So how do we get around that part? For internal purposes we could fake the crews by taking a bunch of our existing people, briefing them on the ruse, and telling them to claim they'd been aboard the Potemkin and, oh... Farragut. But the Sydraxians, who presumably DID destroy the ships, would know if survivors got away, wouldn't they? I'm not sure we could plan for that.

Man, that's what subordinates are for. To come up with answers to stuff like that.

I will say I think you're overestimating how much the Sydraxians know about us and hear about us. Because frankly, think about how little we know about them. Why can't we check their Sydraxian-wikipedia and read up on their ships? Is it because they're so incredibly security-conscious... or because they are really far away and we don't share information networks?

The Sydraxians don't know listen to Federation news broadcasts. They don't read Federation wikipedia. They don't listen Federation entertainments. I'd guess the Cardassians encourage them not to do so. Which could now bite them in the ass.

You're thinking of the Galaxy as if it were 21st century interconnected earth, but it's far more separated than that.
huh, maybe I should change the class then? I admit I'm not one of the ship design people but I do remember someone saying a lot of our ships underperformed as pure warships, or at least where not cost effective.
And the only other ships in the Miranda-A's weight class that are superior are ships with wacky stats that predate the design spreadsheet and got their stats grandfathered in (like the K'Tinga and the Romulan Bird of Prey.

Remember that other species do not use our design spreadsheet. They have their own design and technological paths that they took. It would be pretty weird if they had all the exact same technologies as the Federation, wouldn't it?
We'd have to somehow stage an extremely elaborate deception, for both internal and external consumption.
Well the Tomed Incident was supposedly (book canon) something very similar to this. Starfleet Intelligence made it look like the Romulans killed thousands of Starfleet personnel spread across 13 outposts and the USS Agamemnon. Except all the outposts and the Agamemnon were empty, rigged to emit false lifesigns, and all the crews were officers who had already died but whose deaths were covered up.
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The Cardassians have an escort that is slightly tankier, but only slightly, compared to a Miranda-A. And the only other ships in the Miranda-A's weight class that are superior are ships with wacky stats that predate the design spreadsheet and got their stats grandfathered in (like the K'Tinga and the Romulan Bird of Prey.

Cardassians actually have two other escorts that can beat a Miranda-A (and Centaur-A):

Isamu ???-??? [???m, 591k t]
C4 S1 H2 L2 P1 D2
Cost [???br, ??sr, ? Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​
Takaaki (Combat Variant) ???-Now [285m, 740k t]
C4 S1 H3 L3 P1 D2
Cost [???br, ??sr, ? Years], Crew [O-?, E-?, T-?]​

(I've been centralizing all Cardassian ship stat lines here.)

But all these escorts are likely more expensive than the Miranda-A, so it's probably economically even.

We could design a better escort and at fairly cheap cost, but with the current crew costs formulas, we'll have to either build eggshell ships (max 2 hull, lots of shields) and/or eat militarization (C4 S1) to match the Miranda's crew costs.

No, you misunderstand.

That's the rate for (hypothetically) us trading our resources for political will. The point is, we'd have to give away 300 and 200 to regain enough political will to "buy back" 230 and 150 at the next snakepit. Which is good for game balance. Because it means there's no perpetual motion machine process by which we can turn political will into resources into MORE political will. Or turn resources into will into resources and get more resources.

Ah, okay. I was thinking it was a 2-way exchange rate, so that although there wouldn't be a perpetual money making loophole, it would make the Excelsior cost infusion snakepit option completely obsolete.

huh, maybe I should change the class then? I admit I'm not one of the ship design people but I do remember someone saying a lot of our ships underperformed as pure warships, or at least where not cost effective.

The Miranda, Centaur, and Centaur-A are the escorts that aren't cost-effective in pure combat. Miranda-A should be, at least for the 2310s.
Man, that's what subordinates are for. To come up with answers to stuff like that.

I will say I think you're overestimating how much the Sydraxians know about us and hear about us. Because frankly, think about how little we know about them. Why can't we check their Sydraxian-wikipedia and read up on their ships? Is it because they're so incredibly security-conscious... or because they are really far away and we don't share information networks?

The Sydraxians don't know listen to Federation news broadcasts. They don't read Federation wikipedia. They don't listen Federation entertainments. I'd guess the Cardassians encourage them not to do so. Which could now bite them in the ass.

You're thinking of the Galaxy as if it were 21st century interconnected earth, but it's far more separated than that.

However, if we try something like this, we DO need the ruse to at least stand up to casual inspection so they don't detect it within the first few years of normalized relations, though. Remember, these are the guys who like to swap battle-songs. Once we normalize relations, some Sydraxian envoys or merchants will probably come to our space, at some point. And one of the first things they will do is ask "what of the battle in which you lost two of your starships?"

If they are met with a blank stare of confusion, there is a high risk of it causing serious problems.

So we'd at least need a ruse that:
1) Convinces the Federation public that we've lost two or more ships, BUT that the crews are safe AND that they don't need to boil Starfleet Command in oil over the incident.
2) Convinces the Sydraxians that they've actually blown up two or more of our ships.
3) Won't fall apart the first moment that the Sydraxians and our own citizens compare notes.

huh, maybe I should change the class then? I admit I'm not one of the ship design people but I do remember someone saying a lot of our ships underperformed as pure warships, or at least where not cost effective.
Without refits, the Centaur is marginally satisfactory, the Miranda and Constellation have a glass jaw, and so the only ship we started the game with that fights well was the Excelsior.

With the refits, the construction of the Constitution-Bs, and the upcoming construction of the Renaissance-class, we have several types of reasonably effective fighting vessels available either now or in the near future. They may not be as powerful in combat as ships totally optimized for combat would be, but they are very much "good enough" to face all known types of warship of broadly comparable tonnage* without undue concern about the outcome.

*This is ignoring Romulan/Klingon designs that have tonnage and combat stats totally out of proportion, which could NEVER be designed using the same rules as Federation ships. On which note...

Remember that other species do not use our design spreadsheet. They have their own design and technological paths that they took. It would be pretty weird if they had all the exact same technologies as the Federation, wouldn't it?
You're right, but assuming their technology isn't totally beyond ours, the strongest warships they can build on a given tonnage shouldn't be MUCH more powerful than the strongest warships we can build on the same tonnage. We may not choose to actually build those warships, and they might...

But really, a 500-kiloton Klingon warship should not have stats that make it fully competitive with a 1.8-megaton Federation "warship," if there was such a thing as a 1.8-megaton Federation warship, which there isn't.

If I were in charge, I'd quietly retcon the tonnages of some of the Klingon and Romulan ships accordingly. Their statlines are totally reasonable, they just don't square well with the listed tonnage numbers is all.

Well the Tomed Incident was supposedly something very similar to this. Starfleet Intelligence made it look like the Romulans killed thousands of Starfleet personnel spread across 13 outposts and the USS Agamemnon. Except all the outposts and the Agamemnon were empty, rigged to emit false lifesigns, and all the crews were officers who had already died but whose deaths were covered up.
While I am not sure we could actually pull that off...

Assuming we can do that, Remember that the Romulans and the Federation spent the following fifty years not talking to each other. The deception would have been far easier to detect had that not been the case.

The Federation is an open society, and any cunning ruses we plan have to be based on that reality. Remember the lengths we're going to in order to conceal the Kadak-Tor's capture and the defection of Miran and her senior officers? The only really good reason we would have for not going to similar lengths over this hypothetical ruse is if we're less afraid of the Sydraxians attacking us when they decide they were tricked.

Cardassians actually have two other escorts that can beat a Miranda-A (and Centaur-A):
I'm sorry, I was genuinely unaware that the former existed. I knew about "gun Takaakis" but didn't know their statline. I figured everything would be in the OP of the design thread, since that's the whole point of that post existing.

Ah, okay. I was thinking it was a 2-way exchange rate, so that although there wouldn't be a perpetual money making loophole, it would make the Excelsior cost infusion snakepit option completely obsolete.
Then we'd basically just be asking Oneiros "hey, can you give us a better deal on resources, oh, and let us trade them back in exchange for pp with no loss due to 'exchange fees?'

It'd be a really stupid thing to ask for.

The Miranda, Centaur, and Centaur-A are the escorts that aren't cost-effective in pure combat. Miranda-A should be, at least for the 2310s.
And the Centaur-A is pretty good, it's just expensive enough that you wouldn't bother buying one if you didn't care about the Science/Presence/Defense package it offers.
1) Convinces the Federation public that we've lost two or more ships, BUT that the crews are safe AND that they don't need to boil Starfleet Command in oil over the incident.

Alternately, Kahurangi could take the fall for it. She's retiring anyway. Why not end another war in the process?

I mean, we won't like it, but it's viable.
e: AND the Connie-B is about to enter service, giving us an excuse to suddenly have constitution hulls flying around that people didn't think still existed.
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Alternately, Kahurangi could take the fall for it. She's retiring anyway. Why not end another war in the process?
This is genius and I love it.

I mean, we won't like it, but it's viable.

e: AND the Connie-B is about to enter service, giving us an excuse to suddenly have constitution hulls flying around that people didn't think still existed.
I love the idea, I want us to do it.

I just want to make sure we think it through well enough that it, y'know, WORKS. :D
Even if we don't use them for some weird plan they can still inflate our numbers if we wanted to show up and be liek "COME AT US BRODRAXYIANS. WE'VE GOT A MILLION OF THESE CRUISERS"
This is like that plan of sinister space squids sublimed conciousinesses, when they smuggled a nuke into a city of one country, blamed it on another and took over the world, with no loose ends?
Either brilliant beyond measure or about to fail spectacularly?
Hmm.. is militarization penalty per ship built, or for the design of the ship. Or both?

Edit: wow, over 700 pages. I remember they being a huge thread page cap, but I forget it it was 1000 or 1200. Or was that over on SB?
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1) Convinces the Federation public that we've lost two or more ships, BUT that the crews are safe AND that they don't need to boil Starfleet Command in oil over the incident.
So you're saying we need some sort of rapid beam out technology?
20 / 20 Rapid Beam-out (Save crews while minimising the risk of conveying the infection)

EDIT: I'm pretty much convinced that we should put Maryam Ajam in charge of this operation, given that she has experience at deception and she officially doesn't exist.
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So you're saying we need some sort of rapid beam out technology?


If only we had some sort of hidden ship they could rapidly beam out to. Maybe some kind of undetectable cloaking device that breaks all the rules about what can be used at the same time as a cloak?

Nah, that sounds ridiculous. Who would have something like that stashed away?

(not actually suggesting that, it's a bit too far fetched :V and the council would murder us for working on cloaking)
If only we had some sort of hidden ship they could rapidly beam out to. Maybe some kind of undetectable cloaking device that breaks all the rules about what can be used at the same time as a cloak?

Nah, that sounds ridiculous. Who would have something like that stashed away?

(not actually suggesting that, it's a bit too far fetched :V and the council would murder us for working on cloaking)
Use a captured Warbird/Bird of Prey? :V
Unless Starfleet Intelligence straight up lied to us about a major advantage like that, which I think is extremely unlikely, it was destroyed like the update said.
Sure? I thought they only destroyed the Warp engines to make it look like the ship was destroyed?
They sabotaged the cloak prior to that - I would assume irreparably.
I imagine that Miran felt it was too dangerous to be in anyone's hands - for all her grievances with the Union, she still wouldn't want to just hand over an intact first-strike weapon, complete with cloak. Even to the Federation.
When do we actually get to choose the new ambition? (Or did we do that already and missed it?)
We're picking it next snakepit.

People, we don't have excess br anymore (arguably we never really did). We don't have an immediate shortage, but we don't have an immediate shortage of sr either. On current income we are much closer to a br shortage than a sr shortage if we want to go explorer heavy (635br, 445 sr ratio 1.427, Exelsior has a ratio of 1.533, Ambassador is expected to have a ratio between 1.5 and 1.875, a pocket Explorer is expected to have a ratio of around 2), and even the next science ship is likely to have a br:sr ratio higher than our current income.
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