I don't know about 'selling off' unwanted cruisers to the member fleets-they might not want our leavings any more than we do when they can tool up for and build Rennies of their own. The Constellation is not a good cruiser, but it's not so bad that we should press to have them delisted ASAP. A new refit may be forthcoming as well-A1 let's call it, which might do a better job than the proposed A refit of turning it into something useful.Lurking as I am, I was curious about a few longer ranged plans.
First and foremost, with the recent shakeup in our build plans thanks to the new parallel building bonus, have we determined what we want to do with our Consties? The refrain seems to be that we are crew limited over resource limited. Are we thinking about upgrading all our Consties, or "selling" them via the MWCO and replacing them with Rennies? I can see arguments either way (namely that, if we have the berths and resources, it would seem reasonable to just build Rennies as replacements for Consties; on the other hand, we may not have the +1OET to spare and would be better off just refitting the Consties we have on the theory that the hulls you have are better than the hulls you don't). @SynchronizedWritersBlock 's analysis post does not make me think highly of the Constie, that is certain.
Second, I don't think it's been discussed what we plan on doing with the Kepler exactly. How do we want to deploy them? Just take advantage of Forward Defense and deploy a Kepler per Border Zone? One per sector? Just have a few to split between SigInt and the Border Zones? etc.
(this isn't a post to try to redirect discussion at all)
I think the Keplers should be built up to at least a 1:1 ratio with the Olberths, and maybe we should build them 1:1 or 2:1 with the Ambassadors as well-but in the short term of the first five years after we get our first one, concentrate them in the border zones, rotate the Olberths to 'safer' stations, and build with gusto to help us get up to our science requirements. The main point of the class is to put an Ambassador sized sensor and science platform on an escort which is more survivable than current options. We've never had more than one Olberth building at once, I think, and I'd like to break that tradition with the Kepler-type. They might require more resources, but I think they'll be well spent.