Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Andorian Female, 32
Current Assignment: USS Lion, Miranda-class, Klingon Border
A cowboy, wild, unpredictable, and successful, she makes the council pull their hair out, but gets things done, Crew Rating + 1, -5 Political Will per Year.

By the way, what does "Crew Rating +1" actually mean? It's not a stat that's been explained as far as I can tell. I assume it's something pretty good to make up for that massive penalty.
[x] Select Captains
-[x] USS Enterprise: Captain Nash ka'Sharren
-[x] USS Courageous: Captain T'Lorel
-[x] USS Sarek: Captain Revak
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By the way, what does "Crew Rating +1" actually mean? It's not a stat that's been explained as far as I can tell. I assume it's something pretty good to make up for that massive penalty.
Every named ship has a crew rating, from Green->Blooded->Veteran->Elite. Each tier of Crew Rating gives you +1 to Combat, Science, Hull, and Presence.

USS Enterprise, Excelsior-class, Veteran, C8 S8 H7 P8 D6
Enterprise with Captain ka'Sharren, C9 S8 H8 P9 D6
Generic Excelsior, Green, C6 S5 H5 P5 D6

(Enterprise's reputation, btw, gives it +1 to Presence).

So yeah, a good crew in a poorer ship can accomplish great feats against a poor crew in a better ship.
Every named ship has a crew rating, from Green->Blooded->Veteran->Elite. Each tier of Crew Rating gives you +1 to Combat, Science, Hull, and Presence.

USS Enterprise, Excelsior-class, Veteran, C8 S8 H7 P8 D6
Enterprise with Captain ka'Sharren, C9 S8 H8 P9 D6
Generic Excelsior, Green, C6 S5 H5 P5 D6

(Enterprise's reputation, btw, gives it +1 to Presence).

So yeah, a good crew in a poorer ship can accomplish great feats against a poor crew in a better ship.

And a great crew and a great ship are protagonists. I mean simply amazing?
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[X] Select Captains
-[X] USS Enterprise: Nash ka'Sharren
-[X] USS Courageous: T'Lorel
-[X] USS Sarek: Captain Revak

We set the Enterprise-B up to save the galaxy if necessary, Revak can appease those well-connected nerds who are offended by Blue Kirk, and T'Lorel has a crucial reroll for First Contact missions, which is the job of our frontline Explorers.
New vote, since I guess we can bow to political necessity and take Revak. He's "mediocre", but perhaps he'll surprise us all. All it really means is that he doesn't have a special ability like those other captains.

[x] Player Name: "Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi"

[X] USS Enterprise: Nash ka'Sharren
[X] USS Courageous: T'Lorel
[X] USS Sarek: Captain Revak

EDIT: I thought seriously about doing a write-in to append a short personal note to Captain ka'Sharren's orders, but I decided that handing her the Enterprise is sufficient message in itself.
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EDIT: I thought seriously about doing a write-in to append a short personal note to Captain ka'Sharren's orders, but I decided that handing her the Enterprise is sufficient message in itself.

"Dear... Captain... Ka'Sharren."

"Please do not hog all the alien babes to yourself "

"Best Regards, Commander-in-Chief, Starfleet"

(Edit: For best results read this aloud with a posh English accent)
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Okay, voting closed. Should have been earlier, but I fell asleep because of a migraine :(

Could I please get a tally?

Okay, hand-tallied:

[x] Player Name: "Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi"

xxxxx xxxx 9 votes

[X] Select Captains
-[X] USS Enterprise: Nash ka'Sharren
-[X] USS Courageous: Victoria Eaton
-[X] USS Sarek: T'Lorel

xxxxx xxx 8 votes

[X] Select Captains
-[X] USS Enterprise: Nash ka'Sharren
-[X] USS Courageous: T'Lorel
-[X] USS Sarek: Captain Revak
xxxxx xx
[X] Select Captains
-[X] USS Enterprise: Nash ka'Sharren
-[X] USS Courageous: T'Lorel
-[X] USS Sarek: Captain Rachel Ainsworth
[X] Select Captains
-[X] USS Enterprise: Nash ka'Sharre
-[X] USS Courageous: Victoria Eaton
-[X] USS Sarek: T'Lorel
xxxxx xxx
[X] Select Captains
-[X] USS Enterprise: T'Lorel
-[X] USS Courageous: Victoria Eaton
-[X] USS Sarek: Trinnarv Xursh
[X] Select Captains
-[X] USS Enterprise: Nash ka'Sharren
-[X] USS Courageous: Captain Rachel Ainsworth
-[X] USS Sarek: Captain Revak
[x] Select Captains
-[x] USS Enterprise: T'Lorel
-[x] USS Courageous: Nash ka'Sharren
-[x] USS Sarek: Trinnarv Xursh
[X] USS Enterprise: Captain T'Lorel
[X] USS Courageous: Captain Trinnarv Xursh
[X] USS Sarek: Captain Victoria Eaton

[x] Player Name: "Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi"
xxxxx xxxx

[x] Player Name: Vitalia Yukiko
[X] Ranbir Kumar

[x] Player Name: Sim Song Ho
[X] Player Name: Alberto José Ramírez
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Explorer Corps Panel of Captains
Updated as of 2315.Q1

=== Currently on Explorer Corps Duty ===

Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan
Caitian Female, 38
Current Assignment: USS Enterprise-B, Captain
The first ever Caitian to be appointed to the Explorer Corps Panel of Captains, and one of the few Captains from outside the Original Four. Gain +1 C, +1 P.

Captain Maryam Ajam
Human Female
Current Assignment: USS Stargazer, Captain
An intensely inquisitive and adventurous officer, Ajam intends to ignore any attempt to keep her off away teams. Gain +1 Science, +1 Presence.

Captain Straak
Vulcan Male, 56
Current Assignment: USS Sarek, Captain
Now on shore duty after 5 years commanding USS Selaya but determined to return to the stars, gain re-roll to Surprise Encounter events.
NB: Has completed one Five Year Mission already

Captain T'Rinta
Vulcan Female, 57
Current Assignment: USS S'harien, Captain
After a few years responsible for Starfleet's photon torpedo supply, T'Rinta knows every facet of these tools. +1 C, +1 L

Captain Langa Mbeki
Human Male, 45
Current Assignment: USS Odyssey, Captain
A talented communicator and scientist, who survived the loss of the Miracht. Gain +1 Presence, re-roll non-First Contact Diplomacy, re-roll on Surprise Encounters.

Captain Vol Chad
Tellarite Male, 47
Current Assignment: USS Atuin, Captain
After running a ship with one of the lowest rates of mental health incident reports and successful events, Vol Chad has made it onto the Panel. Increase rate of crew experience gain, +1 H.

=== Other Duties ===

Captain Jennifer Zhang
Human Female,
Current Assignment: Unassigned
A talented veteran of exploration who spent two years far afield with the Honiani. Re-roll any failed diplomacy roll, +1 P

Captain Samyr Kanil
Human Female, 48
Current Assignment: Captain, USS T'Mir
A calm and steady head, with a temperament for long-term missions, and a keen mind for science. +1 S, chance to roll to escape ambushes/Hostile Threat event types.

Captain Demora Sulu
Human Female, 44
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Republic
Feels she was born for the stars, and is looking for the chance to live up to her family name. Gain +1 P, re-roll any diplomacy test in Federation space, +1 to Espionage attempts

Captain Saavik
Vulcan/Romulan Female, 46
Current Assignment: USS S'harien, Captain
A member of the feted crew of the Enterprise, Saavik has worked her way methodically through the ranks. Gain +1 to Rolls for Hard DC events.

Captain Michel Thuir
Human Male, 52
Current Assignment: USS Miracht, Captain
Sharp witted with a streak of common sense, may re-roll Distress Call missions.
NB: Has completed one Five Year Mission already

Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Andorian Female, 42
Current Assignment: USS Enterprise, Excelsior-class, Five Year Mission
A cowboy, wild, unpredictable, and successful, she makes the council pull their hair out, but gets things done, Crew Rating + 1, -5 Political Will per Year
NB: Has completed two Five Year Missions already

Commodore Rachel Ainsworth
Human Female, 46
Current Assignment: Director, Battle Review Division, Starfleet Tactical Command
Forewarned is forearmed, thus it is best to find the threats in their system before they find you in your own system, ship gains +1 Combat, +1 Hull, Starfleet gains +1 Militarisation

Commodore Trinnarv Xursh
Tellarite Male, 52
Current Assignment: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Shipyard Operations
A keen-eyed explorer with a mind for metal, re-roll failed resource acquisition events.

Commodore Revak
Vulcan Male, 59
Current Assignment: Director, Training Bureau, Starfleet Personnel Command
A competent if unspectacular Vulcan with ambitions and strong patrons, gain +5 Political Will per year.
NB: Toured Neutral Zone in 2302.Q1, after which his ship was sabotaged and suffered considerable damage.

Commodore Syzi ch'Zelil
Andorian Female, 45
Current Assignment, USS Docana, Constellation-class, Andor Sector
A Captain with a clear emphasis on personal safety and self-defence, gain re-roll for events involving away teams

Commodore Victoria Eaton
Human Female, 54
Current Assignment: Pending
As methodical a mind as there is with an eye for every detail, re-roll failed mapping missions.

Commodore T'Lorel
Vulcan Female, 76
Current Assignment: Pending
The very soul of patience and insight, may re-roll failed First Contact events

Captain Talan th'Zahliss
Andorian Male, 47
Current Assignment: Assistant Director, Advanced Subspace Theory Office, Yoyodyne Propulsion Division
A keen scientist who who wants to turn to more practical pursuits. Gain +5rp/year.

Captain Rosalee McAdams
Human Female, 55
Current Assignment: USS Courageous, Captain
Tranquil as still waters up until the moment calls for action, when she throws all caution to the wind and strikes swiftly. Gain re-roll for combat-rolls.
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How granular will this be getting? Will we be worrying about Enterprise's senior officers for instance? Or is that just background fluff?

No particular reason, just asking.

*hides open gdoc draft*
How granular will this be getting? Will we be worrying about Enterprise's senior officers for instance? Or is that just background fluff?

No particular reason, just asking.

*hides open gdoc draft*
Well, most of what I'll be tracking is Captain and above, so if you have ideas you want for the Enterprise's crew, you're free to flesh them out.

@OneirosTheWriter Might it not be more sensible to have it be the Surak of vulcan?
It is after all considered bad form to have a ship named after you while you are still alive which Sarek is for another 60ish years.
It probably would have been more logical, yes, but I don't want to go find-replacing things now. :X
Captain's Log - 2301.Q1
Starfleet Commander's Log, Stardate 20554

The three new captains of the Enterprise, the Courageous, and the Sarek have arrived and taken up their new positions. Today they depart from Starbase 1 to take on their new roles as the beacons of the Federation. An Andorian, a human, and a Vulcan are among them, a cross-section of the diversity that makes our Federation strong.

With the Sol Sector's garrison included, we have four Excelsior-class explorers in orbit. From a certain point of view, this is the mightiest collection of military power we have ever seen collected. Yet I prefer to think of it as the greatest display of industry, and the greatest meeting of our best, and our brightest, since the birth of the Federation. Brave Captain ka'sharren, who stops at nothing to do what she knows is right. Methodical Captain Eaton, who seems as at home in unexplored space as she does in Earth orbit. And Captain T'Lorel, who combines Vulcan dispassion with uncanny insight, able to wear down the most hostile of bluster like the water wears down the stone.

It is my heavy honour to send forth these sterling officers into the final frontier. I am sure that they will do credit to the finest traditions of our service.

Computer, End Log


The departure ceremony itself lasts for an hour, and various dignitaries and ambassadors are on hand to farewell the explorers on their long mission. You are of course present as well, resplendent in your crimson officer's uniform, the dazzling device of a full Admiral upon your right breast. You have to admit, it's hardly the most comfortable uniform. Of course, when you first started your service in Starfleet, they still had that minidress uniform for women, so at least this is a bit more practical.

It has come time to send the three captains on their way. All three ships are sitting in dry-dock. The shimmering blue of their warp nacelles illuminates the skeletal docks. The bone white of their hulls stands out starkly against the void.

The Andorian captain is on your viewscreen now. She slouches in her command chair, not lazily, but like a great cat, waiting and ready to spring. Nash ka'Sharren has a reputation as the boldest Captain in the fleet. Who better to carry forth the name Enterprise once more into the void?

"This is USS Enterprise, requesting permission to undock from Starbase 1," you hear the helmsman of the ship request.

Nothing can keep the grin off of your face. "Permission granted, Enterprise."

Nash ka'Sharren stood from her command chair and tapped a communicator to address her crew. "USS Enterprise, departing on a five year mission to seek out new life, and new civilisations. To boldly go where no Andorian has gone before. Helmsman, take us out."

Applause ripples through the observation deck where you watch with the dignitaries. Soon you go through the process with the Courageous and the Sarek, and the three sleek Excelsiors are making their way out into space. A new era of Starfleet has now begun under your watch.


Captain Nash ka'Sharren folds her arms over her chest, her antenna twitching as she regards her crew. This assignment, the Enterprise, on a new mission of exploration, is the single most prized assignment in all of Starfleet. And now it is hers. Her smile is giddy, and she doesn't care to suppress it.

"Set in a course for the Connaught System," she orders. "Warp factor eight."

"Course set, Captain."

"Onward, helm!"

The Enterprise lurched forth into the stars.


Captain Victoria Eaton remains seated, reviewing every report that comes to her command chair. "Very well," she says at last. "Everything is in order. Helm, course change. Set to Tycho System, warp factor seven."

"Yes, captain. Confirmed."


A second Excelsior departs on her mission, long lines stretching into infinity for an instant.


Captain T'Lorel stands between Ops and Helm where she can see all the activity around her as excited new crew handle their stations for the first time outside of a simulator. As illogical as their giddiness is, T'Lorel knows to expect it. Indeed, she would be more concerned if the emotional races around her were not so. They may frustrate many Vulcans, but for T'Lorel, as long as they illogically behave in the way they logically should, then she was comfortable. Finally she walks to her command chair and sits anew.

"Helm. Prepare a course to our first mission waypoint. Goslauth System, Warp factor six."

"Aye, Captain, Goslauth system, course set."

"Commence course."

The third Excelsior reaches for the future and spears into subspace.


Captains Log, Victoria Eaton, USS Courageous, Stardate 20564.4

While conducting sensor sweeps of the planet Ethur IV, we have been confronted by two light cruisers belonging to the Yrilian people. They have demanded our surrender to be tried for piracy and mayhem. It appears there is a case of mistaken identity. We are being blamed for an attack on this species outer colony. My tactical officer has been urging me to fight my way out and while I concur that we should win, I feel there is still a chance for peace here, if I can convince them to look at the sensor sweeps we have taken.


Captain's Log, Nash ka'Sharren, USS Enterprise, Stardate 20565.2

Things have started quietly. Almost too quietly. Nonetheless, we have quickly found an early boon to our adventures. While scanning asteroid belts at the Kopal-Watts System, my science officer has uncovered crystalline deposits that warrant closer inspection.


Captain's Log, T'Lorel, USS Sarek, Stardate 20565.4

Science and exploration have proven their worth anew. While mapping the Josephine System, I have encountered a mineral-rich world that can be easily exploited. We have signalled Starfleet, and the USS Intrepid has arrived bearing a mineral research team, who have extracted some of the ore. Should the Federation desire, a mining colony could be settled here.

[+50 Bulk Resources to stockpile]
[New Mining Colony added to Federation Council Options]


Captain's Log Victoria Eaton, USS Courageous, Stardate 20565.9

I have convinced the Yrilian commander to examine our sensor logs that show where our wake has been. It proves we could not have been responsible for the dreadful attack on their colony. As a result we have entered orbit around Ethur II and are providing medical aid. The Yrilians are effusive in their gratitude, and have promised to contact Starfleet.

[+5 Political Will gained]


Captain's Log, Nash ka'Sharren, USS Enterprise, Stardate 20571.4

I nearly lost the first crew member of my voyage when Crewman Cirak was electrocuted by an energy discharge from the crystalline formation. Thankfully, after warping to the nearby second world of this system to retrieve the unique Red Tiger Paw flower for our protein resequencers, our medical team was able to save his life. Further, after reviewing the discharge, my science officer has determined that these crystals could have many applications for starship creation. We have harvested those that are present, and will keep our eyes peeled for more.

[+15 Special Resources added to Stockpile]

Computer, End Log.
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I should have a ficlet of our Intrepid Andorian taking command of the Enterprise up around midnight/ 1 am pst.

Also: Nice!
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