We could naturally start a different task force tag, I know some people want grey goo, but we really don't have the ships to start more than one more task force unless we pay PP for them. I don't mind paying PP, but maybe I could get people to voice both support and opposition for that idea?

I am happy to support that as an option. I think of TFs and the use of member world ships in lieu of Starfleet as "spend money to make money." In essence, we are spending PP to draw on member world ships so that we can keep more Starfleet ships at home and so that we can maintain more task forces (keeping up a higher tempo of operations). This results in Starfleet drawing more income, because we are either more capable of responding to events that can have degrees of success (higher total roll = greater reward) or we avoid/mitigate event failure by having more ships available to respond.

Looking at our TFs this year as well, we seem to have stalled on the Horizon offensive as they have deployed more vessels, so it's going to be nigh-mandatory for us to deploy more vessels there. The Andrazzi Gulf is going to have to be surveyed this year or the Cardassians will do it (and the Apiata will be annoyed that we haven't gone there). And we have to deal with the Gorn before the Cardassians bring them on-side. We cannot do that without relying on way too many Mirandas as secondary responders instead of the tertiary ones they should be.
I am happy to support that as an option. I think of TFs and the use of member world ships in lieu of Starfleet as "spend money to make money." In essence, we are spending PP to draw on member world ships so that we can keep more Starfleet ships at home and so that we can maintain more task forces (keeping up a higher tempo of operations). This results in Starfleet drawing more income, because we are either more capable of responding to events that can have degrees of success (higher total roll = greater reward) or we avoid/mitigate event failure by having more ships available to respond.

I disagree. The rewards from Task Forces, plainly put, aren't all that great. I have no idea what'll come out of the Gulf exploration, but it likely won't be that lucrative... the place is no Gabriel Expanse after all. That's not to say that TF aren't worth doing for higher level narrative reasons, but to think that 'pay for themselves' is just fooling yourself.

Looking at our TFs this year as well, we seem to have stalled on the Horizon offensive as they have deployed more vessels, so it's going to be nigh-mandatory for us to deploy more vessels there. The Andrazzi Gulf is going to have to be surveyed this year or the Cardassians will do it (and the Apiata will be annoyed that we haven't gone there). And we have to deal with the Gorn before the Cardassians bring them on-side. We cannot do that without relying on way too many Mirandas as secondary responders instead of the tertiary ones they should be.

No, we can if you're willing to be a little patient and not try to do everything at once. SWB drew up what was a pretty reasonable plan, other than that one wasted Excelsior, that reinforces the TFs that need it and gets the Adrazzi Gulf survey started. It doesn't do the Gorn, but that gets back to "don't try to do everything at once". I guarantee you that Cardassian progress with the Gorn isn't going to be very rapid. Gorn territory is just way too far away... they'll have to chew through their own 'Distant Stars' tag before they get anywhere.

I consider it sufficiently safe to let the Gorn situation wait through 2322, then hit it in 2323 when Task Force Handshake and Shield will have wrapped up and we can reassign those ships.
Also, we don't know what kind of effect losing few member ships in task force will cause. I expect failures of that kind can cost quite a LOT in pp.

I prefer to keep member fleets at current levels unless there are real emergency.
I am happy to support that as an option. I think of TFs and the use of member world ships in lieu of Starfleet as "spend money to make money." In essence, we are spending PP to draw on member world ships so that we can keep more Starfleet ships at home and so that we can maintain more task forces (keeping up a higher tempo of operations). This results in Starfleet drawing more income, because we are either more capable of responding to events that can have degrees of success (higher total roll = greater reward) or we avoid/mitigate event failure by having more ships available to respond.

Looking at our TFs this year as well, we seem to have stalled on the Horizon offensive as they have deployed more vessels, so it's going to be nigh-mandatory for us to deploy more vessels there. The Andrazzi Gulf is going to have to be surveyed this year or the Cardassians will do it (and the Apiata will be annoyed that we haven't gone there). And we have to deal with the Gorn before the Cardassians bring them on-side. We cannot do that without relying on way too many Mirandas as secondary responders instead of the tertiary ones they should be.

With the Tellar Sector Excelsior-A and the Adrazzi Gulf task force, in my deployment the total excess from Starfleet deployment were three Centaur-B (two completed Q2) and two Miranda-A. The two task forces most in demand are the Grey Goo issue and the Gorn, but maybe the Licori?

We would have to re-jig our excess Starfleet ships to include a few cruisers as task force leaders. That would involve swapping at least one Q2-completion Centaur-B for a fully available one, and then obtaining cruisers. I would suggest swapping two Centaur-B for a Renaissance and a blooded Constellation-A, they can handle most of the same events now that they're S4 P4 D5. The Renaissance-class could lead the Gorn or Licori task force. The Constellation-A for the Grey Goo one. Then we reinforce Beyond with our new member world ships, and distribute the rest to the two new task forces. I would suggest perhaps drawing an explorer from members and adding it to TF Beyond just to give it a second high-level ship, plus at least two frigates, possibly more.
Captain's Log - 2321.Q4.M1
Personal Log, Stardate 27681, USS Selaya - Captain T'Arvit

Command has apparently elected to ease me back into my role. Not only have I been assigned to simply follow up on old survey records, I was also assigned the Hawking to support our operations. This 'softballing', as a human would put it, is unnecessary.

I suppose it is not unwelcome, however. Captain Lakun has proven to be an efficient partner in our survey work so far, and Commander Zal and I are starting to better understand each other's methods.

I remain confused as to why she elected to welcome me back to Selaya with the sort of party I had come to expect on Atuin. Perhaps she simply wished to demonstrate her talents on the volleyball court?


Captain's Log, Stardate 27682, USS Enlightenment - Captain Demari Iekn

We are entertaining the Federation Diplomatic Service's newest Ambassador to the Yrillians. Ambassador Woleg cav Bella has prior experience with the Yrillians; as a child, her ship was seized by Yrillian pirates. Her appointment is as much a symbol of the Federation's strong anti-piracy line as a recognition of her talents as a diplomat.

The day we left Vega with the ambassador in tow, we received six warnings from known pirate work-gangs, each reporting on an alleged threat from other work-gangs, and suggesting that we turn back and encourage the FDS to select a new ambassador.


Morshadd Daily Crier, Stardate 27684


House Manan Trading Co. confirms the loss of the prospector Antinoc yesterday, in the CA-5688 system. Antinoc was finishing a run when she reportedly responded to a distress call from the civilian ship Siren, which went missing a week ago. Fifty-five souls were aboard Antinoc; all are believed lost.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27685, USS Enlightenment

As expected, we encountered pirates. In what was pretty much the most predictably fake distress call possible, we responded to an allegedly irreparably damaged Yrillian Carryall in the Ogliv system... only, surprise, it was actually a fully active, armed carryall operated by pirates.

Not particularly surprising. Not when the carryall had made a point of insisting we come with lowered shields so that they could beam aboard faster, not when they identified themselves as a ship that we saw docking at Vega shortly before we left that system.

I gave them the opportunity to run; the pirates chose to fight. I intended to quickly punish them for their mistake.

Then two Corsairs warped in.

Still, their arrival has simply turned an unfair fight into a fair one. I'm confident we will prevail; after all, we're looking at a trained crew taking on a nest of bullies.


Morshadd Daily Crier, Stardate 27686


A survivor of the Antinoc disaster seems to have come forward with an account of the ship's loss that pins the blame on the Laio. Jine Nedohl, age 35, listed as second officer aboard Antinoc according to House Manan Trading Co. records. Nedohl claims to have led a team from Antinoc's shuttle onto the Siren, where he allegedly found a Laio beacon; soon after, Antinoc was destroyed by torpedo. Under Nedohl's theory, the Laio sought to remove the primary Licori prospector in the region, and used Siren as bait. Nedohl made these claims in an audio recording broadcast on open frequencies; two other voices were heard, suggesting that he was not the only survivor of the Antinoc.

At press time, we were unable to contact Nedohl. Laio officially denies the claims; however, long-range sensor scans from Morshadd reportedly do suggest torpedo detonations. The Laian explorer Odanner is present in the region, on a patrol mission.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27686.2, USS Hawking - Captain Tersu Lakun

In support of Selaya, helped survey Dolor system. Follow-up on Qloathi records. Identified deposit of canodurniam on 64th moon of 5th planet.

[Gain 10 SR]


Captain's Log, Stardate 27687, USS Enlightenment

The failed ambush at Ogliv seems to have taught would-be pirates a lesson. We have reached Yrillia safe and sound, without any further interruptions.

[Gain 5 pp]


Rigellian Daily News, Stardate 27687.25


The Laio Cosmological Office formally announces the loss of the explorer Odanner with all hands last night. Odanner reported contact with a group of unknown vessels, twelve hours after picking up the survivors of the Licori prospector Antinoc.

The head of the LCO, Vazd Norrenzer, delivered the following statement: "We unexpectedly lost contact with Odanner at 2150 last night, in a manner consistent with signal jamming; the ship's track disappeared from our long-range sensors at 2238. By 0600 this morning, the frigate Sicorran had arrived at Odanner's last known position and reported no sign of the ship, nor of its attackers. Local subspace distorsions and elevated radioactivity suggested multiple torpedo detonations and a warp core breach. Reviewing sensor logs, we have found a possible track in the vicinity of Odanner in the last day, which had previously been thought to be a gormungandr given its presence on a known migratory route and observed course and speed; we are still conducting a complete review at this time."

Lt. Tizaanuv, a spokesperson for the Horizon Border Zone Task Force, reported, "With all three Starfleet ships of our task force busy and out of position, we were unfortunately unable to respond to Odanner's distress call."

Our security analyst, former Rigellian Defense Force Captain Irdask, had this to say about the incident: "Some might say it's not appropriate to speculate at a time like this. But with nobody taking responsibility, it is up to us to determine the responsible party. In light of the Antinoc incident, the Licori might be to blame, or perhaps one of the other rival powers in the region, but considering Laio's new alliance with the Federation, it seems unlikely that the Arcadian Empire would risk again antagonizing the UFP. That might lead to suggestions that the Harmony, or even the distant Breen, was behind this incident, but more likely, in my opinion, we're looking at the work of rogue Klingon or Romulan warships. A Laio explorer is ill-equipped to spot cloaked ships, and a few veteran ship captains gone pirate could easily be behind this."

[Lose 12 pp for failure to respond to Odanner]


Captain's VLog, Stardate 27688, USS Hood - Captain Xuggaed

Hey it's ya girl Xug Xug, here with another exciting ship update! We are in Alukk orbit today to discuss private industry involvement in the cleanup on the Yizgisi. I'm going to be honest -- I'm not sure to what degree companies are doing this because it's The Right Thing, or if they're looking for some sort of hidden profit motive. Probably weapons testing.

That is not my problem though. I'm here to make sure everything goes smoothly while the FDS and Orion Union folks do their magic.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27689, USS Challorn - Captain Hazag Daz-Hara

Zadar-Shirna IV is a planet with a fascinating history. According to the records, andorians have attempted to colonize it twice; once during the pre-Federation era, and once during the height of the last century's Klingon/Federation tensions. In both instances, the colony was abandoned early in its development. Settlement of this world has now begun a third time, and the colonists have sent out a request for assistance. We will be attempting to ensure that insufficient data points to establish a pattern can be generated.

Fortunately, the complication is not due to military threats as in the previous cases, but rather some indigenous elements of the Zadar-Shirna IV biosphere.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27690, USS Sojourner - Captain Jeanette Devereaux

We are responding to a distress call from the crew of the Vulcan ship VCS An'Toor, who report the loss of their ship. An'Toor encountered an unexpected ion storm, dropped out of warp, lost navigational control, and crashed on 89 Eridani IX, a K-class world on the edge of the system's Oort cloud. Time is of the essence - many crewmembers were critically injured in the crash.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27692, USS Hood - Captain Xuggaed

Nothing particularly interesting to report from the summit. Except that a guy from Embpor -- the company that built the Felicity Xanathos, and designed it in part -- chided us for having cramped and 'cheaply furnished' reception areas. Whatever man, I've seen the working spaces on the Xanathos. They look like the interior of a Tellarite sandcrawler from their Asshole Age. Of course I said to him we would take his feedback into consideration. I'm glad my species is hard to read for mammalians.

Since the FDS and Union were doing the hardest work, my time was taken up by a lot of chit-chat like this with various CE-, CF-, and CT-Os. Most annoying was dealing with the public face of the Sharseca Star Conglomerate, Muradino Sharseca. Rich guy playboy who seemed really focused on trying to charm me. Asked for a private communicator code, everything. One of my Betazoid staff said he had something private to tell me -- given his reputation, probably something depressingly basic. Maybe he's into ectotherms. Too bad for him the money and the ego are a turn off.

I managed to evade him for the rest of the evening, while making sure the event was run to FDS-pleasing standards.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27693, USS Vigour - Captain Lin Kuahuula

Typhoon has joined us to do more mapping of the Yrillian-Rigellian frontier. In particular, Yervoa University's history department believe they have pinpointed the location of an old Imperial Orion supply depot, and are eager for us to confirm their conclusion.

I'm looking forward to a nice, serene, week of mapping. I don't expect anything interesting to happen.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27694.4, USS Sojourner

The An'Toor survivors' situation has only gotten worse in the time it took for us to reach 89 Eridani IX. We are unable to transport them from the surface, due to an inability to get a transporter lock; we are instead forced to resort to shuttles. Further, a major windstorm is approaching fast, forcing us to rush the rescue before it makes shuttle operations impossibly difficult and then batters down the shelters the Vulcans set up.

We've got two more shuttle runs to go, and latest estimates put the center of the windstorm about thirty minutes out. Ares Vallis already reported increasing wind activity on the way up. This one's going to be close.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27694.6, USS Hood - Captain Xuggaed

Calling this one in while getting whipped in the face by rain, sorry for the audio quality. I just want to get it recorded in case any details fade. I'm on a rooftop right now, at night. In a rainstorm. To meet with an informant, the Orion Union's favorite vigilante. I'd rather he requested it somewhere less exposed.

Camasura has actually been much less active on Alukk lately. Like myself, he seems to have focused on battling corruption among hypercorps, who have moved their shady operations out of Alukk and to the fringes of the Union. That being said, I couldn't really trust him. His custom equipment is likely provided by a hypercorp; it's always been a longstanding question in Starfleet Security and Intelligence circles if he's a true hero to the people, or a Hypercorp enforcer cloaked in egalitarianism. That's why I wasn't sure if I could trust his information about one of the bidding Hypercorps using their contract as a cover to study Yizgisi nanites for weapons development. I'm going to try and verify it as fast as possible.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27695.2, USS Sojourner

We brought aboard the An'Toor survivors, without any further casualties. Then two dozen of them tried to take over my ship. Logically, they waited to be rescued before trying to take us on.

Vulcan 'logic-extremists', the An'Toor's captain called them when we talked to her in medbay - an obscure but motivated ultranationalist group. They abused our trust to take control of our navigation systems first, before a smaller team hit our propulsion systems. The fact they have attached several kilograms of plastic explosive to the primary deuterium tank to prevent us from cutting fuel flow also presents a problem.

They have put us on a collision course for the star itself, then issued demands: One, that we turn over control of Sojourner to the Vulcan High Command, and two, that we permit them to broadcast their manifesto explaining their actions. It seems they believe that Starfleet will be taking control of the Vulcan fleet, and in protest sabotaged their own ship as a setup to take over the Starfleet ship that'd inevitably respond. That that inevitable response shows our value to the Vulcan people apparently counts for little in their twisted 'logic'.

Unfortunately for them, Jeanette Lin-Manuel Devereaux doesn't turn over her ship that easily.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27695.4, USS Challorn - Captain Hazag Daz-Hara

The colonial administrator has presented us with all currently available data about the problematic organism. The species is a macro-scale annelid - morphologically similar to, but larger than, the Morshadd Sandworm - that appears to occupy an apex predator niche throughout Zadar-Shirna IV's world ocean. The overhanging, cryostatic coastal shelves, ideal habitation sites for the Andorian colonists, are also the favored hunting grounds of these organisms, which blast their way up through the stone and ice from the liquid water below to tear a variety of burrowing prey items out of the shelves when alerted to their locations by some so-far-undetermined sensory method.

The colonists have attempted to lure the organisms away using sonic, thermal, and olfactory decoys, with no statistically significant results from the null. Explosive mines planted beneath the habitation sites have been suggested, but rejected; an explosion of sufficient force to deter the organism would also cause nearly equivalent damage to the facilities above.

In order to devise a countermeasure to this species' predation, we will need to perform more intensive research on the species in question. This will be a dangerous thesis to pursue, but that has never discouraged the march of science. Or for that matter, as the administrator was insistent to remind me, the march of Andorians.


Security Officer's Log, Stardate 27695.6, USS Sojourner

The logic-extremists had two problems. First was their unfamiliarity with the Excelsior class. The second was their small number. Both proved their undoing. While they could hold critical systems, I have hundreds of crew to assist me in rooting them out.

For example, they did not have the personnel to adequately defend the explosives placed on the deuterium tank. The frame where they placed it was cramped and uncomfortable. I had Environmental reduce temperature to make even Vulcans uncomfortable, and then hit them when they were sufficiently distracted and bored.

As soon as the bombs were reported as defused, I jammed communications between navigation and propulsion before cutting gravity in both locations and hitting them with security teams. Any further sabotage was thwarted.

We have turned over the logic-extremists to Federation custody.

[Gain 15 pp]


Captain's Log, Stardate 27696.1, USS Hood - Captain Xuggaed

I dictate this as a deeply humbled woman. While my crew and I messed around trying to confirm Camasura's intel, he went ahead and busted a conspiracy by Luthannii Peaceful Development Corporation LLC to… do exactly what he warned us about. Cleared out an entire platoon of private goons single handedly to get to the evidence and extract a confession from CEO Xels Luthannii. Couldn't have been easy… Probably wanted some backup…

Needless to say, this is really embarrassing. We're only getting out of this with our shells intact because the FDS failed to do proper vetting on Luthannii. Next time, I'll make sure to trust the guy meeting me in a crazy rainstorm while wearing a scary costume, okay?

On the bright side, I feel like my crew has gotten really comfortable working with the ship, and the smoothness with which we hosted the summit is a testament to that. Even if what came after wasn't so great, I won't let that diminish all the hard work they've done! And failure is often the greatest teacher. I was joking earlier but -- next time someone says something crazy, we'll confirm it a lot faster.

[Hood gains Crew Rating +1; Lose -2pp]


Captain's Log, Stardate 27696.5, USS Aurora

While scouting the Tauni frontier, our attention was drawn to 4D-7842, where long-range sensors detected significant deposits of nelerium.

We have entered the system and prepared for survey operations, but a small wrinkle has manifested. An OSA survey vessel under the ownership of FRESHploration Ltd has also entered the system, and is claiming the nelerium deposit belongs to them.


Personal Log, Stardate 27697, Captain Lin Kuahuula

No green hand or sentient black hole has appeared to ruin this week yet, so I am going to practice some meditation with Pem.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27698, USS Challorn - Captain Hazag Daz-Hara

Experimentation has failed to isolate any of the exotic senses tested for as the leviathans' means of locating prey. Of the proposed hypotheses, only transdimensional perception and empathic sensitivity remain. The former will require some lengthy warp core realignment, and the acquisition of some more specialized equipment, to test, but the latter can be tested much sooner. The control and experimental groups, the latter recruited from among the Challorn's Vulcan and Betazoid crew members, will be flying low over the coastal shelf by shuttlecraft.


Science Officer's Log, Stardate 27698.2, USS Vigour - Lieutenant Aqil Georgiou

The historians at Yervoa have done excellent work parsing historical documents to narrow down the location of Starfort Xelathoss, the military depot we are seeking. Just not as much as I'd prefer. Official military reports put it in the sector we now know as b1, but they are frustratingly vague about its exact location. Xelathoss was noted in 'The Woes of A Lonely Spaceherd' by Anonymous as orbiting a 'Planet, blue-tinged and fat/Like a Savage servant;' where 'The dim star/only makes the cold more bitter,' suggesting a blue gas giant in an outer orbit, similar to Neptune or Uranus. 'The Ballad of Hattava,' a long epic dedicated to the exploits of the Admiral, claims he sheltered in the ruins of the station while running from Yrillian raiders, and that 'Eight-fold companions/Gazed down at the fleet/Hiding there in refuge/Eyes of powdered stardust/Ring'd with ice/Seemed warm to him.' From this, we get eight moons.There are dozens of planets matching this description in b1. Thankfully, only five of them are plausibly within Hattava's area of operations. If we don't find Xelathoss here, our search area is going to expand significantly.

While I sometimes wish these poets had been more scientific, the other part of me appreciates the challenge. This is what it must have been like to locate Ancient Troy!

Tasks for today are to prepare probes for surveys, with special calibrations for detecting ores common in Imperial Orion constructions, consulting with Tactical to minimize the risk one of the probes might activate old defense systems, and preparing away teams for exploration or recovery operations. Updates will be provided.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27699, USS Aurora

We've assisted the prospector in completing their survey of the nelerium, so we have enough information about the ore to file a joint claim. The FRESHploration team is fighting hard for a larger share. I'm going to make them see the best way forward is an equitable split.


Personal Log, Stardate 27699.5, USS Vigour - Captain Lin Kuahuula

Yoga with the crew is very centering. I'm amazed I didn't find the time for this before.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27701, USS Challorn - Captain Hazag Daz-Hara

Complication. External interference. A freak ion storm manifested suddenly, grounding the shuttle mid-experiment and preventing emergency beamout. Before a tractor beam lock could be established, the shuttle containing officers T'Sen, Senok, T'Ling, and Orein was taken by a leviathan, and is now too deep underwater for transporter penetration.

Subspace communication has allowed us to retain contact with the group. Fortunately, the shuttle's SIF is holding, but the hydraulic pressure and corrosive agents of the leviathan's digestive apparatus are calculated to overcome it within fifty-two +/- three hours.

There is no guarantee that ourselves and the colonists have sufficient search and rescue resources to recover them within that timeframe. I have sent out a distress call, and am now mobilizing them.

The captured officers believe they can lengthen the timeframe by altering their captor's emotional state in order to ease its muscular tension.


Captain's Log, Stardate 27702, USS Vigour - Captain Lin Kuahuula

With Typhoon assisting us, it did not take very long to check all five systems identified by Yervoa University. However, that's when the trouble started. None of them had a station in orbit of a blue gas giant with eight moons.

Lieutenant Georgiou had faith in the historians' analysis, and reanalyzed the data. Dispatching Typhoon to an area of interest revealed that the station had crashed into one of the moons, and had eventually fell through the icy crust to the crushing depths of the ocean below.

Aquatic examination using modified workbees revealed Starfort Xelathoss had been stripped hundreds of years ago, and most of its structural components had been compromised by radiation and salts. However, the shielding surrounding the antimatter reactor that once powered the station was in good condition, but also highly dangerous due to lingering exotic energy. We have recovered the entire unit for reclamation. Archaeological crews will handle further study and preservation efforts.

[+15 SR]


Captain's Log, Stardate 27703, USS Challorn - Captain Hazag Daz-Hara

The quick arrival of the USS Yukikaze and the Andorian ship Sevaijen, the latter with an armed purpose-built submarine vehicle redlined from Andor Starbase in its cargo bay to supplement our hastily modified shuttles, has provided the requisite manpower and firepower to corner the leviathan and chase it close enough to the surface for an emergency beamout of the shuttle's occupants, all of whom were recovered unharmed along with some key components of the shuttle itself.

With the telepathic nature of the leviathans confirmed, the colonists are devising a system of automated facilities to exploit the coastal resources, with delta-radiation emitters in place to allow for periodic maintenance.

[Gain +5 rp, +5 pp]


Captain's Log, Stardate 27705, USS Aurora

We were cheated by those dirty so-and-so's!

I'm not sure they even knew about the nelerium deposit when they warped in, I just stupidly told them about it without even thinking! They secretly subspace-radio'd back to their corporate offices. While they wasted our time and we did work for them on a 'joint' survey, their registration was filed with the Federation Embassy and approved. They got all of it, and we did half their work for them. Oh, and they said we were such help that if we ever decide to come back, they'll have shifts for us.

If there's any lesson out of this, it's to never assume an OSA private explorer is your friend.

[EVENT FAILED; OSA private interests now have BR Colony 4D-7842]

Aurora, Hood, and Vigour logs courtesy of @Iron Wolf, Challorn logs courtesy of @Leila Hann
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Orion Batman...

I guess his Bruce Wayne disguise was too good for our dear Captain.

Captain's Log, Stardate 27705, USS Aurora

We were cheated by those dirty so-and-so's!

I'm not sure they even knew about the nelerium deposit when they warped in, I just stupidly told them about it without even thinking! They secretly subspace-radio'd back to their corporate offices. While they wasted our time and we did work for them on a 'joint' survey, their registration was filed with the Federation Embassy and approved. They got all of it, and we did half their work for them. Oh, and they said we were such help that if we ever decide to come back, they'll have shifts for us.

If there's any lesson out of this, it's to never assume an OSA private explorer is your friend.

[EVENT FAILED; OSA private interests now have BR Colony 4D-7842]

There are times I wish this was Klingon High Command quest...
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So. Licori hijinks, Laio false flags, Horizon interference, Breen adventurers or renegade war veterans from the Klingon/Romulan war?

Personally I'm more inclined to blame the Horizon or renegade Klingons.

We don't have stats for the Laio explorers, but they are weak enough that they did buy surplus Egillah class vessels. So a pack of Horizon corvettes or Klingon Bird of Preys would fit the reports.
I'm disinclined to blame the Licori or Laio based on current evidence, that 'survivor' transmission reeks of setup.
Romulans simply don't have enough frigates left to not notice a group go renegade.
Breen have, so far at least, shown no sign of travelling so far from their own borders.