How do you reckon, taking in mind the forthcoming changes to the task force system?
We know that events have a response threshold. Ships that roll different responses don't have a materially different response as long as they all pass the threshold. I don't expect the race function of opposed taskforces to figure much if both sides pass the roll. After all, that would make the event resolution kind of pointless, when it should always be the major determinant of success. We've already had events flavored with "we arrived and had to sort out these HoH guys" or "and now the HoH finally showed up" without material differences for either side being first.

Past D10(+2) or so you aren't making much progress on 2d6+12+10+2... the difference to 2d6+12+13+2 can't be much or frigates and cruisers would autofail every response. Because we know response rolls are made on the same scale for all types of ships, in order for, say, a Solace or Comet to be relevant at 2d6+12, the difficulties you'd need 2d6+27 for can't exist.
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We know that events have a response threshold. Ships that roll different responses don't have a materially different response as long as they all pass the threshold. I don't expect the race function of opposed taskforces to figure much if both sides pass the roll. After all, that would make the event resolution kind of pointless, when it should always be the major determinant of success. We've already had events flavored with "we arrived and had to sort out these HoH guys" or "and now the HoH finally showed up" without material differences for either side being first.

Past D10(+2) or so you aren't making much progress on 2d6+12+10+2... the difference to 2d6+12+13+2 can't be much or frigates and cruisers would autofail every response. Because we know response rolls are made on the same scale for all types of ships, in order for, say, a Solace or Comet to be relevant at 2d6+12, the difficulties you'd need 2d6+27 for can't exist.
And what stops event resolution being a two-stage process, D for who responds first, S,P,C (relevant stat) for event resolution, with a bonus or malus for the second responder?
Or, if the response difference is big enough, a 'and then the Horizon ship showed up to congratulate us on our success'?
And what stops event resolution being a two-stage process, D for who responds first, S,P,C (relevant stat) for event resolution, with a bonus or malus for the second responder?
Or, if the response difference is big enough, a 'and then the Horizon ship showed up to congratulate us on our success'?

And we already have staged difficulty, I'm speaking to the highest threshold.
Looking forward to adding the Adorable Children P-part to the SDB.
We have been running the Starfleet for 24 years. In that time, we have lost at least 3 EC explorers (Enterprise, Miracht, S'Hairen).

Assuming an average of about 5 concurrent FYMs, that would mean around 25 FYMs since the start of this quest.

Do you want to send children on a mission that has a 1/8 chance of killing them?
We have been running the Starfleet for 24 years. In that time, we have lost at least 3 EC explorers (Enterprise, Miracht, S'Hairen).

Assuming an average of about 5 concurrent FYMs, that would mean around 25 FYMs since the start of this quest.

Do you want to send children on a mission that has a 1/8 chance of killing them?

All crew survived on the Enterprise and Miracht, so that's inflating the numbers.

Look, if the kiddies are in danger they'll just separate the saucer section. Works fine!
It's some of the the worst decision making I've ever seen in fiction. TNG made a point of space not being for the timid but a dangerous place indeed. And it didn't help that Enterprise ran into problems everywhere, problems which could and often did threaten the ship with destruction.

You'd think Starfleet Command would keep non-Starfleet individuals away from such deployments, and instead have FYMs supported from Starbases housing those families with the ship preferentially resupplying from those specific Starbases.
All crew survived on the Enterprise and Miracht, so that's inflating the numbers.

Look, if the kiddies are in danger they'll just separate the saucer section. Works fine!
There are also events where we lose crew without losing the ship though, so I figured that the EC crew lost overall about matches.

Do we have the number of EC crew lost throughout the quest somewhere?

You'd think Starfleet Command would keep non-Starfleet individuals away from such deployments, and instead have FYMs supported from Starbases housing those families with the ship preferentially resupplying from those specific Starbases.
Not that simple with the starbases. And the Galaxies were build for twenty year missions.

I do not mind informed, consenting, contributing civilians on our ships if there are good reasons for it, but no ****ing children.

Not until we have the tech to make EC missions far, far safer.

Which, knowing Star Trek, will be about never.
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Not that simple with the starbases. And the Galaxies were build for twenty year missions.

I do not mind informed, consenting, contributing civilians on our ships if there are good reasons for it, but no ****ing children.

Not until we have the tech to make EC missions far, far safer.

Which, knowing Star Trek, will be about never.

You see, with 20 year missions it's entirely reasonable you take families around because the crew will be starting families anyway. But the Galaxies, from all appearances, never actually performed 20 year missions, and it runs into the problem that, well, 20 year mission or not space is extremely dangerous so what are you doing hauling civilians around off the well beaten paths and into the parts of the starcharts marked with 'here be dragons' and quite possibly truthfully so.
You see, with 20 year missions it's entirely reasonable you take families around because the crew will be starting families anyway. But the Galaxies, from all appearances, never actually performed 20 year missions, and it runs into the problem that, well, 20 year mission or not space is extremely dangerous so what are you doing hauling civilians around off the well beaten paths and into the parts of the starcharts marked with 'here be dragons' and quite possibly truthfully so.
I never understood why half the galaxy fleet was build than stored away as emergency parts. as per the source book. Of the rest of them Yamato was destroyed by the iconian Probe, Odyssey was destroyed by the Dominion and Enterprise was destroyed by an antique Bird of prey that got off a lucky shot due to Geordie's visor being tampered with. They all probably had families onboard. The Odyssey certainly did but luckily the captain offloaded the crews families and dependents before going through the wormhole. we don't even know what happened to the other 3 ships AFAIK. Having families onboard an Explorer corp ship is not a good idea and I am against it
I never understood why half the galaxy fleet was build than stored away as emergency parts. as per the source book. Of the rest of them Yamato was destroyed by the iconian Probe, Odyssey was destroyed by the Dominion and Enterprise was destroyed by an antique Bird of prey that got off a lucky shot due to Geordie's visor being tampered with. They all probably had families onboard. The Odyssey certainly did but luckily the captain offloaded the crews families and dependents before going through the wormhole. we don't even know what happened to the other 3 ships AFAIK. Having families onboard an Explorer corp ship is not a good idea and I am against it
You can do such stuff if you are Q, before it's just irresponsible.
You see, with 20 year missions it's entirely reasonable you take families around because the crew will be starting families anyway.
Our Starfleet is far too sane to not have everyone on a FYM on contraceptives/temporary sterilization.

And family does not necessarily involve any children.

Enterprise was destroyed by an antique Bird of prey that got off a lucky shot due to Geordie's visor being tampered with.
Come again? A 5mt Galaxy class explorer got killed by a single mark 1 BoP because someone fucked up its chief engineers sight?

I suspect either your description of events, or the sanity of that episodes script writers.


Seriously? A camera in a persons eye and goodbye 5 megatons of starship? With a BoP to add insult to injury?

I guess this is why we have the H score...

And a hopefully not insanely incompetent SFI.
Come again? A 5mt Galaxy class explorer got killed by a single mark 1 BoP because someone fucked up its chief engineers sight?

If i'm remembering correctly, they had a setting convention that aginst photon torpedos you needed intact shields or you would be screwed. So being able to slip a well-aimed shot past the shields being lethal would fit.
The Galaxy class was badly designed and rushed into production. The Ship had a massive glass jaw that allowed lesser class starships to demolish them before they were refit in time for the Dominion war.
Uh no that statement comes from a WOG moment on a Star Trek Documentary. I think it was the Documentary about the Christies star trek charity run. I don't remember where or when I heard it but I do know that one of the Chief guys involved in Star Trek did say just that.
2324.Q1 - Task Force Pt 1
Commander's Log, Task Force Reassure - Commodore Huth fop Makpol

The Ashidi were a little more standoffish upon our arrival than I've seen them before. It didn't take a betazoid to tell me they're scared by what just happened with the Chrystovians. That's just as well though, because therein lies our own argument. The Chrystovian Confederacy was far away from the Federation, and had only weak diplomatic ties. Much of our work here is just going to be getting them to swallow the hard truth that their fear of angering the Cardassians is only going to make them an easier target the next time the Ashalla Pact feels like expanding.

And, well, we seem to be off to a good start on that.

Visiting Kretas aboard the USS Pralim, I was able to convince the Planetary Conclave to invite their counterparts from the rest of the Ashidi State for a summit on overall security. They've got a procedure in place for organizing those quickly and efficiently enough, so we didn't have long to wait. I wish I could say there was some brilliant rhetorical flourish we employed, but really it was mostly just presenting them with the cold facts and explaining why the more reluctant representatives' arguments didn't hold up in light of the circumstances. The fact is, the Cardassians don't care who you're friends with or not friends with. If they decide they want to conquer you, then you can either fight them and be brutally subjugated, or cut a deal with them and just sell your independence for the privilege of not being shot at. If the Federation can't protect the Ashidi, then the Ashidi have no chance regardless. In retrospect I might have painted a gloomier picture than I meant to, but I think I spoke their language.

Meanwhile, the USS Yukikaze and USS Gokoch have been operating around the core-rimward fringes of Ashidi territory and talking to colonial business interests who depend on konen trade. Its lucky the Treaty of Gabriel set some of the precedents that it did, because there's wiggle room now to set up neutral trading posts outside of either Ashidi or Ashalla administrational jurisdiction, with joint policing rights. The places are likely to be a hive of scum, villainy, and Obsidian Order informants within a year of establishment, but as long as the Ashidi State can keep them at arms length while letting their merchants still continue business more or less as before, everyone should be something approaching happy.

Speaking of our Obsidian Order friends, nothing that looks like active sabatoge yet. The SFI team has its feelers out; let's just hope they can catch anything before it blows up in our beards.

[+34 Cardassian Threat tag, now at 293/300]

Task Force: Reassure
Resolve the "Cardassian Threat" tag on the Ashidi, reassure them of the Federation's commitment to their defense, Ally them, and fight any incursions by the Obsidian Order.
Mission #2: If TF completes before last quarter 2324, move on to new mission. New mission is to Resolve [Cosmozoan Lifeform: 85/100] and Resolve [Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 0/300] tag on Dreamer Collective.
Commander: Huth fop Makpol - Reroll first two failed Diplomacy rolls each year, at -1 to the reroll.

  • Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types.
  • Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll.
2324.Q1 Ships
  • Explorers:
  • Cruisers: 3 Starfleet Renaissances [Pralim, Mugat, Gokoh]
  • Frigates: 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Yukikaze (B)], 1 STO Centaur-B, 1 Kepler [Kepler],
  • Notes: 6 Ships

Task Force Commander's Log, Task Force Royal - Commodore Leaniss Larai
(USS Frontier, Excelsior-A)

What is going on back home? We've got a Riala that suffered a cowardly mutiny that sullies the ship's integrity, and now we're hosting Harmony ambassadors that deliver inflammatory, anti-Federation remarks to Parliament? I duelled Cardassians to prevent them from having such a platform, but our government...

I digress. The mission.

The mission is proceeding, though I cannot say entirely smoothly. We have been making significant progress in Gorn social circles. Perhaps too much. I fear that forces are beginning to marshal against us in earnest. The King claims to be neutral, but he clearly favors the more military-minded in his court, and it is only the laws of hereditary that makes him hesitant to speak out against the Crown Prince. Instead, he leaves that to his wife, Queen Xambris, and his son, Prince Celzash. Celzah has ferociously argued against the Federation in all corners, using his vast royal privilege to disrupt a number of trade conferences. Blows have even been publicly exchanged between himself and Crown Prince Sorlenn, who grows tired of these antics -- and the King lifts no fingers. And of course, the Cardassians help the angry Prince. Home One hosted a trade summit; I took Frontier and Frebraia to represent the Federation. Away from the prying eyes of his brother and his allied Princesses, Celzash made an unsurprising appearance. What could have been disaster was turned into merely an inconclusive and disappointing conference as Ashtarr debated him viciously and stridently. I have to say, I am impressed with our Gorn friend. His overbearingly polite exterior masks a deeply sardonic and infuriating wit, that he used to great effect on the pompus prince. I was happy to get a few verbal dagger-thrusts in as well, I must admit.

Elsewhere, the CAS Andraia and the USS Revival attempted to unravel a plot:

Captain's Log, USS Revival - Captain Kero ch'Benvzen
Putting my old investigative reporting skills to work has paid off. An informant has let me know that the CDF Sartan has arrived alongside the CDF Benakot over Bygoth. We know that the Sartan has been running around Gorn space, and that mysterious, often violent events follow in their wake. Needless to say, Sartan is likely ferrying special operations forces.

I have arrived with Revival and I am currently evaluating the Cardassians' possible target. We know that the Governor has already been replaced, so it is likely they have another target in mind. I am leading teams to canvass opinion on who that might be, while my XO goes over the data with our intelligence officer to draw our own conclusions.

I was proud to see Riala, normally painted as a ship of war, of blood and murder, achieve some scientific accomplishments, as she successfully installed a communication array and came up with an elegant and simple solution to prevent several magnetic anomalies from distorting the signal. She did so even after a Dylaarian Voyager arrived and 'accidentally' emitted energy pulses that would increase the interference. But, some quick thinking from the science department, and a few modified torpedos, and the anomalies were calmed. The solution was so permanent that the Voyager merely abandoned the project altogether.

Captain's Log, CAS Andraia -- Captain Leto Alrethis
Commodore and Senator Larai, shining beacon of our people, our glorious pillar of chivalry and courage, it is my incredible honor to be your humble servant. I wish to report to you that, having learned of the possibility of Cardassian treachery over Bygoth, we have arrived to aid Revival and stand in Solidarity with our Starfleet brothers and sisters and all others in defense of honesty, integrity, and justice. Captain ch'Benzen has already begun unravelling the mystery of whom our tyrannical and secretive enemies plan to unjustly kill. I have sent my very best investigators to assist, and I proud to say we have added a certain Amarki flair to things that has lead to wagging tongues that otherwise might have remained silent.

We are closing in on the likely target of the attacks. But as much as I would like to duel the dogs who would engage in a cowardly attack on a member of Gornish society, ch'Benzen notes an open firefight with the Cardassians could have unpredictable outcomes, both politically and practically in terms of collateral damage. But never fear, my honourable Senator. We will not let you down in this endeavour.

However, Riala's achievements were undermined by the CAS Ilotraia fumbling her way into the path of cyrovolanic activity while on a navigational beacon checkup, forcing her to conduct repairs and delaying expansion of the network. The Gorn apparently found it very amusing that the 'mighty Amarki, terror of the spacelanes, were laid low by rocks.' I fear that their mirth now will translate to an advantage for the Cardassians, who are completing their own network.

Captain's Log, USS Revival - Captain Kero ch'Benvzen
I am unhappy to report we were unsuccessful in saving the target of the assassination. Nephral, a Gorn noblewoman who renounced her titles and became the community leader of a warren of cramped and dark tenements, was killed in her apartment. I must admit some negligence -- I assumed the Cardassians would go after an unpopular government figure. But we realized too late the target was Nephral, designed to sow dismay among the lower classes and appease the social conservatives in Gorn society that saw her activities and disdain for her own noble blood as a gross violation of the Gorn social code.

However, while we were not able to save Nephral, we were able to record her killers as they entered her apartment through the window and then exfiltrated via the roof. While the majority of the soldiers that killed her are Gorn, likely part of some reactionary militia, we were able to spot and identify a Lecarre and a Cardassian assisting them with the operation. We passed this along, and it lead to a burst of justifiable outrage among the poorer workers who admired Nephral, and indeed some of those who would have cheered her death, but hate foreign interference more.

Nothing to sink the Cardassian efforts, unfortunately. Many in Gorn society still think this was a net positive. Queen Xambris herself said that while the Cardassian involvement was ill-considered, they wished to help uphold order through a proud social system that has outlasted other empires, and it should be the militia that is punished for choosing such harsh measures, instead of the usual public shaming and humiliation.


We continue to make allies among the Florists, and we are indeed winning many over to our perspective. The influx of new trade, and the reality of war shown so clearly by the OSA-Licori conflict weighs heavily on many Gorn, who are very aware of the potential difficulties of replacing their capital-heavy fleet. Their ships must be hoarded jealousy, and not thrown into battle with abandon. However, despite the best efforts of Commodore Kuznetsova to pin it on the Cardassians, the social unrest continues, most of it directed at the Crown Prince and his allies. Powerful religious groups stoke the populace's fears of Federation dominance, and the King himself watches the Licori with a wary eye. A power so similar to his own, and yet one that threatens to teeter over into chaos and bloodshed. The activities of the Kelsatha in Romulan space, official or otherwise, have reached here on whispers. I fear things are about to become much more difficult.

+20 to Militarist Foreign Policy (now 194/300)

Task Force: Royal
Mission: Resolve [Militarist Foreign Policy: 174/300] and [Distant Stars: 50/100] tags on Gorn. If a [Cardassian Influence: 0/100] tag emerges, resolve that tag as well. If previous tags are all resolved, move on to [The Ancient Enemy (Orions): 0/100] and [Secret Police: 0/100].
Commander: Leaniss Larai - May add one additional member fleet frigate to this task force, separate from other ships called up [adds Amarkian Centaur-B]
  • Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
  • Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
  • Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events.
  • Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 18pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset.
  • Commodore Alexandria Kuznetsova: 13 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Increased chance of responding to unexpected events instigated by opposing task forces.
  • Nash & Scott's Consultant Cooperative: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: [CLASSIFIED]
  • Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter.
2324.Q1 Ships:
  • Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Frontier (B),], 1 Amarkian Riala-A [Riala]
  • Cruisers: 2 Rigellian Turtleships, 2 Starfleet Renaissances [Revival, Haquita Nin]
  • Frigates: 4 Amarkian Centaur-B (1 of 4 is from Leaniss bonus), 1 STO Centaur-B
  • in 2324.Q3 add 1 Kepler [Nolaeis]
  • Notes: TF is 11 ships strong; 12 ships in 2324.Q3.


Task Force Commander's Log, Task Force Righteous - Commodore Pavel Chekov
(USS Endurance, Excelsior-A)

I am filled with a sense of historic purpose as I lead Task Force Righteous out on a bold, long-ranged mission of cultural discovery and friendship that is exceeded in isolation and distance only by the Stargazer expedition.


After consultation with Starfleet Command, I have elected to take Righteous on the coreward path to Allupii space. While both the coreward and rimward travel routes have similar estimated travel times, the rimward route would bring us dangerously close to the free fire zone between the Cardassian Union and the Chrystovian Confederacy, and the operational analysts in Starfleet Intelligence were quite concerned that the Cardassians would see the presence of such a powerful battlegroup near a warzone as an act of war, or a provocation that would lead directly to war.

The coreward path is also recommended by the presence of USS Ambassador along our proposed route, the lack of Hishmeri Septs, the Dylaarian lack of aggression compared to other Pact members, and gut feeling.


The Captains continue to report that all nine vessels of Task Force Righteous are operating at peak efficiency. Morale also continues to be high, and many of the crew have fond memories of our brief leave on Purra during our stop over in the Shans system.

While Righteous will not be conducting a wide exploratory sweep as we travel, I have had our ships hard at work maintaining and expanding Ambassador's communications relays as we travel.

Incidentally, after entering into long range communications with Captain Volanen we have determined that increasing communication reliability and bandwidth with the Federation Council and FDS will help her diplomatically as she deals with the newly contacted Akley Consortium.

[+6 points on Alupii [Distant Stars] now: [Distance Stars: 6/100]
[Incidental +6 points on Akley [Distant Stars] now [Distant Stars: 31/100]

Mission: Affiliate Allupii.
-Commander: Pavel Chekov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
-Starfleet Intelligence Field Intel Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables extra event types.
-Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
-Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter.
-Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage.
-Starfleet Engineering Team: 15 pp on purchase, 15 pp per year. Effect: Fulfills an Engineering requirement. +3 on Distant Stars tags each year.
-University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first First Contact roll each quarter.
-Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.
USS Endurance C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6 - TRAVELING
USS Spirit C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6 - TRAVELING
USS Avandar C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6 - TRAVELING
USS Odyssey C7 S6 H4 L6 P6 D6 - TRAVELING
USS Pathfinder C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6 - TRAVELING
USS Rru'adorr C8 S7 H5 L7 P7 D6 - TRAVELING
Pollizazza C4 S4 H2 L7 P6 D7 - TRAVELING
-Lucrazza C4 S2 H1 L4 P2 D4 - TRAVELING
-Srizziri C4 S2 H1 L4 P2 D4 - TRAVELING


Task Force Commander's Log, Task Force Chorus -- Commodore Vol Chad
(USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A)

Sup dudes. Let's get to it.

First let me say I'm stoked to have my flag on the Opportunity. No offense to the Hrvass, she's a fine ship, but Oppo here is a fellow EC veteran, and one last Captained by an accomplished Tellarite. I would have loved to be on Atuin, especially since Captain Aharani tells me they made the volleyball court a permanent feature, but no way am I taking away his fun.

Now then, to business. To our surprise, our diplomatic calls to the Ittick-ka did not lead to outright hostility. The local governor, Governor-General Kit'l'tk'kt offered to meet us on the edge of Daw space in his Palace class. For the Ittick-Ka, that's practically rolling out the welcome wagon. Then he offered to 'hold a keg for me,' and I realized the man had done his homework.

However, first things first was getting communications up to snuff. The space between us and the Ittick-Ka has become calmer since the Dawiar are no longer with the Cardassians, the Gorn and Trill and Abigail have scared off the Hishmeri, and the dudes at Ruby Eye's Folly are keeping an eye on everything. But you still have problems from time-to-time, even in established communications relays. We're heading down for our diplomatic summit, when one of the relays goes dark. I give the order for Shem th'Vhen to go investigate and then I go retire to my quarters. Just kidding. Started a massive party in the rec room. You know how it is.

Well, next thing I know security is rushing into hard suits, because they opened up the comm relay and a bunch of horrible, burrowing metallic bugs made their way into people. I gave him a few pointers, but Captain th'Vhen deserves credit for making sure everyone got out alright, and keeping the rest of the crew from getting contaminated. Not only did we learn a lot about the unique and ugly cosmozoa of this region, but the relay is now online again. Just in time for CSS Hrvass to test bouncing its signal off a V'ket-Morgash lense. That should increase the range without requiring a booster relay.

Due to the delay, I had Lyflam fly out to meet the Governor-General in advance of my meeting. I may have done some light coaching over subspace to help them really put the moves on, but they got through just fine. I think the Governor-General was flattered by us sending a smaller, weaker vessel to be suitably awed by his very impressive Palace and the forcefield-enclosed garden its bridge overlooks. They met with several Ittick-Ka officials, mostly senior members of their sprawling bureaucracy. Our Apiata friends onboard were actually quite surprised that while Ittick-Ka raise large families, they live a highly individualistic life. But they did report that while they did not have a strong attachment to their mothers and fathers the way Apiata do, the reverence they hold for the Sages would make even the highest of high Queens blush.

Now here's where I gotta admit some underhandedness. While the Lyflam was reading out some epic, epic poems I had Zephyr and Harmony out getting to know the neighbourhood. They just so happened to bump into some Ittick-ka merchants and get some mixers going. This method worked wonders for Commodore Lee once upon a time, and I'm really stoked about initial results. These guys really want to make their Sages happy. Unfortunately, they are also possessed of a sense of basic economics, and understand that the Sages' xenophobic attitudes mean they can't take full advantage of foreign trade. They think that the Sages are just mistaken, and are hoping that we can maybe help the Sages see the full benefit of trade. Hey, I hope so too.

But, just when I thought things couldn't get any better, disaster. USS Starlight made an attempt to foster some dialogue between passing Gorn, Trill, and Ittick-Ka ships, continuing the sort of work that Forward had been doing. It was a real bummer to find out that the dialogue had rapidly gone south, and then a nightmare when the Gorn and Ittick-Ka vessels exchanged some 'light' torpedo fire. Apparently none of the shots found their mark, but no one's coming away happy.

So, next round I'm being hosted on the Palace. Here's what I'm hoping for: the Governor General to take me back to the Daw homeworld, so I can figure out just how tightly the Ittick-ka grip to power.

Results: +17 on Distant Stars, +19 on Great Power Ambitions, +10 rp

Task Force: Chorus
Mission: Resolve [Great Power Ambitions: 0/300] and [Distant Stars: 0/100] tags on Ittick-Ka, with an eye to eliminating their determination to conquer all other species.
Commander: Vol Chad - faster experience gain for ships in the squadron
  • FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
  • Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
2324.Q1 Ships
  • Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Opportunity], 1 Caitain Excelsior-As [Hrvass]
  • Cruisers: 1 Starfleet Renaissance [Thelasa-vei]
  • Frigates: 4 Starfleet Centaur-B [Starlight, Zephyr (B), Harmony, Lyflam]
  • In 2324.Q3: Add 1 Kepler [fom Gaalv]
  • Notes: 7 ships; 8 in Q3.


Task Force Commander's Log - Commodore Percival Amin, Task Force Goodfoot

I appreciate the opportunity to lead Starfleet's efforts to support diplomatic approaches to the Ur'razzi. The Ur'razzi are a proud people, who have experienced significant hardship. Convincing them to trust the Federation is important. While the task force assigned to my command is modest, it nonetheless demonstrates the diversity from which we draw our strength.

We have begun discussions between the Indorian government and the Ur'razzi about Corvadia. The planet, an M-class world in a system a mere 4.2 light-years from Zicar'ri, had long featured in Ur'razzi fiction, dating back to even before the Ur'razzi knew that other species existed, and the current government made settling Corvadia part of its program when it first came to power in 2318. Unfortunately for them, the Indorians have already established a settlement on the planet. Commander Rersk of the Oda-Gach 7 and Captain Morat Allan of the Foundry have been helpful in facilitating the discussions between the Indorians and Ur'razzi.

USS Thejal and ICS Thunderer helped out the Ur'razzi in a significant way this quarter:

Captain's Log, Stardate [x], USS Thejal - Captain Zesh sh'Rannax
(Renaissance, Task Force Goodfoot)

We picked up a distress signal from Macar'ri, the fourth world in the Zicar'ri system. The Ur'razzi have an underground research station, studying the local wildlife; they stirred up a swarm of "giant acid-flinging beetles" which are now swarming the station. A Ur'razzi security team was rapidly shuttled down, proceeded into the caves, and promptly discovered that the beetles are resistant to plasma rifle fire.

Between transporters and modern phasers, this would not be particularly difficult for Starfleet to handle. The trouble is convincing the Ur'razzi to let us help.


Captain's Log, Stardate [x+0.5], USS Thejal
(Renaissance, Task Force Goodfoot)

Mission accomplished.

It was touch and go at first - it took a lot of convincing, between me, the Indorians, and the Ur'razzi. We ultimately talked them into allowing me to beam down into the caves. Alone.

That was all they needed.

Finally, the Sojourner and the Koat-Nar have begun working to track down Ur'razzi abductees still held by the Syndicate or sold on elsewhere. Captain Melvak has already tracked down several dozen abductees who had been freed during the Syndicate conflict and who had settled down in the Orion Union, reuniting them with agents of the Ur'razzi government. Some have agreed to return home, bringing their knowledge of Orion technology with them. Equally important, they have provided us with names, faces, and other leads - specific slavers who took Ur'razzi slaves.

  • +20 relations, now 42/100
  • +25 on Off to a Bad Start, now 25/100
  • +20 on Aggressive, now 20/100
  • +9 on Obsolete Technology, now 9/300
  • Sojourner gets Crew Rating +1.

-Mission: Affiliate Ur'razzi
-Commander: Percival Amin - Reroll first failed Diplomacy roll each year.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
-Ambassador Sarek: 8pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
-Ventil Oyana: 4 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
-Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: For every passed Presence event each quarter, add +3 relations to another applicable tag.
USS Sojourner C7 S6 H4 L6 P6 D6
USS Thejal C5 S3 H4 L5 P4 D5
ICS Thunderer C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5
ICS Foundry C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5
IGS Koat-Nar C4 S4 H2 L4 P4 D5
RDS Oda-Gach-7 C2 S4 H1 L2 P4 D2


Task Force Commander's Log, Task Force Liberty - Commodore Abigail Taggart
(USS Liberty, Excelsior-A)

I first wish to thank you, and the Federation Council, for assigning me to a truly righteous mission. I am very aware of the burden placed on me, the responsibility of one who is to mete out justice in a lawless place. But I will go forth with compassion, and attempt to convince those who would deny others liberty that they are damned if they continue to hold sophonts in fetters. Unfortunately, history informs us that in order to be the shield of the enslaved, we must also pick up the sword.

With that, I am happy to report success this quarter. While our activities were limited, they were incredibly efficient and high impact. I dispatched SFS Serene and the Talaxana to deal with a pair of Thoroughbreds that had edged too close to several civilian shipping lanes, eyeing a Lecarre passenger ship. This particular sept, Screaming Hawk, has not yet been introduced to the photon lance batteries of an Audacious-class; I saw fit to rectify that.

Both Thoroughbreds were disabled, with prisoners and slaves recovered. We have left any who did not want to be taken into Federation custody on a class M world with adequate survival supplies.

Simultaneously with the above mission, I sent USS Hypatia and CAS Kundaia on an intelligence-gathering mission, to identify high-impact Screaming Hawk targets deep in their space.

Captain's Log, USS Hypatia - Captain Ixazza

A decade ago, I did not think I would ever be fit for command. And yet here I am, in the seat. My sister, if the universe unfolded the way I wished it, should be in a ship of her own, watching my back. But things have unfolded differently, and I must do what I can to honor her, and my hive. And maybe have some fun, if my operations officer will schedule it.

Our mission is a deep-raid reconnaissance. Fortunately for me, the Hishmeri vessels are blinder than I am, and slow. Their limited range and speed means we can afford to take risks; their poor sensors means we can exploit many opportunities.


Captain's Log, USS Hypatia - Captain Ixazza

So, slipping in was easy as we expected. We have collected vast amounts of data on Hishmeri activity in the sector, including a very long, and I would think rather unseemly, caravan of misery that extends from Klingon space, through the Gorn, and finally to the Ittick-Ka. Rather disturbingly, we have detected some outflow from the Ittick-Ka, suggesting they may be exporting excess population.

The Screaming Hawks, in addition to this little slaving empire, are also preparing for combat. We have observed ship construction underway, and believe the Ittick-Ka may be supplying them with weapons. However, they do not appear to be moving towards the Imelak. Indeed, they may be preparing for confrontation with us. Killing Abigail Taggart would be something of a coup for the Screaming Hawks' leader -- enough to make her Perfect, and undo the work we've done.

Now, for escaping. Minor problem. Our vessels are hiding out in a system while a swarm of Hishmeri, a few AU away, are having some sort of racing game between multiple septs. Our escape will be a little more complicated.


Captain's Log, USS Hypatia - Captain Ixazza

We've returned to safe space, and are in the warm, fuzzy protection of several better-armed ships. Taggart is pouring over the data along with Captain Starlily, and a plan should be forthcoming.

Her intensity about this is somewhat unsettling, in all honesty. But, I respect it.

Potential responses to these targets will include both diplomatic and military options. I hope that by precisely hitting the nodes of this slavery network, we will reduce casualties and weaken the resolve of belligerent Hishmeri.

Yours Faithfully,

Abigail Taggart

Results: 46/100 Slavery I

Task Force: Liberty
Mission: Resolve Slavery and Nomadic Raiders tags on the Hishmeri.
Commander: Abigail Taggart - Successful Combat tests are worth double progress.
  • FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
  • Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.
  • Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first space combat roll each quarter.
  • Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter.
  • Starfleet Intelligence Joint Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events.
2324.Q1 Ships
  • Explorers: 1 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Liberty]
  • Cruisers: 3 STO Audacious Cruiser
  • Frigates: 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Talaxana], 1 Amarkian Centaur-B, 1 Kepler [Hypatia]
  • Notes: 7 Ships

Goodfoot by @anon_user , Reassure by @Leila Hann , Righteous by @AKuz
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It's mostly a pointless stat to have that high. So no, and we shouldn't want one either.
We know that events have a response threshold. Ships that roll different responses don't have a materially different response as long as they all pass the threshold. I don't expect the race function of opposed taskforces to figure much if both sides pass the roll. After all, that would make the event resolution kind of pointless, when it should always be the major determinant of success. We've already had events flavored with "we arrived and had to sort out these HoH guys" or "and now the HoH finally showed up" without material differences for either side being first.

Past D10(+2) or so you aren't making much progress on 2d6+12+10+2... the difference to 2d6+12+13+2 can't be much or frigates and cruisers would autofail every response. Because we know response rolls are made on the same scale for all types of ships, in order for, say, a Solace or Comet to be relevant at 2d6+12, the difficulties you'd need 2d6+27 for can't exist.
If we start running into 'opposed check' event response scenarios where the margin of success matters more than "did you pass/fail the check y/n," that might change...

Because on an opposed check, every +1 on the statline is a +1 you get over the opposition, even if both of you passed the check DC by a comfortable margin.

Our Starfleet is far too sane to not have everyone on a FYM on contraceptives/temporary sterilization.

And family does not necessarily involve any children.
The thing is, we have a fair number of people who are in or involved in the Explorer Corps for extended periods of time, and the regular fleet for even more extended periods of time. To the point where without extensive biotech, most of our serving officers "don't have time" for children.

I mean so far, out of all our main characters largely fleshed out by players, who have actively participated in the Explorer Corps, the only one who has an original character kid that I can think of is Maryam Ajam.

I think it's because most of our participation is coming from nerdy 20-30ish Westerners, but we're projecting Starfleet as more or less a 'childfree' service, not just in the sense of "no kids on the ships" but in the sense of bordering on "order of monks sworn to not have children of their own."

Which frankly might explain why we have such a hard time with recruitment, because it's a big thing to ask of people...

Come again? A 5mt Galaxy class explorer got killed by a single mark 1 BoP because someone fucked up its chief engineers sight?

I suspect either your description of events, or the sanity of that episodes script writers.
Specifically, the Bird of Prey's commanders hacked Geordi's visor so they could read what he was seeing in real time.

What he was seeing happened to include a display readout of the Enterprise's shield frequencies, so they knew said frequencies and could shoot through the shields.

Also, note that Star Trek has always been hella ambiguous about the size of a Bird-of-Prey, with multiple mutually exclusive depictions of their size. It's kind of hard to get a coherent impression; they tend to be as powerful as they need to be to make the plot work.
If we start running into 'opposed check' event response scenarios where the margin of success matters more than "did you pass/fail the check y/n," that might change...

Because on an opposed check, every +1 on the statline is a +1 you get over the opposition, even if both of you passed the check DC by a comfortable margin.
I have confidence that opposed check scenarios are not going to be double jeopardy on both response and resolution. It's enough to require an opposed difficulty on resolution alone, and much better game design besides.
Woo, a name for the Ashidi government!
[+34 Cardassian Threat tag, now at 293/300]
Excellent, hope we find out what the hell is going on with the OO soon.
The Rimward path is also recommended by the presence of USS Ambassador along our proposed route, the lack of Hishmeri Septs, the Dylaarian lack of aggression compared to other Pact members, and gut feeling.
And this is how to have an ability which is "less people die"
[+6 points on Alupii [Distant Stars] now: [Distance Stars: 6/100]
Well. Not great, but it's hard to work on tags when you're not actually talking to the people yet.
USS Thejal and ICS Thunderer helped out the Ur'razzi in a significant way this quarter:
giant acid-flinging beetles
Of course this is a thing that exists.
down Ur'razzi abductees still held by the Syndicate or sold on elsewhere.
Ugh. Fucking Syndicate, still giving us trouble a decade later.
  • +20 relations, now 42/100
  • +25 on Off to a Bad Start, now 25/100
  • +20 on Aggressive, now 20/100
  • +9 on Obsolete Technology, now 9/300
  • Sojourner gets Crew Rating +1.
This is incredible progress! A long way to go, but a great start. 12.333 points of progress per ship, with a level-up.