So on the matter of Diplomatic pushes, I think the big question is:
Gretarians or no Gretarians?
To unpack, I'd be good with doing pushes on the Seyek, the Qloath, and the Yrillians. Do we want to put the fourth push on the Gretarians, or would we rather use that on an Affiliate? Risa, the Gaeni, or the Orions are all likely to go over 300 with a year's worth of pushes. Or we could try to get the Rigellians to full membership.
Orions could help with the Syndicate, but could also lead to a final confrontation with the Syndicate. Risa would aid Federation stability. Gaeni are... uh.... Rigellians are natural Federation members, and I'd like them fully on board as seen as we can.
Or we could drop the Qloath and do two Affiliates.