Cardassian Border Zone (Currently D10)
Currently: 1 Constitution (5) [Cheron], 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind]
New: 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 2 Constellations (6) [Challorn, Vigour], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind]
Changes: Send Cheron to Amarkia, bring in Vigour to round out fleet.
Upon receiving the order packet from Starfleet Headquarters detaching the Constitution-class Cheron and adding the ill-starred Constellation-class Vigour to her command, T'Lorel cancels everything in her schedule book and spends her afternoon meditating on what it would be like to try the T'Lorel Manoeuvre on Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson...

Also, I think this is the first major cross-Federation action for Rigel. Already proving to be useful Federation members :)

Six weeks into their voyage from Rigel and they start cursing the very idea of joining a Federation this far spread out!
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- Authorisation for internal signals diversions for Starfleet Intelligence, with a sunset clause of 2315

Trying their best to make sure Office 36 doesn't become a permanent feature, I see.

Annual base Impact moved from 18 to 28. Federation Resilience raised from 0 to 10. Syndicate event rate dropped, additional penalty to Orion infiltration attempts.
-5pp/year for duration

The Pacifists certainly gave us a huge Resilience boost. Nothing to 10 is a lot!

"Okay, Orion Union, fifteen worlds, ten systems, big ones being the capital Alukk, and major worlds Celos, Duaba, and Akosa. The others are minor or mining colonies. But they're still problems, because there are a lot of small off the books shipyards and industry that the Syndicate relies on. Federation presence in Orion Union space is a bit of a hot topic in local politics, but most of it is fine as long as we stay out of sight and out of mind on Alukk."

Wasn't there supposed to be a world called "Broken Chains" or was that just an alt-name for one of the other major worlds?

In any case, this shows just how big the Orion Union is. That's a lot of territory.

Though the reference to off-the-books shipyards and industry made me think that the Syndicate has been running through ships at what must be a truly frightening rate for them. They can't have that big a fleet, and building "off the books" must take longer and be more resource-intensive. Warp cores don't just fall off of trucks.

You nod slowly at that, then turn to the Colonel. "Some of these worlds you will just need to be deploying police forces. In a couple, the Union government has suspended the judiciary as well while they attempt to weed out the massive infiltration. On these worlds, your attached justices will operate as trial judges, with Starfleet courts-martial as a court of appeal, and the Executive Bench of Arbitration on Alukk as the final appeal body, which will hear de novo trials."

Judge Dredd mode activated! "Lay down your arms and prepare to be Judged!"

"My Scrutineers can do that," says Dearre with the ghost of a wry grin and a shrug of the shoulders. "Most of my people are blissfully unaware of the galaxy's criminality, but the Scrutineers have dealt with Gaeni Institutes and the more unscrupulous of the Rigellian merchant houses for a long time. We're ready."

I am reminded that one of the Gaeni Institutes committed murder and tried to frame Starfleet for it the first time we met them....

With this you are now entering a new stage of the conflict with the Orion Syndicate. Small monthly Syndicate turns will occur, and you will get progress reports of the events. Orion-related reports for the 2310.Q4 Starfleet Intelligence turn will be pushed into a separate Status Post.

Monthly turns? This is going into full-blown crisis mode.

Upon receiving the order packet from Starfleet Headquarters detaching the Constitution-class Cheron and adding the ill-starred Constellation-class Vigour to her command, T'Lorel cancels everything in her schedule book and spends her afternoon meditating on what it would be like to try the T'Lorel Manoeuvre on Vice Admiral Heidi Eriksson...

(looks at actual Cardassian Border Zone Defense requirement) Well if she doesn't want the Vigour, "nothing" is also on offer as a replacement. Her call. :p
I guess you've had the same idea that I had > : V

(I was picturing like of of those portraits of high ranking people that you see of like a President or other high ranking people, with a Federation flag in background)

Remember that Kuharangi's uniform is real fancy, look at "Bill" from ST VI. There is gold Starburst thing on the chest for instance

As far as looks go, I pictured her as dusky and steel haired yes, and as far as ethnicity goes, she leans towards the solid features of a Maori, but is also more generally just "Pacific-ish" If someone today we're trying to place her origin.
Heh, I guess we did have the same idea :)

Re: uniform: yeah, I get 'fancy' but my knowledge of ST is so patchy it's practically made of holes, which is why I asked for visual help originally ^^" At least now I know what to aim for.

As for Kahurangi herself, I can't for the life of me recall if I'm picking her appearance from [quest] canon description, or if it's just image in my head. At least if you have the same image, it can't be wrong :V

I dunno if I can get the portrait done before she retires, but I really want to try. She's one of my fav characters among all quests I follow.
For some reason I had the impression the last name was Japanese. I guess I was primed by the obviously Japanese middle name.
Perhaps also because it sounds a bit like Kusanagi, which actually is a Japanese family name. Kahurangi isn't outright linguistically impossible for Japanese either (though it would either be pronounced Koorangi and use an archaic spelling, or Kafurangi and use a somewhat unconventional romanization, and it would be a complicated composite that doesn't really follow the normal patterns for family names).
[X][FLEET] Plan Syndicate Sectors Charm Offensive

The fleet in the Tellar Prime Sector seems a bit weak. Ord Grind Duk is close to the Orion Union, while Klivvar Proxima is not that far away from the Sydraxians.

At the moment I don't see any ships we could move there without weakening other important Sectors, but I would like to strengthen the Tellar Prime fleet as soon as possible.
[X][FLEET] Plan Syndicate Sectors Charm Offensive

Holding the line until the Connie Bs start coming out in two years. Those will help with defense requirements a lot
I don't think we have the Caitan tech team yet. Reading the species overview here I think they'll be communications or warp drive.
Under the new paradigm I suspect they'll be a Comms/Warp Drive team. How does that work fluffwise? Three words: Subspace Radio Specialists.

And that would be an amazing combo to get, since there's plenty of great stuff in Comms, and while Warp Drive isn't one of the top-tier research fields like Comms, Computers or Xenopsych, it's still very good.
Right, so I know someone was wanting to write Vulcan noir, but a Betazoid noir with this character sounds even better!
Your usual noir detective says "I knew what he was thinking," and it's an educated guess. Not here. Plus, I'd love to see how the grim-reflective tone of noir is affected by a character with a proven gift for being able to break into other people's internal monologues. Because they can read them in real time. :D

I actually think it'd be hilarious to read a conversation from a Betazoid's point of view where they realize the other person never actually spoke and that they've just been responding to their thoughts. Awkward.

Well, that's a lofty hope. Unless she's implying that such breaking bread can take the form of militarily humbling said enemy into submission :p
No, literal bread. Cardassians like food and take it seriously. Good gesture of "why you shouldn't hate us." :D

You'd have only spent it on liquor and fast women, and the rest you would have squandered.
We already have a 5pp budget for fast women and Nash burns through all of it...

Six weeks into their voyage from Rigel and they start cursing the very idea of joining a Federation this far spread out!
Nonsense! For is it not a Rigellian truism that slow and steady wins the race? Patience is a vital Rigellian virtue.
This is identical to @Briefvoice's plan for the rest of the current quarter but includes some reshuffling following the assignment of the Thirishar in Q1 (bringing KBZ and RBZ to identical fleet composition), and also assigns the Zephyr when she finishes her refit. Also fixing inconsistent labeling.

[X][FLEET] Plan Charm Offensive And Strengthened Taskforce

Sol (D15)

Currently: 1 Excelsior [Endurance] (6), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Bull], 3 Miranda [Lion, Bon Vivant, Fidelity] (6), Starbase 1* (5)
New: 1 Excelsior [Endurance] (6), 3 Miranda [Lion, Bon Vivant, Fidelity] (6), Starbase 1* (5)
Changes: Send Bull to Amarkia

Betazed (D3)
Currently: 1 Constellation [Selaya] (3)
Changes: No change.

Vulcan (D12)
Currently: 1 Constellation [Sappho] (3), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 1 Miranda (2) [T'Kumbra], Starbase I (5)
New: 1 Constellation [Sappho] (3), 2 Mirandas (4) [T'Kumbra, Thunderhead], Starbase I (5)
Changes: Add Thunderhead, remove Lightning for duty in Andoria.

Andoria (D9)
Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase I (5)
New: 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase I (5)
Changes: Add Lightning, pull the Avandar off for duties in Caitian Sector.

Tellar Prime (D9)
Currently: 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Gale], 1 Miranda (2) [Calypso], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5)
New: 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Gale], 1->2 Miranda (2, 4) [Calypso, Shield starting 2311.Q1], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5)
Changes: Add Shield when freed up.

Amarkia (D15)
Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Constellation (3) [Vigour], 1 Miranda [Dryad] (2), Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5)
New: 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Blizzard], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5)
Changes: Send off Hawking to help patrol RBZ. Remove Constellation and Miranda in favor of high-Presence Centaur-As, sending to CBZ [Vigour] and anti-Syndicate [Dryad] respectively.

Ferasa (D15)
Currently: Ferasa Station [Starbase I]
New: 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constituion-A (5) [Cheron], Starbase I (5)

Romulan Border Zone (Currently D12)
Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 2 Miranda (4) [Svai, Thunderhead], Starbase I (5)
New: 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Miranda (2) [Svai], Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5)
Changes: Pull off 1 Miranda [Thunderhead] for duties in Vulcan; add Hawking for extra monitoring

Klingon Border Zone (Currently D6)
Currently: 1 Constellation (3) [Kearsage], 2 Miranda (4) [Intrepid, Shield], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire]
New: 0 -> 1 Excelsior(0, 6) [Thirishar, starting 2311.Q1], 1 -> 0 Constellation (3, 0)[Kearsage, until 2311.Q1], 2->1 Miranda(4, 2) [Intrepid, Shield, until 2311.Q1], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire]
Changes: Add Thirishar when it is completed in 2311Q1, send the Kearsage to reinforce Anti-Syndicate taskforce and Shield to reinforce Tellar sector.

Cardassian Border Zone (Currently D10)
Currently: 1 Constitution (5) [Cheron], 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind]
New: 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 2 Constellations (6) [Challorn, Vigour], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind]
Changes: Send Cheron to Ferasa, bring in Vigour to round out fleet.

Anti-Syndicate (no fixed requirement)
Currently: 1 Centaur-A [Yukikaze]
New: 1->2 Centaur-A [Yukikaze, Zephyr starting 2311.Q2], 1 Constellation [Kearsage, starting 2311.Q1], 1 Miranda [Dryad]
This is identical to @Briefvoice's plan for the rest of the current quarter but includes some reshuffling following the assignment of the Thirishar in Q1 (bringing KBZ and RBZ to identical fleet composition), and also assigns the Zephyr when she finishes her refit.

Hmm, when's the last time we had new/repaired ships pending assignment and we had to wait at least a couple quarters to assign them?

I'm not liking the extra complexity of requiring a plan that changes fleet deployments over multiple quarters, just to ensure we're being super efficient.

@OneirosTheWriter, can we just do fleet deployment addendum votes on the side whenever a ship is commissioned or relaunched (in addition to any other necessary voting in the current update)? Or is that something that's already happening? I don't remember.

Whatever, I'll vote for it, but I'm uncomfortable with being forced into such votes just to be as efficient as possible.

[X][FLEET] Plan Charm Offensive And Strengthened Taskforce

Anti-Syndicate (no fixed requirement)
Currently: 1 Centaur-A [Yukikaze]
New: 1->2 Centaur-A [Yukikaze, Zephyr starting 2311.Q2], 1 Constellation [Kearsage, starting 2311.Q1], 1 Miranda [Dryad]

It would be nice to know what this is getting us, or at what point there's diminishing returns. What are these ships going to be doing? Is there like some special Syndicate "sector" that Yukikaze currently plays in with Syndicate-specific events every turn? Can certain types of ships, like Mirandas end up being a liability?

edit: wording
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[X][FLEET] Plan Charm Offensive And Strengthened Taskforce

Looks good.
@OneirosTheWriter , what is the shape of the recently enlarged Ferasa Sector? With Risa as part of it, it could be a large inverted L shape. I assume it will grow to include the Dawiar and Qloath if and when they become enhanced affiliates.
Hmm, when's the last time we had new/repaired ships pending assignment and we had to wait at least a couple quarters to assign them?
This year, with the Centaur finishing at the end of Q1 and only being assigned now. It pretty much always happens when there is a single non-Excelsior ship finishing and no reassignments are needed for another reason. We have also done assignments ahead of time like this before a few times.
It would be nice to know what this is getting us, or at what point there's diminishing returns. What are these ships going to be doing? Is there like some special Syndicate "sector" that Yukikaze currently plays in with Syndicate-specific events every turn? Can certain types of ships, like Mirandas end up being a liability?
Yukikaze is the head of a task force which otherwise consists of four Mirandas, a Constellation, and two Centaurs drawn from the United Earth and Andorian member world fleets. They seem to play a fairly important role in our operations in Orion space. Reinforcing this task force with other ships of similar force might not make a major difference, but it could have some favorable impact.
@OneirosTheWriter , what is the shape of the recently enlarged Ferasa Sector? With Risa as part of it, it could be a large inverted L shape. I assume it will grow to include the Dawiar and Qloath if and when they become enhanced affiliates.
Using the opportunity to also claim the space up to the existing colonies Yel'urulausu and Tallow III, but otherwise leaving as large a buffer zone to Dawiar space as possible seems to make the most sense. So probably something like this:
This year, with the Centaur finishing at the end of Q1 and only being assigned now. It pretty much always happens when there is a single non-Excelsior ship finishing and no reassignments are needed for another reason. We have also done assignments ahead of time like this before a few times.

The main reason I didn't get into 2311 deployments was that Rigelian ratification is fairly likely to occur early in 2311 and then we'll have to pull off 4 to 7 D for its garrison.

But sure, no harm in voting for your plan until that actually happens.

[X][FLEET] Plan Charm Offensive And Strengthened Taskforce
Hey folks. How difficult would it be to put a sticky at the top of this thread, our the main one, with all fleet strengths (romulan type x count of five, type y count of four, etc), as well all known construction, including our own? A lot of this information is buried in the main thread.

Edit: whoops, meant to put this in the other thread. Ah, well.
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