Lord of Light is set on a distant colony planet whose society is characterized most strongly by the existence of technological reincarnation through transference of the mind into cloned bodies.
The first generation colonists, after a long struggle to carve out a place for humanity on a world previously very hostile and inhabited by various eldritch lifeforms and energy beings, settled into identities in which they basically set themselves up as the Hindu pantheon, keeping the rest of the human sphere on the planet (that is, their own descendants) trapped in medieval stasis ruled over by the 'gods' of the first generation.
Over time, these 'gods' have cultivated psychic 'Attributes' and various 'sufficiently advanced' technology that enabled them to convincingly demonstrate something like the power of the gods of mythology, and the majority of the population of the planet views them accordingly.
Sam, the main character of Lord of Light, is a roguish figure with whose Attribute focuses on energy manipulation and control of devices and energy beings. He leads a rebellion against the gods in multiple incarnations, having become fed up with the forced medieval stasis and the increasingly exploitative rule the gods impose upon 'mortals.'