Yes, that treaty is still in force. The argument has also been made that, given this is Not An Empire Quest, that the Federation would not use cloaking devices anyway as it violates our ethos.
Also, given T'mir's shenanigans... Our ships can basically Science up a half decent cloak effect anyway.
Curses, my plan for a fleet of cloaked Galaxy classes will never come to pass... aw well it was a thought.
Regardless then I think that focusing on quantum torpedoe research would be an excellent idea for when we do run into our collectivist nightmare. If we get the Tauni to join the Federation we might be able to reverse engineer some Iconian Stargate technology. Hello transwarp conduit network.
Are we operating under the same no cloaking devices in our ships rule that they had in TNG. I remember that it was part of some treaty with either the Romulans or the Klingons, but I can't remember which.
If not then we should take a look at the technology to see how useful it would be.
Problem with cloaks is that they take loads of energy, weight, and space. They are not something you put on ships "just in case". And are good for pretty much only sneaking and ambushing, which, while useful, is not something the Starfleet does often.
If we had the tech, we would probably build an infiltrator ship for the SI with it and thats it. We have no other use for it.
Speaking from the SDB perspective, we'd probably consider some sort of Specialist ship with cloak capabilities for recon and stealth diplomacy (Kepler variant) and probably stuff every Amby with them. Explorers have so much internal space to burn that at some point there's a choice between +1 stat point and cloaking and at that point the choice becomes easy to make. Plus, as demonstrated with Courageous, the ability to hide can be highly useful. Otherwise, not viable.
Are member (or for that matter, ally and affiliate) fleets bound by the terms of that treaty? How about if they already had cloaking technology when we affiliated them? These kinds of work-around would be plenty for a handful of stealth-dependent tasks in the context of task forces, and would be otherwise very possible to eventually arrange if the QMs felt like enabling it.
Are member (or for that matter, ally and affiliate) fleets bound by the terms of that treaty? How about if they already had cloaking technology when we affiliated them? These kinds of work-around would be plenty for a handful of stealth-dependent tasks in the context of task forces, and would be otherwise very possible to eventually arrange if the QMs felt like enabling it.
Oh, Kepler is an excellent ship, but it is very much not a combat one.
No Kepler combat refits btw, I am pretty sure that that design, and maybe even the omake, were jokes. Fun as it is, the Atomic class is too fragile for a vanguard frigate, and we are not diguising them as Keplers, making them useless. There is also the Jaffa project coming in a few years for our vanguard frigate needs.
There is also the Comet which is currently prototyping and has H3/L5. That means the Atomic-class would be more durable then any Frigate design we currently have in service and almost as durable as our next generation Frigate.
If we glance outside our Frigate designs and into our Cruiser designs we have:
So the Atomic-class has straight up better defenses then the Constellation-A and equal defense overall, although more heavily weighted towards shields, as the Constitution-B. The Renaissance is superior but then it's our Cruiser of choice for a reason.
In a decade's time the Atomic-class might be too fragile but from the omake I got the feeling it was either something that was done with either already available technology or soon to be available tech.
that has been a fairly grey area all around for that treaty.
as far as i can tell no cloaking teck or romulan or klingon make may be used or R&D (as far as i can tell)
but if we somehow find someone with a budget version or a better one there no law as far as i can tell that would stop us from copying that one.
There is no Treaty of Algeron banning the use of cloaking devices here in To Boldly Go. Instead it's an area of research that has been effectively forbidden by the Federation Council:
Fed and Starfleet policy is currently to keep their focus on countermeasures rather than cloaks, as cloaks are considered offensive tech and their ability to develop countermeasures is trusted.
that has been a fairly grey area all around for that treaty.
as far as i can tell no cloaking teck or romulan or klingon make may be used or R&D (as far as i can tell)
but if we somehow find someone with a budget version or a better one there no law as far as i can tell that would stop us from copying that one.
We've got someone hanging around on one of our explorers who may have some insights into how the one protecting her retirement home worked, don't we? That version seems fine.
Actually, anyone have a link to the description of the Kepler? I'm going to see about whipping up a quick sketchup model, for practice on Star Trek designs before I try something for an idea bouncing around my head.
Speaking from the SDB perspective, we'd probably consider some sort of Specialist ship with cloak capabilities for recon and stealth diplomacy (Kepler variant) and probably stuff every Amby with them. Explorers have so much internal space to burn that at some point there's a choice between +1 stat point and cloaking and at that point the choice becomes easy to make. Plus, as demonstrated with Courageous, the ability to hide can be highly useful. Otherwise, not viable.
Considering that BoPs (buuullshiiit!) have cloaks, the cloak part almost cetainly scales with the ship. In fact I would not be surprised if it was harder to cloak the bigger a ship gets.
Centaur B is a generalist, not a dedicated combatant, and Miranda A is tiny and old. Also twice as cheap. Our cruisers, barring Rennie, are also really damn old.
I would be fine with a H3 L4 design, but H2 on a modern 1mt vanguard frigate seems like a really bad idea to me.
We've got someone hanging around on one of our explorers who may have some insights into how the one protecting her retirement home worked, don't we? That version seems fine.
That version uses super-advanced technology alien technology. Building one with Federation tech would be making a computer out of stone knives and bear skins, as the saying goes.
Any vanguard frigate design should almost certainly be modeled off the Comet which is H3 L5. Iirc SWB has a variant with C6+ using near future technologies. Given that it takes 7+ years to get a new design in service we should almost certainly be preparing stats for a decade from now, not the present.
Considering that BoPs (buuullshiiit!) have cloaks, the cloak part almost cetainly scales with the ship. In fact I would not be surprised if it was harder to cloak the bigger a ship gets
Curses, my plan for a fleet of cloaked Galaxy classes will never come to pass... aw well it was a thought.
Regardless then I think that focusing on quantum torpedoe research would be an excellent idea for when we do run into our collectivist nightmare. If we get the Tauni to join the Federation we might be able to reverse engineer some Iconian Stargate technology. Hello transwarp conduit network.
The Licori invented the quantum torpedo and fielded prototypes during the Battle of the Ixaria Approaches in the Licori war in 2314-15. While the mentat who developed the quantum-boost warhead was killed in the battle, with nearly all of her notes and prototypes being destroyed, renowned Federation weapons expert T'Rinta of Vulcan (otherwise known as the torpedo fairy ) performed tests later in 2315. Once the underlying state of Federation weapons technology improves to a level that makes duplication feasible, it is certain that we will be working on that.
The Licori invented the quantum torpedo and fielded prototypes during the Battle of the Ixaria Approaches in the Licori war in 2314-15. While the mentat who developed the quantum-boost warhead was killed in the battle, with nearly all of her notes and prototypes being destroyed, renowned Federation weapons expert T'Rinta of Vulcan (otherwise known as the torpedo fairy ) performed tests later in 2315. Once the underlying state of Federation weapons technology improves to a level that makes duplication feasible, it is certain that we will be working on that.
The Atomic is so good at fighting because phaser arrays require an equal science score to the ship's combat score. If a ship can get high science, phaser arrays are super efficient effect for their weight. The Kepler is optimized towards getting high science, so we can load on phaser arrays. Other combat frigates can't use phaser arrays because they can't make the science score.
[61][PREZ] Alliance-Building Diplomacy Response to gain more participants in response
[46][PREZ] Recon & Intel Support
[35][PREZ] Conciliatory Diplomatic Response to Breen
[27][PREZ] Industrial Support/Lend-Lease Response
[27][PREZ] Romulan-Klingon Border Peacekeeping Response
[24][PREZ] Aggressive Diplomatic Response to isolate Breen
[6][PREZ] Push for Federation Early Mobilisation
[3][PREZ] Direct Action Response against Breen assets
[3][PREZ] Subterfuge & Sabotage Response
"As always, a pleasure to see you again, Admiral," President Jime Okaar says. "If only the circumstances were less ... troubling."
You lay out your advice concerning the Breen, emphasizing above all the need for collaborative action. The Ked Paddah can provide basing rights at Adad Bande; the Bolians can provide backchannels; even the Klingons need to be kept in contact, since if initial steps fail to produce results, any more active steps taken to prop up the Romulans will be concerning to them. After that, you point out the serious lack of information Starfleet has on the situation. A small task force based out of Adad Bande could potentially gather a lot of valuable signals intelligence, better informing Starfleet's understanding of Breen intentions and activity. Finally, you stress the importance of providing a back channel for the Breen. Perhaps there is some justification for the Breen attack, beyond being a crass power play. Perhaps there's a way to end this conflict before it really gets going.
Perhaps I can get out of this without having to risk my ships, you do not need to add.
"And if we do need to risk your ships?" Okaar asks. "I do not intend to launch an invasion of Breen space, Shey."
"Then we move to more overt assistance. We send the Romulans some gift baskets of industrial supplies to help them build their way out of any setbacks--"
"Development will not be happy with me diverting useful resources to a state that could use them to rebuild the Tal'Shiar." Okaar sighs. "But very well. You will need to offer a similar package to the Klingons, I imagine."
"Yes," you say, "And if we must, the best way to use my ships is as a border patrol between the Klingons and the Romulans, which will allow them to redeploy assets elsewhere. But it will be a costly mission."
"Indeed. Initial conversations with Klingon High Command indicate they have a variety of stipulations, and will be expecting a significant deployment for a decade or more." Okaar taps her desk, "And doing a peacekeeping mission will mean that if we choose to send industrial assistance, we must provide to the Klingons. Otherwise, our peacekeepers could look like we are instead shielding the Romulans as we help them rebuild, and Khitomer is dead."
"That is why I would recommend doing so only if the Romulans are nearing collapse."
"And then there's the other matter on our coreward frontier," Okaar notes. "The Outer Space Alliance is on the brink of war with the Licori and Laio."
A war on the Federation's doorstep, she doesn't need to mention. You've had Starfleet Intelligence hard at work on trying to find proof of Harmony complicity ... but at this point, you're not sure even that would stop a war. For the OSA, a war lets them deflect any difficult questions about corporate influence and power; for the Licori, a war gives Emperor Tartresis a chance to solidify his power; for the Laio, a war gives them an opportunity to show their importance in the region.
"We're preparing for the conflict," you say. "I'm still hopeful that the FDS can succeed. The Laio are long-standing allies, the OSA have become friends. Clearly, something should be possible to work out." And if not, then it's on them.
"I wish I could say I had your confidence," Okaar says, a rare frown on her face. "But I've met, in person, with a number of officials from the three states involved in the dispute. I know their thoughts. And almost all seem dead-set on this conflict. I think the only reason they haven't gone to war yet is that they're still marshalling forces."
Explorer Corps Assignment (pick one) - Enterprise and Ambassador are not available for assignment; Atuin or Voshov would not be available until Q2. Odyssey will be missing another year of her FYM, -15pp if chosen.
[ ][EC] Investigate a diplomatic back-channel with the Breen
[ ][EC] Assign a vessel to Task Force Beyond
[ ][EC] Assign a vessel to support attempts to stop the Coreward Border War between the Licori, Laio, and OSA.
Opportunity assignment:
[ ][OPPO] Continue as Explorer Corps Ship
[ ][OPPO] Withdraw from Explorer Corps
Sector Squadron distributions:
[ ] [SQUAD] Submit a Fleet Distribution Plan starting 2323.Q1 just for Sector Squadrons. All ships not specifically attached to a Sector will be divided between Theater Fleets.
Note that the Themis Border Zone is no longer in effect, as the agreement that led to its existence has ended.
Add Member fleet units to Theater Fleets:
[ ] [FLEET] 0 points of ships
[ ] [FLEET] Retain 8 points of ships and one cargo ship (0 pp, thanks to Hand in Hand)
[ ] [FLEET] Retain 16 points of ships and two cargo ships (20 pp)
[ ] [FLEET] Call up 24 points of ships (100 pp, call up three cargo ships)
[ ] [FLEET] Call up 32 points of ships (160 pp, call up four cargo ships)
Cost: 0.5 points per frigate, 1 point per cruiser, 2 points per capital. Please designate ships that you would like added to Theater Fleets (Otherwise we will)
May not call up more than 25% Of a Member's fleet total.
Task Force Formation. Mutually incompatible plans, (ie share unique elements) will result in only the most voted on Task Force being formed.
[ ] [TASK] Form No Task Forces
[ ] [TASK] Form Task Force:
[ ][BREEN] Breen Task Force
-To carry out the opening stages of the reconnaissance response to the Breen, including monitoring the movements of their warfleet, reinforcements from the Breen core worlds, and communications surveillance, a separate task force is required.
-One cruiser is necessary, plus one other high-science ship (recommend either T'Mir or Kepler)
Automatically assigned:
-SS Rocinante, SFI Ship, Capable of Signal Intercepts
-SS Winter, SFI Ship, Capable of Signal Intercepts
ACTIVE MISSIONS - [Counteract Horizon diplomatic efforts in the Horizon Border Zone region]
-The Harmony of Horizon has continued an aggressive diplomatic push, attempting to discredit the Federation and promote their own agenda. The FDS believes that Starfleet can play a key role in countering Horizon propaganda.
-Mission: Resolve [Horizon Influence: 102/300] tag on Licori, [Horizon Influence: 89/100] tag on Felis, and [Horizon Influence: 222/300] tag on OSA.
-Ships assigned to this Mission would do well to possess a high level of presence. In light of the developing tensions in the Coreward Border region, a respectable level of combat is also recommended. Do be aware that Harmony is expected to reinforce this task force.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment - no upfront or maintenance costs for this team for the duration of this mission.
-Other attachments:
Starfleet Tactical Brass: 10pp on Purchase, 0pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers
Molchenek-Danashad Consulting: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter
Sam Jones: 10 br on purchase, 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force.
[Help Scout the Adrazzi Gulf]
The Indorians and Apiata have done an admirable job exploring systems in the Adrazzi Gulf with limited resources, and danger lurking around every corner. However, they are wary of overextending. Some assistance from Starfleet would help encourage further exploration
-Mission [Explore the Gulf: 185/430]
-This is an EC-Lite mission, backfilling in what those gloryhounds have long since rocketed by. Science will be paramount to finding star systems with strategic and economic value. Presence will be necessary for encounters with other spacecraft and for possible first contact scenarios.
-The Apiata have donated a Forager already assigned to the mission, No upfront or maintenance costs for these vessels, but still counts for the 25% cap. Does not count towards the 16 points of member fleet ships currently called up to task forces.
-An All Pyllix Geological Institute Team will be freely assigned for no cost and no upkeep.
-Other attachments:
Lt. Sadd-Har's Cadet Field Training Team: 3pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Increased experience gain for missions involving S rolls.
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +5BR or +5SR on the first resource gain each quarter
Henn-Makad Mineral Engineering Institute Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +2 on the first mapping roll each quarter.
Igata Nikelda: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Increased chance of finding resource colony sites.
[Deter Aggression against the Trill]
While Starfleet does not have a formal treaty with the Trill, members of the Federation are concerned about the possibility of aggression against them. Arrangements have been made to deploy a task force to protect the Trill, with their permission, and to strengthen ties with them.
-Mission: [Discourage attacks on the Trill: 201/300]
-Ships assigned to this Mission require a certain level of presence and a reasonable combat capability.
-The Sarqel Treaty Organization has organized a force consisting of the Audacious-class cruiser SFS Serene and the Constrictor-class cruisers SFS Constrictor and SFS Coral to support these efforts; the frigates QSS Arquila Leb Hoiathi and QSS Alboa Bal have been withdrawn to cover Hassonus. These ships do not count towards the 16 points of member ships currently called up, but do count towards the 25% limit.
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter;
Starfleet Intelligence Analysis Team: 5pp on purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: 25% chance of a free Intelligence Report related to the Task Force's Mission each year.;
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
OTHER MISSIONS - [Conduct diplomacy with the Gorn]
- The Gorn are beginning to look outward once more, and we intend to meet them. The FDS is prepared to conduct ordinary diplomacy, but due to the distances involved, requests support from Starfleet for more extensive efforts, particularly in light of aggressive Ashalla Pact diplomacy and credible rumors of the imminent deployment of a Cardassian Task Force, led by a massive Imelak Breeder.
-Mission: Resolve [Great Power Ambitions: 75/300] and [Distant Stars: 0/100] tags on Gorn. If a [Cardassian Influence: 0/100] tag emerges, resolve that tag as well.
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a sterling presence score to do the bulk of winning over the Gorn. A respectable combat score may also be useful for impressing the Gorn.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment - no upfront or maintenance costs for this team for the duration of this mission.
[Stop the Coreward Border War]
- The OSA, the Licori, and the Laio are on the brink of war. The FDS is doing everything in its power to stop the war, but they need our help.
-Mission: Resolve [Corps are Lying to Us 0/100] tag on OSA, [On the Brink of War N/A] tags on OSA, Licori and Laio.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment - no upfront or maintenance costs for this team for the duration of this mission
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a high presence score to support FDS efforts. Do note that this is expected to be a particularly difficult mission.
[Develop better means of communication with the Dreamers]
After USS Courageous was rescued by the Dreamer Collective, these cosmozoa have become of great interest to the FDS. Unfortunately, current methods of communication with the Collective are cumbersome at best.
-Mission: Resolve [Alien modes of Communication and Thought: 0/300] tag on Dreamer Collective.
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a sterling science score to develop new methods for communicating with the Dreamers. A respectable presence score will also be useful for coordinating work with the Collective. Finally, with the Breen near, and with the Dreamers having intervened against the Breen, a respectable combat score may be useful for protecting the Dreamer Collective.
[Conduct diplomacy with the Ur'razzi]
- The Ur'razzi have a strategic location inside the Themis Border Zone; unfortunately, relations started off on a bad foot. The FDS considers courting the Ur'razzi to be of some importance, and requests our help in supporting their efforts.
-Mission: Affiliate Ur'razzi
-Ships assigned to this Mission will require a strong presence score to do the bulk of winning over the Ur'razzi.
-Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment - no upfront or maintenance costs for this team for the duration of this mission
[Generic: Pick a Tag]
In addition to these missions, feel free to propose any number of your own missions. Pick a tag to work on for each.
If you have other ideas for task forces, please send us a PM or chat on Discord and we'll take it into consideration.
Kadeshi 480/500
-[Missing In Action: N/A]
-[On A Journey Across The Galaxy: N/A]
Laio: 474/500
-[On the Brink of War: N/A]
-[Obsolete Technology: 100/100]
Ashidi: 300/300
-[Cardassian Threat: 221/300]
-[Too Good To Be True: 60/500]
Bajoran Diaspora: 196/300
-[Cardassian Agitators: 100/100]
-[Suspicious of Outsiders: 0/300]
-[Caste System: 0/500]
-[Rule by Vedek: 0/500]
Outer Space Alliance: 165/300
-[On the Brink of War: N/A]
-[Horizon Influence: 222/300]
-[Corps are lying to us: 0/100]
-[Disunified Homeworld 200/500]
Sydraxians: 267/300 -[Ashalla Pact: N/A]
-[Recently in a Shooting War: 100/100]
-[Society and Government In Flux: 0/500]
League of Independent Felis Colonies 88/100
-[Horizon Influence 94/100]
-[Inclined towards Independence 0/300]
-[Weak Central Government 0/300]
-[Systematic Wealth Inequality 0/500]
-Starfleet Security Detachment: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Fulfil a Peacekeeper requirement.
-Starfleet Intelligence Operations Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Enables Raid Events.
-Starfleet Intelligence Infiltration Team: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: When used with EC panel Captain, enables harder Raid Events.
-Starfleet Intelligence Analysis Team: 5pp on purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: 25% chance of a free Intelligence Report related to the Task Force's Mission each year.
-Starfleet Tactical Brass: 10pp on Purchase, 0pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers.
-Starfleet Tactical Tiger Team: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Increased experience gain for missions involving combat tests
-Starfleet Spacelift: 10pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Enables major disaster relief.
-Starfleet Medical Hospital Ship: 10pp on purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed roll involving Medicine a quarter.
-Starfleet Medical Infectious Disease Rapid Response Team: 5pp on purchase, 3pp per year. Effect: +1 to first roll involving plague a quarter.
-Lt. Sadd-Har's Cadet Field Training Team: 3pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Increased experience gain for missions involving S rolls.
-Cpt. Wolfe's Analysis Team: 20 pp on purchase, 10 pp per year. Effect: +1 on opposed rolls
-FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter
-University of Betazed Contact Team: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first First Contact roll each quarter.
-Rixx Scrutineers: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Re-Roll Presence Tests during criminal investigations.
-Amarki Gendarmes: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement attached to a Mission or event
-Caitian Frontier Police: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: +1C for Away Team action, fulfills a Peacekeeper requirement
-Yan-Ros Ranger Team: 20pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Enables Raid Events, adds extremely potent assault asset.
-Union Navy Aerocommando Orbital Drop Company: 5pp on Purchase, 10pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Away Team Combat roll each quarter. Does not fulfil a Peacekeeper requirement. Enables Raid Events (like Anoxa or Sdranach).
-Orion Nanotechnology Research Union Panel: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Science test involving nanotechnology each quarter.
-Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +5BR or +5SR on the first resource gain each quarter
-All Pyllix Geological Institute Team. 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed mapping roll each quarter.
-Henn-Makad Mineral Engineering Institute Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +2 on the first mapping roll each quarter.
-Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp on Purchase, 10 rp per year. Reroll first failed Reaction test each quarter.
-Vulcan Science Academy Science Team. Cost: 10 rp on Purchase, 5 rp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Science test involving an anomaly each quarter.
-Vulcan Science Academy Archaeology Team: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to first roll involving archaeology each quarter
-Yokathi Lakhept: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reduce the cost of all failed diplomatic events by half.
-Molchenek-Danashad Consulting: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter
-Technocracy Interstellar Ministry Diplomatic Team: 10 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: For every passed Presence event each quarter, add +3 relations to another applicable tag.
-Hallad-Wel Institute Computing Team: 10 rp on purchase, 8 rp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed Science test of this task force each quarter, but at -1 to the roll.
-Pallas-Abat Institute Ship Design Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Ships in this task force get +1 to shield and hull checks to resist damage.
-Harbind-Attu Institute Research Team: 40 rp on purchase, 20 rp per year. Effect: Receive a bonus to a technology related to the Task Force's activities each year.
-Kedaia Naar Institute Doctrine Team: 20 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: +1 to the first space combat roll each quarter.
-Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter.
-Ambassador Sarek: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
-Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
-Ambassador Nikael Dalera: 8 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: Double progress on the first passed Diplomatic event each quarter.
-Shar Ordey: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving anti-slavery efforts each quarter.
-Ventil Oyana: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: +5 on a targeted diplomatic tag each quarter.
-Igata Nikelda: 10 rp on purchase, 10 rp per year. Effect: Increased chance of finding resource colony sites.
-Sam Jones: 10 br on purchase, 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force.
-Hortance: 5 pp on purchase, 3 pp per year. Effect: Gain 5 pp each quarter that this task force succeeds on all events.
Vol Chad - faster experience gain for ships in the squadron
Bazeck - +1D on Flagship
T'Mina - Reroll the first failed intercept each quarter.
Min-Jee Lee - +1 P on flagship
Straak - +15 BR/SR on the first resource gain of each quarter
Diego Zaardmani - +1S on Flagship, Re-roll first failed Science check each year
Pavel Chekov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
Leaniss Larai - May add one additional member fleet frigate to this task force, separate from other ships called up
Abigail Taggart - Successful Combat tests are worth double progress.
Percival Amin - Reroll first failed Diplomacy roll each year.
Note that any task force with 12 or more ships requires a Rear Admiral instead of a Commodore; subordinate commodores will be appointed by us as necessary, each assigned to their own flagship, but will not give out their own bonuses. Note that Rear Admiral bonuses for flagships apply to these subordinate flagships as well. [AVAILABLE REAR ADMIRALS]
Syzi ch'Zelil - On raid missions, ignore the first delay token taken
Nash ka'Sharren - +1C on flagships, reroll the first failed diplomacy roll each year
Talan th'Zahliss - Successful Science tests are worth double progress
Samhaya Mrr'shan - +1P on flagships, reroll the first failed combat roll each year
Rosalee MacAdams - +1C on flagships, reroll the first failed away team combat roll each year
Tomas Meyer - +1H on flagships, reroll first failed diplomacy roll each year
Francis Nkumba - +1P on flagships, reroll the first failed hull test each year
Kimberly Pragur - +1L on flagships, reroll the first failed space combat roll each year
Michel Thuir - Reroll first event failure each quarter
Iorin Grann - +1 on Peacekeeping event rolls