The reward I could think of with most mechanical benefit would be a boost to Cardassian Analysis. But there's probably a more appropriate/fitting reward to the fic itself... something related to Ka'Sharren specifically?
I'll open this to suggestions from the thread, and edit in any I particularly like.

Captain Nash Ka'Sharren now gets +1 to all Presence rolls involving the Cardassians because she has become personally famous in their society, and they cannot help but react to meeting the woman in the flesh.
The reward I could think of with most mechanical benefit would be a boost to Cardassian Analysis. But there's probably a more appropriate/fitting reward to the fic itself... something related to Ka'Sharren specifically?

Gul Miran gains a recurring chance to seek political asylum in the Federation due to the Obsidian Order targeting her because she published her smut.
Shipyard Ops - 2307.Q1

It is with a very dry sense of humour that the Shipyard Operations Personnel greet the new year. They celebrate a fake temporal loop, for as previous year had begun with the USS Miracht ensconced in a shipyard, so too has the new year. It gives proceedings a very unwelcome piece of symmetry.

Still the trip is enjoyable. You meet up with Patricia Chen for drinks and reminiscing. The good Rear Admiral moved to Shipyard Industrial Command from her previous post at Explorer Corps. Not as glamorous, sure, but it puts her at the helm of one of the known galaxy's most incredible industrial processes. There is something just a little bit magical about that.

A new ship launches while you are there, a Constellation-class cruiser. It's a welcome addition to the fleet, but just the sight of the four-nacelled ship reminds you of the problem posed by the Cardassians.

"I need ships, Pat, and I need them fast," you tell your old comrade.

"We have four Excelsiors under way right now," she replies. "That should help."

You snort back. "Pat, if we can build an Explorer for every cruiser they punch out, then this whole crisis is just a mountain out of a molehill."


Starfleet Personnel Command Report - Furnishing Ship's Complements

No ships deducting crews this year.


Starfleet Shipyard Operations Command Report

From: Commander Skannach Rerg, Superintendent, San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1
To: Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Gellond Choss, Director, San Francisco Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, (Constellation-class cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-1808) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.

Captain Robert Henderson

Ships Commissioned:

1 Constellation


[ ][BUILD] Submit a Build Plan
You may select up to ONE ship of 3m ton mass, and up to FOUR ships of 1m ton displacement that will commence in Q1.

To make a plan, pick a ship you would like to build and put it in one of the available berths that can handle the mass. All ships have a price in materials and time that are noted in the square brackets after the word "Cost". You can now build Excelsiors in any of the large berths at San Francisco, 40 Eridani A, Ana Font, or Lor'Vela shipyards, while the small berths can make all of the others.

The amount of resources you have right now are listed below, as are the classes you can make, and the shipyards you have available.

[ ][NAME] Name the Excelsior that will launch in Q4

Active Starfleet Shipyards
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - two (2) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
Ana Font Shipyard [Tellar] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth
Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth

Current Resource Stockpile
Bulk Industrial Resources: 630br
Special Industrial Resources: 270sr
Political Will: 131pp
Research Points: 88rp

Current Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 19.1 Officer, 27.4 Enlisted, 10.65 Techs
Explorer Corps: 2.25 Officer, 3.45 Enlisted, 4.5 Techs

Current Construction

1 Excelsior-class @ San Francisco Fleet Yards (ETC 2310.Q1 - Crews deduct 2309.Q1)

1 Excelsior-class @ 40 Eridani A Berth A (ETC 2307.Q4 - Crews deduct 2306.Q4) - Progress started 2303.Q2, suspended 2304.2Q - Currently 1 year complete - Recommenced 2304.Q4)
1 Excelsior-class @ 40 Eridani A Berth B (ETC 2310.Q1 - Crews deduct 2309.Q1)

1 Excelsior-class @ Ana Font Shipyard (ETC 2309.Q1 - Crews deduct 2308.Q1)

Available Non-obsolete Ship Classes
2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]​

Light Cruisers
2284-2370 [310m 700k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [70br, 40sr, 3 years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]​
Long-range Explorer
2260-Now [120m 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D0
Cost[15br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]​

Miranda 2280-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 40sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​
Centaur 2300-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost[80br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

Centaur-A Refit 2308-Now [315m 800k t] ** BUILDS MAY ONLY COMMENCE FROM 2307.Q4
C3 S3 H2 L3 P3 D3
Cost [80br, 70sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​

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Can we get the yards ready for a ConnieBee push after we hit the snakepit? Earmark resources aside for that?
[x][BUILD] Plan Build Excelsior and 4 Centaur-A

[x][NAME] Discovery

The Excelsior is a no-brainer, while the Centaur-A's are our best escorts right now.
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[X][NAME] Discovery

[X] Scrap Soyuz

[X][BUILD] Plan Build Excelsior and 4 Centaur-A
Ana Font Shipyard [Tellar] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth - Build Excelsior
San Francisco Fleet Yards - small 1mt Berth - Build Centaur-A in 2307Q4
San Francisco Fleet Yards - small 1mt Berth - Build Centaur-A in 2307Q4
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - small 1mt Berth - Build Centaur-A in 2307Q4
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - small 1mt Berth - Build Centaur-A in 2307Q4

We will need to request an Excelsior's worth of resources at the Snakepit to make this happen.

Can we get the yards ready for a ConnieBee push after we hit the snakepit? Earmark resources aside for that?

Refit design will take two years, so we can push 4 Centaur-A ships out first. As for resources, if we keep requesting an Excelsior's worth of resources at the Snakepit every year for the next 3 years, my spreadsheet says it will not be a problem.
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Is the Centaur -A already available?

Too bad this comes before snake pit, otherwise we could build a Riala instead:
@AKuz you'll notice I requested a reduction in the pp cost of the Constitution-B refit for one of my omake reqards.

If you request the same for your omake "Alexandra and the Connie B" or alternately request that the required resources for Connie-B construction be reduced based on the promise that Member fleets will get the ships after 30 years Starfleet service (so they contribute specifically for that construction) we might be able to get some of the naysayers off the fence and agree to go with the Constitution-B over the Constellation refit. Just a suggestion.
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Wasn't there going to be a push to decommission the four Soyuz ships about now?

Yeah, @OneirosTheWriter did you forget to include that?

Too bad this comes before snake pit, otherwise we could build a Riala instead:

I'm not convinced that the Riala is sufficiently better than an Excelsior that it's worth spending political will to get the design, though maybe if it's really, really cheap.
@AKuz you'll notice I requested a reduction in the pp cost of the Constitution-B refit for one of my omake reqards.

If you request the same for your omake "Alexandra and the Connie B" or alternately request that the required resources for Connie-B construction be reduced based on the promise that Member fleets will get the ships after 30 years Starfleet service (so they contribute specifically for that construction) we might be able to get some of the naysayers off the defense and agree to go with the Constitution-B over the Constellation refit. Just a suggestion.

Okay yeah!

@OneirosTheWriter, for my reward for the Alexandria and the ConnieBee omake, would I be able to get some sort of membership pay/build/loan/transfer plan with the member navies?
Omake - HUMINT - Katsuragi
(Note: Apologies in advance. Couldn't quite get the established character's voice correct. Sorry for the butchery)

It's night in Paris, the blue orb of the Earth rotated so that the shade of the evening is passing over and past it. She occasionally forgot how many years it had been and her birthday was completely lost unless she made an effort to dredge it up. But this? Gazing down on Earth from space? One hundred and seventeen separate occasions. She knew that number, committed it to heart. For all the gallivanting around and fun in space, she always dedicated an eye and resources to keeping that blue gem safe.

"While I appreciate the sentiment, that doesn't answer my question. Why are you in my quarters?" The tone of voice relayed that the emotions weren't quite the norm for when those words were spoken. Humor, and a bit of flirtation mostly. The same good humor was reflected in the blue captain's eyes so it would be understandable that most would miss that her center of gravity was shifted despite her relaxed pose to quickly spring into action if need be. Present a charming and diplomatic front, be ready for action if need be.

The other woman raised an eyebrow in a decent imitation of a Vulkan and dryly intoned "Indeed. The banter is fun, and you certainly liven the décor around by being here, but I am going to need an answer to the question."

A casual stretch caused her uniform to pull tight in usual places, further accented by adjusting it just so for the lighting of where she was standing. While the captain's eyes did glance to enjoy the show her readiness hadn't dropped in the least. Good. Some would call it paranoia, but properly honed paranoia was how individuals, ships, and even Federations survived and thrived. And that's why she was here.

"Paranoia? You're here because you're paranoid?"

A light, cheerful giggle was the reward for the observation. Indeed. She was here because she was properly paranoid. There was a game that certain kinds of people played. Propose an absurd hypothesis, figure out how it would function in real life, and extrapolate the details and effects it would have as well as how you'd look for signs that it was accurate. If the Universe was a simulation, what would that mean? How would you look for flaws? If magic fairies actively managed gravity? If the captain standing before her was infact a very old and shape shifting race that had replaced the good captain, what signs should be looked for?

She grinned at that. "I'm guessing that line of thinking occasionally comes in handy with the kinds of things Starfleet runs into."

Indeed. She personally had particular fun when she would up being 80% mentally prepared the time she got caught in a ship wide shared dream state and one time she personally got knocked back a few decades.

"Sounds like a story I'd like to hear. Say, over drinks?"

She offered a slightly predatory grin at that and shook her head slightly. After all, the good captain hadn't actually established the reason that she was here.

"And you're taking your time getting to it. So my choices are toss you in the brig, toss you over to starfleet, or keep an eye on you myself. And the first two would deprive me of your so far enjoyable company so the offer to dinner stands."

She bit her bottom lip lightly, intentionally signaling her intended interest in such an arrangement. She was, of course, going to divulge her reasons for being here. Much like her run in with a time shift though, she had been taking the more enjoyable long way of coming around to where she was supposed to be. That was rather simple, actually. If one runs a mental simulation of every bad or weird thing that happens on a star ship and asks "If the Cardassians were responsible, then..."

"You either don't properly manage the situation or you're 80% prepared when it does wind up being Cardassians."

She grinned at the captain. Indeed. The difference between being simply paranoid and properly paranoid. The latter was her job. Certain individuals were being mobilized to ships that had a high probability of encountering Cardassians or Cardassian plots who's role was to be properly paranoid. It was up to the captain of each ship to find appropriate placement so that they could receive the information that they needed without revealing themselves to the crew at large. They would also become more efficient at their jobs and serve as a liaison to the captain for any progress the research centers back home made of analyzing the Cardassian problem. Poke rear admiral zh'Rhashaan for confirmation, of course.

"Starfleet intelligence? That's why you seem so dangerous. You think the people will make a real difference?"

She's not dangerous because she's in star fleet intelligence, she's in star fleet intelligence because she's dangerous. But the captain knows that, of course. Just as she knows the captain appreciates a dangerous woman. To the question. Of course she trusts the people to make a difference. She trained them herself, after all.

The captain nodded. "Well. Glad to hear it then. Still. You never answered the original question. Why are you in my quarters?"

Because the captain's reputation for liaisons is well known. A meeting in a proper place raises questions. A meeting in the captain's quarters just raises knowing smirks.

Captain ka'Sharren gave a short laugh at that. "Ah, I suppose that's true. Though I'm not half as bad as my reputation would say. The offer for dinner stands, still. Ms?"

The captain should be reminded that half as bad, while accurate, is an order of magnitude worse than most... though no less enticing. Another slightly predatory grin is offered as the invitation to dinner is accepted. After all, the best lie is one that's never a light to begin with.

That manages to score a very slight shift of the captains hue. Likely the closest she's been to the Andorian equivalent of a blush in years.

Ah. Names. Aymi Tejix. Though she'll have to find another for the duration of the mission, the good captain is welcome to use it in private.

(Note: Alternative title: Blue Kirk gets Kirk'd."
[X][NAME] Endurance
[X] Plan Build Excelsior and 4 Centaur-A
[X] Scrap Soyuz
@OneirosTheWriter what about the option to scrap the Soyuz?

With scrap and a request for resources for Excelsior we can do this.

Edit: Changed name and removed scarp vote since that vote will happen later.
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Nix, sincerely, thank you for always pointing out my bracket mistakes. It seems to be a bad typing habit of mine, and I think this is the second or third time you've replied for me to correct. I appreciate it.
I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have pointed it out for you, but I vaguely recall someone else doing it before. No idea who it was though.
The next time we name an Excelsior for 5YM duty, we could use the name "Odyssey", since each 5YM is more or less an odyssey across the stars.

I think it's unlikely that we would be able to reach the Odyssey-class Explorer anyway.
Also, I think the final diplomatic pushes are due as well in Q1.
Yes, but they occur at the summary of ship op decisions, or they did last year at least

Yeah, @OneirosTheWriter did you forget to include that?

I'm not convinced that the Riala is sufficiently better than an Excelsior that it's worth spending political will to get the design, though maybe if it's really, really cheap.
I am not a fan as we don't have spare PP as it is between constitution refit, explorer crew, resource requisition, diplo pushes, new mining colony and potentially a starbase. Also this way whenever we get the Excelsior refit project our fleet is not split between two of the same class and era.