Since there's been some back and forth in the thread about the FDS having screwed up an evaluation of the Licori-Ked Paddah conflict, I decided to go back through the old logs by searching "Licori" and have a look for myself.
So below is the initial set of logs where we met the Licori.
What followed was a bunch of normal log entries about ateadily improving relations, until we requested the following intelligence report.
Next we get this log:
Followed by this log:
Note that the nature of the intervention is never stated, but this is the comment that apparently has led to the eternal mocking of the FDS as wanting to join the war on the wrong side.
Then this log happened:
Followed by this response:
Then this log:
And then the Courageous gets pasted by the mentat solar flare experiment, and we're on the road to war....
So below is the initial set of logs where we met the Licori.
Captain's Log, USS Endurance, Stardate 24452.2
Our mission to Agat has been given a twist. A series of unknown vessels have arrived in orbit. It appears we are not the only peoples invited to attend. When I asked my Gaeni counterparts who the newcomers were, they described them as the Licori. As a full political entity it is the Arcadian Empire of Morshadd, but Licori is the most common name outsiders use. When I asked what they were like, the Gaeni called them mad scientists.
I confess, it took me a while to get over that.
The Licori and the Gaeni, from what I can gather, consider each other rivals. They compete technologically, though both still lag behind the Federation. For all of their focus on the sciences, I can't help but think the mortality rates of their scientists have something to do with this lagging. The Licori are apparently especially bad in this regard, using complex processes to turn scientists into mentats, powerful computing lifeforms, who have ten years of brilliance, but then burn out and die.
A potential concern has developed. These Licori are in the midst of an interstellar war with a force known as Ked Paddah. The Gaeni are tight-lipped about them, but do not like them at all either. Apparently it is the risk-taking approach to sciences that so offends the Ked Paddah. The local Institutes believe that if the Ked Paddah were not already at war with the Licori, it is likely that they would be at war with the Gaeni.
Despite this, we have managed to make our own contact with the Ked Paddah, and will investigate further.
[New Race Encountered: The Licori, Starting 80/100 (high rolls avoid antagonism with the Federation on account of Gaeni membership]
[New Race Encountered: The Ked Paddah, Starting 25/100]
What followed was a bunch of normal log entries about ateadily improving relations, until we requested the following intelligence report.
History and current status of the war between the Licori and the Ked Peddah
The Gaeni tell us that during peacetime, there is an open flow of information. However, during this time, government restrictions on the flow of information have rendered both societies largely opaque. Nonetheless, we have learned many things.
The war between the Morshadd Empire and the Ked Paddah began two years ago, and has raged on ever since. The Ked Paddah were the aggressors, apparently declaring war and launching a sweeping attack of Licori border worldsafter a particular science experiment induced outright panic. From what we are told, it may have been a test (failed, thankfully) that could induce a core collapse in a main sequence star.
These opening attacks were partially successful; a number of colonial outposts were captured, and remain in Ked Paddah control. It is fought mostly via smaller ships, with both sides acting protectively of their larger vessels. Apparently six months in, a massive counterattack was launched by the Morshadd Empire, targetted at the homeworld of the Ked Paddah. What followed was a bloody stalemate, with many ships crippled or destroyed. As a result, the mobile forces of either faction found it difficult for a long while to muster the combat power to defeat the defensive outposts. Over the last few months, the fleets have rebuilt and the Ked Paddah are on the offensive once more.
The ships of the Ked Paddah have a more stable tech base, and better ships; however the Licori do have unusual high-energy systems that can periodically turn the tables.
Next we get this log:
Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Ambassador Elisa Bairn, Stardate 25094.2
The arrival of investigators from the Council has provided me with sufficient resources to begin properly looking into the root causes of the Licori-Ked Paddah conflict. Hopefully it will pave the way to new, more effective avenues of mediating the conflict.
As near as we have been able to tell so far though, the basic story is correct. An escalating series of reckless Mentat experiments led to the Ked Paddah deciding to take drastic measures. Now, I have to say, this is a delicate point: do we consider the declaration to be an act of aggression? The Ked Paddah suffered no direct injury from the Mentat scientists, but nonetheless they viewed the safety of the galaxy to be at stake, and declared war. For the Arcadian Empire, that is to say, the Licori, this is unquestionably an unjustifiable act of aggression. For the Ked Paddah, however, it was simply a matter of defending themselves and others from the threat of rogue experiments.
Notably, the noble houses of the Licori have heavily constrained their Mentats since the start of this conflict.
Followed by this log:
Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Ambassador Elisa Bairn, Stardate 25213.4
I can report that we are learning more about the events that led up to the commencement of war between the Arcadian Empire and the Ked Paddah.
We have had reported to us by a number of sources that there was an ultimatum issued to the Licori that creation of Mentats be limited to a half of the current rate, and Ked Paddah inspectors allowed into labs. This would never fly within the politics in the Empire, and it led to a sharp deterioration towards war.
There is a growing movement within the Diplomatic Service to push for a drawdown on the GBZ to prepare to potentially intervene.
Note that the nature of the intervention is never stated, but this is the comment that apparently has led to the eternal mocking of the FDS as wanting to join the war on the wrong side.
Then this log happened:
Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 25237.7
A quantum filament. He was trying to run high-energy experiments on a quantum filament.
Well, my crew is fine, by the Sappho is adrift. We had to eject the warp core, which is on any captain's list of a things that make for a bad week. Still, could have been much worse; the gravitic shear simply tore the other ship apart. The Licori Mentat is dead, but not before transmitting the last data needed for his thesis. Good for him.
[-10br, -15sr repair costs, 6 month repair to create a replacement Constellation warp core]
Followed by this response:
Missive from the Federation Diplomatic Service
Questions regarding the the assassins encountered from the Yan-Ros have been resolved to our satisfaction, and the Yan-Ros will be joining the Federation as affiliates.
Questions regarding the Licori's culpability are being further raised in light of recent events and a further hold on any attempts at direct intervention is in place. We are endeavouring to gain representatives from both sides for a summit.
Then this log:
Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Ambassador Elisa Bairn, Stardate 25388.5
It seems like controlling mentats is something that there is considerable resistance to within the noble Houses of the Licori. Notably, the ability to exploit the power of their mentats is a large part of the wrangling and competition between Houses, who are forbidden by their Emperor from engaging in more direct forms of conflict.
In other words, the domestic politics of the Arcadian Empire make it very difficult to restrain the mentats to a degree that the Ked Paddah will accept.
As an update to the war, the last several months have passed in a faux-war sort of state, with no major battles engaged in. Some skirmishing has occurred, but no Ked Paddah offences have been launched, and no move has been made to retake the major colony world now occupied. There are reports that mentats captured on that world have been confined to quarters, allowed only to access theory work instead of practical work.
And then the Courageous gets pasted by the mentat solar flare experiment, and we're on the road to war....