Regarding @Simon_Jester's earlier comments regarding my plan...

Just a few words about my plan, yes, I don't have a budget increase for materials or personnel. We have been focusing on one item, ships, for ten years. Having a vote that works on broadening our base of capabilities, rather than 'more ships', seemed like it was time. Always 'more personnel for more ships', or 'more ships for our surplus personnel' (yes, I know, this hasn't actually happened yet, but it's coming), leaves us with weaknesses in our support capabilities. We've had hints at just what Councellors can do with the Biophage, and having the NWCO active will give us significant boosts to our fleet construction. A new tech team will help with our surplus of rp, and a vice admirality will boost our intelligence officer's abilities even more than the current.

But yes, at the end of the day, I am suggesting booting the intelligence officer for someone more capable due to him not having the experience yet to do the job at the higher pay rate, which kinda reflects how he interacted with us during that meeting.

In regards to Bajor, if the majority of my current voters ask for them to be swapped out for another non-affiliate, that's not a big deal to me, and will update the entry.
But yes, at the end of the day, I am suggesting booting the intelligence officer for someone more capable due to him not having the experience yet to do the job at the higher pay rate, which kinda reflects how he interacted with us during that meeting.

Since "minimum time in rank" to be a Vice Admiral is five years or so, and it's only been one year since he was promoted, it's probably safe to spend another year or two judging Linderley's performance and we'll still be able to boot him if needed. I think it's premature at this point.
@HearthBorn, why do want to get rid of Scott Linderley, when Seruk of the Old Guard, who doesn't give us any benefit at all, is still in charge of Starfleet Personnel?

If we boot out Seruk, we might well be able to promote someone who gives a bonus to recruitment, which would help us with our crew shortage.
On generic teams, how important do you consider that every team has two specializations that make sense together, and how important that we don't have too many duplicates (teams that have the same pair of specializations)?

For instance, I'm avoiding training any generic team as Explorer/Escort specialized because being good at designing both small and large ships, but not ships with sizes in between doesn't make sense to me. And I'm thinking about moving generic team 5 to xenopsychology because that seems like a very good match for foreign analyis and we don't have any team with that combination yet, not for any mechanical reason. Do you feel differently and should I just ignore things like that in planning?

Also, I'm reconsidering researching 2.1mt crusiers. If researching those would stop us from designing a <2mt explorer (and earning 5pp for each) that actually seems like more of a disadvantage. Not sure where else to put Generic Team 3 to earn their second specialization though.
Priorities: +pp from Colony Cores, -crew requirements from Automated Ship Systems.
Daystorm: 2320s Mainframe Systems 2309 - 2311 (100%) [skill-up], 2330s Colony Cores 2312 - 2315 (100%), Automated Ship Systems 2316-2320 (100%) [skill-up], 2320s Ship Computer Cores 2321 - 2324 (100%), 2330s Automated Ship Systems 2325-2328 (100%) [skill-up], 2330s Subsystems 2329-2331 (100%)
Starfleet Science Academy or a new team: 2320s Research Centers some time before 2330
Generic Team 1: -> Sensors [swap with Team 4 so both get 2 specializations instead of just 1]
Generic Team 4 Primitive Isolinear Computers 2310-2322 (100%) [graduation 2318, skill-up 2321], Production Isolinear Computers 2323 - 2330 (100%) [skill-up 2325, skill-up 2330]

Priorities: all stat reliability and +crew from EPS safety
40Eridani A: 2310s Warp Cores 2309-2312(50%)/2313(50%) [skill-up 2311] -> Escorts
Yoyodyne: 2310s Warp Core Safety 2309-2310(100%), 2320s EPS Safety 2311-2314(100%)

Starship Construction:
Priorities: Speedy construction
Office of Naval Architecture: 2310s Starship Frames 2311-2313(77.78%)/2314(22.22%)[skill-up 2311], 2320s Construction Techniques
San Francisco Fleet Yards: 2310s Starship Durability
Generic Team 6?: 450kt Module

Priorities: experience gain rate (2310s Equipment), various mission boni
University of Betazed/new team: 2310s Equipment some time before 2320

Priorities: Anti-cloaking, mission boni
Vulcan Science Academy: 2310s Short-Range Sensors 2309-2312(100%)[skill-up 2312], 2320s Anti-Cloaking Sensors 2312-2316(100%)
Generic Team 4 -> Computing [swap with Team 1 so both get 2 specializations instead of just 1]
Generic Team 1: 2310s Long-Range Sensors 2310 - 2320(with Eaton until at least 2313)/2321(Eaton leaving earlier)[graduation 2318]

Priorities: Shield burnthrough from Penetrating Nadions
Weapons Fabrication Division: ToC Weapons 2309-2312 (100%) [skill-up 2311], 2310s Phaser Development 2313 - 2317(95.83%)/ 2318(4.17%) [skill-up 2316], 2320s Penetrating Nadions 2318/2319 - 2321(95.83%)/ 2322(4.17%) [skill-up 2322]

Priorities: Shield regeneration
Andorian Academy: 2310s Deflector Shields 2307-2310 (100%), Shield Regeneration Project 2311-2314 (100%)[skill-up 2311], 2310s Navigational Deflectors 2315-2318(100%)[skill-up 2317]

Priorities: bonus diplomacy rolls, raise mission participation cap, SIGINT/INFOSEC, mission boni, colony boni
Starfleet Science Academy: 2310s Message Security 2307-2311(100%)[skill-up 2311], 2310s Message Networking 2312-2315, 2320s Federation Datanet 2316-2320(87.5%)/2321(12.5%)[skill-up 2317] -> Computing?
Federation Broadcast Service: 2310s Communications 2309-2312(75%)/2313(25%)[skill-up 2311], 2320s Fleet Comms 2314-2320 (100%) [skill-up 2316]

Priorities: Bonus diplomacy rolls, diplomatic bonuses, academy intake
Spock: 2310s Diplomacy 2309-2314(88.89%)/2315(11.11%)[skill-up 2313], 2320s Diplomacy
University of Betazed: 2310s Affiliate Research 2309-2315(53.50%)/2316(46.50%)[skill-up 2313]

Priorities: +SR colonies, +SR colony production
Tellar Prime Instutute of Mineral Science: 2310s Special Resources 2309-2313(100%)[skill-up 2312], 2310s Special Resources 2314 - 2319(100%)[skill-up 2318]

Priorities +crew techs, survival
Starfleet Medical Command: 2310s Intensive Care 2310-2314(100%) [skill-up 2314], 2320s Preventative Care 2315-2317(100%), 2320s Multi-Species Care 2318-2325(100%)[skill-up 2320], 2310s Trauma Medicine 2326-2328(100%)[skill-up 2328]
Generic Team 8?: 2330s Long-Term Care 2318-2327

Priorities: T2 techs ready for custom designs
40 Eeridani A: 2310s Escort - Science 2313(50%)/2314(50%), 2310s Escort - Combat 2314/2315- 2315(50%)/2316(50%), custom escort project
Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering 2309-2312(100%) -> Cruiser [get second specialization]
Generic Team 7?: 1mt Escort Design

Generic Team 3: 2,100kt Cruiser Design 2313-2320(100%)[graduation 2318]

Utopia Planitia: 2310s Explorer Science 2310-2311(100%) , Ambassador Project 2312 -
San Francisco Fleet Yards: 2310s Explorer Engineering 2309 - 2311 (100%) [skill-up 2311] -> Starship Construction

Utopia Planitia: Explorer 2310s Explorer Combat 2310-2312(100%), Ambassador Project 2313 -
San Francisco Fleet Yards: 2310s Explorer Science 2310 - 2312 (100%) [skill-up 2311] -> Starship Construction
Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer Engineering 2310-2312(100%) -> ?

Utopia Planitia: Explorer 2310s Explorer Combat 2310-2312(100%), 2310s Explorer Science 2313-2314(100%) -> Ambassador Project 2315 -
San Francisco Fleet Yards: 2310s Explorer Engineering 2309 - 2311 (100%) [skill-up 2311] -> Starship Construction

Utopia Planitia: Explorer 2310s Explorer Combat 2310-2312(100%), 2320s Explorer - Engineering 2313-2316(100%)[skill-up 2315] -> Ambassador Project 2317 -
Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer Science 2309-2311[replaced] -> ?
San Francisco Fleet Yards: 2310s Explorer Engineering 2309 - 2311 (100%) [skill-up 2311], 2310s Explorer Science 2312-2314(56%)/2315(44%) -> Starship Construction

Starbase Design:
Priorities: +1 to response rolls from Control
Taves Nar: ToC Starbase Design 2310-2313(100%) [skill-up 2312], 2310s Starbase Design - Control 2314-2317 (100%) [skill-up 2317]

Fleet Design Doctrine:
Office of Naval Architecture: Way of the Anchor 2308-2310(100%) -> Starship Construction
Tiger Team: Way of the Elephant 2308-2310(100%), The Mission Unending 2311 - 2316(100%) -> Foreign Analysis
Admiral Lathriss: Way of the Giant 2308-2310(100%) -> Defensive Doctrine

Foreign Analysis:
Games & Theory Divison: Cardassian Research (until replaced)
Generic Team 5: Klingon Research (tier 1) 2309-2314(28.125%)/2315(71.875%) -> Xenopsychology?
I think that makes lots of sense, @Nix, and don't have a problem with you arranging specialties like that.
@HearthBorn, why do want to get rid of Scott Linderley, when Seruk of the Old Guard, who doesn't give us any benefit at all, is still in charge of Starfleet Personnel?

If we boot out Seruk, we might well be able to promote someone who gives a bonus to recruitment, which would help us with our crew shortage.

Since "minimum time in rank" to be a Vice Admiral is five years or so, and it's only been one year since he was promoted, it's probably safe to spend another year or two judging Linderley's performance and we'll still be able to boot him if needed. I think it's premature at this point.
Both are fair points. I think my plan currently only has five or six votes. I'll post an Odds and Ends v2 shortly, with this change, and swapping Bajor for the VA spot for Chief of Staff.
I don't know. How often do you want to research Xenopsychology with the generic team?

If I understand the counter correctly, it will take another nine years before a generic team gets upgraded to a competent team. If you want to have equal advancemant in two categories, you would need to spend 40 rp to advance Xenopsych by a measly 10 points.

If we definitely want another Xenopsychology team, I would prefer to spend the pp and just recruit one in the Snakepit.
As I suspect @AKuz and others voted for the original due to the Intelligence officer change, this plan is listed as 'v2', and tweaks the original in two ways. First, Bajor is removed from the diplomacy list in favor of the ten point VA spot for Chief of Staff, and second, the VA Intelligence spot is removed for the Old Guard change of staff.

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Odds and Ends v2
Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 25pp Starbase/Weapons
Request Refit Program for Miranda class [+1 S,H,L for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 35pp/FREE (NB: new unit cost for the Miranda will be 60/45)
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp, Yrillians
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp, Dawiar
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp, Qloath
Add a Member World Coordination Office under Shipyard Ops, 30pp (allow cooperation with member worlds on ship-building priorities as part of Shipyard Ops turn phase)
Establish Betazoid Counsellors in Starfleet vessels, starting with Explorer Corps, 8 turns, 40pp (Increased Retention nets +.25 Officer/Crew/Technician in Explorer Corps)
Arrange to have an Old Guard Admiral convinced it is time to retire, 20pp
NEW Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 10pp for Chief of Staff
NEW Request Mining Colony at Lapycorias VII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +25 br/year)
Request Mining Colony at Gamma Canidae V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)

A few comments about the update....

The impending advancement of the Caitians, throwing three new Councillors into the mix, forms a big talking point in the Council chambers. Suspicions are that they will favour Development or Expansion, their recent bloodletting with the Dawiar dampening any taste for the Hawks. That doesn't concern you, of course. Yet. In any event, it isn't for you as Starfleet Commander to enter the diplomatic process, even though you do watch the outcomes carefully.

The Caitians get three, eh? That's one more than the Betazoids and one less than the Amarki, for comparison. And yes, I thought an actual war would lose their Hawks some ground.

[NB: 2311 will include Shipyard options for Betazed, Amarki, and Caitian]

I was wondering when those would show up! Distribute our capacities; make sure we're not too vulnerable to Alpha Strikes.

Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 100 [Now 120]
Current Maximum Combat = 290 [Now 133]

Okay, so the maximum combat is 290. Yes, we should be good for a while.

Council Objectives:

200 Science by 2321
250 Defence by 2321

These look pretty achievable to me, though we sure aren't going to get there with Mirandas. :p

Factions -
Expansionist (Human, Andor) - 35.5%
Pacifist (Vulcan) - 29%
Hawkish (Amarki) - 16.1%
Development (Tellar) 19.4%

[Current Polling suggests gains for the Development and Hawks faction in next election]

Interesting. I wonder if this will affect project costs as the Council's tastes change. Shipyards might become less expensive and Expansionist type projects more expensive. In particular, the costs of Diplomatic pushes might go up.

Current Federation Affiliates:
Caitians 500/500 - Ratification will occur in Q3
Apiata 387/500 + 30 = 417/500
Rigellians 438/500 + 15 = 453/500
Indorions 399/500 + 20 = 419/500
Orions 304/500 + 19 = 323/500
Risa 290/500 + 22 = 312/500
Caldonians 362/500 + 13 = 375/500
Gaeni 277/500 + 15 = 292/500
Seyek 154/100 + 11 = 165/500
Qloathi 114/500 + 20 = 134/500
* Updated 2310.Q1

A really nice roll for the Apiata. They and the Indorians are getting damn close, though I recall we were told the Cardassians are going to get in good enough with the Indorians to convince them to not actually join the Federation. And the Risans are integrating! Party time for the Federation....
I don't know. How often do you want to research Xenopsychology with the generic team?

If I understand the counter correctly, it will take another nine years before a generic team gets upgraded to a competent team. If you want to have equal advancemant in two categories, you would need to spend 40 rp to advance Xenopsych by a measly 10 points.

If we definitely want another Xenopsychology team, I would prefer to spend the pp and just recruit one in the Snakepit.
A generic team needs 10xp total to graduate, for example 9xp from one category and 1xp from another, or any other combination. The two categories it was used in the longest become their specializations. If we wait with moving Generic Team 5 until they are done with the first tier of Klingon Research techs they'd have earned either 6 or 7 xp already. We could even keep them on it a bit longer, until they earned 9xp.
On generic teams, how important do you consider that every team has two specializations that make sense together, and how important that we don't have too many duplicates (teams that have the same pair of specializations)?

For instance, I'm avoiding training any generic team as Explorer/Escort specialized because being good at designing both small and large ships, but not ships with sizes in between doesn't make sense to me. And I'm thinking about moving generic team 5 to xenopsychology because that seems like a very good match for foreign analyis and we don't have any team with that combination yet, not for any mechanical reason. Do you feel differently and should I just ignore things like that in planning?

Some effort is good, but I think being specialized in two types of ships makes as much "sense" as any other pairing of technologies

Also, I'm reconsidering researching 2.1mt crusiers. If researching those would stop us from designing a <2mt explorer (and earning 5pp for each) that actually seems like more of a disadvantage. Not sure where else to put Generic Team 3 to earn their second specialization though.

A second Weapons team working on the torpedoes side?
These look pretty achievable to me, though we sure aren't going to get there with Mirandas. :p
The Miranda refits will help quite a bit with the science objective. And it's not like we aren't going to get the Constellation refit as well, just a few years later.
A second Weapons team working on the torpedoes side?
An Escort/Weapons team working on torpedoes makes perfect sense. Good idea. Probably best to switch them as late as possible though, because weapons don't get any admiral bonus.
What about techs to ignore shields? If we focused on those, could we eventually get something like phased polaron weapon?
[X] [COUNCIL] Plan Industrial Expansion

Updating my vote. Hasn't changed. Though I wouldn't mind if Odds and Ends won out.

The mining colonies are a time sensitive issue. The loss of Gamma Canidae V in particular to the Cardassians would be a significant territory grab for them and could hurt us pretty badly.
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[X][COUNCIL] Plan Odds and Ends v2

I was looking at Industrial Expansion, but the new plan to replace some personnel seems very good to me. And it has two mining colonies in key locations. Plus we get the Betazoid Counselors earlier. -I'm just much more comfortable with it.

I know people are ticked at the Intelligence CO, but ultimately he proved to be RIGHT on his gamble of withholding information, incredibly annoying as it was. Replacing him might not be petty if we just want more intelligence bonuses, but it would certainly look petty after our recent confrontation.
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Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 633 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Plan Personnel and Resources
-[X] Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
-[X] Request Academy Expansion, 40pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[X] Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
-[X] Request Refit Program for Miranda class [+1 S,H,L for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 35pp (NB: new unit cost for the Miranda will be 60/45)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Sotaw)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Gretarians)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Kadeshi)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Yrillians)
-[X] Establish Betazoid Counsellors in Starfleet vessels, starting with Explorer Corps, 8 turns, 40pp (Increased Retention nets +.25 Officer/Crew/Technician in Explorer Corps)
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Plan Plan
-[X]25pp: Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
-[X]40pp: Request Academy Expansion (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[X]25pp: Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive
-[X]30pp: Member World Coordination Office under Shipyard Ops, (allow cooperation with member worlds on ship-building priorities as part of Shipyard Ops turn phase)
-[X]8pp: Mining Colony at Gamma Canidae V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
-[X]20pp: Request new Starbase I in Cardassian Border Zone(Lapycorias would be nice)
-[X]10pp: Focused Diplomacy: Y'Rillians
-[X]10pp: Focused Diplomacy: Gretarians
-[X]Free: Refit Program for Miranda class
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Diplomacy and Bureaucracy
No. of Votes: 1


[X] [COUNCIL] Plan Industrial Expansion
-[X] Request new Starbase I [CBZ: Lapycorias] 20pp (after discount)
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Gamma Canidae V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Lapycorias VII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +25 br/year)
-[X] Request new Starbase I [Sol-Sector: Vega] 20pp
-[X] Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
-[X] Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
-[X] Request Refit Program for Miranda class FREE
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Dawiar]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Yrillians)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Qloathi)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Rigellians)
-[X] Add a Member World Coordination Office under Shipyard Ops, 30pp (allow cooperation with member worlds on ship-building priorities as part of Shipyard Ops turn phase)
No. of Votes: 17

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Counselors and Projects
-[X] Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
-[X] Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp [Gretarians]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp [Dawiar]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp [Y'Rillians]
-[X] Establish Betazoid Counsellors in Starfleet vessels, starting with Explorer Corps, 8 turns, 40pp (Increased Retention nets +.25 Officer/Crew/Technician in Explorer Corps)
-[X] Request new Starbase I [CBZ] 20pp (18pp with discount)
-[X] Add a Member World Coordination Office under Shipyard Ops, 30pp (allow cooperation with member worlds on ship-building priorities as part of Shipyard Ops turn phase)
-[X] Request Refit Program for Miranda class [+1 S,H,L for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 35pp (NB: new unit cost for the Miranda will be 60/45)
No. of Votes: 11

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Odds and Ends
No. of Votes: 4

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Odds and Ends v2
No. of Votes: 4

-[X] Request Refit Program for Miranda class [+1 S,H,L for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 0 pp
-[X] Establish Betazoid Counsellors in Starfleet vessels, starting with Explorer Corps, 8 turns, 40pp
-[X] Add a Member World Coordination Office under Shipyard Ops, 30pp
-[X] Establish a Sydraxian Border Zone north of Apinae and Amarkia Sectors, 20pp
-[X] Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Gamma Canidae V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
-[X] NEW Request Mining Colony at Lapycorias VII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +25 br/year)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Seyek)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Qloathi)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Yrillians)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Dawiar)
No. of Votes: 3

[X][COUNCIL] Diplomacy and Bureaucracy
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 43
[X] Plan Industrial Expansion

Switching to this, though.I would rather counselors overy recruit drive.

Also on mining colonies grabbing them stops others from taking them and we have a tech coming soon that gives us 1 PP per year per colony.