Could someone provide a description of the good admiral, and a [good] picture of a kind of uniform she would be wearing?

All I can think of is gray hair and dusky skin, and I'm not sure even of that.

Klingon Border Zone (Currently D6)
Currently: 1 Constellation (3) [Kearsage], 2 Miranda (4) [Intrepid, Shield], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire]
Leave as is, but add Thirishar when it is completed in 2311Q1.
If you are assigning her you probably should also list reassignments of some of the ships there taking effect in Q1 (Kearsage and/or one of the Mirandas?), possible places to reinforce would be Tellar, or they could join the Yukikaze. Rigellian ratification probably won't be for a few more months and the Klingon Romulan war hasn't started yet. Those, the Vega Starbase and the Centaur-A finishing refit at the end of Q1 probably require another round or two of shuffling later next year anyway.
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Could someone provide a description of the good admiral, and a [good] picture of a kind of uniform she would be wearing?

All I can think of is gray hair and dusky skin, and I'm not sure even of that.

Persian instead of Japanese, but maybe everybody's mixed-race in the future. A guy named Jean-luc Picard, after-all, had a British Accent.


A Caitian man walks in first, tall and proud, bearing so straight you think you could run a spirit level over his spine. His uniform is beautiful and ornate, an overcoat the colour of butternut with silver piping. Shoulder-boards and cuff braids give it a martial air, and his collar is marked with guidon-shaped tabs bearing symbols of measuring scales above a traditional Caitian adjudicator's rod of office. Under the coat is a pristine white tunic and pants, with a broad belt and an empty holster. Following hot on his heels is a woman with blue piping instead of silver on her uniform.

Third and finally through to door is a Betazoid woman in a long khaki coat over slacks and a clean white shirt. A short-brimmed cap sits on her head, pressing down dark curls. She has a guarded, hard-bitten look, a gaze that seems to trust no one and no thing. She walks with her hands in her pockets, eyes constantly in motion. She likewise has an empty holster; your security has already told you that the disruptor pistol the woman had handed over was more akin to a cannon than a side-arm. To be perfectly frank, it certainly wasn't the sort of thing you expect from a Betazoid!
One riot, one scrutineer? I mean, the hat's different, but I wouldn't be surprised if the badges were made from old coins.
Less clear about where costuming gets the Caitan outfits from, but I do love should boards and piping in my forces.
This is a conflict that defies easy classification. With an end state that is difficult to conceive of.
This is a problem. In fact, this was the heart of the problem faced by the United States during the Vietnam War.

That one ended with us abandoning the folks we had been backing.

You lean back in your chair and let out a deep breath, before giving her a grin. "Clearly, I need a Betazoid yeoman.


But between the Union and Syndicate, I honestly can't see what that ground could be.
The Syndicate has to go; the trick will be to find points of commonality with the individuals who would otherwise find themselves joining the Syndicate, thus compromising the gangster's ability to maintain and grow their organization.

I wonder if the Federation could open up their own corporation within the Orion Union, using that to undercut the more corrupt business enterprises. The idea of predatory pricing as a heroic action is one I find intriguing...
She has a Maori last name, A Russian first name and a Japanese middle name. Mixed-race is pretty much a given.
For some reason I had the impression the last name was Japanese. I guess I was primed by the obviously Japanese middle name.

I'm not too familiar with Maori names, but that mak s a lot more sense. Thanks.
-5pp/year for duration

The total is -10pp/year -15pp/year though, right?

edit: 2309 already had -10pp/year

15 Influence of 15 in use.

Ah, so that's why it was 6 influence. 9 used from last year, leaving 1 remaining, and an additional 5 for this amendment.

You know that you are one of the great architects of the Federation's expansion over the last decade.

That's quite the understatement. By the time Kahurangi retires, Federation territory will have practically doubled in size, and all the lost influence and cuts of Starfleet have been more than reversed. She'll be known as the Admiral that restored Starfleet.

Third and finally through to door is a Betazoid woman in a long khaki coat over slacks and a clean white shirt. A short-brimmed cap sits on her head, pressing down dark curls. She has a guarded, hard-bitten look, a gaze that seems to trust no one and no thing. She walks with her hands in her pockets, eyes constantly in motion. She likewise has an empty holster; your security has already told you that the disruptor pistol the woman had handed over was more akin to a cannon than a side-arm. To be perfectly frank, it certainly wasn't the sort of thing you expect from a Betazoid!

Right, so I know someone was wanting to write Vulcan noir, but a Betazoid noir with this character sounds even better!

and I know that the Federation can break bread with the Sydraxians and Cardassians

Well, that's a lofty hope. Unless she's implying that such breaking bread can take the form of militarily humbling said enemy into submission :p

Order can take many guises, but there can be no peace between a society of laws, and a society that is a revolt against the law itself.

Hmm, this statement bothers me a bit. Civil disobedience, revolutions, and rebellions are all fundamentally revolts against the law.

I think a better statement would be that the Syndicate is a revolt against the concept of law itself.

New amendments will take effect starting 2311.Q1.

Just to clarify, does this mean the 10 additional impact and the 10 resilience don't apply for this year?

With this you are now entering a new stage of the conflict with the Orion Syndicate. Small monthly Syndicate turns will occur, and you will get progress reports of the events. Orion-related reports for the 2310.Q4 Starfleet Intelligence turn will be pushed into a separate Status Post.

Oh that's good. Does this mean that we shouldn't request any Syndicate intel reports in the Q2 steering committees?
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I think a better statement would be that the Syndicate is a revolt against the concept of law itself.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to say :X

Just to clarify, does this mean the 10 additional impact and the 10 resilience don't apply for this year?
That's right.

Oh that's good. Does this mean that we shouldn't request any Syndicate intel reports in the Q2 steering committees?
I'll be ear-marking one of them as Starfleet Intel puts more resources to the Syndicate, and it will become your progress report.

The total is -10pp/year though, right?
Yes, this is just the change caused by the amendment.
[X][FLEET] Plan Syndicate Sectors Charm Offensive

Only change from the tentative plan is shifting Dryad (the Miranda) from Amarkia to help Yukikaze instead of to Sol sector. Which is sensible. We unfortunately don't have much more garrison room to spare for the effort until next year.

Huh, Kahurangi looks rather sad there. Would've expected her to be more tired and resigned...
- Sanctions against Orion Hypercorps suspected of Syndicate involvement
- Financial regulations run through the Mercantile Oversight Agency of Rigel
- Informational Push conducted by the Federation Council
- Groundwork laid for prospective Organised Crime Informants Protection Act, hoped to be passed in early 2311

I'm not sure what "informational push" means, but the rest all look like they would be responsible for reducing the Syndicate's own resilience to our impact rather than improving our own resilience.

Does this "informational push" the same thing as the aforementioned "Council, the Diplomatic Service, and the media" approach? That's something that should directly improve our resilience against Syndicate cost.

Also, I think this is the first major cross-Federation action for Rigel. Already proving to be useful Federation members :)

I was going for "exhausted."

I guess there are limits to stick figure art emotions :eyebrow:

edit: I think it's the large frown. Exhaustion is all in the eyes rather than the mouth (unless you're yawning).
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Could someone provide a description of the good admiral, and a [good] picture of a kind of uniform she would be wearing?

All I can think of is gray hair and dusky skin, and I'm not sure even of that.


I guess you've had the same idea that I had > : V

(I was picturing like of of those portraits of high ranking people that you see of like a President or other high ranking people, with a Federation flag in background)

Remember that Kuharangi's uniform is real fancy, look at "Bill" from ST VI. There is gold Starburst thing on the chest for instance

As far as looks go, I pictured her as dusky and steel haired yes, and as far as ethnicity goes, she leans towards the solid features of a Maori, but is also more generally just "Pacific-ish" If someone today we're trying to place her origin.
That's quite the understatement. By the time Kahurangi retires, Federation territory will have practically doubled in size, and all the lost influence and cuts of Starfleet have been more than reversed. She'll be known as the Admiral that restored Starfleet.

Or she will be known for the woman under whose leadership the Federation expansions exceeded its ability to cope with them, which lead to a deadlock in internal politics as myriad of antagonistic factions constantly vie for power and influence. Starfleet, led by a cabal of officers originating from our appointments who have long since started to view themselves as the only ones capable of defending the Federation, steps into that void as the only powerful actor left and in a few years, perhaps after particular difficult crisis/war, officially takes control of the Federation as a military junta (for the good of people, of course). After that is only a short while till the elites of Starfleet decide to fully formalise their takeover and announce the birth of the Galactic Empire, with Kahurangi being made into it's mystical founder/saint.
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Awwwww, I missed another two votes I had easy time understanding :(

On the other hand, the Pacifist option results went over better than I expected. Shows the cynic what he knows, that.

On that note, I gotta say, when I read latest Ratification update, my immediate reaction was "Hmmm, everyone suspects the overworked, shifty guy, therefore the real criminal will be his, chirpy, friendly colleague."

:o...I'm turning into a human Garak, aren't I?