A bit surprise Admiral Velim would be the type to step forward in the public limelight, I would think she would support Wenlai since with the limelight he's the patsy getting all the hostile attention. Honesty I feel Velim reign would be short live unless she and Wenlai is pushing hard for reforms so she can step down and Wenlai being content with a better Romulan.
Anyway with the damaged industries and reduce ship numbers we can predict increase trade and internal reforms for the better in the long term but
with many of its senior directors and agents having died in the Fyriae purge, having fled, or gone into hiding.
, we really need to back Starfleet intelligence with our highest support and funding to help Romulan navy intelligence root out and destroy Tal Shiar completely since they will be the cause of their ruinous xenophobia.
Hopefully the future is all good for our relations with this state.

Renhadd returned to the Iberius front and launched a surprise raid on the Romulus shipyards, destroying ships in their docks and damaging the berths. He followed up with a raid on the Senate itself, managing to steal a sword of S'tesk, several patrician banners, and taking the skulls of a few prominent senators who had failed to escape the building. His glory secured, Renhadd returned to Qo'nos and successfully duelled the Chancellor, defeating him with the Romulan sword.

According to reports from Ambassador Dalera, Renhadd is interested in peace and reform. While he has earned the loyalty of many in the fleet, he will be distracted as he consolidates power. According to some of our informants, Renhadd believes in consolidating current gains and preparing for peace rather than taking Romulus. Some fleet Admirals are apparently set on glorious conquest of Romulus, and may defy orders.
But this I don't like, sure what he did is cool but this shows his mindset in waging war, its highly unlikely but he could do an Pearl Harbour style attack to cripple Sol shipyards and use the chaos to seize as much territory they can in exchange for ransom like resources for the empire considering the fact we have an Pacifist government that will bend.
Those fleet admirals will put pressure considering his feats in the war, that he have no choice but to fight the Federation for resources and prestige knowing the Federation want to stop or be merciful in a short war.
At least we not going to get him raiding the Council meeting place and dual the Amarki councillors and Stesk himself coming to save the day.
But this I don't like, sure what he did is cool but this shows his mindset in waging war, its highly unlikely but he could do an Pearl Harbour style attack to cripple Sol shipyards and use the chaos to seize as much territory they can in exchange for ransom like resources for the empire considering the fact we have an Pacifist government that will bend.
This isn't a totally accurate comparison. At the time of Renhadd's raid (go check the last snakepit) the Klingons were holding Remus high orbit. Translated to interstellar distances, It's less a Pearl Harbor or Doolittle raid and more like... Well, I can't think of something right now, but like 'raiding' someone two blocks over.
A bit surprise Admiral Velim would be the type to step forward in the public limelight, I would think she would support Wenlai since with the limelight he's the patsy getting all the hostile attention. Honesty I feel Velim reign would be short live unless she and Wenlai is pushing hard for reforms so she can step down and Wenlai being content with a better Romulan.
Anyway with the damaged industries and reduce ship numbers we can predict increase trade and internal reforms for the better in the long term but , we really need to back Starfleet intelligence with our highest support and funding to help Romulan navy intelligence root out and destroy Tal Shiar completely since they will be the cause of their ruinous xenophobia.
Hopefully the future is all good for our relations with this state.

But this I don't like, sure what he did is cool but this shows his mindset in waging war, its highly unlikely but he could do an Pearl Harbour style attack to cripple Sol shipyards and use the chaos to seize as much territory they can in exchange for ransom like resources for the empire considering the fact we have an Pacifist government that will bend.
Those fleet admirals will put pressure considering his feats in the war, that he have no choice but to fight the Federation for resources and prestige knowing the Federation want to stop or be merciful in a short war.
At least we not going to get him raiding the Council meeting place and dual the Amarki councillors and Stesk himself coming to save the day.
The Klingons don't need to attack us in order to get aid.
But this I don't like, sure what he did is cool but this shows his mindset in waging war, its highly unlikely but he could do an Pearl Harbour style attack to cripple Sol shipyards and use the chaos to seize as much territory they can in exchange for ransom like resources for the empire considering the fact we have an Pacifist government that will bend.
There is something like forty to fifty light years between Klingon space and Sol. A Klingon attack force would have to punch through the Klingon Border Zone, Andor Sector, and either Vulcan Sector or Tellar Sector just to reach the Sol Sector. Roughly speaking we're talking about 198C worth of ships between them and Sol. More realistically since any invasion fleet would have been noticed approaching the border and we'd have called in ships from across the Federation to block it.

In order words the Klingons would need to commit the entirety of their navy to have a chance at making such an attack work. Little chance of that happening since the Romulans would jump on the opportunity to attack the Klingons while their backs are turned.
There is something like forty to fifty light years between Klingon space and Sol. A Klingon attack force would have to punch through the Klingon Border Zone, Andor Sector, and either Vulcan Sector or Tellar Sector just to reach the Sol Sector. Roughly speaking we're talking about 198C worth of ships between them and Sol. More realistically since any invasion fleet would have been noticed approaching the border and we'd have called in ships from across the Federation to block it.

In order words the Klingons would need to commit the entirety of their navy to have a chance at making such an attack work. Little chance of that happening since the Romulans would jump on the opportunity to attack the Klingons while their backs are turned.
Yeah. A deep strike isn't plausible. At least a full on deep strike/decapitation strike on the outset of the war.

Klingon Academy game actually gives a half decent strategy thought up by General Chang in a all out war against the Federation by the Klingons.

I.e. Neutralize border stations and sensor nets in a quick strike covered by jamming/ECM ships (there by allowing cloaked ships the ability to strike into Federation space without early warning), striking into Federation territory with wolfpacks of Birds of Prey and destroyer class vessels to draw out defenders and cause havoc. Rapidly deploying pre-fabricated battle stations to anchor their supply routes.

Using feints and diversionary forces to make the Federation think that the offensive is one trying to grab territory. Use task forces to threaten member worlds and force the Federation to spread out to defend their worlds.

When in reality the true objective is a decapitation strike on Sol/Earth.

Once the Federation fleets were sufficiently distracted/spreadout the main Klingon fleet would launch a all out offensive on Earth.
Of course, they probably lose everything they commit since it'll be easier to block them on the way out, so if they have to actually commit significant fleet assets...it doesn't gain them much.

EDIT: Actually, examining the tactical situation here in this game, there are two problems. The first is that losing your fleet to burn UP is not a victory when you'll have Megatortises and Basilicas orbiting Q'ono's within the month.

The second is that the Federation has strategic depth in multiple directions. Decoying Starfleet out of position, even managing to decoy literally every member fleet between the border and earth, does not mean there will not be ships available to race the Klingons to Sol if a large fleet movement is discovered, which it probably will be. And most of them will start closer. To reckon with the full obstacles that an assault on Earth would face is not just those between the KBZ and Earth, but the fleets of the Amarki, Gaeni, Honiani, and possibly others who could be rallied to defend Sol before the Klingons arrived. And then having to punch their way out again past the fleets they previously decoyed and the Caitians if they committed major assets.
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Besides, I don't think this version of Reinhard has the "Conquer all of space for my sister and dead boyfriend" complex, so he's probably content with just the Klingon Empire.
A bit surprise Admiral Velim would be the type to step forward in the public limelight, I would think she would support Wenlai since with the limelight he's the patsy getting all the hostile attention. Honesty I feel Velim reign would be short live unless she and Wenlai is pushing hard for reforms so she can step down and Wenlai being content with a better Romulan.
I think the pressures of several years of warfare have at least temporarily changed the political culture of Romulus. If Velim can exert enough pressure to make some of those changes permanent, her reign might be a bit more stable than that.

Anyway with the damaged industries and reduce ship numbers we can predict increase trade and internal reforms for the better in the long term but , we really need to back Starfleet intelligence with our highest support and funding to help Romulan navy intelligence root out and destroy Tal Shiar completely since they will be the cause of their ruinous xenophobia.
I'm not sure the Romulan Navy would thank us for 'supporting' them against the Tal Shiar. Accusations of being a foreign puppet are very effective in this kind of situation.

This isn't a totally accurate comparison. At the time of Renhadd's raid (go check the last snakepit) the Klingons were holding Remus high orbit. Translated to interstellar distances, It's less a Pearl Harbor or Doolittle raid and more like... Well, I can't think of something right now, but like 'raiding' someone two blocks over.
Yeah. This wasn't an interstellar raid in the usual sense of the word. It was less like a deep raid, and more like leading a squad of commandoes to sneak through enemy lines and attack the enemy's regimental headquarters. Difficult and risky, but far from unusual.

Of course, they probably lose everything they commit since it'll be easier to block them on the way out, so if they have to actually commit significant fleet assets...it doesn't gain them much.

EDIT: Actually, examining the tactical situation here in this game, there are two problems. The first is that losing your fleet to burn UP is not a victory when you'll have Megatortises and Basilicas orbiting Q'ono's within the month.

The second is that the Federation has strategic depth in multiple directions. Decoying Starfleet out of position, even managing to decoy literally every member fleet between the border and earth, does not mean there will not be ships available to race the Klingons to Sol if a large fleet movement is discovered, which it probably will be. And most of them will start closer. To reckon with the full obstacles that an assault on Earth would face is not just those between the KBZ and Earth, but the fleets of the Amarki, Gaeni, Honiani, and possibly others who could be rallied to defend Sol before the Klingons arrived. And then having to punch their way out again past the fleets they previously decoyed and the Caitians if they committed major assets.
To be fair, Chang's strategy was predicated on the canon Federation, which despite having like an order of magnitude more member worlds than us, still manages to be a lot more Earth-centric than ours is.

If Qmen Sandiego stole the Sol system from us... Well, we, here in To Boldly Go, would find our Federation greatly weakened by the loss of Earth, but probably still a match for the Cardassians, the Klingons, or the Romulans. Not sure about the Harmony, they might become a problem for us, but I don't have a good feel for the level of their strength.

The same thing happening in canon would probably be the ruin of the Federation.
I'm not sure the Romulan Navy would thank us for 'supporting' them against the Tal Shiar. Accusations of being a foreign puppet are very effective in this kind of situation.
Would Starfleet intelligence have discreet contact with their counterparts in the Romulan Navy?
Come to think of it if Romulan territory is too hot to lay low, would the Tal Shiar fled to territories of other neighbouring powers? Hoping if any fled to Federation territories, Starfleet intelligence would love to declare hunting season on them, still Licori would be chaotic enough for them to hide.
Why on Earth would the Klingons attack us when we're toasty on our side and they have the Gorn on their other borders? Speculation is an incredible waste of time. They're nearly ruined and the chancellor favors consolidation over attack. If anything, we only have offshoots to worry over, and they can't muster anything strong enough to threaten a major world.
2321.Q4 - Academy Steering Committee

Starfleet Academy - Steering Meeting

Rear Admiral Michel Thuir is the highly respected Commandant of Starfleet Academy, with four years of effective, largely scandal-free progress. Curious reports of an omnipotent creature manifesting periodically around the campus notwithstanding.

It really is tremendous to see what Thuir, and his predecessor Certunn Guk, and Yamada Keiko before him, have done with the place. Since the start of the Iron Lady's tenure in charge of Starfleet, the flow of starship rated officers graduating each year had increased eight-fold. Whereas the graduating class of 2301 had been 2,000 strong, with 650 starship rated, of whom 150 were Corps rated, this had now increased, across the whole Academy network of campuses, to ten thousand graduates, 5,100 of whom were rated for starship deployments. The Explorer Corps contingent alone was up to 850 members. For twenty years of growth, it was staggering. But of course, that was part and parcel of expanding from four species to a federation of over a dozen.

[Thuir will remain for one more year in this billet]


Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 11.35 Officer, 26.91 Enlisted, 45.65 Techs
Explorer Corps: 8.5 Officer, 8.57 Enlisted, 6.2 Techs

Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 23.15pts (+6.10 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 34.91pts (+6.27 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 27.5pts (+4.70 Explorer Corps)

(Emphasising one type will transfer 1 from both of the other types to the type you choose)
[ ][ACADEMY] No Change
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Officers
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Enlisted
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Techs
[ ][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift up to 1.5 pt any Crew type

[ ][EXPLORER] No Change
[ ][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift up to 0.5 to any Crew type


Starfleet Tactical Command

From: Vice Admiral Victoria Eaton, Director, Starfleet Tactical Command
To: Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse, Commander, Starfleet
Subject: Yan-Ros Proposal

Hello Admiral,

I must say, there has been much discussion of the prospective entry into the Federation of the Yan-Ros. In fact, Rear Admiral Thuir informs me that we are already receiving a number of Academy inquiries from that world. Which brings me to my proposal. Although the Yan-Ros are as capable as anyone of crewing a starship, we think that there is a greater opportunity for their talent. I have been working alongside my own subsidiary commands, as well as Vice Admiral Lecras at Starfleet Intel, and we think that it would be best to see a gentle persuasion of incoming Yan-Ros onto particular paths. Especially those who are coming through with some form of Ranger preparation or training.

Our security teams, both frontline and special projects, would benefit greatly from an infusion of Yan-Ros personnel.

(The completion of the Yan-Ros project will require 6 Years)
[ ][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)
[ ][YANROS] Decline the offer


- Provides: 10br 5sr, 2rp, 2pp, .15 O, 0.2 E, 0.15 T
- Requires:
- Installations: Laian Orbital [Outpost I], Laian Shipyard (2x1mt berth)
- [Local Currently: 1 Egilliah, 6 Laian Explorers, 9 Laian Frigates]

-Bidva Shipyard @ Bidva [2x600kt]
-Lattad Shipyard @ Lattad [2x600kt]
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[x][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)
We really need those Ranger Teams!
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1.5 from Enlisted to Techs

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Reduce O by 0.3 and Increase T by 0.3

[X][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)
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[X][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)

Because when we say improved, we mean "borg drone adaptation doesn't work on these dudes, they brought too much gun to adapt to".
[X][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)

Prepare for transforming phaser-cannon-spear-canes!
[X][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)
If Thuir is only staying one more year we absolutely need to take the service academy expansion one more time next year. We also need to take the loss of his bonus into account for crew income projection. But presumably his successor will also give a bonus to one crew type in some form. Do we want to count on that in some form and deliberately refrain from shifting towards the crew type we want the next Academy Commandant to give a bonus to?
The risk is that we may not actually get someone with that crew type bonus.
Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 11.35 Officer, 26.91 Enlisted, 45.65 Techs
Explorer Corps: 8.5 Officer, 8.57 Enlisted, 6.2 Techs

Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 23.15pts (+6.10 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 34.91pts (+6.27 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 27.5pts (+4.70 Explorer Corps)

(Emphasising one type will transfer 1 from both of the other types to the type you choose)
[ ][ACADEMY] No Change
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Officers
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Enlisted
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Techs
[ ][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift up to 1.5 pt any Crew type

[ ][EXPLORER] No Change
[ ][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift up to 0.5 to any Crew type

After next year we lose Thuir's bonus, which was 5% to regular Enlisted and 10% to EC Enlisted.

Ships we are planning on making a lot of:
Centaur-B - 1O / 2E / 2T
Renaissance - 3O / 5E / 3T
Keplers - 2O / 3E / 4T
Comets 2O / 3E / 3T
Ambassadors 7O / 7E / 6T

Remember too that many Ambassadors will be EC. Therefore it's Techs we actually need a lot more of, not so much Officers.

[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1.5 from Enlisted to Techs

After change
23.15 O, 33.41E. 29T
After Thuir leaves
23.15 O, 30.37E, 29T

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Reduce O by 0.3 and Increase T by 0.3

After change
5.8 Oex, 6.27 Eex, 5Tex
After Thuir loss
5.8 OEx, 5.7 Eex, 5Tex

[X][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)
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Hmm... I'm thinking about equalizing EC crew so we're as close to 6/6/5 production as possible. That way when Frontier Service Training finishes up we have almost exactly an Amby per year in crew income.

Not sure about regular crew. Perhaps transfer some Enlisted to techs and officers? We will have a major Tech drawdown from Keplers.

Edit: Ninja'd.
[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1.5 from Enlisted to Techs

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Reduce O by 0.3 and Increase T by 0.3

[X][YANROS] Support the diversion (reduced Enlisted intake when Honiani ratify, emphasis on improved Raid assets)
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First steps to our very own Warrior caste?

I feel trying to push people into jobs that star fleet has decided fits their species sets a bad precedent. No matter how "gently" we push at first.
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