I'm not! ... Wait, that makes me sound like a jackass!
What I actually mean is, we had strong views, we discussed these strong view (relatively) civilly, and we supporeted our viewpoints to the best of our abilities. It was an important topic that deserved discussion, even if it did bring this thread closer to the sea fire and salt than it had ever been before.
So, no, I feel pretty unrepentant, mostly because I don't think anyone actually crossed the line. Not that it's hard to imagine that it could have, if it hadn't been brought to a close, one way or another.
Miffed, as I'm going to bed, followed by work in the morning. This means I'll have no power to sway your players to my infernal cause miss the next round or three of voting.
"Ms. White" stalks into her Engineering section. Most of the crew are on leave while Enterprise is in Earth Orbit, but she knows one member that is almost certainly going to still be on board. Partially because the computer told her, but partially because she knows his personality.
She could just call him, but she appreciates having the opportunity to prowl her ship on her own, enjoying Enterprise's familiar gentle hum, and thinking carefully about her orders.
After crawling around a set of Jefferies tubes she heaves her way up over the edge of one into a small junction occupied by a single Tellarite officer.
Chief Engineer Bazeck pats a spot next to him, not looking up from his task. "Captain Ka'Sharren. I heard you crawling up the tube. Take a seat. I'm free. Mostly."
Nash bends low, trying to avoid hitting her sensitive antennae on the ceiling. "How did you know it was me?"
The engineer pokes something in the wall. "Andorians have to duck their heads in a certain way, it makes you climb funny, your pace is all wrong from humans. And you're probably the only Andorian looking for me in Fleet boots; they click differently from Engineering gear."
The Andorian settles down next to her Engineer. "Well. I guess that makes sense. You're not as deaf as you look."
"You need more than just a pretty face if you have a real job," the Tellarite says with a chuckle.
"I dunno, this pretty face has done me a lot of good over the years." The officer unclips her uniform clasp and opens her jacket, the junction is a little stuffy for her tastes. "I can round up some testimonials if you want?"
The Engineer carefully sets small chip back into the ship with a click and a sizzle, "Ah, you'd probably seduce it right out of them."
"You wound me Bazeck." She puts her hands on the deck behind her, leaning back, relaxing. "Nothing hurts more than the truth." She puts a hand on her chest. "It hurts, right here."
"I don't doubt it you old scoundrel. I know you too well."
"That you do Mr. Bazeck. That you do."
The Tellarite sets scoots back from the wall, and turns to face his Captain. "As nice as this is, I know you're not here for my good looks, so what are we doing this time?" There is an eager glint in his eyes.
"Well, remember that time that we duelled Admiral Aelin in the rings of that gas giant?" There is a brief pause while both of them remembered the event, and the man. "Well, I was wondering if you could do that thing where we cut our emissions. But for a month."
"A month!" The Tellarite leans back against one of the short walls, hands in his lap. "Phhhbbbbbb," he says, thinking. "Yup. Going to play hell with systems though. Gunna be hotter than a Vulcan's first Pon Farr… Going to have to turn half of grav plating on deck twelve into heat sinks." He tilts his head. "Whole ship's going to be building up all kinds of nasty particles too, depending on where we are, not going to be healthy for the crew."
'Ms. White' sighs, "I was worried about that. I'll take care of it. And just as a heads up, this whole thing is classified, hush-hush. I wouldn't really talk about it if I were you."
The Tellarite just shrugs as if to say "Not my business" as she goes, inching her way back into the Jefferies tube.
Ka'Sharren pulls alongside Doctor Asurva and Commander Zardmaani, PADD in hand, as the two reboard Enterprise strolling along one of the docking tubes, arm in arm, chuckling at a private joke. "Mr. Zaardmani, I hope you don't mind if I borrow Ms. Asurva for a second? I'll be back for you later though, don't worry. Actually if you could meet me in Deflector control that would be best." She feels a bit guilty about cutting the couple's time short, but the sooner she takes care of this the better.
"I always knew it would come to this," says the Human with a smile. "She loves me though!"
"I promise not to steal away your love Commander, I just have some doctor stuff I want to ask her about."
"I should probably have a say in this, but as your Doctor I am always available," says Asurva, the doctor turning to wave at Zaardmani as the two women round a corner.
"So what's this about, Captain?" The Orion tilts her head slightly, mild concern on her face.
"No emergencies, but I have something I'd like to ask, Pri." Ka'Sharren quickly holds up her PADD, showing it to the doctor. "These particles, the crew will be bathed with them for about a month. The levels should be tolerable if Bazeck is right, but I want a second opinion."
The Orion takes the PADD and studies it carefully. "Maybe for a Tellarite, most of the crew are going to need regular checkups and rad-inoculations."
"Okay, how long would it take to set up?"
Asruva raises an eyebrow. "Not long, this isn't difficult medicine, just… odd."
Nash leaves the unspoken question unanswered. "Thanks Doctor. We can get started again once we leave Sol. Just keep me updated. This is classified though, so Shhh." Nash pats the green woman on the arm, ignoring a look of concern. "I need to take off now, appointment to keep!"
Zaardmani is in deflector control as ordered performing a bored basic diagnostic, minutely adjusting the sensors, and muttering about his department.
Ka'Sharren quickly steps through the doors as they whoosh open. "Diego, hey, sorry to keep you waiting."
"Wasn't too much of a waste of my time, Captain." He looks up with a lopsided grin. "Which of my talents do you need now?"
"How do you feel about solar flares?" asks the Captain with little fanfare, leaning on a railing next to the Science officer.
Zaardmani comes to rest next to her. "Mostly positive. Wouldn't want to go out in one all by myself. But mostly positive"
"How do you feel about deliberately triggering one with and EM pulse?"
"Mostly positive. Never done it before... Deliberately, anyway."
The Andorian hands over another PADD. "What about under these specific conditions, to this specific star, at a specific time?"
He takes the PADD and gives it quick glance. "I could probably do this from scratch in ten minutes. Having advance warning makes it all too easy."
"Then a month's advance warning is a bit overkill?"
The Human just snorts in derision.
"That's good to hear. You might be surprised to learn that this is something I'dd like for you to keep this under wraps for a while. Perhaps forever. Classified."
The Human just rolls his eyes. "My surprise is totally and utterly lacking."
The Captain stops by her next target, ringing the chime on Lieutenant-Commander Stol's quarters. There are a few long seconds of silence, and Nash considers ringing again, before the Vulcan answers.
"Come in, Captain."
The quarters are dark as she steps in, light low and lit mostly by candles, and the Vulcan officer is sitting cross legged on the ground in the middle of a circle of them. "Greetings, Captain." He gestures to the ground in front of him. "Please, sit."
The Andorian woman lowers herself to the ground without complaint. "I hope you don't mind Stol, but I've got a helm question for you."
The Vulcan regards her coolly. "Of course Captain, Proceed."
"I'm going to be asking you to travel deep into a system on only high impulse, however the systems is well known for a very active star with intense stellar winds," she hands over the PADD, the name references are scrubbed, but the stellar patterns remain the same.
He takes it to study carefully. "Captain. I assume that discretion is paramount due to the redacted nature of this document. Thus discretion in the mission itself would be advised." He returns the PADD. "High impulse after the first day is unnecessary, once we are on course I will be able to use the interstellar winds and a minor modification of the passive function of the navigational deflectors to keep us on course."
The Andorian does not doubt her helmsman, if he says that he can do a thing, he can do a thing. "Excellent."
"You may rely on my discretion in this matter Captain." He closes his eyes, returning to meditation as his Captain stands.
The last person Nash has to talk to is her Tactical officer, who is currently swimming tight laps in Enterprise's small recreation area pool.
She stands at the shallow end of the pool and waits.
Lieutenant-Commander Jennifer Zhang stops halfway through a flip turn, noticing someone standing over her lane, and comes to a awkward stop with a splash, looking up at her guest, "Eeep" she says, resting low in the water, "Sorry Captain, I uh, hope I didn't getmake you wet."
The Captain has a bemused smirk on her face, "Nothing to worry about, Ms. Zhang. These are weather-proofed uniforms."
"Uhm, one moment, ma'am, I'll be right out!" Zhang says hopping up and dragging herself over the lip of the pool, kicking up a violent swell of waves.
The Tac Officer grabs her towel dries her arms and hands off, before draping it over her neck, "So, what is it ma'am? Can't be too many Tactical issues in port?"
"Well, it's for somewhere else." The Andorian hands over a final PADD, "Looking for a way to cut through the background radiation in this other system without reflecting it all around, like well, ripples from someone in a pool."
Zhang stares at the PADD for a long moment, fiddling with the constricting pseudo-rubber of her swim cap. "Doable, ma'am. I won't be able to do much for our own Emissions over the long term unless you don't mind being pretty hot." The Human officer flushes flushes slightly pinker.
"Not to worry Ms. Zhang, I'm already taking care of that," the Captain smiles slyly, "By the way, how about you keep this our little secret for now. Classified?"
The younger woman nods enthusiastically, "Can do ma'am!"
Ka'Sharren broods alone in her quarters. She's been doing that a lot the last week since Enterprise moved in system. And it's not just that she's spending most of her time in in her Starfleet issue undershirt due to the heat. As an Andorian she's not having fun. The Vulcans on the crew seem fine, almost happy, but the Andorians especially are suffering.
There is no grumbling though, the Enterprise crew are experienced professionals, and they think they are on a long term signals gathering expedition near Cardassian space. A quick in and out near a newly identified Cardassian outpost.
The truth, from a certain point of view.
Nash sighs, she doesn't like lying from her crew. She doesn't like keeping secrets. But what else is there? She can't exactly disobey orders…
Well yes she could, she does do that sometimes when she has to, but this 'request' is coming from from people she respects and trusts. And deep down she wants the Cardassians to learn exactly what they are dealing with when they try to hurt Federation Civilians.
Attacking Starfleet on the frontier is one thing, attempting to murder civilians is another. Especially to interrupt a day that should be entirely celebration and joy. Just who do the Cardassians think they are?
The door chimes, and she debates ignoring it and pretending she's asleep.
"Captain. It's Samhaya."
Oh, that's not good. Sam's calling on her as a friend, not her XO. Something's up. Ka'Sharren scrambles from her seat, loosely throwing on a uniform jacket, "Come in, Sam!"
The Caitian steps in as the door swooshes open. There is a look of concern on her face, and she fixes Nash with an unwavering look: "Nash Ka'Sharren, you're hiding something."
"I usually am! This week it was a special edition of 'Romulan Girls Gone Wild'. I think it's mostly just Humans in makeup though. I can us-" her friend and XO holds up her hand and Ka'Sharren sighs to a halt, her flippancy melting away in the heat, "Okay. Go ahead, Sam."
"There is something wrong with this mission," Mrr'Shan sits on the edge of Ka'Sharren's bed, "The orders that you gave the senior staff at our last briefing are off with what they're doing." she shrugs, "Sure we're under emissions control. But Commander Zaardmani has been running some interesting simulations when he doesn't think I'm listening, and Stol's coordinates are way - completely - off."
Nash starts in on a joke, but it dies on her tongue, "Yeah. It's classified."
"Nash. What is going on, you've never lied to me or anyone in any crew you've had," there is a brief smile, "Not about important things, anyway."
The Captain rubs her face, feeling the sweat drip down, "I wish I could tell you Sam. Maybe when we're finished. It's been authorized high up, though."
"Who? The council? Admiral Kahurangi?"
"I couldn't say. It's a secret."
The Caitian stands up, towering over the sitting Captain, "Ok. fine. I don't need to know. Not right now. But I'll be back."
Nash sighs in relief and stares at the ceiling as the doors swoosh close behind her XO.
In the end Mrr'Shan doesn't come back. Instead, she and the senior crew ambush Nash in the officer's mess.
Nash looks up from a plate of food and watches Asurva usher a pair of Lieutenants out before locking the door.
"Oh. Is this a mutiny or something?" she smiles, but it fades from her face as no one else seems amused, "Seriously. Is it?"
Her Caitain XO crosses her arms and stares at her with lidded eyes, "I don't know Captain. You mind telling me if we need one?"
Ka'Sharren sets down her fork, "Just what exactly is going on?"
"Well it looks like we're wiping out an entire base without warning, or any other attempt to communicate," Mrr'Shan says.
Nash looks at the rest of her officers, slowly looking them over. Doctor Asurva looks sick, Zaardmani looks slightly embarrassed and givers her a small shrug, Stol and Bazeck are unreadable; and Zhang looks betrayed, like a kicked puppy.
Nahs sighs, and mutters an Andorian curse under her breath, "Yes. We are. This is the base the attempt to assassinate the delegates came from."
Mrr'Shan nods in understanding, "I figured that when I noticed a Cardassian destroyer orbiting above an Orion modular base," she turns her head slightly, "If you wanted to keep secrets you probably should have locked me out of the passive sensor logs."
She bares her teeth, "Actually if you wanted to keep secrets maybe you should have gone with an entirely different crew? One that you wouldn't have to systematically lie to."
"Godsdamnit Sam, I was protecting you!" she sweeps her eyes over the rest of her officers, "All of you. If someone decides we're in the wrong and cashiers those involved, it should end with me. I'm already a maverick, my crew should be spared the repercussions."
Somehow Mrr'Shan becomes angrier, "NASH! I've been your friend for two decades. I've been on three ships with you. Why would you possibly think that I wouldn't take a risk for you?" her nostrils flare, "You should know you can trust me to the end."
Bazeck cuts in, "Anyone on this crew would have your back. We trust you, and you should damn well know that you should trust us. I'm almost not even angry Captain." he crosses and uncrosses his arms, "Sure I understand classified missions. Even Starfleet needs to have secrets. But we're doing the wrong thing here."
Zhang speaks up, voice slightly shaky at first, "Ma'am this is wrong. It feels like something to Romulans or Klingons would do. Not us, not Starfleet."
"Ok, sit down everyone. I'm going to lay out all my cards." Nash gestures at the table she's at, "I was approached by senior Starfleet personnel. And no, I'm not telling you who," she watches her staff drop into place around her, "Just as much as I wanted to protect you, I want to protect my brother and sister officers above me," there are nods around her, this is understood.
Ka'Sharren leans forward in her seat, "An asset had managed to trace the attempted assassins to this system, they detected this forwards base and the Cardassian vessel deep in Federation territory. They ran the numbers and determined that due to this star's instability, a sufficiently talented crew," she smiles thinly, " would be able to sneak into the system on low emissions and trigger a solar flare that would destroy the base and the ship." She leans back, "That ship was us."
There is silence around the table. Mrr'Shan is the first to speak, "I understand. I'm almost relieved that in the end that's all there is. I'm also glad that we aren't going rogue. I suppose I resent being left out, you should know to trust me ma'am. I can look after myself. But I agree with the decision."
"I do not. It is wrong and we should be ashamed," the Orion doctor looks at Mrr'Shan hard, "This isn't combat, we aren't defending ourselves. This is revenge, this is murder plain and simple. We are better than this."
"It is a logical course of action if we seek to disrupt the Cardassian ability to make war upon us," Stol's face is the usual Vulcan mask, "We have the means and ability to eliminate a threat to the safety of Federation civilians. It is logical to use those means."
The Orion throws her hands wide open, "So what? We just analyze everything on fear? On cold calculations. Threat and response?"
Zaardmani shrugs, "It will be fast at least?"
Asurva wheels on him, "I know you better than that. You care. You've barely been able to sleep the past few nights."
"I just signed up to do science alright? I hate having responsibility for my people." Zaardmani's posture changes, and he settles into his spot heavily, "But, if I do have responsibility, don't I have to make sure that my people are safe? That I protect my friends and family from harm? We aren't hurting innocent people here. This is Orion syndicate and the Cardassians we're talking about."
Nash cuts in, "Exactly, we have a responsibility to protect our people. This wasn't a fight on the frontier, this was an attack on us during what should have been a joyous occasion, and on civilians, to boot. This is a military and criminal target. At the end of it all, we can't just let the Cardassians stroll away, whistling a jaunty tune. They'll get ideas."
"Then why not warn them off or disable them?" Bazeck frowns, "We can get in real close and-"
Zhang shakes her head, a bead of sweat travelling down her face, "I've been running the numbers, trying everything I could think of, they'll detect our wake if we close in, even with the most optimistic projections. I can show you my work?" Zhang fidgets in her spot, "But all the plans, they all lead to either unacceptable risk to Enterprise or the Cardassians escaping unharmed," she sighs, "It doesn't meant that I'm comfortable with this though, I think we should have trapped them, then broadcast to the whole quadrant them running away."
Nash sighs, "I'm not putting this to a vote, and it's not up to you Ms. Zhang. The decision has been made by officers that I trust and respect," she frowns deeply, "I did screw up by not being open with all of you though. You're right, you should trust me and I should trust you. But at this point, we are doing this. If anyone is to blame, it is the Cardassians for forcing our hand. Hopefully someday we can ply the space lanes as friends, but today we are enemies."
The Andorian looks around the table, getting a nod from each of her officers, even Asruva looks away and nods after a brief stare down.
Compared to all the internal drama on Enterprise, when Commander Zaardmani presses the button to fire the EM pulse at the star, everything goes directly as planned; and a relieved and subdued Captain Nash Ka'Sharren transmits the success code to her superiors.
[JK] I leave for a day and there's 4 omakes? Really people? You aren't supposed to do the QM job for him, if you do a better job them him he'll try and make you shark bait, very classy shark bait but shark bait nonetheless
[JK] I leave for a day and there's 4 omakes? Really people? You aren't supposed to do the QM job for him, if you do a better job them him he'll try and make you shark bait, very classy shark bait but shark bait nonetheless
There is something about this quest. The familiar setting, but not fully explored time period, the central narrative, the example of other writers. This quest does seem to draw in omakes.
[JK] I leave for a day and there's 4 omakes? Really people? You aren't supposed to do the QM job for him, if you do a better job them him he'll try and make you shark bait, very classy shark bait but shark bait nonetheless
Still not as impressive as the time where two omakes popped up between the time I announced I was starting to prepare omake rewards and the posting of said rewards
Wow. And I thought the Khan quest was generating omakes fast - but it's an older quest and only up to 40 (and the average length is definitely less than this quest).
Also by the fact that purpose built stealth ships in Trek tend to have wings and large surfaces. Like the D'Deridex is A klick and a half, and mostly hollow space, all open planes. Even Defiant is fairly flat, thought it wasn't purpose built (But it wasn't the 100% best at stealth anyway.) Anyway I figure the surfaces are so that they can easily micro radiate without having having it concentrated and easier to detect. (Treknobabble headcanon)
Wow. And I thought the Khan quest was generating omakes fast - but it's an older quest and only up to 40 (and the average length is definitely less than this quest).
Also by the fact that purpose built stealth ships in Trek tend to have wings and large surfaces. Like the D'Deridex is A klick and a half, and mostly hollow space, all open planes. Even Defiant is fairly flat, thought it wasn't purpose built (But it wasn't the 100% best at stealth anyway.) Anyway I figure the surfaces are so that they can easily micro radiate without having having it concentrated and easier to detect. (Treknobabble headcanon)
I wanted to write a Homeworld inspired omake, but I'm a really slow and shitty writer (like embarrassingly bad), and I spend too much time on this quest already
I'd lean more towards waste heat being straight up recycled, as opposed to vented or radiated. Surely that'd be less difficult to achieve than transporters or replicators?
I'd lean more towards waste heat being straight up recycled, as opposed to vented or radiated. Surely that'd be less difficult to achieve than transporters or replicators?
Anyway I figure the surfaces are so that they can easily micro radiate without having having it concentrated and easier to detect. (Treknobabble headcanon)
Like all good treknobabble, that tramples on the laws of physics so hard that it causes me pain.
So, um, well done for getting that authentic star trek feel!
The problem is, no matter how you diffuse the heat of the ship, the crewed areas are red hot compared to the vacuum of space (which is at the cosmic background temperature), which makes for one heck of a hot spot that can't be hidden without cooling the ship to the point where you kill the crew (and this is ignoring the much higher heat output of the warp core).
To hide the heat of a ship from an observer, it would be more helpful to radiate heat in one direction (away from your observer). So you want a cooling laser. Unless the enemy crosses the path of the laser, they won't see all the heat energy being carried off into space by the beam.
I'd lean more towards waste heat being straight up recycled, as opposed to vented or radiated. Surely that'd be less difficult to achieve than transporters or replicators?
I'd lean more towards waste heat being straight up recycled, as opposed to vented or radiated. Surely that'd be less difficult to achieve than transporters or replicators?
Well, they've got all kinds of stuff more than heat, the sorts of emissions that we usually hear about, and Klink and Romulan ships don't usually oveheat it seems, I had Enterprise have some issues because it wasn't something that they ever bothered to design for, especially not for a month at a time. Gotta worry about all them neutrinos and positrons and polarons, and stuff.
*shush* you only giving targets to aim for, I like to be able to binge the updates without having to spend a minute going through the omake threadmarks