the Syndicate influence, I would rather use it on another option to help us this year and take both syndicate options next snakepit.

I believe the idea is that we can buy 5 influence a year, but only 5, so we buy 2 years in a row to get 10 and then spend the pp to reopen the legislation. I'm not quite sure exactly how that works in the fiction, but @OneirosTheWriter approved it so I guess it's good. (Long term agitating, I guess?)

Be advised that the influence bought cannot be used until next year, which is a waste.

It means we get to reopen the legislation and spend 10 influence all at once.
I believe the idea is that we can buy 5 influence a year, but only 5, so we buy 2 years in a row to get 10 and then spend the pp to reopen the legislation. I'm not quite sure exactly how that works in the fiction, but @OneirosTheWriter approved it so I guess it's good. (Long term agitating, I guess?)

It means we get to reopen the legislation and spend 10 influence all at once.
Still, there's no guarantee that it will be all spendable without taking militarization or additional pp cost.
So looking tech team, I think a good goal is to try and have 2 teams going for each area with areas of interest getting 3. What we need based on current distribution is:
1 Starship Construction, 1 Personal, 1 Weapons, 1 Shield, 1 Minerals, 1 Medicine, 1 Starbase Design, 2-3 between escort and cruiser, 1 Offensive/Defensive doctrine team, so 10 to 11 more. Indoria may get us the Mineral, Starship construction or Starbase Design team.
I believe the idea is that we can buy 5 influence a year, but only 5, so we buy 2 years in a row to get 10 and then spend the pp to reopen the legislation. I'm not quite sure exactly how that works in the fiction, but @OneirosTheWriter approved it so I guess it's good. (Long term agitating, I guess?)

It means we get to reopen the legislation and spend 10 influence all at once.
I must have missed where we would be able to buy the +5 influence again next year. Still unless we have new options we may not be able to spend 10 influence.
Yeah, not voting for an utterly useless expenditure this year.

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Pull Your Head Out of the Sand
[X][FACTION] Approach the Pacifists about fueling extra sophontitarian relief aid to the Orions
Be advised that the influence bought cannot be used until next year, which is a waste.
By the same token, a diplomatic push on the Gretarians won't bring them up to the affiliate threshold this year unless we luck out heavily AND get a +25 relations event from something else.

Both the Sydraxian problem and the Syndicate problem are long term issues, and we have to think ahead about how we want to balance our efforts against them.

Yeah, not voting for an utterly useless expenditure this year.
It's only "useless" if you don't mind the idea of spending 50pp on anti-Syndicate legislation NEXT year, all at once.

I'd rather spend 20 now and 30 next year, rather than gamble on it seeming like a good idea to spend 50 next year after spending nothing this year.


Basically, we need to spend at least 30pp on the Apiata thing (we can't know what other expenses will arise until we talk to them).

We need to spend at least, at an estimate, 110pp on the Sydraxian thing (30 for the Council meeting, and 60 for one push on the Yrillians and two on the Gretarians).

And to get a reasonably timely resolution against the Syndicate, it seems likely that we need to spend at least 50pp on the Syndicate (20 for influence, 30 for the amendment to the legislation).

This year, lbmaian 's vote spends the 30 on the Apiata, 20 of the 50 for the Syndicate, and 50 of the 110 for the Sydraxians.
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First set of options:
Comprehensive act- -10 PP, +2 Influence +3 Impact
All the others either we have the best one impact wise or the costs are too high (open season is 2 militarization and higher stopping policy which applies what is likely an annual penalty to relations with minor races)

Second set of options:
Vulcan Detectives- 1 Influence, +3 Impact, apply penalty to Syndicate financial/shipbuilding operations (as long as we can keep the RIxx Scrutineers who have been awesome)
Build in bulk, blanket Union Space. (1 Influence, +2 Impact)
That would be 4 influence, meaning we still have 1 left over and gives us +8 impact and another asset to hit the Syndicate with.
Gamble? What about gambling that we're going to spend 30pp next year?
The Influence won't evaporate if we wait until 2314 to use it.

Unless we never add any more assets to the anti-Syndicate campaign, we're going to need to amend the legislation sooner or later. Sooner is preferable to later, but we also have a pressing need to Do Something about the Apiata and Sydraxian crises, which is presently drawing off 80% of the 100 or so political will that we can spare for this kind of stuff.

What are the differences between the two leading plans?
Nix's Plan
[][COUNCIL] Base Plan Pull Your Head Out of the Sand
-[] Request Science Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
-[] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species: Gretarians

lbmaian's Plan
[][COUNCIL] Base Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew
-[] Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
-[] Acquire new Influence to spend on Anti-Syndicate Legislation, 20pp/5 (Can only be taken once)

In all other respects, the two plans are identical.

So lbmaian's plan costs 10pp more total, which it spends to get an Explorer Corps recruitment drive instead of a Tech Academy expansion.

lbmaian's plan spends 20pp on Influence we could then use to throw more assets at the Syndicate in a year or so. Nix's plan spends the same 20pp on a diplomatic push to the Gretarians, who are currently at 50/100 relations with us, based on my reading of Oneiros's snakepit post.
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Be advised that the influence bought cannot be used until next year, which is a waste.
It is extremely rude of you to say that something is a 'waste' when it's only a waste if we don't move against the Syndicate next year. It's especially rude when you imply I don't know what I'm voting for.

Let me tell you, I was tempted to say something even more rude in response to this. I would advise you to think a bit before post, and ESPECIALLY when you decide to tag someone.
[X][COUNCIL] Base Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew

Bother about us jostling Bajor way earlier than it needed to be.
By the same token, a diplomatic push on the Gretarians won't bring them up to the affiliate threshold this year unless we luck out heavily AND get a +25 relations event from something else.

Both the Sydraxian problem and the Syndicate problem are long term issues, and we have to think ahead about how we want to balance our efforts against them.

It's only "useless" if you don't mind the idea of spending 50pp on anti-Syndicate legislation NEXT year, all at once.

I'd rather spend 20 now and 30 next year, rather than gamble on it seeming like a good idea to spend 50 next year after spending nothing this year.


Basically, we need to spend at least 30pp on the Apiata thing (we can't know what other expenses will arise until we talk to them).

We need to spend at least, at an estimate, 110pp on the Sydraxian thing (30 for the Council meeting, and 60 for one push on the Yrillians and two on the Gretarians).

And to get a reasonably timely resolution against the Syndicate, it seems likely that we need to spend at least 50pp on the Syndicate (20 for influence, 30 for the amendment to the legislation).

This year, lbmaian 's vote spends the 30 on the Apiata, 20 of the 50 for the Syndicate, and 50 of the 110 for the Sydraxians.
But a push would get us into the range of pushing them to affiliate next year, or the next time we want to conduct a push. And it does open it up to only needing one +25 event with a good roll. On the flip side short of something major emergency coming up you can count on my vote for a plan that includes the +5 influence and syndicate amendment legislation. Currently my thought for the next snakepit are the two syndicate options and EC crew push for 75 pp.

No berths (unless we get a lot of PP in which case start the one in Amarkia to get us some berth space closer to the Cardassians for any repairs needed). Only starbase would b KBZ or Indoria (if they join before snakepit). Any academy options available (if we have spare PP). Diplo pushes (1 to 3 depending on PP). Hopefully increase personnel to Vice Admiral slot (if we have free PP).

Regardless we are clearing out two options this turn and unless more are added I do not see any big ticket demands (the Critical Ship Infrastructure and Heavy Industrial will have to wait until the Syndicates are no longer killing our PP income or we get a major windfall).
It's only "useless" if you don't mind the idea of spending 50pp on anti-Syndicate legislation NEXT year, all at once.

I'd rather spend 20 now and 30 next year, rather than gamble on it seeming like a good idea to spend 50 next year after spending nothing this year.

Furthermore, we can get affiliate benefits a year earlier.

The plan would be improved to the point of competitiveness if the pp spent on influence were bamked.
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Pull Your Head Out of the Sand
[X][FACTION] Approach the Pacifists about fueling extra sophontitarian relief aid to the Orions
But a push would get us into the range of pushing them to affiliate next year, or the next time we want to conduct a push. And it does open it up to only needing one +25 event with a good roll. On the flip side short of something major emergency coming up you can count on my vote for a plan that includes the +5 influence and syndicate amendment legislation. Currently my thought for the next snakepit are the two syndicate options and EC crew push for 75 pp.

We shouldn't need a EC crew push next year regardless of whether or not we do one this year. But next year we really need to:
1. Get the Constellation Refit
2. Get the Excelsior Refit (if it's offered)
3. Maaaaybe start the Ambassador project. I still don't know.
It is extremely rude of you to say that something is a 'waste' when it's only a waste if we don't move against the Syndicate next year. It's especially rude when you imply I don't know what I'm voting for.

Let me tell you, I was tempted to say something even more rude in response to this. I would advise you to think a bit before post, and ESPECIALLY when you decide to tag someone.
Sorry about that.
[X][COUNCIL] Base Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew

Bother about us jostling Bajor way earlier than it needed to be.

Gretarians are not the Bajorans.

For starters, it is politically possible to intervene with the Gretarians. Heck, Stesk might even support intervention on behalf of a peaceful civ.

Furthermore, the Sydraxians are close to our core worlds and actively engaging in piracy. They even managed to slip a task force through our borders.

The Cardassians never attacked our civilian ships directly. They also are significantly more powerful.
I'm really more swayed by the chance to do an Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive this year than I am any of this nonsense with the Syndicate. Nix's plan doesn't do one, and now that we are definitely have the Sydraxian Council session this year the EC recruitment drive is the tie-breaker for me.
We shouldn't need a EC crew push next year regardless of whether or not we do one this year. But next year we really need to:
1. Get the Constellation Refit
2. Get the Excelsior Refit (if it's offered)
3. Maaaaybe start the Ambassador project. I still don't know.
EC push next year would let us commission two EC Excelsiors from the 4 completing in '15 if we do not do the push this year and let the '14 excelsior be a normal one.

Also was going over @lbmaian post on the options and noticed this:
[Syndicate Resilience reduced]

That happened in the 2310.Q4 Council Emergency Session pt2 where we brought the Pacifists on board. So after the first year we lowered there resilience, which can throw off our calculations even more.

Also @OneirosTheWriter I was browsing through the Status of the Orion-Syndicate Campaign and noticed:
Office 36, Starfleet Intel
[Provide 1 re-roll per Quarter, provide 1 Syndicate Intel report]
but we have not been getting an option for a syndicate intel report in the steering committee unless we use one of the general slots.
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Bank Anti-Syndicate Influence for Next Year, Apiata, Sydraxians, Crew
[X][FACTION] Approach the Pacifists about fueling extra sophontitarian relief aid to the Orions