We already voted to crew the '13 excelsior with explorer crew, it is the '14 that it would open the option for EC crew. I think we should hold off and keep that Excelsior for deployment to a sector, otherwise for three straight years we will have sent our Excelsiors into the explorer corp.
I'm not sure that's a bad thing, especially after we just lost one of the existing Explorer Corps ships. The Explorer Corps will still only be "up two" at the end of 2314, compared to its position in 2309 when
S'harien launched.
[EDIT: This is counting
Stargazer as an active-service Explorer Corps ship; it may be benefiting us differently but it still benefits us the way a Corps
Excelsior usually would]
That's the same level of increase the Corps saw up to 2309, from 2301-4, when we still just starting yearly serial production of
Excelsiors, as I recall, and had only the 'First Three.'
Do keep in mind that going for the Ytillians and Gretaians might prompt the Syndraxians to act against us, before we get treaties with the other two. So, if we get them in one fell swoop, will probably keep the Syndraxians in check, but if they start to feel cornered....
Well, we
can't get the Gretarians in one fell swoop, because they're at 50/100. The Yrillians can be pushed to 100/500 or better, but the Yrillians aren't a unified species, so that doesn't mean we're stealing away the Yrillians who are actually allied with the Sydraxians themselves.
Now, you're definitely right that the Sydraxians may take sudden, decisive action in response to our diplomatic pushes against their ally or the victim of their protection racket. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing overall, because if the Sydraxians attack either of those two species, there is a high likelihood they will ask us for help. Which would give us the grounds we need to put our forces on high alert and deploy a large enough fleet to actually meet and defeat the Sydraxian navy in battle.
When the Cardassians reacted to our push on Bajor by starting the occupation early, it was bad, because the political reality was that Starfleet couldn't stop them, because the Federation wasn't willing to stop them.
If the Sydraxians try to pull a similar trick on the Gretarians, it's not going to work as well. Because they're a lot smaller and weaker than the Cardassians, much closer to our core territory, and because the Gretarians are more unambiguous victims of abuse in this scenario.
It's worth remembering that this latest incident is very probably considered an anti-piracy operation by the Apatia. If the Cardassians weren't making a habit of attacking civilians in neutral space, nothing would have happened. It's very possible that the response will be that it was an officially sanctioned anti-pirate op.
Yes, which is fine.
The problem isn't that the Apiata were wrong as such to try and lure a Cardassian commerce raider into a trap.
The problem is that we don't know what the real policy of the Apiata central government is, regarding the Cardassian Union. Do they intend to pursue war against the Union? Are they willing to do so alone? Do they expect us to join them in prosecuting the war? If so, they are liable to be disappointed. Would they be satisfied with a guarantee from us that
WE will make a good faith attempt to broker some kind of agreement drawing an Apiata-Cardassian border and enforcing it? Will we be prepared to do that? If our attempt to do so fails, what will we do next?
There needs to be clear communication between both sides, and hopefully that is what we are going to achieve here. We can figure out what to do next, now that we have agreed that there needs to
be a next.