We don't really need a huge rush of berth construction. Unless we're planning building Mirandas, we're can only just barely our all our existing berths next year, although having a couple extra for auxiliary builds or ship repairs is useful. I'd be happy with just 2 more berths year after year.
Also food for thought:
Getting a second ratification might cost 180pp, but with some basic analysis, over the 5 or so years of back-to-back ratifications, that initial investment will yield:
- about 2 BR mining colonies worth of BR
- about 1 SR mining colony worth of SR
- about 2 Academy Developments purchased simultaneously (alongside the annual Academy Development purchases, which is normally an impossibility)
- about 15-20pp discount, plus 15-20rp
- get Seyek onboard faster for preparations as suggested by the Defense Readiness Report
- get coreward major affiliates faster, avoiding some Horizonite influence risk
- reduce some redundant diplomacy events for 500 relations affiliates
- get presidentladycat to spit out a hairball (which seems to be a plus for most of the players...)
I am opposed on what I view as ethical/precedent-setting grounds as well as the cost. I hate the idea of butting in on the fates of billions of people so Fleetness can get a better budget faster.
Let's remember there are good reasons not to have two new members a year. Bringing in a new Member requires an enormous amount of logistical, diplomatic, and political work. It requires a review of laws and trade regulations. It requires psychological preparation for new citizens, and a media blitz campaign to make everyone aware of what it means to be a Federation citizen. It's a big, big deal and doing one a year is pushing it.
And you want to double all this work? Worse, you want it done sloppier, faster, with less care, and with less experienced people on the job because you can't have your best people in two places at once.
Narratively this is a huge imposition and will result in additional fuck-ups and problems, guaranteed. So balance all those benefits to Starfleet against that.