We are scrapping 4 Soyuz, and building 4 Centaurs. Could we keep the crews together as the core of the new Centaur crews and start training for their new ships?
Lunch Away from Sol - honestly just written because of all the arguing in circles. If this would count towards starbases/outposts in some manner? Maybe a research team?

For Space is Wide is currently planned to be at least a short series where Sam Jones bums around the Federation members, colonies and affiliates meeting people and swapping alcohol for fresh vegetables (and local art from somewhere else for fresh booze). PM me your suggested ports of call everyone!
Small bumps to the budget of whatever the port visited provides would be great, so BR this time?
[X] [BUILD] Plan Build Excelsior and 4 Centaur-A
[X][NAME] Kirk

If only we could get Blue Kirk on the USS Kirk.
[x][NAME] Endurance
[X] Plan Build Excelsior and 4 Centaur-A
[X] Scrap Soyuz

I will vote for Endurance until it wins. (It might never win).

How about the following:

1. A slight buff for Nash's upcoming espionage action.
2. A slight uptick of recruitment from affiliates like .1 or .05?
3. Either a Snake Pit Option to create an alternate pathway to earning a Commission (i.e. SOTC) or a slight uptick in Academy yield?

Also for me I think when the first wave of Centaur As finish they should replace the two exisiting Centaurs and two of the Constellations so those can undergo refits. Unless we can't spare the defense points. And for refits I would prioritize ships with Vet crews since they are more effective. Which would be Yukikaze-Centaur and Challorn-Constellation. If we can spare the defense points I would like to do a refit of the Yukikaze this Q4 to get it out sooner.

As it is if we do Constitution refit this snakepit and Constellation next snakepit then the Constellation refit will be available the same turn the first 4 Centaur-As finish construction.
@OneirosTheWriter -

For "Master of Faces" - Some kinda small bonus to backend HUMINT success?
For "HUMINT" - Small bonus to starship roles involving intrigue? Though given your system, even a +1 in a narrow area like intrigue might be too much. Maybe a research project for having / increasing the efficiency of an intelligence officer on star ships? Ah, and a certain master of disguise hanging out on the Enterprise, of course. :p
Also for me I think when the first wave of Centaur As finish they should replace the two exisiting Centaurs and two of the Constellations so those can undergo refits. Unless we can't spare the defense points. And for refits I would prioritize ships with Vet crews since they are more effective. Which would be Yukikaze-Centaur and Challorn-Constellation. If we can spare the defense points I would like to do a refit of the Yukikaze this Q4 to get it out sooner.

As it is if we do Constitution refit this snakepit and Constellation next snakepit then the Constellation refit will be available the same turn the first 4 Centaur-As finish construction.

In that case, we might want to request an additional 1mt berth somewhere either next year or the year after. Take a look at this:

I added some Oberth builds at Akuz's request (and because I think they're a good idea, but it means we have to take that Academy Techs expansion soonest), but you can see we're getting tight on berth space I want one berth free for cruiser prototypes and one large berth free for Explorer prototypes, and I think we want to get at least 5 cruisers building if we're going to take advantage of the design. That leaves things real tight.

What would you kick for the Constellation refits, and what year do you think it would make sense to start them?
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[x][NAME] Endurance
[X] Plan Build Excelsior and 4 Centaur-A

I'd rather allocate the name Discovery to an Explorer Corps ship.

In that case, we might want to request an additional 1mt berth somewhere either next year or the year after.

It's too bad we didn't get access to the Amarkian shipyards.
The UP 3mt yard can likely do a refit a year until we are ready to prototype a ship. The others we may not be able to use all the ship berths depending on resource and crew constraints so for me we can fit in Centaur and Constellation refits in berths that would otherwise be idle that year. We do have career casualties along with casualties due to damage. Also unless we dedicate an action each council session right now we can only afford an Excelsior and Centaur-A in resources each year, have to double check but that may be more crew than we get from the academy each year. Though it seems I thought we had more 1m berths than we do, with only four that does change things a bit. Also going four consitutions seems a bit much, I would rather do 2 constitutions and 2 centaur As so we get 2 ships in two years and 2 in 3 years.

The question is when do we think we will be ready to begin the design of our next cruiser. Also for explorers can we refit the Excelsior or do we want a fresh design. Bear in mind that if it is say 2308 before we start the new cruiser project we would have a few years of research so that is probably 2 years that the UP 3m yard is going empty which would be 2 refits. Also you have a blank spot in year 2311 in one of the 1m yards so we can squeeze a refit in there.
Also unless we dedicate an action each council session right now we can only afford an Excelsior and Centaur-A in resources each year, have to double check but that may be more crew than we get from the academy each year. Though it seems I thought we had more 1m berths than we do, with only four that does change things a bit. Also going four consitutions seems a bit much, I would rather do 2 constitutions and 2 centaur As so we get 2 ships in two years and 2 in 3 years.

I do recommend we devote an action a year over the next three years (including this one) to requesting more resources, though I also expect resources to come in throguh events and new mining colonies. We want to be building considerably more than two ships a year right now. We are far below our total combat cap. And once we can afford it, I want to be scrapping Mirandas for Crew. They are not good ships. Too easy to destroy, too low of a Science to do the job.

The question is when do we think we will be ready to begin the design of our next cruiser. Also for explorers can we refit the Excelsior or do we want a fresh design. Bear in mind that if it is say 2308 before we start the new cruiser project we would have a few years of research so that is probably 2 years that the UP 3m yard is going empty which would be 2 refits. Also you have a blank spot in year 2311 in one of the 1m yards so we can squeeze a refit in there.

True, true!
In that case, we might want to request an additional 1mt berth somewhere either next year or the year after.
Not 1mt, but we should look into requesting 2mt berths. We know that size is possible because the Orions have some of those. It would be perfect for medium cruisers/pocket explorers later. 1mt berths are probably only going to be used by escorts and science ships in the future.
Just have them be computer-controlled and send them against the Borg when they show up. :V
[x][NAME] Christopher Columbus
[X] Plan Build Excelsior and 4 Centaur-A

We're going to send the Columbus to live up to it's namesake with the natives of Cardassian space.