Using in media res can be quite a useful tactic but it does require making it clear in the rest of the story where exactly that scene was extracted from. Dates, or in this case Stardates, can be useful for this but it can be done in other methods such as ending one scene with a bit that is clearly leading into where the in media res scene starts.
Captain's log, Stardate 27260.0, USS Tarrak, Captain Larai Leaniss
I've taken the liberty of volunteering the Tarrak to assist the Commonwealth and the Ascendant Den by laying a number of communications platforms across the space between the two neighbours that we have recently surveyed.
It should be a simple matter of a couple of weeks before we return to unexplored space.
Captain's Log, Stardate 27262.1, USS Torch, Captain Nalae Veraniss
Torch and I have been asked to attend to the Fiiral as they discuss their contributions to the Federation government and Starfleet.
I have been made aware that Admiral Akintola's little stunt has made the Fiiral government somewhat skittish about increasing their contribution to Starfleet and are considering holding resources back for the STO fleet.
Command trusts that our presence will convince the Fiiral that Akintola's madness aside, Starfleet can be trusted.
Captain's Log, Stardate 27262.6, USS Pathfinder, Captain Nora Chandrasekhar
Pathfinder has been assigned to perform Starfleet's bi-decadienal manned check up on Akaali Prime.
While it's a pretty standard observation of a Pre-warp civilization, there's something special about following the footsteps of Captain Archer and observing the same first Pre-Warp people ever discovered by humanity.
It's also very interesting to watch the Akaali people and to see them firmly entering the electronic age first hand.
While most of our observational tasks can be performed safely from orbit, we will need to send a team planet side to perform the routine on-site inspection of the former subterranean Malurian Veridium mines and ensure that the environmental contamination remains contained.
Captain's Log, Stardate [MEMORY ERROR], USS Courageous, Captain Zara Ka'athnon
It has been two weeks since Excalibur, along with our team from Courageous, was pulled into some form of non-euclidian dimension.
While my main focus has been on getting my crew back to our dimension of origin, we have also managed to gather a large amount of data on this strange alternate dimension.
Enough data that we've had to stack it up in one of Excalibur's cargo bays, which is interesting all in itself as all the compartment's angles have become obtuse, which makes the room have far more storage space that I'd originally assumed.
We have identified the statue that was in Excalibur's number three science lab as… Well the best way to put it is kinda like hard light, but it's actually an entire spacetime continuum. I mean it's not the entirety of this multiverse, but a wormhole like overlay of spacetime in multiple places at once that acts a simulation of sorts that will unfolds into the actual thing when exposed to conscious observation.
It's really quite fascinating! Right now Lt. Linnaeiss and I are working on a method of forcing the statue to run in reverse.
Personal Log, Zara Ka'Athnon
Top Priorities:
-Get all crew home alive!
-Be happy!
Captain's Log, Stardate 27267.6, USS Pathfinder, Captain Nora Chandrasekhar
One of my people has disappeared on the surface of Akaali Prime.
Lieutenant West was in command of a team of surgically altered officers who were on the ground at the site of the former Malurian mining site when he dropped out of communication with the rest of the team.
I have, of course, immediately transported the rest of the team back to Pathfinder thus ensuring that West is the only non-Akaali life sign on the entire planet.
While it would be tempting to transport West back to the ship immediately, he is surrounded by Akaali lifesigns and I would prefer not to make the situation worse.
To that end, we're working to remotely activate West's communicator and tricorder to remotely observe the situation.
Captain's log, Stardate 27267.8, USS Tarrak, Captain Larai Leaniss
Tarrak is riding the shockwave of ribbon of some sort of exotic energy field that my Science Officer has simply decided to call "A pocket of shifting temporal unreality" that we were unable to detect until it enveloped our warp bubble.
Our Structural Integrity Field was suffering extreme stress and showing signs of failure until Commander Tolar suggested that engineering reconfigure our warp field into a sort of "sail" which we have used to "catch" the leading edge of the bubble.
As of the moment Tarrak is travelling at a subjective speed of Warp 12, but Engineering swears that Tarrak herself is maintaining a cool Warp 1.6.
Currently we are recalibrating our sensor array to make sense of the inconsistent readings that we are getting and compensate for the wave's interference as we try to find a way of safely disengaging from the wave without destroying ourselves.
As we continue our mission to set up comm beacons for the Padani resistance we've detected what appears to be a large Earth vessel of unknown type travelling at high warp.
The vessel is, however, nearly four times the size of any previously detected Human vessel and is travelling at a speed nearly three times higher than we would expect the Vulcan Imperial Technocracy to allow from any of their subject races.
My senior officers and I are wondering whether this vessel is part of some sort of new Vulcan plot. Or, more excitingly, perhaps this is an indication that the Technocracy's grip on their subjects is weakening and someone out here on the periphery of the Technocracy is building up a fleet to fight back against the insane logic cultist masters of the Vulcan empire.
We will continue to observe this vessel under cloak for as long as possible.
Captain's Log, Stardate 27268.2, USS Pathfinder, Captain Nora Chandrasekhar
The damage is worse than Starfleet could have imagined.
Using West's tricorder and communicator have allowed us to make audio map of the the facility that he is being held in. And through analysing the conversations ongoing amongst the Akaali we have determined that in the aftermath of the Malurians' mining operations the Akaali woman Riaan, who had helped Archer, found herself in contact with other Akaali who had resisted the Malurians.
While they appreciated Archer's assistance in saving the day, they were unsettled by the implications that if another alien species came to exploit their world they would be helpless unless another savior coincidentally stopped by Akaali Prime.
The Skywatcher Society that emerged after this threw themselves into the study of space and watched the former Malurian sites so that if anyone returned they would be ready for them. And after a century and a half they finally were successful when they grabbed an out of place Lieutenant West.
While the man is a legend, I hope I don't end up following in these particular footsteps Archer made.
Captain's Log, Stardate [MEMORY ERROR], USS Courageous, Captain Zara Ka'athnon
It has now our two month anniversary of arriving in this dimension.
Daily chores:
Commander Valentine and his department are still guarding the hull breach.
Doctor Perrit-L'Amour and her department are keeping the remaining Excalibur crew sedated.
Lieutenant Linnaeiss and his department are scavenging the hull for more Minovsky particle generators.
I am confident that we are on track to returning to our home dimension.
Personal Log, Zara Ka'Athnon
Worry is a choice.
Pessimism is a choice.
Fatalism is a choice.
The crew's survival needs to be guaranteed.
Be Happy!
Captain's log, Stardate 27269.1, USS Tarrak, Captain Larai Leaniss
We now have an answer to why our sensor data keeps contradicting itself: we are shifting between a number of alternative timelines as we travel. We've determined this not only by careful observation of surrounding space, but by detection and decryption of transmissions caught up in the Temporal Wave.
This means that until we can find a way back to our own universe, we're stuck riding this wave whether we want to or not. Not unless I want to run the risk of seeing something like Nash's "Mirror Universe", or something even worse, for myself.
As Commander Kahurangi tells me: "We're not in Kansas anymore"
[3E1457 9M9 07H09]
[COMMAND IS TO BE ADVISED: >RKVK Suppressor (Rm-27845) has detected capital sized vessel of unknown origin
>Designation Unknown-15
>Layout suggests fast scout battlecruiser equivalent of flight-three Vigilance-Pattern RSF ship
>Unknown-15 is moving at high speed along a course between Shanpurr Provincial Demilitarized Zone and Padani Provincial Demilitarized Zone
>According to directive 1-8-13 (2E3378) Suppressor will attempt to pursue and incapacitate/impound Unknown-15 preceding full investigation into Unknown-15 origins and threat neutralization strategy.]
Captain's Log, Stardate 27270.1, USS Torch, Captain Nalae Veraniss
It's been a long week of talks with what seemed to be the entire Fiiral government.
I have also had the opportunity to talk classic Amarki literature over modern Fiiral wines with a number of Fiiral industry officials and found a great deal of common ground in those areas.
As a result I am pleased to announce that aside from agreeing to maintain their regular contributions to Starfleet, the Fiiral government will be adding a bit extra to this year's contributions as token of their forgiveness for the whole Akintola fiasco.
[Gained +5 SR]
Captain's Log, Stardate 27270.2, USS Pathfinder, Captain Nora Chandrasekhar
In order to prevent Lieutenant West's imminent... interrogation, I have used his communicator to negotiate for his release and set up a meeting between myself as the "Alien Leader" and the Skywatcher Society's leadership.
While there is no real physical threat to myself or my crew, I am meeting these people in person to try to mitigate the damage done to this civilization by the Malurians and Archer.
Captain's Log, Stardate [MEMORY ERROR], USS Courageous, Captain Zara Ka'athnon
Since the failure of Lab four's internal subspace tachyon field generator we are still unable to determine the passage of time. It's handy, however, to no longer have the possibility of being late for anything.
And, judging from the example of Excalibur's crew, we won't have to worry about aging. Just losing our frame of reference and going mad in worship of mobile constellations that desire my existence the same way my stomach desires a well frosted slice of cake, yes. That is a risk, but aging and decay less so.
Commander Valentine and his department are still guarding the entrance points to deck fourteen.
Doctor Perrit-L'Amour and her department are ensuring that the remaining Excalibur crew remain deceased until we return home.
Lieutenant Linnaeiss and his department are scavenging the hull for any sort of power generation that doesn't rely on heat, motion, or effects native to our home dimension.
I am confident that we are on track to returning to our home dimension.
Personal Log, Zara Ka'Athnon
The crew's survival needs to be guaranteed.
Risk yourself, not others
Optimism lets you see opportunities that defeatism blinds you to!
It's easier and less stressful to be cheerful than to be despondent.
Captain's Log, Stardate 27272.7, USS Pathfinder, Captain Nora Chandrasekhar
I have just returned from a secret meeting with the executive leadership of the Akaali Skywatcher Society where I was able to negotiate for West's release and reach common ground with the Society's leadership.
The Society's leadership are, in their own way, attempting to limit cultural contamination from the Malurians' exploitation. They bury or destroy records and seize remaining Malurian artifacts while maintaining and funding scientific advancement.
For my own part I have explained the Federation's own views and spoke of Starfleet's Prime Directive while explaining that our presence planetside was purely to ensure that the Malurian environmental pollution is contained.
While I'm certain that the Society's leadership's trust in me and Humanity at large is limited, I can also see that they are relieved that we are maintaining a hands off policy towards their civilization.
They have promised not to interfere with our environmental assessments in the future and have asked me to deliver a formal thanks to the Federation Council for our limited interference.
[Gained +10 RP, +5 PP]
Captain's Log, Stardate 27276.3 USS Svai, Captain Arthur Acheson
While updating the charts of the Klingon Border Zone we've uncovered a small pocket of resources on the otherwise perfectly unremarkable third planet of the Psi-1645 system that went undetected by USS Republic during the original survey in 2252.
With some additional manpower from Captain T'Arvit and her Selaya we've managed to dig up a few tonnes of rare earth metals that were a couple hundred kilometers below the surface of Psi-1645 III.
[Gained +5 BR]
Captain's Log, Stardate 27277.7, USS Lightning, Captain Victoria Villeneuve
Lightning is responding to a distress call from the Betazoid colony at New Thalzed. The colony reports a major upturn in mental illness that is culminating in colony wide civil disturbances.
Captain's Log, Stardate [MEMORY ERROR], USS Courageous, Captain Zara Ka'athnon
My internal frame of reference tells me that we have been in this dimension approximately forever. Wow! That's a long time!
All permanent chores are now cancelled!
As soon as Commander Valentine and the good Doctor manage to get Captain Mendoza revived Lieutenant Linnaeiss and I are going to throw this big red switch and deactivate the Minosvky particle generators.
Then comes the tricky part: reciting the ritual words of worship. That's where Captain Mendoza comes in! All of the survivors know the words by rote and use them all the time already!
We just need to hide until the constellations reach through Excalibur's hull again!
The unpower from that event should let us power a simulation of… it's not important. None of the details are important. What is important is that we're going home! And a bunch of the Excalibur crew are coming with us. Not the Others, sadly, only Excalibur's crew are still fresh enough to be able to survive back in our time/space.
Personal Log, Zara Ka'Athnon:
Optimism and friendship save the day again!
Captain's log, Stardate 27280.2, USS Tarrak, Captain Larai Leaniss
That last dimensional shift was a near run thing, we almost lost our shields to an unknown attacker before the wave dropped us into a new timeline.
While Commander Tolar has devised a way of "flinging" Tarrak out of the wave undamaged, we're still left with the issue of the dimensional shifting.
At present we're working on a method of controlling our travel within the wave. By analyzing the wave's apparent form during each timeline shift we hope to be able to force it to revert to our point of origin. It's going to take a while to make the calculations though, as there is a lot of number crunching to be done in the meantime, and we will be cycled through a few more timelines until we are able to go home.
Mission Day 132, CDF Taklar, Gul Kivaas
We've detected a Federation Excelsior dreadnaught travelling at high warp towards the borders of the Interstellar Commonwealth.
It may be a last survivor of the crushed allied Gabriel salient, or that final Explorer Corps vessel that was almost destroyed by the Sydraxians last year.
It is imperative that we intercept this dreadnaught before it is able to reach safety in Padani space. Destroying the last of the Explorer Corps vessels will hopefully deal devastating damage to Federation morale and bolster ours - especially after the debacle against the Klingon/Federation Alliance fleet at Celos.
At the very least the destruction of yet another Federation Dreadnought on their borders will help to remind the Padani that they joined the losing side in this war.
Captain's Log, Stardate 27281.4, USS Lightning, Captain Victoria Villeneuve
We have been unable to raise the colonial authorities and our away teams on the ground are encountering major chaos in the streets.
My CMO believes that this behavior may be caused by some form of infection and thus I am deploying a large portion of our security department under quarantine protocols.
We will attempt to secure a foothold in New Thalzed's capital in order to determine the reason for this sudden surge in riotous behavior.
Captain's log, Stardate 27283.4, USS Tarrak, Captain Larai Leaniss
We had to initiate our wave control plan early as the Cardassian ship that was tailing us was not looking friendly.
Because we had to improvise the exact tachyon variance from the deflector dish, instead of calculating things in advance, we took a bit heavier of a shaking than predicted.
However, we are home now, and though we've lost contact with the temporal wave we have gathered a great deal of information from our journey.
More than enough to make up for losing time in deploying the communications platforms.
[Gained +15RP]
Captain's Log, Stardate 27284.0, USS Lightning, Captain Victoria Villenueve
We have isolated cause of the behavior in the colonists as a strain of Terran Flu that has caused an overproduction of Psilosynine in the paracortical region of the Betazoid brain.
This has triggered an overloaded telepathic instinct that leads to the loss of sense of self in Betazoid individuals and the creation of a confused and violent gestalt consciousness formed from the Betazed population.
While the results of this infection are spectacular, the cure is not. Lightning should have the colony cured and peaceful again within the week.
[Gained +10 RP]
Captain's Log, Stardate 27289.9, USS Courageous, Captain Zara Ka'athnon
I am happy to be making this log from not only our Home dimension, but from the bridge of Courageous herself!
As soon as we returned to our dimension I shoved the statue out of Excalibur's hull breach and ordered Courageous to fire a deflector pulse of Tachyons to force the statue to revert to the Other Dimension, where it can't harm us, or anyone else, ever again.
Excalibur is now adrift but salvageable. Her remaining crew… less so. I. I- I am happy to welcome them home! I'm certain they'll receive the best treatment the Federation can provide!
My only regret is that the data obtained in the Other dimension has become utter nonsense in our dimension. I suppose some things we are better off not knowing.
Courageous is now returning to Federation space with Excalibur under tow.
Personal Log, Zara Ka'Athnon
Apologize to Mendoza. He'll understand eventually.
Lunch with Doctor Helena. Help her deal with dreams.
Loan Crisis in the Twentyfirst to Valentine. Bed rest means marathon game sessions!
Use return to Federation space to rest!
Be happy!
[Recover USS Excalibur. Repair/refit costs: 90 BR, 75 SR]
As we continue our mission to set up comm beacons for the Padani resistance we've detected what appears to be a large Earth vessel of unknown type travelling at high warp.
The vessel is, however, nearly four times the size of any previously detected Human vessel and is travelling at a speed nearly three times higher than we would expect the Vulcan Imperial Technocracy to allow from any of their subject races.
My senior officers and I are wondering whether this vessel is part of some sort of new Vulcan plot. Or, more excitingly, perhaps this is an indication that the Technocracy's grip on their subjects is weakening and someone out here on the periphery of the Technocracy is building up a fleet to fight back against the insane logic cultist masters of the Vulcan empire.
We will continue to observe this vessel under cloak for as long as possible.
I can hear the teeth clench and grind as this repeated and repeated and repeated ....
So, where are we going to put Excalibur for a year to get fixed up? Are any of our 3MT berths free, or do we have to borrow a member berth? Does the repair cost/crew requirements impact the Ambassador/Kepler production plans?
It was fairly interesting to see Ka'Athnon faltering like that. Maybe a bit of a reality check, but all the same and as much as she annoys me, it is good to see her remain optimistic.
There is (to me, anyway) a increasing note of stress and strain in those logs. It's like she is forcing herself to represent as the "Perfect Starfleet Explorer Captain", hiding the strain that keeping up the smile is costing her. Only when alone with her logs, can she relax at all, and the logs are full of notes reminding herself to smile, SMILE, SMILE ...
My reading of it is that the happy, cheery, reckless Zara is an act and always has been. She thinks it improves morale and makes her more likely to find the correct solution to challenging situations.
What we saw here was weeks and months of stress from continually failed wearing away at Zara making her work even harder to keep up the happy facade. Fortunately (?) she's an EC Captain and manged to pull through in the end rather then breaking down like many others would.
The crew's survival needs to be guaranteed.
Risk yourself, not others
Optimism lets you see opportunities that defeatism blinds you to!
It's easier and less stressful to be cheerful than to be despondent.
Apologize to Mendoza. He'll understand eventually.
Lunch with Doctor Helena. Help her deal with dreams.
Loan Crisis in the Twentyfirst to Valentine. Bed rest means marathon game sessions!
Use return to Federation space to rest!
Be happy!
So another drain on the BR/SR stockpile as I recall the orginal plans for ship construction ran into an SR stockpile shortfall issue I assume this will make matters worse.
So another drain on the BR/SR stockpile as I recall the orginal plans for ship construction ran into an SR stockpile shortfall issue I assume this will make matters worse.
Very much worth it, so long as the ship is properly exorcised decontaminated. It's basically an Excelsior-A for 90/75 1yr instead of 230/160 4yr and that's a bargain. At most we delay a Kepler and I'd rather have an Excelsior than a Kepler any day.
So another drain on the BR/SR stockpile as I recall the orginal plans for ship construction ran into an SR stockpile shortfall issue I assume this will make matters worse.
Im sure it will be an entirely worthy endeavour, and Exalibur won't turn out to be a spooky haunted ghost ship that slowly but inevitably drives her crews mad.
Yeah, but on reflection if I wanted to do it that way it should have been in classic third person narration to clearly delineate it. 3+ people found it confusing and I think it's better to aim for comprehension.
Also most peeps probably read it already so they got to see the original artistic vision anyways
From memory, obviously: mostly, it wasn't the asynochronous way to tell the story, it was starting with the resolution and then coming up with the story as it evolved. Like hearing the result of a soccer game and then watching it (which is something I don't do).
I tried for an hour to locate one of Leila's non-Threadmarked pictures and gave up. It's the one where the Blank Slate is surrounded by the Enterprise-Lions.
Meanwhile, these all need Threadmarking in the Media Tab.
From memory, obviously: mostly, it wasn't the asynochronous way to tell the story, it was starting with the resolution and then coming up with the story as it evolved. Like hearing the result of a soccer game and then watching it (which is something I don't do).
I took it to be that bad things happened to those that gave into fear - some sort of emotional attack that fed on itself ...
Oh! The evil!verse/Others had a fear effect, that then became worship, then the worshippers were consumed. There was a doctor who eipsode about this, mid/late rory/amy part of the timeline with a minotaur in a big invisible spaceship with moving/changing rooms over time.
My reading of it is that the happy, cheery, reckless Zara is an act and always has been. She thinks it improves morale and makes her more likely to find the correct solution to challenging situations.
What we saw here was weeks and months of stress from continually failed wearing away at Zara making her work even harder to keep up the happy facade. Fortunately (?) she's an EC Captain and manged to pull through in the end rather then breaking down like many others would.
Captain's Log, Stardate 27289.9, USS Courageous, Captain Zara Ka'athnon
I am happy to be making this log from not only our Home dimension, but from the bridge of Courageous herself!
As soon as we returned to our dimension I shoved the statue out of Excalibur's hull breach and ordered Courageous to fire a deflector pulse of Tachyons to force the statue to revert to the Other Dimension, where it can't harm us, or anyone else, ever again.
Excalibur is now adrift but salvageable. Her remaining crew… less so. I. I- I am happy to welcome them home! I'm certain they'll receive the best treatment the Federation can provide!
My only regret is that the data obtained in the Other dimension has become utter nonsense in our dimension. I suppose some things we are better off not knowing.
Courageous is now returning to Federation space with Excalibur under tow.
Personal Log, Zara Ka'Athnon
Apologize to Mendoza. He'll understand eventually.
Lunch with Doctor Helena. Help her deal with dreams.
Loan Crisis in the Twentyfirst to Valentine. Bed rest means marathon game sessions!
Use return to Federation space to rest!
Be happy!
The ship's counselor is psychic; it would be nearly impossible for them to not notice or log that. On the other hand, it's entirely possible that a consciously promoted aspect of her personality trait got... hypertrophied into a sort of bright, brittle, crazed defense mechanism during her time in the pocked dimension of madness.
And less prudent. And yet, she tripped over a spatiotemporal whozit and came back with more explorers than she started!
"She... she... she... blaaaaagh..."
[has mental meltdown]
"Erm, Spacer Dizzinramira here. We rushed Rear Admiral Leslie to the infirmary right after he collapsed, of course. They report that his neurons have been neutralized by some sort of memetic paradox effect. Fortunately, they were able to jury-rig a neural polarizer, which undid the effect before it could cause any permanent damage. I can take a message, but the admiral is on mandatory bed rest from Starfleet Psychiatric. Our chief of psychiatry says that he'll be taken off bedrest... the only deadline here is the word "later?" Um."