Thoughts: First, I'm leery of the support cruiser role, the Constellation has always been an odd one out that we've occasionally used because we already have the design anyway. With us now having a capable science escort once again, the design space for a support cruiser shrinks even more. I think a combat heavy cruiser design to anchor the fleet and provide another option for members who have trouble fielding explorers is a more useful design space.

Still would be useful, doctrinally speaking, to be able to distinguish between cruisers that we trust to be on the frontlines without issue, and cruisers that we're a bit more leery about doing so; So de facto it is a profile that we have right now. We can always phase it out later if we don't want to build any new ones.
I would like to know if there are any nasty surprises in sectors g3, f3 and e3 before green lighting colonies. Also be nice to know if we are going to be able to keep 45 Gabriel.
I really hope we do get to keep 45 Gabriel. It will be a nice spot to bottle up the Cardassian and Pact forces when they try to retake it when and if Hostilities ever break out. We will need to massively increase the defenses at 45 Gabriel though. A full sized Starbase, Minefields, Weapons Platforms, A full time garrison task force of at least 22C to defend it. if we do that the Cardassian and Pact forces would have to dedicate signifincant forces to taking the system and we can bleed their forces dry.
Do we know how many Jalduins the Cardasians have left to upgrade and how long this is likely to take. I think after the 45 Gabriel battle they will want as many as possible available for any future adventures in the GBZ. I doubt that they will risk a general war untl the refit is complete and they have replaced their losses in the 45 Gabriel battle.
Were the doubled-up events (like the ones for the Endurance) really done by the same ship in different sectors? Cool. Wacky.


Nash zh'Rhashaan appears to be taking a brief break from her days kicking back on the lovely beaches of the Risan equivalent of Tierra del Fuego, with her phenomenally cold-tolerant ??? by her side. Also, a variety of adorable Risan penguins. :)

Iron Wolf said:
I infiltrated the ship and used my tricorder to make it appear to the Hexolar that new systems had some online in the ship. I then revealed myself to the Hexolar and claimed I was the ship's consciousness, manifested through advanced technology. Many of the Hexolar were visibly disgusted with my inferior, four-limbed appearance. The Chief Scientist stated his disbelief that a species so poorly laid out could have built a ship so advanced...

The Chief Scientist then produced a primitive, black-powder based slugthrower and shot me.

[fume fume fume]

[sputter sputter sputter]


I beamed Commander Awa down with a security team. They found the Hishmeri had gorged themselves so much on the fish they could barely move, let alone fight. We apprehended them, confiscated their ship, and made contact with the nearest Hishmeri fleet. They were embarrassed by the whole incident, and said we could do with the prisoners as we pleased. So they will be in my brig until I can hand them off for trial.
You know, Awa must now be one of the two or three seniormost officers aboard Yukikaze, and we still don't know what he does!

@sebsmith , save us!

Its one of those thing which we have to be concerned about legacy designs with. At the moment its filled by the Miramda-A which is a poor skirmisher so we either keep the Miranda's out of battle or refit them with a significantly higher D value if thats possible.
There are a lot of conceivable situations where having Mirandas do skirmishing is better than having literally no skirmishers, especially if Oneiros keeps tinkering with the combat engine (very likely IMO), and especially if he does so in such a way as to avoid this perverse incentive that currently exists to keep Mirandas out of it.

I'd rather we acknowledge that yes, sometimes our combat frigate MIGHT have to skirmish. The Miranda-A may not be very good at doing so, but that's just one more reason we need to replace the Miranda-A with a superior frigate and/or a refitted version of same.

Higher D almost certainly means a new warp core, which would be expensive.
If it turns the remaining Mirandas into ships that can participate in fleet battles without having our SDB types scream in terror about how bad they are at skirmishing, I don't care how expensive it is.

Besides, it'll be cheaper than building a whole new frigate.

Thoughts: First, I'm leery of the support cruiser role, the Constellation has always been an odd one out that we've occasionally used because we already have the design anyway. With us now having a capable science escort once again, the design space for a support cruiser shrinks even more.
We'll always have 'marginal' cruiser classes whose stats make it undesirable to keep them in battle. Right now that's the Constellations, in ten years it'll be the Constitution-Bs. And thirty or forty years from now as we enter the TNG era it'll include the Renaissances, which even with refits won't be able to keep up with the heavy cruiser/light explorer ships we'll be designing between then and now. Heck, at some future date if we're forced to reclassify the Excelsiors as cruisers (essentially what happened to the Connies), they'll be in that category too- eventually.

But we'll want to keep these ships in service. They're fast, they win the great majority of event checks they deal with, and in many cases they are perfectly suited to answering questions like "okay, who's going to help hold down this sector while the good ships are off doing something else?" Even if we hit combat cap, we'll want to mothball those ships for later use in emergencies, not scrap them.

The support cruiser profile is basically a catchall for this category of ships. It's so that Starfleet Tactical can say "support cruisers" in its doctrine publications, and people will know what they mean. Instead of just saying "Constellations," or "older ships," or some other imprecise term that doesn't fully capture the point of the exercise. We're never going to say "you know, we don't have enough support cruisers, let's custom-design a new one!" We're going to say "you know, this ship class just isn't up to modern standards anymore, we're relegating them to support cruiser duty."

I think a combat heavy cruiser design to anchor the fleet and provide another option for members who have trouble fielding explorers is a more useful design space.
You know those aren't mutually exclusive, right? Eh, you do, I'm being silly.

The thing is, that role is already filled by the "General Cruiser" and "Light Explorer" profiles. Sure, we might be able to make ships in those roles a little bit cheaper or sleeker by sacrificing Science/Presence/Defense... but why would we want to? You're basically talking about a pocket battleship here, and pocket battleships really don't make strategic sense unless you're operating under very perverse incentives, the way the pre-WWII German navy was.

There are very few powers in Federation space that would want to build a pocket battleship purely intended for fighting. The member world fleets aren't just extra lumps of combat power we keep around for emergencies, they're self-contained naval services in their own right that just happen to have a smaller budget and bigger friends than we do.

If this were UESPA Quest or Caitian Navy Quest, would you vote to approve "build pocket battleships?" Probably not. Even if they were more effective cost-for-cost compared to other more generalist designs like the Renaissance and Excelsior-A, they'd be a burden to your fleet during the 90-95% of the time when your ships aren't heading for a pitched battle. And they wouldn't be that much more effective in battle than their weight in Rennies or Excelsior-As.

About the only fleets I can see being interested in such a ship are the more militarized ones like the Amarki- who already design their own powerful fighting ships that are to their own satisfaction. Maybe the Indorians or the Tauni- but the Indorians are pretty happy with the Renaissance-class. It's a fairly tough ship, and building five Rennies is probably a better solution than building three or four dedicated pocket battleships.

I really hope we do get to keep 45 Gabriel. It will be a nice spot to bottle up the Cardassian and Pact forces when they try to retake it when and if Hostilities ever break out. We will need to massively increase the defenses at 45 Gabriel though. A full sized Starbase, Minefields, Weapons Platforms, A full time garrison task force of at least 22C to defend it. if we do that the Cardassian and Pact forces would have to dedicate signifincant forces to taking the system and we can bleed their forces dry.

"So you wish to create a powerful forward base, which cannot be resupplied while threatened by the enemy except by crossing perilous terrain. This you propose to do, in hopes that the enemy will be compelled to fight a fierce battle for possession of it, and thus whittle down their forces."

"You know, I've been having a very interesting time reading the accounts of Earth history these past few years. You're a proud species with some fascinating habits- what was the phrase for some of them, follies of grandeur, something like that. Very admirable. A race that never overreaches is a race that lacks the spark of wild inspiration, and thus never truly reaches its full potential. But I see that Earthlings possess this spark, and show it in recurring patterns. For example, see how this plan seems to echo Dien Bien Phu."


"You will never be done cleaning up after the wreckage they leave behind with their left hands, just as you will never be done profiting from the marvels of art and science they give you with their right hands. There is no progress without change, and there is no change without consequences. Trust me in this."

Is there any particular pitfall to having a more combat focused cruiser/explorer with presence as a dump stat? It'd still have good S due to the militarization rules, but we can drop P down to 1 without too many problems.

"Ask Councillor Rogers how he got drummed out of the admiral's chair some time. He was thinking the same thing. What could possibly go wrong, he thought."
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Sergey Rozhenko? That's Worf's foster father! Hopefully, he won't need to do so this time around...
Sergey has been serving aboard the Endurance since 2311; he appeared in my omake sequences Matryoshka and Devas and Asuras.

The way I figure it, we're pretty hard up for canon characters who served in Starfleet during this period, and Sergey is one of the more memorable ones.
"Ask Councillor Rogers how he got drummed out of the admiral's chair some time. He was thinking the same thing. What could possibly go wrong, he thought."

That's not really fair, Rogers' design had shit science as well. We'd only be sacrificing presence, and wouldn't be gaining militarization per any of the formulas.
I would actually like a heavy cruiser for fleet battles ... but because of the price I don't see any reason for it have shit presence. Anything that pricey NEEDS to be useful for response work, but it can afford to be in the 5 range.

Essentially what I want is a starfleet Riala-A.
Higher D almost certainly means a new warp core, which would be expensive.
Actually not necessarily. For one, the warp core doesn't actually contribute to D directly, and for another ... Miranda nacelles are old and a power-hog; if you can refit them with newer, less power-hungry nacelles, you'd get a faster design and have some free power to spare. It'd be a moderately expensive refit, but it'd make them something you could not feel utterly terrible about skirmishing with.
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I suppose having our intelligence officers retire to Risa to form a private detective agency that hunts Lecarre infiltrators isn't the worst way they could be spending retirement.
The question is, are they retired or "retired". Nash the Spy's companion still had valid system override codes, after all. And I'm almost certain said companion was Penelya Miran, which means she never had them legitimately.

I would ABSOLUTELY expect that a head of SFI who was removed as a sacrifice to politics would be allowed to be unofficially still in the service on a lower level if they wanted. Smart money says that Nash and Penelya are running an unofficial counterintel branch on Risa. The Risan's chillness is a liability here, and Linderly has access to two unofficial agents of proven skill and loyalty.
The question is, are they retired or "retired". Nash the Spy's companion still had valid system override codes, after all. And I'm almost certain said companion was Penelya Miran, which means she never had them legitimately.

I would ABSOLUTELY expect that a head of SFI who was removed as a sacrifice to politics would be allowed to be unofficially still in the service on a lower level if they wanted. Smart money says that Nash and Penelya are running an unofficial counterintel branch on Risa. The Risan's chillness is a liability here, and Linderly has access to two unofficial agents of proven skill and loyalty.

[X][ROLES] Base Plan fill Roles with ship Profiles

[X] A "Role" is a mission type that Starfleet believes its ships must undertake. A Role should be filled by a ship Profile; unfilled Roles are indications of a lack of current or future capability. A Profile to fill a new Role must be defined and any new ship in that Profile commenced within ten years.

[X] Define the following Roles which Starfleet believes are its responsibility:
-[X] Five-Year Mission - Execute five-year exploratory missions at long range with no support. Seek out severe anomalies, conduct high-level diplomacy, and discover and combat future threats.
-[X] Emergency Response (mandatory) - Distress calls of all sorts.
-[X] Primary Frontier Response - Flagships that patrol and respond to important events in border zones where the nature of each event is inherently uncertain.
-[X] Primary Sector Response - Sector flagships that patrol and respond to important events in established sectors.
-[X] Garrison Response (Science, Diplomatic, Combat) - Non-emergency exploration, diplomacy, patrol, and event response, broken further into expected duties.
-[X] Support Response - Support another responder.
-[X] Survey - Regular mapping missions.
-[X] Interception - Detect, intercept, and confront or tail potential unknowns, whether in peacetime or as part of a fleet.
-[X] Fleet Scout - Execute the scouting phase in battle.
-[X] Skirmish Line (and Minesweeping) - Achieve favorable positioning in the skirmish phase in battle. Skirmishers also detect mines for the fleet.
-[X] Vanguard Escort - Fill out numbers in the Vanguard and Heavy Metal phases in battle, and deal and take damage in those phases. Enable frigate-specific maneuvers in those phases.
-[X] Vanguard Line - Deal and take damage in the Vanguard and Heavy Metal phases in battle.
-[X] Battle Artillery - Deal the most damage in the Heavy Metal phase in battle, while soaking hits with shields and avoiding hull damage that reduces capability.

[X] A "Profile" is an outline of one or more ships that fulfills multiple Roles. Listing a new ship design in a Profile indicates intent to order that ship design with ten years.
[X] The components of a Profile are the primary Roles that the listed ships have priority to fill, the secondary Roles that the listed ships can fill, the design requirements of the ships, and a list of ships.

[X] Define the following Profiles:

-[X] Heavy Explorer
--[X] Primary Roles: Five-Year Mission, Emergency Response, Primary Frontier Response, Heavy Artillery
--[X] Secondary Roles: Primary Sector Response, Garrison Response (all), Survey, Interception
--[X] Requirements: No Size Limit, Explorer Frame, Medium+ Operations Subframe, C7+ S7+ P7+
--[X] Currently Filled By: Ambassador, Explorer Corps Excelsior-A

-[X] Light Explorer
--[X] Primary Roles: Primary Sector Response, Emergency Response, Heavy Artillery
--[X] Secondary Roles: Five-Year Mission, Primary Frontier Response, Garrison Response (all), Survey, Interception
--[X] Requirements: Maximum 2.6mt, Explorer Frame, Medium+ Operations Subframe, C6+ S6+ P6+ D6+
--[X] Currently Filled By: Excelsior-A

-[X] General Cruiser
--[X] Primary Roles: Garrison Response (all), Emergency Response, Interception, Vanguard Line
--[X] Secondary Roles: Primary Sector Response, Support Response, Survey
--[X] Requirements: 1mt to 1.5mt, Cruiser Frame, H+L of 8+, Average Stat of 4+, D5+
--[X] Currently Filled By: Renaissance

-[X] Support Cruiser
--[X] Primary Roles: Garrison Response (all), Support Response, Emergency Response, Interception, Survey
--[X] Secondary Roles: Vanguard Line
--[X] Requirements: Maximum 1mt, Cruiser Frame, Average Stat of 3+, D4+
--[X] Currently Filled By: Constellation-A, Constitution-B

-[X] Generalist Frigate
--[X] Primary Roles: Garrison Response (all), Support Response, Emergency Response, Skirmish Line, Interception, Survey
--[X] Secondary Roles: Vanguard Escort, Fleet Scout
--[X] Requirements: Frigate Frame, Minimum 2+ All Stats, S4+ P4+ D5+, 80 SR or less
--[X] Currently Filled By: Centaur-B Project, New Generalist Frigate Project

-[X] Science and Courier Frigate
--[X] Primary Roles: General Response (Science, Diplomatic), Support Response, Emergency Response, Survey, Fleet Scout
--[X] Secondary Roles: Skirmish Line, Interception
--[X] Requirements: Frigate Frame, Small Tactical Subframe, Medium+ Operations Subframe, Science Lab, LR+Nav Sensors, Max C2, S7+ P3+ D3+, 100 SR or less
--[X] Currently Filled By: Kepler Project

-[X] Combat Frigate
--[X] Primary Roles: Support Response, Emergency Response, Vanguard Escort
--[X] Secondary Roles: Garrison Response (all), Skirmish Line, Survey, Interception
--[X] Requirements: Frigate Frame, Medium+ Tactical Subframe, C3+, 60 SR or less
--[X] Currently Filled By: Miranda-A

[X] During the Tactical turn, the options should be as follows, with a suggestion that generally only one role and one profile should be changed each turn (the exception being shifting a ship from one profile to another and modifying both sets of requirements to make it work):
-[X] Add a new Role.
-[X] Modify an existing Role.
-[X] Define a new Profile.
-[X] Modify an existing Profile.

[X] Ships that lack roles may be retired at the discretion of Starfleet Command (likely itself a vote).

Okay, that's long, but I think it's thorough. Basically, how it would work is:
- We define a Role, which is some responsibility we think a ship should fill. Like, let's say in the future we want an Emergency Crisis-Response Fleet that we can snap-deploy to developing situations like the Licori or Hismeri or Horizon or Biophage.
- Then we assign the Role of "Emergency Crisis Response" to the ships Profiles we want to consider for that fleet.
- Or if we want to build a C5 S5 P5 D9 really fast response frigate we create a new Profile with the "Emergency Crisis Response" Role and everything else we think such a ship would be good at.
- Same idea for shuffling ships around. It becomes easy to say "okay, we don't want that ship to do this job anymore" or "okay, our General Cruiser is now a Light Cruiser and we'll define a Heavy Cruiser Profile".

e: To give a practical example, let's say we wanted to transition the Excelsior-A out of the Explorer Corps.
We would:
- Re-define the Heavy Explorer Profile to increase the requirements to C8+ S8+ P8+ and remove the Excelsior-A from its ship list.
- Re-define the Light Explorer Profile to remove the Five Year Mission Role.
And that's all!

Couple points I may edit based on feedback:
- Should the Combat Frigate have the Skirmish Line as a secondary role?
- Should the Connie-B be a Support Cruiser or a General Cruiser? I have it at Support Cruiser right now because we want to transition it there eventually.
- Unless Oneiros says otherwise, skirmishers are inseparable from minesweepers in the combat engine so that can't be changed.
- Any other misplaced roles or ships?
- Any crucial requirements?
- Is ten years okay? @OneirosTheWriter? And everyone else? Maybe it should be eight?

Since it's mega-late and I'm super tired I'll probably be editing this throughout the day.
e: Oh, I should probably add descriptions to Profiles, but it's bedtime.

[X][ROLES] Plan fill Roles with ship Profiles

This is excellent analysis. In fact, I think this is worth threadmarking (at least for the duration of the vote).

I think it is worth examining the other side of the question our shark-in-chief is asking us: how would we like the combat system to change?

Not knowing how the combat system works currently, I have no idea how to answer this.

And I'm almost certain said companion was Penelya Miran, which means she never had them legitimately.
Really? I'm fairly sure that was suppose to be Linderley. It was this line:
Lucky for you, they haven't fully put me into retirement yet.
that got me thinking that since his retirement vote was a dead tie. It's supported by this:
[???] We're getting close. You're an excellent tracker, Nash. My fieldcraft has degraded somewhat, I admit.
since as an Admiral Linderley wouldn't have had a chance to practice his fieldcraft in a while.

I can also say with near certainty that it can't be Miran because the unknown person is male:
He was very surprised when we came out of the woods, and even more surprised when Ilyra leaped down from the treetops onto --------. I knew from reading reports on Lecarre that she could electrocute him in a second, so I had to drop my phaser and quickly tackle her.
Really? I'm fairly sure that was suppose to be Linderley. It was this line:

that got me thinking that since his retirement vote was a dead tie. It's supported by this:

since as an Admiral Linderley wouldn't have had a chance to practice his fieldcraft in a while.

I can also say with near certainty that it can't be Miran because the unknown person is male:
Good catch.

I didn't imagine Linderly as the direct fieldwork type. I've always seen him as that guy who sits behind a desk doing ALL THE ANALYSIS. And with the number of Penelya on Risa bits, my mind jumped to her being Nash's ally.
Good catch.

I didn't imagine Linderly as the direct fieldwork type. I've always seen him as that guy who sits behind a desk doing ALL THE ANALYSIS. And with the number of Penelya on Risa bits, my mind jumped to her being Nash's ally.
Oddly enough I think this sort of thing is exactly up Linderley's line of work. This whole adventure was a spy-on-spy fight with our spies trying to counter the enemy's spy. I'd bet you that a young Linderley spent most his days hunting down Klingon spies and saboteurs across the region of space now known as the KBZ.