[x] Commodore T'Lam
[X][FYM] Captain Saavik

Let's hit on the Romulans. Or at least really mess with their heads.
Alright, we have a pretty solid lead on, almost everyone has voted, I'll call the vote in two hours time.
2 hours 40 minutes later:
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 450 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Commodore Viraan zh'Dohlen
No. of Votes: 31

[X] Commodore T'Lam
No. of Votes: 7

[x] Commodore T'Faer
No. of Votes: 4

[X] No opinion
No. of Votes: 1

Task: FYM

[X][FYM] Captain Saavik
No. of Votes: 28

[X][FYM] Captain Langa Mbeki
No. of Votes: 9

[X][FYM] Captain Rosalee McAdams
No. of Votes: 5

[X][FYM] Captain T'Rinta
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 44
2 hours 40 minutes later:
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 450 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Commodore Viraan zh'Dohlen
No. of Votes: 31

[X] Commodore T'Lam
No. of Votes: 7

[x] Commodore T'Faer
No. of Votes: 4

[X] No opinion
No. of Votes: 1

Task: FYM

[X][FYM] Captain Saavik
No. of Votes: 28

[X][FYM] Captain Langa Mbeki
No. of Votes: 9

[X][FYM] Captain Rosalee McAdams
No. of Votes: 5

[X][FYM] Captain T'Rinta
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 44
Cooking dinner first, closing vote second =P
I'm torn about Miracht because I think Thuir is such a great captain that I kind of want to keep him, but he's been at that rank for ten years at least, and he'd do a great job at flag rank because he's so gosh-darn sensible.
I have so much love for Thuir, you have no idea. He's my favorite captain among all these great characters, and I want things to go well for him :)

ThiS boTHERs mE.
2309.Q1 - Whispers & Ghosts
================== Security Clearance 12+ ==================

Commander's Log, Rear Admiral Nash zh'Rhashaan, Stardate 23114.5

As much as we learn more about the Cardassians through the efforts of an increasing number of listening posts, and the efforts of the T'Mir, more questions are raised. None moreso than the question of the partially-completed Kaldar-class cruiser with the curious extra module. Ever since the good little zhens 'n' shens of Office 34 fished those images out, there has been constant speculation on the Cardassian Desk. But no one could come up with any plausible answers, so we have had to step outside for a second opinion from area experts.

Computer, End Log


A non-descript officer wanders the corridors of the Office of Naval Architecture, high in the sky above San Francisco, part of the sprawling Fleet Yards complex there. With the new surge in coming shipbuilding, with Shipyard Ops firing out Notices of Intent to their subsidiaries like they were going out of style, the officer is easily lost in the bustling crowd. People are going from lab to office to storeroom to meeting in an endless bureaucratic dance. No one pays any mind as the officer taps their security card to the outer doors of the ONA loop of the SF-FY-Control Station and makes their way within. And with the madness found within, no one there pays any mind either.

It isn't until the officer came to a desk at the front of the Future Design Trends Department that they are confronted.

"Commander, I need to see some clearance before you can access this area," says an enlisted woman with Security markings and a hand on a Type-II phaser pistol.

"Of course," the officer says, flipping a small ID slip up, prompting a holographic display to appear. "I'm here to see Commander Usha."

"Yes, Commander, right through, the desk at the end of the office space," the Chief Petty Officer replies. "You must be accompanied in this area however. Wilson, Plok, you're up."

"Good to know at least one part of the station takes security seriously," the commander notes dryly.

When they reached the end of the offices, the Commander taps a panel beside the door, prompting a little series of beeps.

"Enter," came from within.

"Commander Usha?" the officer says as they walk in. "I'm Commander Tal ta'Shen of Starfleet Intelligence."

Usha looks up at the newcomer from the pile of Renaissance and Constitution-B related documents on her desk. "Hey, isn't Tal ta'Shen the Andorian equivalent of 'John Doe'?"

"Perhaps it is, sir," the newcomer says. "We spoke by comm just earlier, Commander."

"Yes, you had something you needed a second opinion on." Commander Usha crosses her arms and leans back in her chair. "Well, let's have it."


Below, on the surface, Commander Kuznetsova of the Starfleet Tactical Command is having a very similar conversation with a very similar officer. She tilts her head at the images that appear in the holographic projections. "Well, that's odd."

"Could you elaborate?" the alarmingly generic Intelligence officer asks.

"It's ... uh, do you happen to have any spare food around?"


"Never mind, I'll have to figure out how to explain it another way."


"Well, it's a Cardassian Kaldar-class, obviously," says Commander Usha.

"I wasn't aware that the information about the Kaldar had been disseminated yet," the Intelligence officer says slowly.

"Not generally, but a number of specialist offices have been shown it," explains Usha before the takes a closer look. "Except, what is that pod on the back?"

"That's what we were hoping you could tell us," the agent replies.

"Hrmph. It looks Klingon, or possibly..."


"... or possibly Orion," says Kuznetsova. "There's definitely elements of both in there. It's a field emitter of some kind."


"The design trends are about twenty years old on the Klingon side of things, but quite recent for the Orion influences," says Usha. "That's really weird."

"We were afraid that you would say that," Tal ta'Shen replies. "I'll have to ask you to come with me to Starfleet Intelligence, we're going to need your expertise on this matter."

"Hey, no can do, I am so busy in my new role right now."

"Then you have my sincerest apologies, Commander," says Tal ta'Shen before they flip out a communicator. "Blue to Gold, energise two."

"Hey wait!"


In an anonymous transporter room twenty thousand kilometers away, Commanders Kuznetsova and Usha exchange a surprised glance.
Can field emitters do anything other than boosting shields, because that's the only purpose I can remember?
Can field emitters do anything other than boosting shields, because that's the only purpose I can remember?
The term "field emitter" is very generic. Without more details you could say it would emit any kind of field. My guess though is that the module was made by the Orion Syndicate and probably uses stolen/blackmarket Klingon tech. Specifically it uses outdated Klingon cloaking tech and that the field emitters are there to extend the cloaking field across the ship.
The term "field emitter" is very generic. Without more details you could say it would emit any kind of field. My guess though is that the module was made by the Orion Syndicate and probably uses stolen/blackmarket Klingon tech. Specifically it uses outdated Klingon cloaking tech and that the field emitters are there to extend the cloaking field across the ship.

Oh goddamnit. Of course once Cardassians heard cloaking technology was a "thing" they would lust after a Cloaked ship of their own. That thing could show up anywhere.

On the plus side, we do have some recent experience seeing through Cloaks and it's old technology on that front.
Oh goddamnit. Of course once Cardassians heard cloaking technology was a "thing" they would lust after a Cloaked ship of their own. That thing could show up anywhere.

On the plus side, we do have some recent experience seeing through Cloaks and it's old technology on that front.

If it is a cloak, then that's probably what the Golot used to sneak up on Enterprise. My guess is that they only refitted their most powerful ships with them at first, but now are beginning to put them on escorts and destroyers.

This is yet another reason we should have purged the Orion Syndicate like a bacterium after the Amarki incident.
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