Cardassian Logistics and Deployment requirements
Feeder Loop Monthly = ~170s ~180b
Trunk Loop Monthly = ~70s ~50b
Industry Loop Monthly = ~50s ~70b
Supply Loop Monthly = ~120s ~40b
2 Super-Freighters, 23 Freighters, 41 Cargo Ships assigned to networks
0 Super-Freighters, 12 Freighters, 19 Cargo Ships free for other tasks
I'm going to be digging into the different loops and what we can learn from them and our other reports over time as both free time and brain capacity become available. Right now, because it is simplest, the Supply Loop.
Note, I will be assuming that the support costs are the same as ours because that keeps me from tearing gout my hair.
First, the Bulk shipments. Bulk only supports fixed installations: Starbases, Outposts and Repair Yards away from major worlds.
We know there's one Starbase in Gabriel. Starbases take 10.
40-10=30 Bulk
If there isn't another starbase anywhere in the Cardassian Union away from major worlds, they can manage ~15 outposts from that (Outposts cost 2). Every starbase though, is worth 5 outposts so even just one to keep an eye on approaches the Konen might take towards Cardassia can strip that count down a lot.
The same goes for any outposts outside of the Gabriel fight. Anything keeping eyes on the border or older mining colonies comes right out of this same total.
Next, fleet.
Since fixed installations, for us at least, take as much SR and BR, we'll take the BR reported off of the SR to get the available results for fleet support.
Next, known hull counts.
Frigates cost 0.5 SR each, and the Cardasians have 27 of them (6 Hiroshi, 3 Takaai (Science), 6 Isamu and 12 Takaai (Combat)) which costs 13.5 SR.
Explores cost 2 SR each, and the Cardassians have 2 of the (2 Lorgot) which costs 4 SR.
Auxiliary ships of all types, excluding civilian, cargo, freighter and super-freighters, cost 1 SR each and the Cardassians have 24 of them (2 Research cruisers, 1 hospital, 5 Colony, 6 Prospectors, 6 Engineering and 4 Passenger) which costs 24 SR
80-13.5-4-24=38.5 SR
Cruisers cost 1 SR each, so the Cardassians should have about 38 of them.
The Cardassians have 7 Kaldars, so there should be about 31 Jalduns, which is within our report range but pegging it at the high end.
Slightly different support costs, tiny bumps to the BR demand for fixed installations, or having the SR estimated high and the BR low changes all of this, of course, but we should probably expect the Jaldun count to be closer to 30 than 25.