The Sandman
So Zetta Slowpoke
- Location
- Wherever I am, which isn't where I'm not
I think it's Potions classes you should really worry about.
When throwing together some background for my "At Last The 2235 Game!" concept, I put together a few things and concluded that theVeganVegian Tyranny was the in-story pretext for why Earth wasn't constantly being hassled by flying saucer men and random Yrillians during the 19th and 20th centuries AD.
For mega-engineering projects I always liked Larry Niven's Ringworld.
It's such a spectacular visual image.
The problem is that the position that war is never reasonable is objectively false in this setting.Look, I don't mind discussion about why the Licori or OSA or whoever feel like it's a good idea to have war. But trying to get everyone to accept the premise of "from my point of view, war is reasonable" is hitting a sore spot in that to some of us war is never reasonable. At all. It gives me the same knee-jerk reaction as someone saying "from my point of view, eating your leg is reasonable." To which my reply is "Ow, my leg!" I don't want to debate reasonaby, I want you to stop gnawing on my leg! And so most of the conversation I want to give on the topic is not going to be philosophically complicated no matter what the other side says. (Not to upset anyone, I'd like to make sure you all know that this is me making a comical comparrison. Ok?)
The first wasn't war, it was pest control!
It's more that I'm waiting for Halkh and co to be overthrown and executed by the vengeful proletariat they've oppressed for so many centuries.
That's playing silly games with the definition of war for the Biophage.The first wasn't war, it was pest control!
The second was a panic reaction to witnessing development of a new weapon of mass destruction. There are actual governments with access to WMDs; they have not all been invaded and forcibly subjected to regime change.
The Odanner was a massive escalation over anything reported previously.
10/10 would play alongside Havenite Honor Harrington Quest.I've actually got a little mental box full of TBG spinoff ideas.
One is: "This *is* An Empire Quest: An Orion Space Princess Quest, that is "in which the Eternal Empire fleet is woken up at an earlier point:
[ ] 1500: Big mess, everything still on fire, remnants of the Empires around
[ ] 1900: New societies emerging, very militant, but divided
[ ]2300: Federation exists, Peaceful but unified.
And the players vote on which of the Imperial Princesses were in command of the fleet, and the type of fleet.
Hayant was the Navy Princess with a maxed Combat fleet. But there would be options for her other sisters:
[ ] Liberal Scholar Princess, good at think, good at adapting, bad at fite and talk
[ ] Charismatic Libertine Dilettante Princess. Average at a surprising number of things, good at talk, bad at fite
[ ] Cyaug Aerocommando All Facepunch Princess. VERY GOOD AT FITE AND NOT DIE. Good at lead, bad at talk and think.
[ ] Hayant, good at fight, think, and talk. Not very flexible
Fleet make up point by from things like:
[ ] Colony ship options with civilians, workers, artists, And others.
[ ] Industrial and resource ship options,
[ ] more/less ground forces,
[ ] more/less Navy resources,
[ ] the cream of the Imperial Universities in cryo trays
I've actually got a little mental box full of TBG spinoff ideas.
[ ] Cyaug Aerocommando All Facepunch Princess. VERY GOOD AT FITE AND NOT DIE. Good at lead, bad at talk and think.
If you have someone on ignore, do not declare it to the board, as that is a violation of SV's Rule 3. A Staff Notice has been logged against your account.I'm going to assume, based on context, that Simon is roleplaying at everyone. I've got him on ignore, and only took him off to read the omake, so I'll not be replying to whatever bizarre feudalism apologia he's peddling in-character.
We were told in character, at first through our character's internal thoughts, and then at great length through intelligence reports. We shared that information with the L&L - it was all over our interactions with them, including Thuir's logs, and your own omake! They were informed, that they don't believe it doesn't excuse that they're now committing a serious wrong. The problem lies not only with their judgment, but incredibly importantly with what they chose to do about it: general warfare. It might be okay if they were like "we don't believe that, we're going after the corps no matter what you say"*, but they didn't, they chose to go after the OSA people and the state.We're being told repeatedly, out of character, that the OSA government is willing to rein in the megacorps, but unfortunately the Laio and Licori apparently don't have access to the quest's Discord server and can't read the QMs' messages. Nor do they have easy access to their own corps of experienced diplomats and xenopsychologists who give them the in-character information we possess. Their reading of the OSA government may well be less accourate than our in-character reading, and they can hardly be blamed for not knowing out-of-character information that is clearly influencing you to increase your confidence in "the OSA government is nice and will listen to reason" to metagamey levels.
Given the OSA's behavior (promise to investigate, do nothing, repeatedly claim that evidence that has convinced everyone in the quadrant EXCEPT them that the OSA is supporting the pirates is insufficient and that they need more proof)... Well, suffice to say that if someone behaved like this in real life and I didn't have a direct line to God reassuring me that they were just a bunch of misunderstood nice guys with a racial reluctance to believe anyone would do something as nasty as piracy, I'd be assuming they were deliberately turning a blind eye to the piracy.
Okay, before you sling around any more bad-faith accusation grenades, we need to break down this argument into its component parts, because there are several independent levels on which we may or may not disagree, and the debate is going around in circles in part because people are doing rhetorical two-steps back and forth between the levels. Here are the separate questions I've been raising:We were told in character, at first through our character's internal thoughts, and then at great length through intelligence reports. We shared that information with the L&L - it was all over our interactions with them, including Thuir's logs, and your own omake! They were informed, that they don't believe it doesn't excuse that they're now committing a serious wrong. The problem lies not only with their judgment, but incredibly importantly with what they chose to do about it: general warfare. It might be okay if they were like "we don't believe that, we're going after the corps no matter what you say"*, but they didn't, they chose to go after the OSA people and the state.
Plus, your claim that the OSA promised to investigate but did nothing is explicitly false. Please argue from the facts, not your own made-up version. PLUS, if we had enough evidence to arrest the pirates, we could do so without even bothering the OSA about it - it is completely within our rights to go after pirates in this space. That we haven't arrested any corporate pirates is itself proof that even we don't consider the evidence enough to execute direct action.
If you looked at similar evidence in real life, and then decided that killing your way to regime change was the way to get your pirates, I would be calling what you were doing abominable too, and would attempt to do something in my power to stop you. Like, where I draw the line isn't what people believe, but what they choose to do about it, and what the LL are choosing to do here is wrong.
*Halkh even weasels his way around this point in your very own omake, his objection actually has no grounds because he knows that forcing the pirates into the open would mean the Federation can come down on them - refer to his other point about us tackling pirates independently.
The LL had every opportunity to pause and wait on the Fed to solve the problem once we pulled a 19-ship fleet (bigger than almost anything we've pulled for a single deployment) to fix the problem. The fact that they saw us deploy a massive fleet to solve the problem and still went "nah, we gonna start shooting anyway" doesn't make me take them that seriously.
In a war like this, preparation time helps the OSA more because they're playing defense. If the LL alliance was convinced that negotiations are ultimately going nowhere, then more time just gives the OSA more time to dig in. Or in other words, waiting isn't without cost.
Assuming, of course, the war is actually "like this" and the Federation is completely ineffectual, which is a pretty big assumption, and that if the OSA is presented with evidence by the Federation and nothing happens the Federation and the Harmony are not willing to commit heavily to reigning in the threat of piracy via force, which is an even bigger assumption.
See, it's a binary decision tree.Assuming, of course, the war is actually "like this" and the Federation is completely ineffectual, which is a pretty big assumption, and that if the OSA is presented with evidence by the Federation and nothing happens the Federation and the Harmony are not willing to commit heavily to reigning in the threat of piracy via force, which is an even bigger assumption.
Since when in this quest has the Federation ever been willing to go to war because a government was doing an insufficient job of controlling piracy?
Meanwhile, we actually did go to war over, among several other incidents, Orion Syndicate piracy. Their charming habit of acting as both pirates and slavers actually give the ASTF its name. Or you could point to our reaction to the Hishimeri, which was not much short of actually declaring war in the end considering we conducted opposed boarding actions and crippled starships.
Let me clarify.
Well, then either Oneiros is just writing entire species being inexplicably retarded for literally no reason, or maybe the Laio have opinions and ideas about the world that don't align with your perspective.The Laio are Federation allies. They know, from experience, that they can come to us with problems and we will try to help them, because we have before. They have demonstrably been wronged. They could get the Federation on their side with very little effort if they were willing to try. All the OSA preparation in the world wouldn't matter if Abigail Taggart shows up after putting TF Shield back together again and starts crashing Centaur-Bs into mercenary ships and sending over a company of Aerocommandos to ask "Excuse me, wtf are you doing?"