I gave irritating affiliates as a potential reason for being counter-productive, and avoiding that as potential reason for being pointless. Even the mere act of unilaterally claiming a region of space enveloping them merely to monitor who they are talking to has potential for some moderate backlash. If you mean a narrative reason that exactly matches the mechanical reason, that's an unreasonable request unless you can show that mechanical and narrative reasons always perfectly match in every other case in this game, in particular in the examples I already gave.You've never actually given a sensible narrative argument for it being counterproductive or pointless. For it not stopping it cold? Sure. For having the negative mechanical result you claim? Nope. For having no result? Nope.
After all, you STILL haven't explained how early warning and interception is not useful at a narrative level.
And that negative mechanical result is BY DEFINITION a trap option. It is a claim that an option will cause the opposite of what it is advertised as without narrative justification. I really don't care if you claim you're not claiming it's a trap, because that's you bullshitting.
Or they can just refuse to recognize our arbitrary territory grab if we are being too unreasonable about it, and dare us to try and enforce it by shooting first. It's not like we have any good justification for the territory claim in the fist place, and I don't think either the council or our coreward affiliates (other than the Tauni) will be particularly delighted by us starting a war over them not letting us bully them into not talking to our affiliates by way of claiming a stretch of space tens of light years from our nearest existing colonies and then enforcing restrictive rules.We've already been told that a HBZ would improve our ability to monitor the Horizon's efforts in the area. Which means to me that the HBZ would specifically be tailored to their brand of shenanigans. For example, one of the very first things to do in a hypothetical HBZ would be to declare it a restricted flight area, requiring all entrants to stop for customs and visa checks and file a flight plan. The Horizon, if it wants to remain nominally peaceful, would have to let us just follow them around with our own Explorers, crippling their operations.
edit: And, if you think that Starfleet would be stupid and inflexible to misapply a military DMZ because it's the only thing in their rigid, rote playbook, why not propose an alternative that doesn't have those problems? We've discussed something like a "Special Diplomacy Zone" before.
Border Zone as it's been proved viable. I think it's the most likely to let you poach votes tooQuestion for voters, especially voters for my current plan:
Which is more important to you:
Develop Celos Medical Centre or Set up Horizon Border Zone?
"Affiliates get irritated by Starfleet internal command structure changes" is not a plausible argument.I gave irritating affiliates as a potential reason for being counter-productive, and avoiding that as potential reason for being pointless. Even the mere act of unilaterally claiming a region of space enveloping them merely to monitor who they are talking to has potential for some moderate backlash. If you mean a narrative reason that exactly matches the mechanical reason, that's an unreasonable request unless you can show that mechanical and narrative reasons always perfectly match in every other case in this game, in particular in the examples I already gave.
If you define any negative mechanical result, even a predictable one that is only an extension of the existing rules, as a trap that has almost nothing to do with the usual understanding of the term trap option, and I do not think "trap options" under that definition are a bad thing at all.
Barring foreign warships from entry without prior authorization is the default state of affairs. It's not at all restrictive.Or they can just refuse to recognize our arbitrary territory grab if we are being too unreasonable about it, and dare us to try and enforce it by shooting first. It's not like we have any good justification for the territory claim in the fist place, and I don't think either the council or our coreward affiliates (other than the Tauni) will be particularly delighted by us starting a war over them not letting us bully them into not talking to our affiliates by way of claiming a stretch of space tens of light years from our nearest existing colonies and then enforcing restrictive rules.
In the case of the other border zones we already had 1. existing colonies in the area and 2. a much better reason to shoot at the party the border zones were meant to protect against.
As far as I can tell, everyone in that area is officially a Federation Affiliate and less than 50 out of 500 points away from full official membership. And remember that at one point they landed on Rigel to shit-talk us. And your own belief is that the current "Declare HBZ" plan amounts to creating a DMZ and putting enough combat power in it to blunt a military offensive! How would a restricted flight zone be any less politically acceptable than "If you fly in here we will shoot you"?Or they can just refuse to recognize our arbitrary territory grab if we are being too unreasonable about it, and dare us to try and enforce it by shooting first. It's not like we have any good justification for the territory claim in the fist place, and I don't think either the council or our coreward affiliates (other than the Tauni) will be particularly delighted by us starting a war over them not letting us bully them into not talking to our affiliates by way of claiming a stretch of space tens of light years from our nearest existing colonies and then enforcing restrictive rules.
In the case of the other border zones we already had 1. existing colonies in the area and 2. a much better reason to shoot at the party the border zones were meant to protect against.
Sorry, but I just changed my plan to do the Horizon Border Zone instead of the Celos Medical Centre. So.
@OneirosTheWriter -- Since the Pacifist candidate who won Earth isn't Mbeki, does that Mbeki is likely to have signed up with the Expansionists and may show up again in 6 years at the next election? (Rob Langford has been in the game since start, so he's probably looking at retirement at this point.)
I doubt he's starting his political career by running for Federation Councillor. He's probably going to run for office in the UESPA or Earth government and get some political experience first. Name recognition can only get you so far.
Edit: Alternatively, he's living and campaigning for a different seat. He was born on Earth but nothing says he has to run for their seat now. He could be on Vega or Alpha Centauri for all we know.
That... would be kinda awesome. *steals*Okay, this is a little weird, but.... I could actually see Mbeki running for a Caldonian seat once they're members.
Yes, he's from a different species, but there's still a lot of mutual mistrust in their politics. Mbeki could credibly promise to fight for Caldonia in the Council. He's much loved there.
Okay, this is a little weird, but.... I could actually see Mbeki running for a Caldonian seat once they're members.
Yes, he's from a different species, but there's still a lot of mutual mistrust in their politics. Mbeki could credibly promise to fight for Caldonia in the Council. He's much loved there.
And one or two fragments of your essence drift away entirely, scraps to flutter in the metaphysical breeze, perhaps to find homes in the unthinkably distant future of your own native times and lives...
So there seems to be some concern about how we cover the Horizon Border Zone and the new Seyek sector. Guys, like this.... (kept previously voted distribution as much as possible.) So I trust this demonstrates we can cover everything? Remember, single ship sectors are covered by Mutual Support.
QM has confirmed that reinforcements to GBZ will be back home by Q4 unless in dock for repairs. Note that unless we lose nearly ever reinforcement ship, there shouldn't be any problems if some of them are delayed coming home.
Late 2318 Fleet Distribution
"Affiliates get irritated by Starfleet internal command structure changes" is not a plausible argument.
I am assuming our affiliates are smart enough to recognize that these are subversion attempts, just as we have. Moreover, we're ALREADY monitoring who is talking to who when the means are warships, because tracking that kind of thing is our job.
It is NOT a predictable result on a narrative level, and it's only predictable mechanically if we assume Oneiros is suddenly going to lose his touch for Gameplay and Story Integration and NOT tweak the event tables, response tables and response narratives to fit the changing plotline like he has so many other times.
If you only want to restrict actual war ships (and not diplomatic couriers or whatever) and you want to put the HBZ between us and our affiliates rather than between our affiliates and the Horizon I don't see how the HBZ is supposed to have any positive narrative effect at all.Barring foreign warships from entry without prior authorization is the default state of affairs. It's not at all restrictive.
You're arguing that enforcing the way things normally work will produce a problem.
This is another case of people mistaking canon SOP for some kind of radical action.
And you're ALSO assuming it's a gross land grab rather than reorging force allocations over existing claims plus maybe a LY or two like the last few times.
Being a Federation affiliate does not mean ceding their existing territory. The Honiani control who enters their space on their own and almost certainly wouldn't consent to splitting off a strip just so we can interfere in their diplomatic relationships or impose rules they don't agree with, such as harsher restrictions on Horizon ships than they currently have implemented anyway. A HBZ between the Honiani and the Horizion would need to be new territory far from any of our existing claims and colonies.As far as I can tell, everyone in that area is officially a Federation Affiliate and less than 50 out of 500 points away from full official membership. And remember that at one point they landed on Rigel to shit-talk us. And your own belief is that the current "Declare HBZ" plan amounts to creating a DMZ and putting enough combat power in it to blunt a military offensive! How would a restricted flight zone be any less politically acceptable than "If you fly in here we will shoot you"?
On top of that, do you really think they'd start a shooting war given their focus on peaceful diplomacy? And don't get me wrong, that wouldn't be "Starfleet shot first", that'd be "Horizon military unit violates restricted space, ignores repeated warnings, and is shot down when it approaches a populated planet with uncertain intent".
I just do not see a good tolerance for destroyed and damaged ships. During the offensive in the GBZ we are looking at 2 ships in most border zones and 1 in most core sectors and if we get a high amount of damaged and destroyed ships they will be spread even thinner after with both the HBZ and Seyek sectors to garrison. My main objection with the HBZ is it is not a good idea to do it this year when we don't know how long portions of our fleet will be in the yard for repairs. If the offensive had already happened or we had more of a reserve I could see it for this year, otherwise I think it needs to wait until next year when we don't have all of our flex capability deployed to the GBZ where some of it will be damaged/destroyed.
Now that's Development party talk - weren't you the one always griping about them?If it is somehow something that we get a vote on, sure. I doubt anyone would ask our opinion, though.
I actually disagree with this interpretation with respect to the snakepit option costs.No wonder costs went up all around. To get anything done, Starfleet has to corral three different parties on board.
Question for voters, especially voters for my current plan:
Which is more important to you:
Develop Celos Medical Centre or Set up Horizon Border Zone?
[X][COUNCIL] 2318 Snakepit – A Little of Everything but without the Horizon Border Zone. But with a two 2mt berth shipyard at Gaen.