The actual game stats of the Constellation make it an extremely useful ship design, in that it fills a role that no other ship design does (i.e., a cheap patrol ship).

Eh, I wouldn't go so far as to say Constellations are cheap. They're really expensive in crew. As it stands, even with a slightly improved Constellation refit (like +1C,S,L,D), I still wouldn't want to build new ones. If the refit could actually reduce crew costs, then that's a different story.
That the iceball barely increases in surface temperature once you add a nuclear reactor has nothing to do with the iceball's insulating properties though - you could swap the ice with pure copper and it would make virtually no difference to the amount energy radiated from the surface. It has to do with how effective the iceball is as a radiator. A big iceball with alot of surface area will dissipate the energy of the reactor over its whole surface. Note that ALL of the energy produced by the reactor must be radiated from the surface (because eventually all work must become heat per the second law), but a big surface may mean that the increase in watt radiated per meter squared is too small for any sensor to notice.

However, if you stick the same reactor in a smaller iceball with a smaller surface, the same energy must be radiated over that smaller area which will mean that each square meter of the iceball will be hotter.

HOW INSULATING THE ICEBALL IS DOES NOT MATTER. The energy generated by the reactor wants out, and nothin' is stopping it.
And here I thought my post was too long, when if I'd just spewed a few hundred more words you wouldn't have thought to negate what I was saying in this way.

The part I intentionally deleted to avoid making an overlong post even more overlong was something like this:


When it comes to avoiding detection of your heat signature, there are two things you need to worry about. One is temperature, the other is intensity.

A hot object, as in one with high temperature, emits unusually short-wavelength infrared radiation, compared to its surroundings. Even if the object is not very large, this tends to make it unusually visible, because it is glowing a different color than the background. This is why, for example, a red-hot needle will stand out against the background of a stone floor at night. The floor is glowing in the infrared spectrum (which we can't see with the naked eye), but the needle is glowing in shorter wavelengths we can see. The needle emits very little total energy in the form of thermal radiation. But what it does emit is still very conspicuous, because it is different!

By analogy, if a starship emits its "heat" in the form of particles not normally produced by other objects, or runs at a higher temperature than its surroundings, the starship will stand out, even if the total amount of heat energy it emits is rather small.

An intensely glowing object is one that emits a great deal of energy per unit of its surface area. Surfaces with high emissivity (such as things painted matte black) will emit thermal energy rapidly. Surfaces with different properties will emit energy less rapidly (this is why there are such things as coated windows that save you on heating expenses in winter, because they radiate away less of your house's heat than an un-coated window, despite being at the same temperature).

Now, to mask a ship's thermal radiation signature you need to both alter its apparent temperature and reduce the intensity of its glow. The temperature of the ship is roughly constant (if the crew is to survive). However, the glow associated with high temperature can be blocked by wrapping the ship in some kind of shrouding layer of material or (in soft SF) some kind of exotic force field.

Once this is done, the enemy cannot directly observe the ship's temperature- all it can observe is the surface temperature of the shroud! If the shroud is well designed and has the correct properties, then this may result in them concluding that they're not looking at a ship at all, or even not realizing there's anything TO look at if they're not carefully observing and cataloguing all anomalies.

If the shrouding layer is designed properly (in particular if it is large and has great surface area), then this also serves the purpose of decreasing the intensity of the ship's radiations- because the same amount of power is now divided up among a greater surface area, and is therefore less intense. A power source that looks extremely bright and obvious when floating uncovered in space will be far less obvious when its emissions are coming from a scattered irregular area several kilometers across!


Again, you are taking half of a concept that is correct. Unfortunately, half of a correct concept is still wrong.

When speaking of thermodynamics "heat" is a specific term that isn't strictly the same as what we mean by "heat" in ordinary life. Thermodynamic heat is a special category of energy. The other category of energy is "work".

So "work" is energy that can be used (i.e., it's at disequilibrium), "heat" is energy that can't be used (i.e. it is close to equilibrium).

So yes, black holes have thermodynamic heat.

And yes, black holes aren't hot in the way that we find a frying pan hot.
Suffice to say that the problem is that I am communicating these ideas in such a way that you do not become aware that I have the same kind of knowledge you do.

My point has been that black holes have a temperature, obey the laws of thermodynamics and so on... but do NOT emit electromagnetic radiation into their surroundings the way a hot object made out of atoms would.

I would ask you the courtesy of being willing to allow for the fact that I used "heat them up" in my previous post to you, instead of a more precise Vulcanish phrase like "cause the external thermal emissions of the black hole to increase perceptibly, or cause the temperature of the black hole to increase by a significant degree." I think you will find that everything I said accords with the correct understanding of black holes, at least as well as someone whose graduate physics education stopped at a master's obtained working on particle beams can reasonably be expected to.

The CREW are energy intensive systems. LIFE SUPPORT is an energy intensive system. Compared to the cold of space, anything that sustains humanoid life on it will look like a hot coal.
I could, without too much trouble, design a ship that has a 'hot' crew compartment to sustain life, but which has a 'cold' outer surface. It wouldn't look much like a Star Trek ship, but then I wouldn't be using force field manipulation and whatnot.

The obvious (hard-SF) thing to do, if you don't need to maneuver much or at all, would be to encase your ship in an enormous balloon, something like this.

The balloon intercepts the EM radiation emitted by your ship, but has a much larger surface area THAN the ship. Assuming your ship already had enough radiator capacity to not die, this means that the balloon will reradiate the heat outward, but appear to have a much lower temperature than the ship did. In the limit as the balloon becomes very large, its surface temperature will begin to approach what you'd expect for a normal object floating featurelessly in space at the same distance from the parent star.

So with the right balloon disguise (possibly with an artificially wrinkly exterior so that it doesn't look too smooth and shiny), you could disguise your 25 degree Celsius starship as a big spherical blob of whatever, a few kilometers across, with a surface temperature well below the freezing point of water.

At which point an enemy who was looking for inhabited starships will probably not notice you.

[Yes, everyone, this idea is not a joke; it may not work for reasons I haven't thought of, but I have an M.S. in physics and I'd like to think I've covered the basics. If anyone wants to imagine Captain ka'Sharren hiding the Enterprise from the Cardassians by concealing it inside a giant garbage bag the size of a mountain, they are welcome and indeed encouraged to do so. :D]

Likely the most reasonable explanation of why Trek ships find silent running useful in open space is the magical heat dissipation machinery they have is able to take the hot-coal-ness of their ship operating at minimum levels and radiate most of it as things that are harder to detect than EM radiation.
Then perhaps I should feel proud of having thought of this explanation, and used it repeatedly in my last post to you. ;)

Actually, black holes are as close to a perfect thermodynamic system as you can get.

Physics only breaks at the singularity. But physics can deal quite happily with black holes as a whole system. Remember, always respect the black hole's modesty! Don't strip the event horizon away!
My talking about divide by zero errors in physics was poetic license; I have taken a GR course and know the basics about black holes. ;)

The point is, while they're perfectly well understood systems (at least in theory), they're different systems than the other observable objects in the universe like stars and planets and cute Starfleet captains. Therefore, while the same physical laws apply to them, they do not behave in the same ways, because different objects obeying identical laws produce different outcomes.

Therefore, saying "black holes obey thermodynamics" does not negate the statement "black holes could be used as really good heat sinks." As far as I can determine, they totally could, and AKuz is 100% right about this. A black hole will be in some sense 'warmed' if you feed it hot material, but it will not radiate noticeably more heat as a result, nor will it cause your ship to radiate noticeably more heat than it would have done anyway. Eventually all that matter and heat you fed the black hole is coming back out as Hawking radiation, but talk about spreading out the emission of the heat across a great amount of time!

If you had a conveniently portable black hole aboard your ship, I honestly think the only hard part of keeping the ship cool would be running out of coolant fluid. Because this is obviously an open-loop coolant cycle; once you've pumped the ship's surplus heat into a tank of hot water and poured the water into the singularity, you're going to need more water if you want to do it again.

The only part of canon I am aware of that states that the Constie is crap is a throw-away line by Picard.

All the other sources I've seen portrays the Constie as a heavy cruiser with capabilities somewhere between a Connie and an Excelsior.

And I made the point about their long service life because people keep bringing up that Picard quote to prove that we should drop the whole class like a hot potato.

Needless to say, I don't see why our policy should be dictated by Picard's off-hand line. Picard's line is contradicted by other canon sources and as you say, what really matters in game is what the in game Constie is like.

The actual game stats of the Constellation make it an extremely useful ship design, in that it fills a role that no other ship design does (i.e., a cheap patrol ship).

Also, one of the elements of investing in the Constellation refit is that refits seem very much tied to flavour in this game. As such, the Constellation, with its service life of 90+ years, should receive more refit opportunities than the Renaissance, which was introduced after the Trek movies and completely retired before TNG started.

In other words, from what we've been told about how the quest works, the Constie looks like a very solid long-term investment.

(I'm sure we could build a better cheap patrol cruiser, but there seems to be zero interest in doing this - so if we ever come up short on br and sr and need combat or defense, the Constie looks to be our only option for some considerable time.)
Honestly, you're right.

I think the problem is that people judge the Constellation negatively because it compares poorly to the Centaur-class, and because its low defensive stats make it vulnerable to enemy action in a war zone. It is, however, well suited for responding to events, it's cheap, and its crew costs are mostly centered on "enlisted" crew which are relatively easy to come by I gather.

Personally, I favor the idea of refitting Constellations, and you may note I've argued in favor of doing so to others. Though maybe not at the political will cost currently on offer.

I just wouldn't be surprised if this is the last refit offer we get, and if we find ourselves having to relegate the ships to rear area duties more and more blatantly, until by the time the TNG era rolls around they're the Soyuzes of the fleet.
OK, let's talk radiators.

You've basically got two options in Trek:

Subspace Radiators: Some sort of internal radiator that can radiate IR photons into subspace. Only works if subspace is cold and empty.
Shields: Imagine a second set of shield thousands of square kilometers that have no purpose except to radiate away a ship's waste heat. Given that shields can absorb energy, it sort of make sense that they can emit it as well. (I can't claim credit for this one through, I got the idea from The Last Angel).

Neither is terribly good at explaining how a ship deals with its heat while cloaked. Especially because cloaks are such power hogs that they prevent you from shielding or using weapons at the same time.

AND WAIT ONE FUCKING MOMENT IT'S NOW 2307 THAT'S 4 YEARS BEFORE THE SIGNING OF THE TREATY OF ALGERNON! That means we're not restricted from developing cloaking technology yet! *begins to vibrate at high frequency due tot he excitement of possibly developing phase cloaks for Starfleet*


*excitement intensifies*
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[wtf] Design a stealth system that dumps all the ship's waste heat into the phaser banks. As long as you decloak and blow an enemy ship out of the sky every few light years, you won't overheat.
[wtf] Design a stealth system that dumps all the ship's waste heat into the phaser banks. As long as you decloak and blow an enemy ship out of the sky every few light years, you won't overheat.
Or just discharge it at the nearest planet, moon or asteroid.
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AND WAIT ONE FUCKING MOMENT IT'S NOW 2307 THAT'S 4 YEARS BEFORE THE SIGNING OF THE TREATY OF ALGERNON! That means we're not restricted from developing cloaking technology yet! *begins to vibrate at high frequency due tot he excitement of possibly developing phase cloaks for Starfleet*
If I've any say in it, that treaty's never going to be signed, so long as Starfleet is ours. I'm all for pro-Rommie relations, but not at that cost.
Cloaks can be useful for our needs.

Discreet exploration, mapping and scouting, for one.

Transporting dignitaries in relative safety, for another.
Maybe we could make an arrangement comparable to the Dominion War-era agreement involving the Defiant, and agree to install cloaks on only one or a handful of ships, which would have Romulan observers aboard.

We know the Romulans are fundamentally willing to agree to something like that (if the price is right), because they do exactly that a few generations from now.

And it takes advantage of our good (that is to say, existent) relations with them, while allowing them to keep up an air of disdainful, prickly paranoia so that it doesn't become a threat to their pride or anything.

We can reasonably point out that we already know how to build cloaking devices, or could totally work this out in short order, by reverse-engineering that device Kirk yoinked out from under them.

By conceding to the Romulans a monopoly on cloaks, we are agreeing to take a very sharp blade, one which we already possess, one which would be useful against several other opponents and not just them... and blunt it.

But rather than melt the blade down into scrap, we are prepared to guarantee that it will be kept well away from them, aimed elsewhere, and cannot be wielded without the active participation of one or more Romulans.

[Say, you could have a dual-key interlock on the cloaking device, so multiple observer officers are required to engage it]
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The problem is fold.
One, the PP cost. Yes, 45 PP is blatantly too high. But even costs of 30 or 20 PP would still be a waste of resources, because we could spend those PP on better things to improve our overall long-term capabilities rather than try to make a bad design slightly less bad. Additional berths, a bigger budget, more mining/research colonies, additional diplomatic pushes; pretty much everything is a better long-term choice than the Constellation refit.
Second, the refit eats up resources and yard-time that we could put to use in actually expanding the fleet, building additional Centaurs or Constitution-Bs. And yes, I'm aware that the Constitution-Bs are just a stopgap, but I think it's pretty telling that they're a stopgap that blows the Constellation out of the water in every respect, while being only moderately more costly in terms of resources and crew.

It really doesn't matter how one tries to twist and turn it; the most effective and efficient path is to simply ignore the Constellations, use the Constitution-Bs as a stopgap measure, and then switch to churning out Renaissance the moment they become available.
The actual game stats of the Constellation make it an extremely useful ship design, in that it fills a role that no other ship design does (i.e., a cheap patrol ship).
No, their actual game stats are pretty bad, because even with a refit they're still only about as good as a Centaur, while taking longer to build and requiring two times as much Officers and Enlisted for their crew. The only aspect in which they're strictly better is resources, and those aren't that much of a bottleneck.
I agree that they are crap, but I think you're abusing the term "sunk cost fallacy". We're not arguing "hey, we have these old crap Constellations, we might as well refit them because we have them". There is actual value to the refit, and that can be priced. You admit yourself that it would be worth it to refit the ships if the PP cost wasn't high. I can turn it around and say "it's a bad design, so we shouldn't throw good money after bad" is just as fallacious.
Erm, no. Even if the refit was completely free in terms of PP, I'd still consider it a waste of time and resources, because we could put the yard time and the resources spent on it to different, and likely better, use by building new ships and expand our fleet.
I just wouldn't fight it tooth and nails as I'm doing now because it would be a much lesser waste of time and resources, and there's limits to how much time and effort I'm willing to invest.

I do agree that the PP cost is too high for what the refit gets us. But suppose the PP cost was reduced to say the 20, the same as a starbase? I'd be fine with that, since I figure the refit provides around the same value (+garrison, +events, -resources, -berth time).

Suppose the refit gave better stats? I'd be fine with a PP cost of 40 if the refit had an extra +1S, since then it would be superior to the Centaur-A in almost every way, and now could actually serve a similar role as the Centaur-A in a war.

And canon doesn't indicate anything about how and when the Constellation was refit before the Dominion War, so even if we were trying to follow canon (which we're not), that doesn't invalidate the value of a good refit.
No. Even at 20 PP it would still be horribly overpriced as far as I'm concerned. Not to mention that you seem to forget that even if we get the refit, we'd not only have to wait until the necessary development time finishes (about a year, IIRC), but we'd also have to spend both time and resources to actually perform the refit. A Starbase only costs ~20 PP, and nothing else. The Constellation refit also costs 160 BR, 80 SR, and 8 years worth of berth time.
Maybe we could make an arrangement comparable to the Dominion War-era agreement involving the Defiant, and agree to install cloaks on only one or a handful of ships, which would have Romulan observers aboard.

Maybe, but the ToA was a reaction to some ill defined Tomen Incident which also led the RSA from withdrawing from interstellar politics for decades. Memory Beta says it was basically Starfleet Intelligence doing the Coventry Blitz airplane from Sherlock and framing the Romulan Star Empire for it in order to diffuse the rising tensions between the Federation and the RSA.

Given that relations here have improved due to the Biophage Crisis, things are looking pretty good.

Having said that, if I had to pick between 60 years of peace and cloaks, I'd go with the 60 years of peace.
No, their actual game stats are pretty bad, because even with a refit they're still only about as good as a Centaur, while taking longer to build and requiring two times as much Officers and Enlisted for their crew. The only aspect in which they're strictly better is resources, and those aren't that much of a bottleneck.

No one is talking about building more Constellations or Constellation-As. (well maybe a few, but ignore them ;))

Erm, no. Even if the refit was completely free in terms of PP, I'd still consider it a waste of time and resources, because we could put the yard time and the resources spent on it to different, and likely better, use by building new ships and expand our fleet.
I just wouldn't fight it tooth and nails as I'm doing now because it would be a much lesser waste of time and resources, and there's limits to how much time and effort I'm willing to invest.

We're constrained by crew, so we can't always just build a ship in place of a cheap refit. And we only need 1 small berth space to refit the Constellations one at time, which if you take a look at Briefvoice's spreadsheet, is readily available. We have like what, 100+ annual berth slots over 8 years, and you're worried that 8 of them can be taken up over that time?

edit: and despite our best efforts with academy expansions and whatnot, there will almost surely be times that crew will be a bottleneck.

No. Even at 20 PP it would still be horribly overpriced as far as I'm concerned. Not to mention that you seem to forget that even if we get the refit, we'd not only have to wait until the necessary development time finishes (about a year, IIRC), but we'd also have to spend both time and resources to actually perform the refit. A Starbase only costs ~20 PP, and nothing else. The Constellation refit also costs 160 BR, 80 SR, and 8 years worth of berth time.

I'm not forgetting anything. It doesn't really matter how quickly we do the Constellations refits. The Constellation refit would make up that cost over its lifetime with improved chances at events, and in the rare case it's needed in a desperate war or crisis.

All I'll agree on is that it's not urgent, and I think it's currently too expensive in PP.
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@Kelenas, I think you are adopting a very unwise stance here of wanting to completely ignore ships we already have. It's like, they've somehow offended us by existing, so the best way to proceed is to pretend they're not there except when we want them to do something for us.

I get that the Constellations are an unsatisfactory design. But you're not advocating doing anything about that.

Now, if you were talking about scrapping the eight Constellations and distributing their crews among eight escorts of roughly capability (with some crew left over, presumably), that would make a bit more sense.

But that would probably ALSO cost political will (scrapping ships is not a politics-free decision, especially when we're struggling to keep up with our defensive needs), and it would ALSO cost resources (more than refitting the Constellations would cost). And it would cost two to three times as much shipyard berth work.

It would free up some crew, but it wouldn't necessarily be profitable.

If we could refit the Constellations (increasing overall defense by +1 in up to eight locations AND increasing our responsiveness to events), that would be worth a lot more than just increasing our defense by +5 or +8 in a single sector. And the resource cost is minimal, while we have considerable spare berthing space for starships at the moment because we can't afford to build NEW ships in all our existing berths.

Is it worth forty political will to get that? No. Is it worth twenty? Very possibly.

Yes, we could spend the points on other things, but having more, and more capable, ships is itself a way to net resources and maintain our ability to respond to emergencies. The ships are themselves an indirect part of our infrastructure.
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We're constrained by crew, so we can't always just build a ship in place of a cheap refit. And we only need 1 small berth space to refit the Constellations one at time, which if you take a look at Briefvoice's spreadsheet, is readily available. We have like what, 100+ annual berth slots over 8 years, and you're worried that 8 of them can be taken up over that time?

edit: and despite our best efforts with academy expansions and whatnot, there will almost surely be times that crew will be a bottleneck.
The moment crews become a bottleneck over time and resources, there's nothing stopping us from scrapping or mothballing a Constellation. Especially since each carries enough Officers and Enlisted for 2 Centaurs, and sufficient Technicians for 1.

@Kelenas, I think you are adopting a very unwise stance here of wanting to completely ignore ships we already have. It's like, they've somehow offended us by existing, so the best way to proceed is to pretend they're not there except when we want them to do something for us.

I get that the Constellations are an unsatisfactory design. But you're not advocating doing anything about that.

Now, if you were talking about scrapping the eight Constellations and distributing their crews among eight escorts of roughly capability (with some crew left over, presumably), that would make a bit more sense.
Actually, in the long term that is pretty much exactly what I'm advocating. Don't waste any more time and resources on the Constellations; leave them be, while building better ships from scratch, then ultimately replace the Constellations as soon as feasible.

The only reason I don't advocating scrapping them immediately is because we're very short on hulls overall, and still have a lot of leeway in regards to our Combat Limit.

We're not discussing ship design. Just a premature debate on the next snakepit(s) regarding the Constellation refit option.
This, pretty much.