Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 22999.8
We have identified a very rich seam of duranium near the Dawiar border, in a system designated Fenris, in a Class D planet. I'm not sure that it will be a viable spot politically, however. We have quickly moved away from the system, in fact, to avoid drawing too much attention to it, as it is near enough to the Dawiar that if they were tracking us, they would find it quickly.
[Gain +30br, get +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV]
Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 23002.1 - Captain T'Mina
We've confronted a Dawiar Shakakoun raider that had just destroyed a Caitian ship within claimed Federation space. After they were informed that they were in violation of Federation space, they turned to move away. After verifying that the survivors of the Caitian Freighter had already been picked up by the Shakakoun, we proceeded to chase the Dawiar ship to ensure it mean to leave. When it attempted to turn back into Federation space, we closed with it and fired upon it. After knocking down their shields, we were able to negotiate a release to us of the survivors of the freighter in exchange for letting the ship go again.
This time it did not return to Federation space.
[Gain +15pp]
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23002.2
We have successfully negotiated terms under which Federation and Apiata relations can continue to develop. This isn't be any means a comprehensive solution, but it is one that lets our peoples continue to grow together.
[Gain +25 Relations with Apiata, the Apiata will begin to integrate]
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23002.4
We have withdrawn with due haste from the Lecarre homewold after uncovering that part of their offer to invite us to their planet was a ruse to allow a plot to replace one of my crew with an elaborate body-double agent. Although the Lecarre are quite distinctive with their red colouration, lack of hair and twin radiating cranial fan structures, they are apparently able to conduct astounding feats of cosmetic surgery.
Using long-range comms we have established a base-line for relations, but we are avoiding allowing them too much access for the time being.
[New race met: the Lecarre, starting relations -20/100 - suspected Cardassian client state]
Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23002.8
The Haddas-Mal has been saved and we can continue on our way.
During my tour of the ship, I noticed what I though was an awry component around the warp core, and mentioned it to their Chief Engineer. Though it was waved off as unimportant at the time, when an otherwise unexplainable warp core issue arose, I strongly suspected it would be to do with that pre-burning assembly. It turned out to be a relatively easy resolution, but a very tense situation.
My own Chief Engineer is refusing to speak with me, but that's not the first time. Athesh will come around.
[Gain +10 rp, +25 Relations with the Gaeni]
Going to say that the Captain has changed, but the crew is still out causing mayhem. I need to come up with the old Captain as well, going to be someone worth tracking, I thinkSurprised the Captain is a Vulcan, given the tone of some of the other logs. Or maybe she was transferred over this year?
And this is why you ended up in the EC Thuir ...Bridge Transcript, USS Miracht, Stardate 23001.9
[Lt-Cdr ch'Ufrashron] For the love of little atoms, Captain, she was just standing there! I can't comprehend it!
[Capt Thuir] Just the woman I wanted to see, Lieutenant-Commander, grab your tools, we're beaming over to the Hadd-Mal.
[Lt-Cdr ch'Ufrashron] We're what?!
Tal Shiar infiltrators everywhere!Looks like Thuir is getting into the hang of things.
The Exploration Corps: the place where you put the the crazies whose skill equals their insanity so the rest of the Starfleet can work in peace.![]()
One more in the Cardassian column, I guess, Though frankly I think the Cardassians are going to have their hands full with these guys. The Lecarre don't seem the types to be meek, submissive clients of anyone, and they're apparently willing to do anything to get the upper hand.
I hope they drive each other nutsOne more in the Cardassian column, I guess, Though frankly I think the Cardassians are going to have their hands full with these guys. The Lecarre don't seem the types to be meek, submissive clients of anyone, and they're apparently willing to do anything to get the upper hand.
If the Constitution-A had survived the kerfluffle that preceeded our rise to power, it would have been a great Medium/Heavy Cruiser, and we would not have had the Constellation issue.The Cheron continues to do some solid work. Dragging it away from Vulcan and over to the CBZ has turned out to be very effective. I think it's had more action than the Kumari has.
Surprised the Captain is a Vulcan, given the tone of some of the other logs. Or maybe she was transferred over this year?
One more in the Cardassian column, I guess, Though frankly I think the Cardassians are going to have their hands full with these guys. The Lecarre don't seem the types to be meek, submissive clients of anyone, and they're apparently willing to do anything to get the upper hand.
If we want an Ambassador or Ambassador+ finished at the canon introduction time, we should start 2313/14.I'd actually really like to vote for Plan Chaeronea, because @Chaeronea did a good job laying out a plan and justifying it. But I think ToC Weapons is actually important and want to start seriously researching weapons tech as soon as feasible, because arming our ships with obsolete weapons is... problematic. And the only other plan that includes ToC weapons is the one I'm already voting for: Void Stalker's plan.
Okay, I begin to understand.
I do agree with the issue involving the Oberths and the impracticality of doing better than them on a small hull because it means we have to pack an excessive number of techs into a flying-bomb hull. Hopefully Oneiros will tinker with that so that it is actually possible to design viable science vessels, but that won't be happening yet. I don't consider Klingon research important either, though we shouldn't neglect it entirely, because maintaining peace with Klingons requires understanding Klingons. When "the Wall came down in space" at Khitomer, the Federation didn't understand the Klingons very well, in my opinion.
Where I sharply differ from you is on two issues.
One catch is, I don't consider starting the Ambassador project in 2310 desirable, because I want the Ambassadors to be qualitatively better ships than the Excelsiors, not just bigger ones. Another five years' research might very well make the difference between a slightly bigger Excelsior and a ship that can really hold its own into the mid-century. We're still using some first-generation techs in the design process, and I don't want that. Given that it takes something in the neighborhood of ten years to design and prototype a ship, waiting until 2315 to start the Ambassador doesn't present problems if we want the class to come into service starting in the 2320s, which seems like a reasonable goal and is in line with canon.
Another is that I think we need to prioritize weapons research. We are already a bit behind the curve, I think, and we only just got our weapons team. We should use it; it will make it a lot easier for us to build competitive ships in the future. I mean, you're basically talking about designing an Ambassador that will be armed with 23rd century weapons, and I don't think that's a good idea.
Yes, once the exploration starts to continue coreward. If the Miracht hits a First Contact, it'll probably happen.
At other places you talked about re-entering real space and such. Is there any reason why you are changing Star Trek warp travel from being an Alcubierre drive warping normal space to a kind of hyper(sub?)-drive? Reducing the different kinds of Phlebotinum because FTL communications already use subspace, maybe? The relatively plausible FTL (more plausible than hyper jumps anyway) is one of the things I generally like about Star Trek. Granted, they aren't always consistent about that.The look on the face of the Lecarre captain when we arrived in their home system shortly after their reversion from subspace was, as my human officers describe, "priceless".
If we want an Ambassador or Ambassador+ finished at the canon introduction time, we should start 2313/14.
To finish the techs in time, we need to start immediately
I just did some rough calculations on Nash's age, if we get the Ambassador in service in the 2320s, we can have her in the Captain's chair of the Ent-C if something happens to the B. she'd be in her 50s, so still in Captaining age.Let's see. Canon introduction is 2320. If we take that as the date the first prototype is finished and the class officially enters service, it'll take 6 years to build. So starting in 2314. If we assume it starts in 2314Q4 right after the last round of research is finished in 2314Q3. Assume 4 levels of research done by our spiffy UP team (so they complete a tier every year). 2314, 2313, 2312, 2311. So we would have to ask for the project to begin in the 2311 Snakepit.
So we could research this year and next year before starting the project. Is that how you're looking at it?
EDIT: Incidentally, that puts us considerably ahead of schedule for the Reniassance, completing it in 2314 instead of 2320, so maybe being slightly behind schedule on the Ambassador makes sense. We prioritized the cruiser instead of the Explorer.
Intro for the Ambassador is 2325 according to the front page.Let's see. Canon introduction is 2320. If we take that as the date the first prototype is finished and the class officially enters service, it'll take 6 years to build. So starting in 2314. If we assume it starts in 2314Q4 right after the last round of research is finished in 2314Q3. Assume 4 levels of research done by our spiffy UP team (so they complete a tier every year). 2314, 2313, 2312, 2311. So we would have to ask for the project to begin in the 2311 Snakepit.
So we could research this year and next year before starting the project. Is that how you're looking at it?
EDIT: Incidentally, that puts us considerably ahead of schedule for the Reniassance, completing it in 2314 instead of 2320, so maybe being slightly behind schedule on the Ambassador makes sense. We prioritized the cruiser instead of the Explorer.
We are aware of that, we want to maximize overflow on the way to rushing Colony Cores and the +pp tech. As a short term optimization your point is entirely correct.@Nix
@Void Stalker
Guys, I just caught a flaw in all three plans.
We get a plus 5 inspiration bonus to one random subtech per team. Which mean we can finish T2: 2310s Computing Installations with Starfleet Science Academy because there's only one tech to draw the bonus: Need 7 points, 5 from inspiration + 6 from team = 11. And switching the Daystrom team over to T2: 2310s Shipboard Computing finishes all three techs this turn, while using Starfleet Science Academy finishes either one or two. Which means when we go to finish it we'll only progress in a single subtech. Using Daystrom on Shipboard computing also means that we get more overflow progress.
Some give has developed for this position in the Council after the experience of the Miracht and Sarek aiding the stricken Colony Ship Lorrisa.
we proceeded to chase the Dawiar ship to ensure it mean(t) to leave.
well, for some reason the Connie-B's development and eventuall mass production didn't assuage the 'CONSTELLATION SUX!' party in the Feddy we need that to preserve Political Power if nothing else(not to mention it's good performance)...and the Ambassador is an Explorer, we need those to be the best they can be. The reason it was introduced in canon was that the Excelsior was starting to be increasingly outperformed by her opponents(something we're actually seeing here in places)...that's dangerous if we keep up the FYM structure. I hate the harp on this, but the Enterprise would have been lost if not for our dumb luck.I still say we don't need to rush just to match canon dates for things. It makes zero sense to rush things for an arbitrary deadline
@BriefvoiceWe are aware of that, we want to maximize overflow on the way to rushing Colony Cores and the +pp tech. As a short term optimization your point is entirely correct.
-[] Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research
-[] Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: Lone Ranger Way of the Elephant