Away Team Report, Stardate 23294.1, USS Atuin -- Petty Officer Ozaw
Emporium -- Cxeru IV to its inhabitants -- is an interesting place. Only place worth living is under a habitation dome -- outside is grim, with tough lichens being the few life-forms in an atmosphere that is thick and hot. And there's a lot of Yrillians here!

The local leaders of Emporium are the original residents of Cxeru IV (Emporians? Cxeruians?).

The Emporions are intelligent lichens? Or humanoids who did something bad to their planet? :confused:
Hmm. I wonder if the Cardassians are imbedding with the war faction and will do their best to trigger a war with the Ittick-ka to force the anti-war faction aside. We should probably get the "chance for Intel report" attachment and spend an Intel report at least every other year on them.

You appear to be assuming there's "war" and "anti-war" factions of the Gorn, but my read of last year's report is that both Florists and Reclaimers would very much like to claim the mantle of conquerers.

In regards to other powers, we know the Gorn are planning war rather openly with the Ittick-Ka, promising the Dawiar great glory in the battles to come and attempting to bring the Trill into an alliance for mutual security. We suspect that, sans any major intervention, they will launch combat operations by 2332. Any king, Reclaimer or Florist, finds the idea of conquest appealing. The title of Rzar, loosely translated as Emperor, has not been bestowed on any Gorn ruler for 1000 years, the religious establishment that adjudicates its use having determined that the Gorn no longer rule an Empire. Conquering the Ittick-ka -- or Risa and Ferasa, for that matter -- would finally give the Gorn an Empire once more, and whomever is ruling it glory unending.

The difference is that for the Florists, this is merely to place them in a stronger position for bargaining for an alliance with a great power, while for the Reclaimers it would be step one to becoming a Great Power.

Note also that it's not so much that we are backing the Florists and the Cardassians are backing the Reclaimers. Rather, we and the Cardassians are competing over the Florists, while the Reclaimers aren't interested in an alliance with either of us.
Any alliance with the Reclaimers would be an alliance of convenience that will be upheld only so long as it's convenient for them.

The Florists we can talk with, but unless we can break them of several fairly important cultural assumptions we're going to have a lot of trouble with the Gorn down the line if we try to integrate them into the Federation.
I do kind of like the idea that they misplaced their original planet. It's still around somewhere and probably still ok? Just, well, there's a lot of stars in the sky, you know?
That was actually implied as a possibility in the log - it was mentioned that a supernova screwed up the subspace trade route the place used to be on.
Another possibility is a long dark age ended by the discovery of some key resource or the rediscovery of some key tech, or by alien traders first coming upon the system and kicking off the Age of Emporion, as opposed to the age of 'scratching out an existence in a marginally habitable star system.'
I've actually got a little mental box full of TBG spinoff ideas.

One is: "This *is* An Empire Quest: An Orion Space Princess Quest, that is "in which the Eternal Empire fleet is woken up at an earlier point:

[ ] 1500: Big mess, everything still on fire, remnants of the Empires around
[ ] 1900: New societies emerging, very militant, but divided
[ ]2300: Federation exists, Peaceful but unified.

And the players vote on which of the Imperial Princesses were in command of the fleet, and the type of fleet.

Hayant was the Navy Princess with a maxed Combat fleet. But there would be options for her other sisters:

[ ] Liberal Scholar Princess, good at think, good at adapting, bad at fite and talk

[ ] Charismatic Libertine Dilettante Princess. Average at a surprising number of things, good at talk, bad at fite

[ ] Cyaug Aerocommando All Facepunch Princess. VERY GOOD AT FITE AND NOT DIE. Good at lead, bad at talk and think.

[ ] Hayant, good at fight, think, and talk. Not very flexible

Fleet make up point by from things like:

[ ] Colony ship options with civilians, workers, artists, And others.
[ ] Industrial and resource ship options,
[ ] more/less ground forces,
[ ] more/less Navy resources,
[ ] the cream of the Imperial Universities in cryo trays
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I've actually got a little mental box full of TBG spinoff ideas.

One is: "This *is* An Empire Quest: An Orion Space Princess Quest, that is "in which the Eternal Empire fleet is woken up at an earlier point:

[ ] 1500: Big mess, everything still on fire, remnants of the Empires around
[ ] 1900: New societies emerging, very militant, but divided
[ ]2300: Federation exists, Peaceful but unified.

And the players vote on which of the Imperial Princesses were in command of the fleet, and the type of fleet.

Hayant was the Navy Princess with a maxed Combat fleet. But there would be options for her other sisters:

[ ] Liberal Scholar Princess, good at think, good at adapting, bad at fite and talk

[ ] Charismatic Libertine Dilettante Princess. Average at a surprising number of things, good at talk, bad at fite

[ ] Cyaug Aerocommando All Facepunch Princess. VERY GOOD AT FITE AND NOT DIE. Good at lead, bad at talk and think.

[ ] Hayant, good at fight, think, and talk. Not very flexible

Fleet make up point by from things like:

[ ] Colony ship options with civilians, workers, artists, And others.
[ ] Industrial and resource ship options,
[ ] more/less ground forces,
[ ] more/less Navy resources,
[ ] the cream of the Imperial Universities in cryo trays
Interesting! Wake up in 2300 and race the Federation to conquer Orion before they affiliate and head off in a direction like Ferasa/Daiwar/Risa or Indoria and establish a resource base.

I have no idea what the space-1900s or 1500s looked like. No Federation, so presumably easier to go Military.
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[ ]2300: Federation exists, Peaceful but unified.

So I'm going to assume at least one option would be trying to ally with the federation. Lots of support and strong allies. But you're now in a culture war as you try and stop them from resolving those slavery 100 tags in a way damaging to Orion culture.
Yikes. Apparantly someone decided Orion pirates could destroy wholeplanets and build their own Dyson spheres:

Early in Orion history, Orion pirates sometimes destroyed whole inhabited planets simply because they weren't economically viable. They would then use the fragments to construct Dyson spheres and then populate the vast area with slave labor.[12]
Yikes. Apparantly someone decided Orion pirates could destroy wholeplanets and build their own Dyson spheres:

Early in Orion history, Orion pirates sometimes destroyed whole inhabited planets simply because they weren't economically viable. They would then use the fragments to construct Dyson spheres and then populate the vast area with slave labor.[12]

Some authors have no sense of scale ......
I've actually got a little mental box full of TBG spinoff ideas.

One is: "This *is* An Empire Quest: An Orion Space Princess Quest, that is "in which the Eternal Empire fleet is woken up at an earlier point:

[ ] 1500: Big mess, everything still on fire, remnants of the Empires around
[ ] 1900: New societies emerging, very militant, but divided
[ ]2300: Federation exists, Peaceful but unified.

And the players vote on which of the Imperial Princesses were in command of the fleet, and the type of fleet.

Hayant was the Navy Princess with a maxed Combat fleet. But there would be options for her other sisters:

[ ] Liberal Scholar Princess, good at think, good at adapting, bad at fite and talk

[ ] Charismatic Libertine Dilettante Princess. Average at a surprising number of things, good at talk, bad at fite

[ ] Cyaug Aerocommando All Facepunch Princess. VERY GOOD AT FITE AND NOT DIE. Good at lead, bad at talk and think.

[ ] Hayant, good at fight, think, and talk. Not very flexible

Fleet make up point by from things like:

[ ] Colony ship options with civilians, workers, artists, And others.
[ ] Industrial and resource ship options,
[ ] more/less ground forces,
[ ] more/less Navy resources,
[ ] the cream of the Imperial Universities in cryo trays
I want the 1900 start and the Vegian Tyranny bouncing around the Vega Sol Sector. :D
I've actually got a little mental box full of TBG spinoff ideas.

One is: "This *is* An Empire Quest: An Orion Space Princess Quest, that is "in which the Eternal Empire fleet is woken up at an earlier point:

[ ] 1500: Big mess, everything still on fire, remnants of the Empires around
[ ] 1900: New societies emerging, very militant, but divided
[ ]2300: Federation exists, Peaceful but unified.

And the players vote on which of the Imperial Princesses were in command of the fleet, and the type of fleet.

Hayant was the Navy Princess with a maxed Combat fleet. But there would be options for her other sisters:

[ ] Liberal Scholar Princess, good at think, good at adapting, bad at fite and talk

[ ] Charismatic Libertine Dilettante Princess. Average at a surprising number of things, good at talk, bad at fite

[ ] Cyaug Aerocommando All Facepunch Princess. VERY GOOD AT FITE AND NOT DIE. Good at lead, bad at talk and think.

[ ] Hayant, good at fight, think, and talk. Not very flexible

Fleet make up point by from things like:

[ ] Colony ship options with civilians, workers, artists, And others.
[ ] Industrial and resource ship options,
[ ] more/less ground forces,
[ ] more/less Navy resources,
[ ] the cream of the Imperial Universities in cryo trays

Im imagining a 1500 a bit like the first Homeworld where you start on a journey back to homespace collecting forces along the way, but instead arrive at Orion to find its been scoured clean by atompshere deprivation bombs. Then its time to fite Konan the Klingon barbarian, and Lord Gornmungous for control of the space wasteland.
Yikes. Apparantly someone decided Orion pirates could destroy wholeplanets and build their own Dyson spheres:

Early in Orion history, Orion pirates sometimes destroyed whole inhabited planets simply because they weren't economically viable. They would then use the fragments to construct Dyson spheres and then populate the vast area with slave labor.[12]
What is this I don't even ....

The only dysons in Star Trek were from civs way up the tech totem pole from TNG era feds.

Random ass pirates having the ability to make one? Lolno.

Planetbusting isn't actually that hard with Star Trek tech IF the target can't intercept at all. You've got inertia and mass manipulation tricks, throwing relativistic asteroids is very much an option.
Ouch. That'd be Super Hard Mode- they'd have Vegan Powers.

When throwing together some background for my "At Last The 2235 Game!" concept, I put together a few things and concluded that the Vegan Vegian Tyranny was the in-story pretext for why Earth wasn't constantly being hassled by flying saucer men and random Yrillians during the 19th and 20th centuries AD. Basically, they were an interstellar empire that dominated much of what is now the Sol Sector prior to, oh, the early 21st century, then had a catastrophic biowar that effectively wiped out about 99.9995% of their population and reduced the remnants to refugees subsisting chiefly out of the kindness of the Vulcans' hearts. However, the Vegians did observe something analogous to the Prime Directive, and effectively 'sheltered' Earth from contact with the outside galaxy through its industrial and atomic ages.

I didn't develop the actual internal governance or culture of the Vegians much; they're just the "lilac biowar survivor people" who found it a mix of frustrating and ironic that Earthlings were cheerfully colonizing what was once their sphere of influence before they self-destructed.
Yikes. Apparantly someone decided Orion pirates could destroy wholeplanets and build their own Dyson spheres:

Early in Orion history, Orion pirates sometimes destroyed whole inhabited planets simply because they weren't economically viable. They would then use the fragments to construct Dyson spheres and then populate the vast area with slave labor.[12]
We ignore almost everything from the Orion beta canon for a reason :V