I'm not particularly attached to giving Sulu the Enterprise B in particular. I'd give her the next 5YM that opens up, which would not be the Enterprise. And hey, there's something to be said for being the first person to break in a brand new Explorer. Making someone follow Nash ka'Sharren's act isn't doing them any favors.
I'm not particularly attached to giving Sulu the Enterprise B in particular. I'd give her the next 5YM that opens up, which would not be the Enterprise. And hey, there's something to be said for being the first person to break in a brand new Explorer. Making someone follow Nash ka'Sharren's act isn't doing them any favors.
On which note we've GOT to have a few Big Incidents in which Nash is (through some miracle or contrivance) returned to the bridge of the Enterprise-B. For the movies!
That's mostly because canon in this entire time-period is extremely sparse, so they don't bother rotating captains in and out of a ship they're not paying attention to. One of the reasons Oneiros picked this timeframe is precisely because it's very sparse. We know in broad what must have happened in the 2300-2330 timeframe, but we have very few details on it.
I like Mrr'shan on the Enterprise. The best way to follow a great act is with something completely different so after Nash comes the first EC captain from outside the 4 core species of the Federation.
Looking at the 'Status of the Orion-Syndicate Campaign' post, we certainly have gone all-in on the anti-infiltration. Very nearly every one of our assets has a bonus versus infiltration, and we have a general +2 to everyone. I think we chose wisely; in the end infiltration is the Syndicate's best weapon against us.
I like Mrr'shan on the Enterprise. The best way to follow a great act is with something completely different so after Nash comes the first EC captain from outside the 4 core species of the Federation.
If I'm reading the Orion post right, we have basically added around 50% in numbers to the Orion's own ground assets, and almost all of our addtions are roughly equal to their best units. i.e. The 12 Frontier Police Battalions are as good in most circumstances as the elite unit Reconnoitre Bloc, of which there is only one (the Bloc is one point stronger in a pure combat situation)
Ignoring the sector/home fleets, we have 16 ships assigned to the area to the Orion's 10. I don't know the ship numbers off hand for the sector/home fleets. Does Intelligence have a rough idea of how many ships the Syndicate have? Because we have got to have substantial out numbering going on by now, surely?
The Federation version of an SSD would probably be something like a Culture GSV: A massive city ship that acts as a mobile slice of the Federation that we can show off to people.
"Stargazer" is a pretty cool name for an Explorer, but this does mean that some day Riker will take the Stargazer in a test match-up against the Enterprise-D, while Picard talks about his time commanding that old clunker the Potemkin.
"Stargazer" is a pretty cool name for an Explorer, but this does mean that some day Riker will take the Stargazer in a test match-up against the Enterprise-D, while Picard talks about his time commanding that old clunker the Potemkin.
[X][BUILD] Two Excelsiors and One Connie-B
- Build Excelsior in Lor'Vela OCF 2.5 mt berth in Q1
- Build Excelsior in 40 Eridani A Berth B in Q1
- Build Constitution-B in Ana Font 1mt Berth in Q2
Starfleet Commander's Log, Stardate 24012.4
Ten years ago, we started with three Excelsiors running Five Year Missions of Exploration. Today we have five of them and they are travelling out distances that we never dreamed of, seeing the unimaginable on a daily basis. And I will end the year with the production of a sixth, a doubling of our Explorer Corps in the space of eleven years. Pride is a dangerous emotion in my line of work, but I'll permit myself the indulgence.
The last set of Five Year Missions has had its ups and downs. The service of the then-brand new USS Miracht got off to a rocky start. But even in our darkest moments, silver linings emerged. We all mourned the dreadful loss of life aboard the Courageous at the hands of Syndicate mines. However, we have also seen astounding acts of diplomacy, and of the great triumphs in the face of adversity.
The names of Nash ka'Sharren, Victoria Eaton, T'Lorel, Maryam Ajam, Michel Thuir, Straak, Rosalee McAdams, and Saavik, will ring through the history of the Federation as trailblazers of our ideals. They will hold their heads high in the pantheon of explorers alongside the legends of our past like Zefram Cochrane, Chevar sh'Hashath, T'Prista, brinsc Vuk, Velai Talaibrieca, and Awxa Tredanax. They have paid prices, sometimes internally, sometimes externally, for their accomplishments that few of us will ever understand, but have stayed the course. Some of them have already moved on to the next stage of their careers, others are looking to go around again.
Picking people I can trust to uphold our virtues through adversity is a weighty task, and it has fallen to me once again. As always, I hope I am worthy of the privilege.
Computer, End Log
From: Rear Admiral Viraan zh'Dohlen, Commander, Starfleet Explorer Corps
To: Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi, Starfleet, Commanding
Subject: Explorer Corps Panel of Captains
Hello Admiral,
I hope you pulled up well from the "New Years" celebration. It is, as always, fascinating to take part in Sol III cultural festivals.
However, we are straight back to work, as it will not take long for the ships to finish their overhauls at Earth Spacedock, and we will need to get these Captains in place. As Rosalee McAdams prompted a restart of the Courageous' Five Year Mission clock, they will not be a part of these appointments. Instead we have the Enterprise, the Sarek, and the Miracht.
Michel Thuir is not putting his hand up for another for another run around. With several years logged as captain of first the Challorn and then the Miracht, he has a very strong resume, and will almost assuredly be made a Commodore after a brief shore stint. We hope to have him join us at Explorer Corps Ops. Nash is still looking to proceed, but Seruk is raising a real stink about the possibility. Straak is interested in another assignment, and failing that, trying to get onto the upcoming new Oberth.
In any event, I've attached the Captain profiles below.
[Chief of Staff Note: Clearly we've let zh'Dohlen spend far too much time among the Oceania contingent here at Starfleet HQ]
Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Andorian Female, 42
Current Assignment: USS Enterprise, Excelsior-class, Five Year Mission
A cowboy, wild, unpredictable, and successful, she makes the council pull their hair out, but gets things done, Crew Rating + 1, -5 Political Will per Year [20pp Cost to appoint]
NB: Has completed two Five Year Missions already
Captain Straak
Vulcan Male, 56
Current Assignment: USS Sarek, Captain
Now on shore duty after 5 years commanding USS Selaya but determined to return to the stars, gain re-roll to Surprise Encounter events.
NB: Has completed one Five Year Mission already
Captain Langa Mbeki
Human Male, 43
Current Assignment: USS Challorn, Captain
A talented communicator and scientist, gain +1 Presence, re-roll non-First Contact Diplomacy.
Captain T'Rinta
Vulcan Female, 54
Current Assignment: Chief, Torpedo Systems Office, Weapon Systems Fabrication, Shipyard Ops Command
After a few years responsible for Starfleet's photon torpedo supply, T'Rinta knows every facet of these tools. Gain +1 Combat in ship battles.
Captain Talan th'Zahliss
Andorian Male, 47
Current Assignment: Assistant Director, Advanced Subspace Theory Office, Yoyodyne Propulsion Division
A keen scientist who who wants to turn to more practical pursuits. Gain +5rp/year.
Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan
Caitian Female, 38
Current Assignment: USS Lightning, Captain
The first ever Caitian to be appointed to the Explorer Corps Panel of Captains, and one of the few Captains from outside the Original Four. Gain +1 C, +1 P.
Captain Demora Sulu
Human Female, 42
Current Assignment: Pending
Feels she was born for the stars, and is looking for the chance to live up to her family name. Gain +1 P, re-roll any diplomacy test in Federation space
[ ][FYM] Select Captains
-[ ] USS Enterprise: Write in
-[ ] USS Sarek: Write in
-[ ] USS Miracht: Write in