Cloaks don't fit the Federation. ECM? Does. Just because you know they are there doesn't mean they have to let you get a firing solution.

Also, the federation does have various methods of fooling prewarp sensors, they just don't work against anyone vaguely peer.
So on the matter of Diplomatic pushes, I think the big question is:
Gretarians or no Gretarians?

To unpack, I'd be good with doing pushes on the Seyek, the Qloath, and the Yrillians. Do we want to put the fourth push on the Gretarians, or would we rather use that on an Affiliate? Risa, the Gaeni, or the Orions are all likely to go over 300 with a year's worth of pushes. Or we could try to get the Rigellians to full membership.

Orions could help with the Syndicate, but could also lead to a final confrontation with the Syndicate. Risa would aid Federation stability. Gaeni are... uh.... Rigellians are natural Federation members, and I'd like them fully on board as seen as we can.

Or we could drop the Qloath and do two Affiliates.
So on the matter of Diplomatic pushes, I think the big question is:
Gretarians or no Gretarians?

To unpack, I'd be good with doing pushes on the Seyek, the Qloath, and the Yrillians. Do we want to put the fourth push on the Gretarians, or would we rather use that on an Affiliate? Risa, the Gaeni, or the Orions are all likely to go over 300 with a year's worth of pushes. Or we could try to get the Rigellians to full membership.

Orions could help with the Syndicate, but could also lead to a final confrontation with the Syndicate. Risa would aid Federation stability. Gaeni are... uh.... Rigellians are natural Federation members, and I'd like them fully on board as seen as we can.

Or we could drop the Qloath and do two Affiliates.
Still hoping for a diplomatic event with the Seyek so we don't need another push/it would be an affiliate push. There are at least 2 Explorers in the general area.
An event with the Seyek would be nice but it isn't guaranteed.

You can easily in normal Star Trek, but warp travel is through subspace rather than normal space in this quest. More like hyper-jumps.
Did Oneiros ever actually formally confirm that? I thought that was just an interpretation of a remark he happened to make in passing or something.

Because why would an Explorer want to hide? There are very few peaceful application of cloaking technology. It would also rise tensions significantly as both Romulans and Klingons will become wary.
We've had explorers attacked and hunted by hostile powers at least twice. Once we manage to hide with technobabble, but the other time was the Fujit 33 Incident, and we'd have lost the Enterprise if not for temporal shenanigans. If Nash could have said "I smell a rat, engage the cloaking device!" on the second or third run-through of that temporal loop, things would have gone a lot better.

We've also had explorers attacked by the spacegoing organisms they were trying to observe- similar problem, totally peaceful application.

Remember that the Klingons aren't our buddies here either. In canon the Enterprise sacrificed itself to safe a Klingon Colony, solidifying the Khitomer accords into a Blood Oath equivalent. It might very well be them who start a war ending in a similar treaty like the one of Algeron.
I can't imagine the Klingons actually caring if we have cloaks or not.

The Romulans demanded that the Federation abstain from cloaking because Romulans feel the need to have some kind of recognizable edge. The Klingons are happy to fight you no matter what fancy kit your ships do or do not have.

Say you've had nukes for a while, and someone without them starts working on it. It's that kind of provocative.
On the other hand, by that logic, the Cardassians just copied nuclear weapons they bought from a bunch of terrorists and mobsters. How will the Romulans and Klingons feel about that?
Mind you, if we do get an opportunity to develop cloaking, I'm all for it. Especially the phase-shifting kind. We wouldn't be using it of course, but it would be ready if we ever needed it.

Seriously. Phase-shifting has soooo many applications. Memory-Beta even mentions phase-shifting suits for engineers to work in hazardous areas, like in warp cores, without fear.
Still hoping for a diplomatic event with the Seyek so we don't need another push/it would be an affiliate push. There are at least 2 Explorers in the general area.
If we get an event with the Seyek, I'd still say we do a push since, as you say, it would be an affiliate push. Better do get our relationship with them as high as possible to prevent Cardassian sabotage.
I think it's easier not to push affiliates until we are certain that we have the defense. And Gretarians yes. Even if it is highly unlikely, I'd rather secure them against outside influence
Did Oneiros ever actually formally confirm that? I thought that was just an interpretation of a remark he happened to make in passing or something.
Two fairly clear descriptions in updates ("entering real space" and "leaving subspace") as well as a bunch of other scenes that at least point that way.
Oh well, looks like the dice were against that one responding to something.
We've had explorers attacked and hunted by hostile powers at least twice. Once we manage to hide with technobabble, but the other time was the Fujit 33 Incident, and we'd have lost the Enterprise if not for temporal shenanigans. If Nash could have said "I smell a rat, engage the cloaking device!" on the second or third run-through of that temporal loop, things would have gone a lot better.

Heh, if a technology only comes in use after you've gone back in time a couple of times, I figure that it's functionally useless.

Also: If it were discovered that the Federation was developing cloaking tech and was ready to use it? I guarantee the Romulans would lose their minds and alpha strike us. This is why a Starfleet crew LITERALLY MUTINIED in canon.
I can't imagine the Klingons actually caring if we have cloaks or not.

The Romulans demanded that the Federation abstain from cloaking because Romulans feel the need to have some kind of recognizable edge. The Klingons are happy to fight you no matter what fancy kit your ships do or do not have.

Be careful not to flanderize the Klingons too much. Remember how they acted through TOS era. The Klingons in TNG era (which is admittedly what we're heading into) are a rah-rah 'we love battles' bunch of traditionalists, but that's merely a cultural moment in time when the traditionalists are in the ascendence. There's another side to them that can be as sneaky, as paranoid, and as willing to fight for any scrap of advantage as any other species.

Oh well, looks like the dice were against that one responding to something.

What worries me is which ship that is not an Excelsior might end up responding instead. Goodbye Miranda, we'll miss you sorely. (If it's only damaged, we can maybe sneak a repair in the Rennie's berth before the Renaissance build starts.)
This is why a Starfleet crew LITERALLY MUTINIED in canon.
When it was being developed illegally, of course.

What worries me is which ship that is not an Excelsior might end up responding instead. Goodbye Miranda, we'll miss you sorely. (If it's only damaged, we can maybe sneak a repair in the Rennie's berth before the Renaissance build starts.)
It could also just be a missed event, or the ship that does respond rolls great.
What worries me is which ship that is not an Excelsior might end up responding instead. Goodbye Miranda, we'll miss you sorely. (If it's only damaged, we can maybe sneak a repair in the Rennie's berth before the Renaissance build starts.)
Don't worry, the Miranda passed it's shield test when it fucked up the science roll.