[X] [COUNCIL] Plan Industrial Expansion

But would rather replace budget and recruit drive with counselors.
Current plan for the MWCO:

During Shipyard Phases you will be presented with a list of the current Shipyard Ops short/mid/long-term priorities of each full Member, and can vote to change them.

You will also get to see their current budget and crew pools, and current berths.

During each Quarter you will get a list of all ships commissioned or commenced by members or affiliates.

During crisis/states of emergency, "nationalising" assets will be easier.

@OneirosTheWriter, IIRC wasn't one of the impetus behind MWCO that we could sell off our Connie-Bs when we could replace them better ships (way down the line)?

Will there be options to sell - or even buy - ships to interested member world fleets? It could serve as third option to the scrap vs mothball decision, but only works if a member world fleet has interest.
Okay, Big, long-term question here. What, in general terms, do we have to do to get either the Romulans or the Klingons to actually become part of the Federation? I refuse to believe such a thing to be impossible.
I just want to add that I don't have a massive problem with @Nix's plan. It at least buys the EC drive.

We have an opportunity this year to clean up the big projects on the docket, so I thought I'd take it; that's why my plan exists. Colonies are comparatively easy to fit in later years as a quick addition at the end of planning, compared to 40pp 8turn projects. But I understand the "claim them now" drive even if I disagree with it.
Okay, Big, long-term question here. What, in general terms, do we have to do to get either the Romulans or the Klingons to actually become part of the Federation? I refuse to believe such a thing to be impossible.

We'd need to become so massive and so powerful that they come to see us as a superior rather than a peer. Even then, there would be cultural factors that make absorbing them very difficult.
I don't know how compatible the Klingons are. If we could kill the Romulan xenophobia they probably make more natural allies.

Kinda weird how it worked out differently in canon, actually. Romulans are clearly fanatic xenophobe.
I don't know how compatible the Klingons are. If we could kill the Romulan xenophobia they probably make more natural allies.

Kinda weird how it worked out differently in canon, actually. Romulans are clearly fanatic xenophobe.

I think the Klingons would need a revolution before they could become Federation compatible. Their feudal aristocracy has to go, or at least have its power reduced to the ceremonial.

In the wake of that, their society could become something along the lines of the Amarki, who we had no trouble absorbing.
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I know people are ticked at the Intelligence CO, but ultimately he proved to be RIGHT on his gamble of withholding information, incredibly annoying as it was. Replacing him might not be petty if we just want more intelligence bonuses, but it would certainly look petty after our recent confrontation.
While I'm willing to give him another shot, I'm a firm believer in giving second chances if you can, the problem, or at least my problem, was never the gamble itself. It was about his actions around the gamble.

Honestly while I don't agree with his assessment that isn't my problem with Linderly. My problem with him is that he made two critical fuckups in a very short period of time.

First and foremost he failed to properly advise Admiral Kahurangi with regards to informing the Klingons of the prototype cloak. While it's (apparently) his right to decide what information can and cannot be shared the simple fact that Admiral Kahurrangi was surprised is unacceptable. The instant she proposed alerting the Klingons he should have spoken up and said he's declared key information too sensitive to reveal. Even in the worst case scenario he should have told her before the message to the Klingons went out so she could decide if she still wanted to send it knowing it would be ignored.

His second mistake was blatantly disrespecting the head of Starfleet. Sure he said "Respectfully" but what followed was full on disrespect. He talked to her like a child who didn't understand the importance of intelligence gathering. To make matters worse not only did he do this not in private, where it could potentially be excused, but in front at least three Vice Admirals (Sulu, Sousa, and Eriksson). There was no reasoning, no calm discussion, just him flat out saying he knows better and then when warned about his behavior he doubled down and taunted her by saying she can't touch him.

This sort of behavior is flat out unacceptable for a Starfleet officer let alone a Rear Admiral and department head.
for more details.
On generic teams, how important do you consider that every team has two specializations that make sense together, and how important that we don't have too many duplicates (teams that have the same pair of specializations)?

For instance, I'm avoiding training any generic team as Explorer/Escort specialized because being good at designing both small and large ships, but not ships with sizes in between doesn't make sense to me. And I'm thinking about moving generic team 5 to xenopsychology because that seems like a very good match for foreign analyis and we don't have any team with that combination yet, not for any mechanical reason. Do you feel differently and should I just ignore things like that in planning?

At this point, the contributions of the generic teams are minor enough that by the time they do become major a decade later, we'll likely have other tech teams to fill in gaps.

So feel free to let slip narrative decision making into the cold mechanical calculus of research.

Also, I'm reconsidering researching 2.1mt crusiers. If researching those would stop us from designing a <2mt explorer (and earning 5pp for each) that actually seems like more of a disadvantage. Not sure where else to put Generic Team 3 to earn their second specialization though.

While I'm not gungho about 2.1mt cruisers, I'm also not particular enthused about the pocket explorer idea. It sounds like it's abusing a mechanic, and I wouldn't be surprised if Oneiros changes it to something like: +5pp per latest flagship-class ship constructed.

edit: This kinda applies to all the escort vs cruiser vs explorer distinctions between techs. We shouldn't be severely disincentived from actually researching these max escort scale and max cruiser scale techs.
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While I'm not gungho about 2.1mt cruisers, I'm also not particular enthused about the pocket explorer idea. It sounds like it's abusing a mechanic, and I wouldn't be surprised if Oneiros changes it to something like: +5pp per latest flagship-class ship constructed.
Even if that happens costing 2 points less towards the combat limit would still be a strong reason to go for explorers rather than cruisers for a just under 2mt design.
edit: This kinda applies to all the escort vs cruiser vs explorer distinctions between techs. We shouldn't be severely disincentived from actually researching these max escort scale and max cruiser scale techs.

If Scale 7 exists, and we're to be punished for using it, what's the point of Scale 7?

Even if that happens costing 2 points less towards the combat limit would still be a strong reason to go for explorers rather than cruisers for a just under 2mt design.

Crew and resource costs are still lower, significantly last time I checked. I'm not going to port everything over to the experimental crew sheet till it's final though.
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Actually there might be a way around this. What if max scale per ship type did not define strict brackets, where instead we can choose to build any ship type at tonnages that the ship types can be scaled to. So for ex, even with 2.1mt cruiser researched, we could still build either 2mt cruisers or 2mt explorers.

Hmm, there a lot of formulaic differences between ship types, so I'm not sure if this would work out, but this might also provide the avenue to actually have the escort-sized "long-ranged explorers" mean what it means.

This idea isn't fully thought out and requires some experimentation in the ship design spreadsheet (and changing it so that ship type can be explicitly chosen).
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While I'm willing to give him another shot, I'm a firm believer in giving second chances if you can, the problem, or at least my problem, was never the gamble itself. It was about his actions around the gamble.
To put it bluntly? It was the right call and on reflection I don't think most people voting for telling everybody we know understood the full consequences of that decision. I'd bet my ass Sulu would have told us the same damn thing because he's nervy like that and we would have trusted his judgement. We wouldn't have devolved to threatening to have him sacked, and so he wouldn't have had to respond by saying it's in his remit to make that call.

Because if the charter agrees with him, it was his call to make. I'm not sure how you expected him to 'respectfully' respond to a threat to have him fired, but it's a fine tradition in Starfleet embraced by Kirk and Picard and pretty much everyone worth talking about to do what you think is right rather than to cave to authority when they threaten you. His call will probably prevent the next Cardassian plot.

When that happens, we probably want to consider how problematic the order actually was at length rather than writing off the person risking their career as a jackass. Now, was it a bit cowardly of him to try to skate by without confronting us to begin with? Maybe. But if he felt strongly enough about it to risk his career, he wanted to ensure that risk protected what he felt needed protection.
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Combat log from coming turn. Pretty sure I forgot a bonus in the set-up now that I think about it, but all ended well.

Side 1: Federation Fleet, Ships 2, Combat 7, Hull 5
Side 2: Outpost Fleet, Ships 1, Combat 4, Hull 8

================== STATUS UPDATE ==================
Federation Fleet Ship Casualties:
Federation Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 0, Enlisted: 0, Techs: 0
Outpost Fleet Ship Casualties:
Outpost Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 0, Enlisted: 0, Techs: 0
Federation Fleet
Ship Yukikaze: Hull: 3 / 3, Combat 4 / 4, Shield: 4 / 4, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Ship UE Centaur-A: Hull: 2 / 2, Combat 3 / 3, Shield: 3 / 3, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Outpost Fleet
Ship Syndicate Outpost: Hull: 8 / 8, Combat 4 / 4, Shield: 8 / 8, Crew 4-4-4/4-4-4
================== END UPDATE ==================

Turn 1 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.0406
Turn 1 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 7 / 8
Turn 2 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.6070
Turn 2 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 6 / 8
Turn 3 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.3730
Turn 3 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 5 / 8
Turn 4 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.2254
Turn 4 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 4 / 8
Turn 5 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.6225
Turn 5 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 3 / 8
Turn 6 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.1721
Turn 6 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 2 / 8
Turn 7 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.0260
Turn 7 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 1 / 8
Turn 8 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.7727
Turn 8 - Federation Fleet is hit!
Ship Syndicate Outpost fires upon ship Yukikaze
Ship Yukikaze has successfully evaded fire!
Turn 9 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.7999
Turn 9 - Federation Fleet is hit!
Ship Syndicate Outpost fires upon ship Yukikaze
Ship Yukikaze Shields hit, now 3 / 4
Turn 10 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.5223
Turn 10 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship UE Centaur-A fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 0 / 8
* Ship Syndicate Outpost shields have collapsed! *

================== STATUS UPDATE ==================
Federation Fleet Ship Casualties:
Federation Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 0, Enlisted: 0, Techs: 0
Outpost Fleet Ship Casualties:
Outpost Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 0, Enlisted: 0, Techs: 0
Federation Fleet
Ship Yukikaze: Hull: 3 / 3, Combat 4 / 4, Shield: 3 / 4, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Ship UE Centaur-A: Hull: 2 / 2, Combat 3 / 3, Shield: 3 / 3, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Outpost Fleet
Ship Syndicate Outpost: Hull: 8 / 8, Combat 4 / 4, Shield: 0 / 8, Crew 4-4-4/4-4-4
================== END UPDATE ==================

Turn 11 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.7195
Turn 11 - Federation Fleet is hit!
Ship Syndicate Outpost fires upon ship Yukikaze
Ship Yukikaze Shields hit, now 2 / 4
Turn 12 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.0718
Turn 12 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 7/8
Turn 13 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.7791
Turn 13 - Federation Fleet is hit!
Ship Syndicate Outpost fires upon ship Yukikaze
Ship Yukikaze Shields hit, now 1 / 4
Turn 14 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.8560
Turn 14 - Federation Fleet is hit!
Ship Syndicate Outpost fires upon ship Yukikaze
Ship Yukikaze Shields hit, now 0 / 4
* Ship Yukikaze shields have collapsed! *
Shields Replenishing
Turn 15 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.2090
Turn 15 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Shields hit, now 0 / 8
* Ship Syndicate Outpost shields have collapsed! *
Turn 16 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.0278
Turn 16 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship UE Centaur-A fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 6/8
Turn 17 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.8040
Turn 17 - Federation Fleet is hit!
Ship Syndicate Outpost fires upon ship Yukikaze
Ship Yukikaze Shields hit, now 0 / 4
* Ship Yukikaze shields have collapsed! *
Turn 18 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.9182
Turn 18 - Federation Fleet is hit!
Ship Syndicate Outpost fires upon ship UE Centaur-A
Ship UE Centaur-A has successfully evaded fire!
Turn 19 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 4.92457765337966 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6556 RNG: 0.2923
Turn 19 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship UE Centaur-A fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 5/8
** Turn 19 - Ship Syndicate Outpost has dropped below 75% HP **
Ship Syndicate Outpost has suffered casualties! 0 Officer, 1 Enlisted, and 0 Techs.
Turn 20 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 3.5374429370441 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.7260 RNG: 0.4486
Turn 20 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 4/8
Ship Syndicate Outpost has suffered casualties! 0 Officer, 1 Enlisted, and 0 Techs.

================== STATUS UPDATE ==================
Federation Fleet Ship Casualties:
Federation Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 0, Enlisted: 0, Techs: 0
Outpost Fleet Ship Casualties:
Outpost Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 0, Enlisted: 2, Techs: 0
Federation Fleet
Ship Yukikaze: Hull: 3 / 3, Combat 4 / 4, Shield: 0 / 4, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Ship UE Centaur-A: Hull: 2 / 2, Combat 3 / 3, Shield: 3 / 3, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Outpost Fleet
Ship Syndicate Outpost: Hull: 4 / 8, Combat 3 / 4, Shield: 0 / 8, Crew 4-2-4/4-4-4
================== END UPDATE ==================

Turn 21 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 3.5374429370441 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.7260 RNG: 0.1001
Turn 21 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship UE Centaur-A fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 3/8
** Turn 21 - Ship Syndicate Outpost has dropped below 50% HP **
Ship Syndicate Outpost has suffered casualties! 1 Officer, 0 Enlisted, and 0 Techs.
Turn 22 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 2.21913894413569 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.8086 RNG: 0.1520
Turn 22 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 2/8
Ship Syndicate Outpost has suffered casualties! 0 Officer, 1 Enlisted, and 2 Techs.
Turn 23 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 2.21913894413569 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.8086 RNG: 0.0234
Turn 23 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship UE Centaur-A fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 1/8
** Turn 23 - Ship Syndicate Outpost has dropped below 25% HP **
Ship Syndicate Outpost has suffered casualties! 0 Officer, 0 Enlisted, and 1 Techs.
Turn 24 - Federation Fleet Power: 9.37265747605922 v Outpost Fleet Power: 1 - Federation's Chance to Land Hit: 0.9000 RNG: 0.1576
Turn 24 - Outpost Fleet is hit!
Ship Yukikaze fires upon ship Syndicate Outpost
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hit - Now Hp 0/8
Ship Syndicate Outpost Hull 8 vs Average Attack 1
Defender Roll: 8 + 3 vs Attacker: 1 + 8
**** Turn 24 - Ship Syndicate Outpost has been Disabled! ****
Ship Syndicate Outpost has suffered casualties! 0 Officer, 1 Enlisted, and 0 Techs.
End of Battle - Turn 24
Side 1: Federation Fleet, Ships 2, Combat 7, Hull 5
Side 2: Outpost Fleet, Ships 0, Combat 0, Hull 0
Side two has been Wiped Out.

================== STATUS UPDATE ==================
Federation Fleet Ship Casualties:
Federation Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 0, Enlisted: 0, Techs: 0
Outpost Fleet Ship Casualties:
Syndicate Outpost has been Disabled
Outpost Fleet Crew Casualties, Officers: 1, Enlisted: 4, Techs: 3
Federation Fleet
Ship Yukikaze: Hull: 3 / 3, Combat 4 / 4, Shield: 0 / 4, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Ship UE Centaur-A: Hull: 2 / 2, Combat 3 / 3, Shield: 3 / 3, Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2
Outpost Fleet
Ship Syndicate Outpost: Hull: 0 / 8, Combat 0 / 4, Shield: 0 / 8, Crew 3-0-1/4-4-4
================== END UPDATE ==================
Is Jessica Rivers still captain, or has she been promoted already?

I actually like the border zone, at least compared to a starbase that will only probably be at Vega. The border is long enough that such a position can't cover everything. I get that this isn't going to win this turn, but I don't want people scared off putting it in their plans in the future, especially if raids shift spin-ward.

Combat log from coming turn. Pretty sure I forgot a bonus in the set-up now that I think about it, but all ended well.

[Combat log pew pew pew]
Post-battle tactical analysis:

We see here both Yukikaze and the Earth force Centaur-A which I am provisionally dubbing UES Bellona, a name I picked because honorable reasons but ultimately because of being a renaming of the only wooden ship ever to hold her own against ironclads in battle. Kaiser was the original name of that ship, by the way.

1) Escorts actually do possess an evasion chance; both Yukikaze and Bellona evaded enemy fire once each during the battle. This may have been fluke luck but I doubt it, suggesting that evasion is a noticeable part of the 'tankiness' of escort-class combatants in general.

2) In a very real sense, Combat is armor. The two Centaurs had inferior durability to the outpost, by (in the most favorable interpretation) a 3:4 ratio, but superior Combat by a 7:4 margin in raw score. This translated into the Feds being able to put hits on target roughly twice as fast as the Syndicate base could, which in turn meant the Syndicate's superior "health bar" got whittled down twice as quickly. The outpost lost shields on turn 10, after landing two hits, one of which was successfully evaded. Had the combat ratio been 4:4, with the same RNG results, the outpost would have only taken five hits, while landing five, and the Centaurs would have been in considerably worse shape.

Obviously we can't exploit this fact on a Federation-wide basis because we have a combat cap. But it's worth remembering that a 2:1 advantage in Combat is extremely powerful under the current engine, powerful enough that the ships with superior combat can emerge alive, and potentially unharmed, from confrontation with a considerably tougher opponent.

3) Of the six times the outpost managed to hit the Federation fleet, five of those were directed at Yukikaze. This is an outcome that COULD happen by chance (with a roughly 5/64 probability), but is unlikely (see previous).

This actually calls into question my belief that hits are assigned randomly, target prioritization might have been a thing for the Orions. But I'd like more evidence. It would be good to re-examine the log of Enterprise against the two Cardassian ambushers 2307Q4, because that was the other case on record of a simple one-on-two action.

...Also, I'm reconsidering researching 2.1mt crusiers. If researching those would stop us from designing a <2mt explorer (and earning 5pp for each) that actually seems like more of a disadvantage. Not sure where else to put Generic Team 3 to earn their second specialization though.
I'm a bit worried about the long term implications of this, what with it becoming impossible to 'grow' our cruisers over time. And with us being committed to really expensive explorers in place of being able to ultimately construct what I hope would be relatively cheaper heavy cruisers.

When we get to, oh, the TNG era, I'd kind of like to be able to say that since an 'explorer' is now a ship of five million tons or whatever, a 2.4 or 3.0 million ton 'cruiser'

I'm also a bit worried about the gaminess of the "all-pocket-explorer" fleet concept because the Federation Council may start to seriously wonder whether all our 'pocket explorers' of 1.95 megatons or whatever are really, in any meaningful sense, 'explorers,' when we're using them as garrison ships and wandering around with something like the Galaxies as our frontline five year mission ships
To put it bluntly? It was the right call and on reflection I don't think most people voting for telling everybody we know understood the full consequences of that decision.
I'm going to stop you right here. You see it wasn't a vote. Now maybe I missed it somewhere but as far as I remember, and five minutes of searching through posts seems to back me up, there was no vote on revealing information on the cloak. That was all Admiral Kahurangi there.

I'd bet my ass Sulu would have told us the same damn thing because he's nervy like that and we would have trusted his judgement.
Sulu would have told Admiral Kahurangi about the giant gaping hole in her plan (IE: depending upon information that she can not order revealed) right away rather then waiting until hours/days after the message was sent.

We wouldn't have devolved to threatening to have him sacked, and so he wouldn't have had to respond by saying it's in his remit to make that call.
While I'm obviously not Admiral Kahurangi and can't say exactly what was going through her head at the time I would wager she was threatening him over being a disrespectful ass to a superior officer and countermanding one of her orders without having the decency of even telling her.

Because if the charter agrees with him, it was his call to make.
You seem to be missing my point; it's not about whether it was his call or if it was the right call. The problem is how he went about making the call and his actions following it.

I'm not sure how you expected him to 'respectfully' respond to a threat to have him fired
I'm not sure how it wasn't clear but I was talking about the stuff before that. Specifically:
"Respectfully, Admiral, there's always a cloak, or a monster, or some other danger," replies the chief spy. "But information gathering methods are not so easily replaced. I can't allow them to become compromised, I must protect the integrity of Starfleet Intelligence."

but it's a fine tradition in Starfleet embraced by Kirk and Picard and pretty much everyone worth talking about to do what you think is right rather than to cave to authority when they threaten you.
Maybe we're having a clash over differing interpretations of the events but I took that as less threatening him, because that would be wrong, and more rebuking him over his behavior.

Now, was it a bit cowardly of him to try to skate by without confronting us to begin with? Maybe. But if he felt strongly enough about it to risk his career, he wanted to ensure that risk protected what he felt needed protection.
This really sounds like you contradicting yourself here. On one hand you say it was perhaps (and it definitely was) cowardly to avoid confronting the Admiral to begin with but on the other hand you say that he felt strongly enough about the issue that he was willing to risk his career over it by going behind her back.

Again if Linderley had just done his damn job and advised Admiral Kahurangi when she first brought up sending out the message to the Klingons. They could have discussed the matter like rational human beings and people would have been happy.
I'm also a bit worried about the gaminess of the "all-pocket-explorer" fleet concept because the Federation Council may start to seriously wonder whether all our 'pocket explorers' of 1.95 megatons or whatever are really, in any meaningful sense, 'explorers,' when we're using them as garrison ships and wandering around with something like the Galaxies as our frontline five year mission ships

Who has wanted an all Pocket Fleet? I know when I designed mine, they were to replace garrison flagship Explorers, not whole fleets.
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Ah, no...

Linderley wouldn't be in the running. Insufficient time in rank. He would keep a senior position as the Org Chart below the top was reshuffled to match, but a new person would be selected as a Vice Admiral. Almost by necessity you would be going outside of Starfleet Intelligence to find a new commander.
EXACTLY! I made that exact point, either in the post you quoted or elsewhere.

Because the other, arguably even more undesirable scenario is that we cause the disruption in Intelligence, obviously already significant, to become completely disastrous by bringing in a (semi)random outsider and by doing what is in effect demoting our current head back to a subordinate position.

Linderley hasn't done well enough that we'd even want to promote him again even if that were possible, but he also hasn't done so badly that we need to shove him out the door like he was a live bomb.

To put it bluntly? It was the right call and on reflection I don't think most people voting for telling everybody we know understood the full consequences of that decision. I'd bet my ass Sulu would have told us the same damn thing because he's nervy like that and we would have trusted his judgement. We wouldn't have devolved to threatening to have him sacked, and so he wouldn't have had to respond by saying it's in his remit to make that call.
Firstly, the fact that Linderley says the charter gives him the power to refuse to divulge classified information in a crisis despite the direct orders of his superior doesn't necessarily mean he's supposed to have that power. There may be dodgy interpretations of the charter, and some people tend to favor dodgy interpretations of the rules that let them do what he want.

Secondly, if Linderley is right, and he really does have the power to override Starfleet's high command on whether information is classified... That makes it even more critical that we do not have an insubordinate obstructionist in charge of Starfleet Intelligence. See, having a subordinate who doesn't always do what you want is manageable if you have the power to directly order them to do things that you need, and they do it whether they like it or not. But having a subordinate who ignores your wishes, and whom you have no real power to order around, is disastrous. Because they will do whatever they think best from their own empire-building perspective, and they will then fail to do what you, or the organization at large, actually needs if they do not share your opinion.

It is not a good idea to give Linderley veto power over decisions of strategy and diplomacy, just because those decisions involve intelligence information. It is especially not a good idea to give him such a veto if we know he's likely to use it whenever his own preconceptions are challenged.

Thirdly, you seem to be saying Linderley's decision was "the right call" based entirely on information that Linderley did not possess- namely, that we didn't need help detecting the cloak. He couldn't know that because Sarek had not, at that time, been keeping up tracking of the Kadak-Tor for two or three weeks. Also, he presumably didn't know that the Kadak-Tor wasn't coming to ravage one of our homeworlds. If Linderley knew that and withheld THAT, then he really does deserve to be fired, as opposed to merely being under a cloud.

What would you be saying about Linderley if a rump version of the Council were staggering around in the bombed-out ruins of Paris while Starfleet Command tried to patch a command structure together again, because the Kadak-Tor broke contact and managed to nuke Earth in a decapitation attack? Would you be saying he made the wrong call as firmly as you are now saying he made the right call? Because that's the logical implication, if you're going to judge him by the consequences of his actions, rather than by the process through which he arrived at them.

Because if the charter agrees with him, it was his call to make. I'm not sure how you expected him to 'respectfully' respond to a threat to have him fired, but it's a fine tradition in Starfleet embraced by Kirk and Picard and pretty much everyone worth talking about to do what you think is right rather than to cave to authority when they threaten you. His call will probably prevent the next Cardassian plot.
Maybe, or maybe not; we had this argument at the time.

Exactly how insubordinate and obstructionist would Linderley need to be, before you'd agree that his actions were a mistake?

How big an objectively verifiable mistake would he have to make, before you'd agree that his decision-making process is counterproductive? How big a risk would he have to expose us to?

While I don't favor either firing him or promoting a new leader over his head right now on the strength of this incident alone, I definitely don't want us to get into a situation of assuming that just because a subordinate ignores our orders and fails to carry out his tasks, he must somehow be a hero for "standing up for what is right."

Our last insubordinate hero who stood up for what they thought was right was that captain beaming people off the freighter during the biophage. They were directly, explicitly, saving lives from a horrible death with their beamout. I respect that, even if I don't like the consequences that resulted.

I don't think Linderley is in the same league as that. I think he did this more out of a general aversion to leaks and spreading information, than out of any genuine fear that intelligence sources would be placed in direct danger important enough to offset the dangers associated with this crisis.

But IF he learned a lesson and isn't going to be an obstructionist in the future, he deserves a second chance.
I'm a bit worried about the long term implications of this, what with it becoming impossible to 'grow' our cruisers over time. And with us being committed to really expensive explorers in place of being able to ultimately construct what I hope would be relatively cheaper heavy cruisers.

When we get to, oh, the TNG era, I'd kind of like to be able to say that since an 'explorer' is now a ship of five million tons or whatever, a 2.4 or 3.0 million ton 'cruiser'

I'm also a bit worried about the gaminess of the "all-pocket-explorer" fleet concept because the Federation Council may start to seriously wonder whether all our 'pocket explorers' of 1.95 megatons or whatever are really, in any meaningful sense, 'explorers,' when we're using them as garrison ships and wandering around with something like the Galaxies as our frontline five year mission ships
I'm not saying to never research 2.1mt cruisers, just that it doesn't make sense to do so soon, before we had the chance to design an explorer in that weight range.
Also, when we have a 0.7mt and two 1mt classes in one group and a 2.3mt and a 3mt class in the other group arguing that a 2mt design properly belongs to the second group shouldn't be a very hard sell. The Lone Ranger bonuses aren't about Explorer Corps ships, they are about large ships, otherwise they wouldn't be giving (lesser) boni to cruisers. The very point of Lone Ranger as a Fleet Design Doctrine is to use larger ships for sector fleets, not just for exploring. Making sure one of our larger ship classes, much closer to the top end than to the middle, receives the full benefit intended for large ships shouldn't be particularly gamey. It's a different thing when we are starting to build Galaxies of course, a new 2mt design (or even a 2.5mt design) shouldn't count as a large ship, and it very likely won't because we will have researched larger crusiser sizes by then. That doesn't mean we should be in any great hurry to do that soon though.
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Who has wanted an all Pocket Fleet? I know when I designed mine, they were to replace garrison flagship Explorers, not whole fleets.
The idea of a fleet that consists of (basically) all pocket explorers plus full-sized explorers was raised when I was debating the merits of Lone Ranger, Combined Arms, and Swarm doctrines.

Basically, the mechanical bonuses for Lone Ranger are really good if we (ab?)use them to allow us to build huge swarms of Combat 6 explorers that count as Combat 3 or 4 for cap purposes. This would in effect allow us to have a fleet whose actual total combat capacity 50% to 100% greater than the combat cap.

There are no correspondingly good bonuses for Combined Arms or Swarm... but it seems very unlikely to me that if we actually tried to minmax that hard, we'd get away with it. And that is on top of the question of how we'd crew or pay for that many pocket explorers.

Now, I think a lot of people are promoting pocket explorers for other, less... extreme reasons. My point is simply that I don't want us to get locked up in, or committed to, the idea of "gaming" the Lone Ranger mechanical bonuses for explorers so hard that Oneiros is tempted to take them away. If we never research Scale 7 or higher cruisers on the grounds that calling a 2.1 megaton ship an 'explorer' is advantageous to us in an era when we're contemplating 4-5 megaton explorers for five year missions...

We're going to shoot ourselves in the foot.

@Nix :

If we want to defer researching Scale 7 cruisers for a while I respect that. It'd be nice to look at what a pocket explorer designed with the Ambassador's tech would look like. Maybe someone from SDB can post some representative designs after we settle what the Ambassador itself looks like.

Although an Ambassador-era pocket explorer would arguably be competing with an Excelsior-A refit option; the latter might prove more economical.
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