EOY - 2303
End of Year Report Card - 2303

Starting Resources
405 Bulk Resources
205 Special Resources
72 Political Will
65 Research Points

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 15.5 Officer, 26.5 Enlisted, 15.5 Techs
Explorer Corps: 6 Officer, 7 Enlisted, 6 Techs

Spent During the Year
(for 1 Excelsior)
230 Bulk Industrial Resources
150 Special Industrial Resources
88 Political Will
80 Research Points (8 x teams activated)

Standard: 1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 1 Technician (USS Miracht)
Explorer: None

Career Casualties
Standard: 2 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 2 Technician
Explorer: 1 Enlisted

Gained During the Year

Political Rewards

5 Projects commenced
[Omake rewards on hold until after state of emergency]

USS Enterprise

+100 br
+20 sr
+5 rp
+5 pp

Gain the Gaeni as Affiliates

USS Courageous

+50 br
+10 pp
+10 rp

+25 Diplomacy with Amarki

USS Sarek
+25 sr
+5 rp / turn
+5 pp

Gain Caldonians as Affiliates
+25 Diplomacy with Caitians

Other Ships

USS Kumari - Dunwich IV colony destroyed. Federation Threat Level + 1. Gain 15 Political Will, Gain 10 Research. Tensions with the Romulans increased
USS Excelsior - +25 Diplomacy with Betazed, +5pp, +5 pp
USS Stalwart - +25sr
USS Lion - +10rp
USS Eketha - +5 pp, +5 rp

Ship Movements

-Temporary Only-

Ships Lost
USS Miracht - Miranda-class, lost to Ulith III Biophage

Ships Scrapped

Ships Laid Down
1 Excelsior

Ship Commissioned
3 Oberth

Updated Resources
405br - 230 + 150 = 375 Bulk Resources
205sr - 150 + 70 = 125 Special Resources
72pp - 88 + 45 = 29 Political Will
65rp - 80 + 45 = 30 Research Points

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
375 + 150 = 525 Bulk Resources
125 + 120 = 245 Special Resources
29 + 50 = 79 Political Will [Double income for State of Emergency]
30 + 35 = 65 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 16.25 Officer, 28.25 Enlisted, 7.25 Techs
Explorer Corps: 7.25 Officer, 8 Enlisted, 7 Techs
Who is this guy again? He wasn't on the original list of Explorer captains to chose from.

EDIT: Actually, I've never been quite clear on what it means to be in the "Explorer Panel of Captains". It's presumably captains who might potentially be assigned a 5YM, which I get the impression is the single most coveted assignment in all of Starfleet. Is it anything beyond that?
Yes, because Five Year Missions are chosen from a select panel of captains, being on that list is very prestigious. Even if you don't get assigned to a 5YM, simply being on it is a boon to your career. As you get more Explorers and the 5YMs start to overlap, the year-to-year of who is in the panel will start to become more important.
Starfleet Intelligence Report

Suspected Force on Romulan Border:
Quarantine Fleet - 1 Heavy Warbird, 4 Birds of Prey, 2 D7 Cruisers

Suspected Force on Klingon Border:
6 K'tinga
16 Klingon Bird of Prey

Opinion on Origin of Ulith III Biophage & Romulan Involvement

We have taken into account all available information pertaining to the Ulith III Biophage and it is the opinion of Starfleet Intelligence that this was not released as a deliberate act of sabotage by the Romulan Star Empire. We believe they are genuinely terrified by the potential ramifications of a spread of the plague and are seemingly uninterested in taking any chances with it.

While this is reassuring to most of our analysts, the implications are disturbing, to say the least.

Opinion on Potential for Klingon Intervention

Forces have built up on the border, but the Andorian Ambassadorial team reports that a good rapport is being maintained with the Klingons, and that the increase in forces appears to relate solely to avoiding a repeat of their lost colony.
Those poor guys in Starfleet Intelligence: Nothing to contribute for the crisis, nothing to report on beyond the extremely obvious, bored out of their minds and the Enterprise currently gathering more intel on the Romulans than they managed in the last few decades. At least they can occupy themselves with making inferences from that data for the next decade or so.
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Okay guys, let's have a discussion about something besides the Biophage. Here is my Research proposal for the coming year (9 points to activate with Data Analysis Center). We can activate seven with our points.

1. Take advantages of our boosts in the areas of Sensors, Warp Technology, Communications, Doctrine, and Foreign Analysis.
2. Get the low-hanging fruit for everything, all the first tier 0/20 stuff in the various categories, before swinging around to the more advanced stuff*. This means activating teams for things we don't have specialties for yet with political will. Right now our big weakness is Doctrine Research. (*Except Shields. Let's study shields every damn turn no matter what, because regenerating shields will be a massive combat advantage.)

No Computing. We got the data Center and the only other thing within easy reach is a slight weight/design reduction int he computer core. We can let them rest a year.

[] Warp Technology - Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
[] Sensors - Vulcan Science Academy
[] Shields - Andorian Academy
[] Starship Design (Explorer) - San Francisco Fleet Yards
[] Communications - Star Fleet Science Academy
[] Xenopsychology - Spock
[] Foreign Analysis (Romulan Research) - Starfleet Tactical Command

[] Use Political Will to create a new Research team focused on Doctrine.

Note that after this turn I think we can drop Xenopsychology for a few years because we will have gotten all the easy first tier stuff, unless something really juicy shows up in second tier. Which it hasn't yet.
USS Kumari - Dunwich IV colony destroyed. Federation Threat Level + 1. Gain 15 Political Will, Gain 10 Research. Tensions with the Romulans increased
Shouldn't there be a line where The Enterprise visited Romulus and lowered Tensions with the Romulans?
Or did Blue Kirk needle their head-of-fleet guy THAT much?
For shipyard construction, we're going to need to save enough Resources to start construction of a new Excelsior when the berth at Tellar Prime opens up in 2305.

Current 525 BR + 170 br (annual income next year w/ minding colony open) - 230 br = 465 br safe to spend
Current 245 sr + 135 sr (annual income next year w/ minding colony open) - 150 sr = 230 sr safe to spend

Open berths:
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths

I suggest building:
[] Construction Plan
-[] Constellation 70br, 40sr, 3 years
-[] Oberth 15br, 60sr, 2 years
-[] Centaur 80br, 60sr, 2 years
-[] (last berth empty)

Basically, replace the Mrianda we lost with a Centaur. Get another cheap, cost effective Constellation for defense. And get an extra Oberth because why the hell not. More SCIENCE is always good and we need some spares if we lose one or two. Always a good idea to leave one berth empty for repairs or new projects too.
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No Computing. We got the data Center and the only other thing within easy reach is a slight weight/design reduction int he computer core. We can let them rest a year.
... didn't you see Data Analysis Center II with another reduction in research cost becoming available? We should never ever stop researching Computing, at least not while higher levels of Data Analysis Center are possible. The Daystorm Institute will level up soon anyway so it didn't even get all that much more difficult, and we didn't even get the first level of the science weight reduction yet.
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Also, we should still be working on Medical. Not only is it beneficial for plague stuff, reducing crew casualties is pretty important once we get back into the swing of things because exploration corps personnel are in short supply and we don't want to lose them.
... didn't you see Data Analysis Center II with another reduction in research cost becoming available? We should never ever stop researching Computing, at least not while higher levels of Data Analysis Center are possible.

I saw it, and I disagree with you. I'd rather spend turns grabbing low hanging fruit from other areas. I notice you and I disagree about this all the time, Nix. You always think in the long term, trying to build more actions later at the cost of actions now. I don't always agree with that. I frequently put the present value of cool stuff today higher than the present value of cool stuff years from now.
I saw it, and I disagree with you. I'd rather spend turns grabbing low hanging fruit from other areas. I notice you and I disagree about this all the time, Nix. You always think in the long term, trying to build more actions later at the cost of actions now. I don't always agree with that. I frequently put the present value of cool stuff today higher than the present value of cool stuff years from now.
I respect your opinions, because usually when I agree with you your reasoning at least makes sense and what you advocate is a viable alternative choice. This case isn't like that. Not researching more computing given what we know is simply an enormous and completely unjustifiable mistake, and even suggesting it means you either haven't done the math at all, or ... I don't actually have an alternate suggestion.

Even if Computing was just Data Analysis Center researching it would still be a no-brainer because it pays for itself in only a few years. Considering only the other techs and the higher skill of the Daystorm Institute it's still a better option than most of your "lower hanging fuits" because a cost of 30 for a skill 4 team is easier than a cost 20 tech for a skill 2 team (or worse). Taking both together makes it the better choice to such an absurd degree that I struggle to find words to describe it.

That doesn't mean we will never research those other techs, we can research a few of them in a good year as of right now, and with 1-2 more levels in Data Analysis Center we can research as many techs as we currently have teams in a good year.
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I respect your opinions, because usually when I agree with you your reasoning at least makes sense and what you advocate is a viable alternative choice. This case isn't like that. Not researching more computing given what we know is simply an enormous and completely unjustifiable mistake, and even suggesting it means you either haven't done the math at all, or ... I don't actually have an alternate suggestion.

If that is really, really true... then @OneirosTheWriter needs to remove the Data Center and replace it with something else. Because a no-brainer choice is a bad choice. I would really rather not be locked onto Computing research forever because it's the only thing that's mechanically effective.

If that is really, really true... then @OneirosTheWriter needs to remove the Data Center and replace it with something else. Because a no-brainer choice is a bad choice. I would really rather not be locked onto Computing research forever because it's the only thing that's mechanically effective.

It's not like Computing is the only tech I'd never drop given the choice, the same holds for Xenopsychology, Sensors and Communication (though to a lesser degree). It's not really a problem because we can research significantly more than 4 techs at a time. If the mechanics aren't changed I expect us to buy more tech teams simply to be able to use up research points fast enough starting in about a decade or so.

Does the idea of the Federation continuously researching those techs and focusing more on them than say weapons or doctrine seem out of character to you? It doesn't to me, so I think Oneiros has done a reasonably good job making the incentives work right.
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I honestly don't see it as a no-brainer? I mean, it's good tech at this level, but not a compulsory acquisition.
Depends on whether you include the available tech team in the analysis like I did I suppose. It's at the very least a top tier tech with an excellent tech team working on it, that's a combination really hard to resist even if you are not thinking about the long term too much.
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Quick heads up for everyone who uses the custom ship worksheet. The calcs for Nacelle and Warp Core weights have changed a lot, scaling down a lot better, and I have added an ability to go down to shuttle scale.

Edit: Further news is that I'm adding requests for refit programs to your list of thing you can request from the Federation Council.

Edit 2: Modified some of the stat profiles of upcoming canon ships, incl Ambassador, Renaissance, New Orleans.
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Shipyard Ops - 2304.Q1
Okay, closing that vote, winner was:
[X][NEW] Federation Diplomatic Service - External Diplomacy
[X][NEW] Andorian Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team
[X][OBERTH] Assign an Oberth


Starfleet Commander's Log, Stardate 21432.5

During the current crisis I have had the first ship loss to occur on my watch: the USS Miracht, lost with all hands when she was ambushed by the infected T'Seren. It's a grave and terrible feeling, to know that brave officers and crew have perished under my watch, let alone in so horrific a manner. I desperately wish to destroy the Miracht, not from bloodlust, but from compassion. The thought of being strung up as bio-circuitry while still semi-aware of what I was enabling ... brr. That's blood curdling.

But the cycle of life is always continuing. Where the Miracht has left the Starfleet Registry, three new Oberths have joined the fleet. The celebrations are muted with the ongoing crisis, but I know that the Federation is thrilled to see Starfleet make good on the need for Oberths so early into the ten-year window, with one extra besides. They have been reassured as to the directions that Starfleet is headed and, I believe, a little more relaxed about the drumbeat of Excelsiors.

[+30 to Maximum Combat Base Value for completing Science Tasks set by the Federation Council]

Computer, End Log


The state of emergency has lasted for three months so far, but some functions of office continue on rain, hail or shine.

Vice Admiral Sousa is bossing her underlings into position when you make your entrance with your customary train of aides and assistants. The two of you exchange an amiable nod. You know Sousa wants to have your job eventually; she knows that you know. But now that she's safely ensconced within Shipyard Ops the pressure is off, and humanity once more works towards the common good. Competition is not something you fear, after all, it is the spark which helps you strive to improve yourself, and likewise drives Valentina Sousa. By the time you're ready to retire, she'll be ready to make another assault on the position.

"Officers, welcome to our 2304 meeting," begins Vice Admiral Sousa. "First off, to everyone who was lucky enough to make it to the commissioning ceremony, congratulations. To everyone who saw the hilariously intoxicated Andorian Councillor at that ceremony, congratulations and a warm warning to keep all testimony and recordings to yourselves." She pauses to deliver a stern look around the entire table. "Now, with three ships out of the berths, we have all four small ship bays available for production. The Tellar Prime shipyard will be available next year, and we'll be inducting the crews for the San Francisco Excelsior at the same time, but for now we have a clean slate."


[ ][BUILD] Submit a Build Plan
You may select up to FOUR ships of 1m ton displacement that will commence in Q1.

To make a plan, pick a ship you would like to build and put it in one of the available berths that can handle the mass. All ships have a price in materials and time that are noted in the square brackets after the word "Cost". At the moment, your big Excelsiors can only be made in the large berths of San Francisco or 40 Eridani A, but the small berths can make all of the others.

The amount of resources you have right now are listed below, as are the classes you can make, and the shipyards you have available.

Active Starfleet Shipyards
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - one (1) large 3mt Berth, - two (2) small 1mt Berths

Current Resource Stockpile
Bulk Industrial Resources: 525br
Special Industrial Resources: 245sr
Political Will: 79pp
Research Points: 65rp

Current Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 16.25 Officer, 28.25 Enlisted, 7.25 Techs
Explorer Corps: 7.25 Officer, 8 Enlisted, 7 Techs

Current Construction
1 Excelsior-class @ San Francisco Fleet Yards (ETC 2306.Q1 - Crews deduct 2305.Q1)
1 Excelsior-class @ 40 Eridani A (ETC 2307.Q2 - Crews deduct 2306.Q2)

Available Non-obsolete Ship Classes
2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]​

Light Cruisers
2284-2370 [310m 700k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [70br, 40sr, 3 years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]​
Long-range Explorer
2260-Now [120m 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D0
Cost[15br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]​

Miranda 2280-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 40sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​
Centaur 2300-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost[80br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​
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As an aside, I'm still here, just don't have the time to give a Crisis Turn proper thought :)
Edit: Further news is that I'm adding requests for refit programs to your list of thing you can request from the Federation Council.
Is it possible for us to get bonuses for doing Refits for Classes that have seen extensive field use? In piece peace time I'd expect that to mainly be Sensor upgrades for our Oberths/Intrepids/Any Other Pure SCIENCE Classes or More Broad Spectrum ones for our Explorers, potentially to the extent of gaining a Class Wide 'Trait' that changes how they handle certain rolls/situations.
As an aside, I'm still here, just don't have the time to give a Crisis Turn proper thought :)

Is it possible for us to get bonuses for doing Refits for Classes that have seen extensive field use? In piece peace time I'd expect that to mainly be Sensor upgrades for our Oberths/Intrepids/Any Other Pure SCIENCE Classes or More Broad Spectrum ones for our Explorers, potentially to the extent of gaining a Class Wide 'Trait' that changes how they handle certain rolls/situations.
I'll give that some thought. For the time being, I'll see how people react to the options when they are presented and then go from there.
For shipyard construction, we're going to need to save enough Resources to start construction of a new Excelsior when the berth at Tellar Prime opens up in 2305.

Current 525 BR + 170 br (annual income next year w/ minding colony open) - 230 br = 465 br safe to spend
Current 245 sr + 135 sr (annual income next year w/ minding colony open) - 150 sr = 230 sr safe to spend

Open berths:
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths

I suggest building:
[] Construction Plan
-[] Constellation 70br, 40sr, 3 years
-[] Oberth 15br, 60sr, 2 years
-[] Centaur 80br, 60sr, 2 years
-[] (last berth empty)

Basically, replace the Mrianda we lost with a Centaur. Get another cheap, cost effective Constellation for defense. And get an extra Oberth because why the hell not. More SCIENCE is always good and we need some spares if we lose one or two. Always a good idea to leave one berth empty for repairs or new projects too.
Would it be possible to fill the last berth with another Centaur without ruining our planned future construction? Replacing the Soyuz class sooner is worth doing IMO, but only if it doesn't break anything.
Would it be possible to fill the last berth with another Centaur without ruining our planned future construction? Replacing the Soyuz class sooner is worth doing IMO, but only if it doesn't break anything.
it would mean no berths available for repairs, and we get another Excelsior slot opening up in 2306 (and yet another the year after that as well if we start the Andoria shipyard this year as many want), so leaving some extra sr for the future makes sense.

Also shipyards might start costing resources in addition to pp this year.

[X] Plan Versatile Expansion
-[X] Constellation 70br, 40sr, 3 years
-[X] Oberth 15br, 60sr, 2 years
-[X] Centaur 80br, 60sr, 2 years
-[X] (last berth empty)

This plan was suggested by @Briefvoice, but didn't have a real name yet.
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[X] Plan Versatile Expansion
-[X] Constellation 70br, 40sr, 3 years
-[X] Oberth 15br, 60sr, 2 years
-[X] Centaur 80br, 60sr, 2 years
-[X] (last berth empty)
As a person who's not too familiar with all the numbers used in ship descriptions in this quest (let alone understanding the exact specifications of the doodads and gadgetry of Trek)... I'm abstaining.