I like the Amarki, but 10pp just to get them one year faster? And I am entirely fine with waiting one year before designing a new ship so we can add Amarki design elements
We will get that pp back next year when they become members, and bunch other resources like crews br/sr etc. So it is a net positive.
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But we're NOT going to be scrapping them in a few years. There's three reasons to scrap ships:

One: They are so obsolete they are a liability in basically any scenario - the Soyuz is getting there.
Two: We need the crews for something better.
Three: Impending combat cap.

Only the Soyuz is near case one.
We've got Soyuz and Miranda Classes to scrap before two kicks in.
And three is not happening anytime soon because we're at less than half cap.

Meanwhile refits substantially improve our capabilities quite cheaply.

The Connie "Refit" is waste, but that's because the Connie "Refit" isn't a refit. It does NOT improve existing assets, it gives us an LC that is a dead end refit wise and will be superceded inside of a decade.

The Constellation are awful ships, in my opinion. Twice as much crew as a Centaur but just as squishy. My ideal plan goes something like, scrap Soyuz and Miranda to build more Centaurs, while prototyping the Renaissance. As soon as we have a cruiser design that can take a hit without instantly dying, start scrapping Constellations to crew the new ships. The sooner we get our crews out of those deathtraps the better.
The Constellation are awful ships, in my opinion. Twice as much crew as a Centaur but just as squishy. My ideal plan goes something like, scrap Soyuz and Miranda to build more Centaurs, while prototyping the Renaissance. As soon as we have a cruiser design that can take a hit without instantly dying, start scrapping Constellations to crew the new ships. The sooner we get our crews out of those deathtraps the better.
I have no problem with treating the Soyuz class as a crew reservoir, and I do want to replace the Constellations and Mirandas when possible. I just don't think we have the resources to get rid of those classes for the foreseeable future, and I think that the Refits are overall a benefit for us while we acquire those resources. Refits are cheap.
The Constellation are awful ships, in my opinion. Twice as much crew as a Centaur but just as squishy. My ideal plan goes something like, scrap Soyuz and Miranda to build more Centaurs, while prototyping the Renaissance. As soon as we have a cruiser design that can take a hit without instantly dying, start scrapping Constellations to crew the new ships. The sooner we get our crews out of those deathtraps the better.

I have no problem with treating the Soyuz class as a crew reservoir, and I do want to replace the Constellations and Mirandas when possible. I just don't think we have the resources to get rid of those classes for the foreseeable future, and I think that the Refits are overall a benefit for us while we acquire those resources. Refits are cheap.

The problem I see with refits is that it ties up a berth that should be used in increasing fleet size, not tweaking existing ships. Tossing ships entirely is even worse. Our Military max has skyrocketed - we need to use that space, given the Cardies, and our other two neighbors, who got a close look at our best, the Enterprise, in a real combat situation. Centaur or Connies, either are new ships, with a couple of 'maybe upgrade' ships floating around.
The problem I see with refits is that it ties up a berth that should be used in increasing fleet size, not tweaking existing ships. Tossing ships entirely is even worse. Our Military max has skyrocketed - we need to use that space, given the Cardies, and our other two neighbors, who got a close look at our best, the Enterprise, in a real combat situation. Centaur or Connies, either are new ships, with a couple of 'maybe upgrade' ships floating around.
We don't have the resources or crew supply to have every yard building only new ships, especially when Utopia Planitia comes online.
The problem I see with refits is that it ties up a berth that should be used in increasing fleet size, not tweaking existing ships. Tossing ships entirely is even worse. Our Military max has skyrocketed - we need to use that space, given the Cardies, and our other two neighbors, who got a close look at our best, the Enterprise, in a real combat situation. Centaur or Connies, either are new ships, with a couple of 'maybe upgrade' ships floating around.
I want to toss the Soyuz because they are a liability in actual combat. 1/1/1 C/H/L just gets crew killed.

Our current construction limit is crew, not berth space, as best I can tell. We've not got the crew throughput to actually build to the max.
Omake - Orion Relations - IronWolf
Current Federation Affiliates:
Orions 161/500 + 13 = 174/500
Improving Orion Relations and Affiliate Status
From: Lt. Wolfe
To: Lieutenant Commander Kuznetsova
Our continued diplomatic push with the Orions seems to be paying off, with the Congressional Alliance managing to finally push through a vote to accept affiliate status this year. I was glad to see that this was in part due to the effective use of our mercantile Rigellian allies as intermediaries and advocates, possibly because I suggested it in a position paper in my academy days that was rejected by the undergraduate research journal for being "implausible." In any case, our diplomacy has been remarkably deft, but there is an elephant in the room that needs addressing before we back-pat ourselves too hard.

The biophage.

As someone who saw first-hand the effects of the phage, giving it any praise is, to say the least, highly uncomfortable. But this is politics, and to work in the vein of Machiavelli (even though I don't deserve to), we must look at this from a dispassionate perspective. And that perspective is this -- despite the fact that Orion and Alukk were never directly in danger, the crisis was a capital-d Disaster for Ascension and the Truth and Prosperity parties, to the direct benefit of the party most friendly to us, the Congressional Alliance. Ascension's ideology of unrestricted, open biological and technological research to eventually surpass the Federation was quashed with the revelation that the biophage was the result of Romulan efforts along those lines. Truth and Prosperity as the governing party, meanwhile, was embarassed on two fronts. First, despite their pretension to the idea of commissioning a six year mission, the Orion Union's lone Explorer never once left the home space to assist in the fight against the phage, in direct contrast to the Amarki, a species seen as less-established in the quadrant. Secondly, despite the belief that their privatized and unregulated biotechology sector was the envy of the quadrant, it was the Gaeni, another new species, who were approached to produce the vaccine. These embarrassments led to the total collapse of the TuP government, and with a resceeding Ascension no longer splitting their vote, the CA sailed to a strong majority in both houses of government and in many of the planetary legislatures. And in the aftermath, a few pixels in a video and some fragmented sensor of a unknown infected ship proved to be a major boon to pushing through an agenda of regulation.

According to the CA, the vessel in question was an Orion escort freighter, the Cual, owned by Mulford and Sons Shipping Solutions. The CA used it as ammunition in a larger campaign, warning citizens that the unsupervised, private fleets of the megacorporations would prove to be a major liability in any crisis like the phage, as they could be infected and spread throughout space without anyone, including the government, knowing until it was too late. It is not known if the vessel in question is the Cual or not, but critically, Mulford and Sons has been unable to determine the whereabouts of the Cual to this day, proving in part the CA's point. The subsequent turn against megacorporations has given the CA a lot of political capital to begin reshaping the economy more in line with what we'd hope for.

However, we should not rest easy now. CA's dominance is based largely on fears that will recede with time, and it is possible for the TuP to make a resurgence and subsequently roll back several reforms, which in a worst-case scenario could disqualify the Union from affiliate status. Critical to preventing this is a motion before the Union government to implement proportional representation, which would seriously undermine the TuP's power. However, TuP is doing everything in its power to slow the adoption of proportional representation while the CA is bogged down in regulating the private sector. It is entirely possible the next scheduled election could be fought on the issue of electoral reform. The Prime Directive, of course, forces us to sit and hope from the sidelines. Still, we should continue our diplomatic efforts and not allow ourselves grow overconfident in what might be a very temporary trend.


Lt. Wolfe

RE: Improving Orion Relations and Affiliate Status
From: Lt. Wolfe
To: Lieutenant Commander Kuznetsova

You asked me for an unconventional route to influencing the Orions aside from sending more Rigellians to tea parties. An idea I have been seriously looking at is encouraging Dr. Asurva to return to her homeland to run as a political candidate. I knew Dr. Asurva while on the Enterprise, and she is a driven, charismatic personality with a strong sense of ethics and a deep compassion for the welfare of her people. In addition, although it didn't make 'the cut' in my previous report, part of the Congressional Alliance's success is the fact that an Orion served with distinction on the flagship of the Federation. Since then she's become something of a celebrity, although I am unsure if the good Doctor knows this. I believe she would have great success if she ran for office, and could probably be granted a cabinet position. She could even win the Presidency in the current climate, although personally I think that would be more a long-term goal.

This would be one 'acceptable' way to influence Orion politics towards the Federation without directly interfering, although it is slightly... underhanded. But, to be fair, there is nothing that says Dr. Asurva would necessarily agree with us once in office. unlike what some conspiracists (with considerably less talent than you, of course, ma'am) say, we don't brainwash people to agree with us.

Under no circumstances are you to let Nash know I suggested we steal one of her senior officers.


Lt. Wolfe

Distinctive Features: Green skin, females have pheromones to mess with men (don't look at me, blame Gene Roddenberry)
Actually, you can't blame Gene for this! It is a common misconception that Orion pheromones are a long-established part of the canon. In fact, they were established as having them in Enterprise: Bound, written by Manny Coto. So blame him.

In fact most of what we know for sure about Orions (and Vulcans...... and Andorians........ and Tellarites.............) comes from Enterprise.

Gene did oversee the line "Orion animal women" though so, feel free to pin that on him. Although technically that was in a hallucination of Pike's so maybe he just had some weird shit going on.
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Proposed Four Year Build Plan (2307 to 2310)

So since Plan Balanced Diplomacy, Industry, and Refit seems ahead at the moment, I'm going to postulate a build schedule assuming it goes into effect. It will not take into account Amarki membership, since I don't know the effect of that. I am planning to scrap all 4 Soyuz in 2309. We are done with them. Also anticipating spending political will in 2308 for an Explorer Corps Draft.

EDIT: Also assume that we spend political will to get an Excelsior's worth of resources to start the Renaissance Prototype, if we start it before 2311. Not noted below,

BR Annual Income = 390 (305 + 85 from missions), becomes 410 in 2308 from mining colony
SR Annual Income = 255 (215 + 40 from missions)
Officers (O): 5.50pts (+1.25 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 5.50pts (+1.2 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 7.10pts (+1.5 Explorer Corps)

Resources 2306:
Bulk Industrial Resources: 240br
Special Industrial Resources: 10sr

Personnel 2306:
Standard Starfleet: 18.4 Officer, 26.4 Enlisted, 7.5 Techs
Explorer Corps: 1.75 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 2.5 Techs

San Francisco Fleet Yards: SF3mt-A, SF1mt-A, SF1mt-B
40 Eridani A Shipyards: 40E3mt-A, 40E3mt-B, 40E1mt-A, 40E1mt-B
Ana Font Shipyard: AF2.5mt-A
Andor: AN2.5mt-A (available 2307)
Utopia Planetia: UP3mt-A, UP3mt-B, UP1mt-A, UP1mt-B (available 2309 Construction)

2306Q2 - Request Centaur Refit (2308), Mining Colony (2308)

Starting Resources
Bulk Industrial Resources: 630br
Special Industrial Resources: 265sr
Standard Starfleet: 23.9 Officer, 31.9 Enlisted, 14.6 Techs
Explorer Corps: 3 Officer, 4.2 Enlisted, 4 Techs

SF3mt-A: Excelsior (year 2/4 construction)
40E3mt-A: Excelsior (year 4/4 construction) *crew deduct*
40E3mt-B: Excelsior (year 2/4 construction)
40E1mt-A: empty
40E1mt-B: empty
AF2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 3/4 construction)
AN2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 1/4 construction) *new*

Begun in 2307:
1 Excelsior (230br 150sr)
Requires 230 br, 150 sr
Bulk Industrial Resources: 630br - 230 = 400br
Special Industrial Resources: 265sr - 150sr = 115sr
Required Crew Deduction: 1 Excelsior (O-6, E-5, T-5)
Standard Starfleet: 17.9 Officer, 26.9 Enlisted, 9.6 Techs
Explorer Corps: 3 Officer, 4.2 Enlisted, 4 Techs

Complete: 1 Excelsior (in 2308Q1)
Starting Resources
Bulk Industrial Resources: 810br
Special Industrial Resources: 370sr
Standard Starfleet: 29.4 Officer, 32.4 Enlisted, 16.7 Techs
Explorer Corps: 4.25 Officer, 5.4 Enlisted, 5.5 Techs

SF3mt-A: Excelsior (year 3/4 construction)
SF1mt-A: Centaur (year 1/2 construction) *new*
40E3mt-A: Excelsior (year 1/4 construction) *new*
40E3mt-B: Excelsior (year 3/4 construction)
40E1mt-A: Centaur Refit (year 1/1) *new*
40E1mt-B: Centaur Refit (year 1/1) *new*
AF2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 4/4 construction) *crew deduct*
AN2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 2/4 construction)

Begun in 2308:
1 Excelsior (230br 150sr), 1 Centaur at new cost (80br, 70 sr), 2 Centaur refits (30br, 30 sr)
Requires 340 br, 250 sr
Bulk Industrial Resources: 810br - 340 = 470br
Special Industrial Resources: 370sr - 250sr = 120sr
Required Crew Deduction: 1 Excelsior (O-6, E-5, T-5)
Use 2308Q2 Snakepit to Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 20pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
Standard Starfleet: 21.4 Officer, 25.4 Enlisted, 9.7 Techs
Explorer Corps: 8.25 Officer, 9.4 Enlisted, 7.5 Techs

Complete: 1 Excelsior (in 2309Q1)
Starting Resources
Bulk Industrial Resources: 880br
Special Industrial Resources: 375sr
Standard Starfleet: 26.9 Officer, 30.9 Enlisted, 16.8 Techs
Explorer Corps: 9.5 Officer, 10.6 Enlisted, 9 Techs

SF3mt-A: Excelsior (year 4/4 construction) *EXPLORER crew deduct*
SF1mt-A: Centaur (year 2/2 construction) *crew deduct*
SF1mt-B: Centaur (year 1/2 construction) *new*
40E3mt-A: Excelsior (year 2/4 construction)
40E3mt-B: Excelsior (year 4/4 construction) *crew deduct*
40E1mt-A: empty
40E1mt-B: empty
AF2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 1/4 construction) *new*
AN2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 3/4 construction)
UP3mt-A: Excelsior (year 1/4 construction) *new*
UP3mt-B: empty
UP1mt-A: Reserved for Renaissance prototype
UP1mt-B: empty

Begun in 2309:
2 Excelsior (460br 300sr), 1 Centaur (80br, 70sr)
4 Soyuz scrapped to get 60br/60sr, O-4, E-4, T-4)
Requires 340 br, 250 sr
Bulk Industrial Resources: 880br + 60 - 540 = 400br
Special Industrial Resources: 375sr + 60 - 370sr = 65sr
Required Crew Deduction: 1 Excelsior (O-6, E-5, T-5), 1 Excelsior Explorer Corps (O-6, E-5, T-5), 1 Centaur (O-1, E-2, T-2) + addition of Soyuz O-4, E-4, T-4
Standard Starfleet: 23.9 Officer, 27.9 Enlisted, 13.8 Techs
Explorer Corps: 3.5 Officer, 5.6 Enlisted, 4 Techs

Complete: 2 Excelsior, 1 Centaur (in 2310Q1)
Starting Resources
Bulk Industrial Resources: 810br
Special Industrial Resources: 320sr
Standard Starfleet: 29.4 Officer, 33.4 Enlisted, 20.9 Techs
Explorer Corps: 4.75 Officer, 6.8 Enlisted, 5.5 Techs

SF3mt-A: Excelsior (year 1/4 construction) *new*
SF1mt-B: Centaur (year 2/2 construction) *crew deduct*
40E3mt-A: Excelsior (year 3/4 construction)
40E3mt-B: empty
AF2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 2/4 construction)
AN2.5mt-A: Excelsior (year 4/4 construction) *crew deduct*
UP3mt-A: Excelsior (year 2/4 construction)
UP3mt-B: Excelsior (year 1/4 construction) *new*
UP1mt-A: Reserved for Renaissance prototype
UP1mt-B: empty

Begun in 2310:
2 Excelsior (460br 300sr)
Requires 460br, 300 sr
Bulk Industrial Resources: 810br - 460 = 350br
Special Industrial Resources: 320sr - 300sr = 20sr
Required Crew Deduction: 1 Excelsior (O-6, E-5, T-5), 1 Centaur (O-1, E-2, T-2)
Standard Starfleet: 22.4 Officer, 26.4 Enlisted, 13.9 Techs
Explorer Corps: 4.75 Officer, 6.8 Enlisted, 5.5 Techs

Complete:1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur (in 2311Q1)

2311 Q1 Fleet
Excelsiors 11 = 66C, 66D, 55S
Constitution 1 = 5C, 5D, 4S
Constellations 8 = 24C, 24D, 16S
Oberths 4 = 4C, 4D, 20S
Refitted Centaurs 4 = 12C, 12D, 12S
Miranda 11 = 33C, 22D, 11S

Total Fleet:
39 Ships
144 Combat
133 Defense
118 Science
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Our current construction limit is crew, not berth space, as best I can tell. We've not got the crew throughput to actually build to the max.

As you can see by looking at my proposed Four year build plan, the actual limitation is special resources.

We have enough crew to build more ships, and we have enough berth space to build more ships, but we are chronically short on special resources.
As you can see by looking at my proposed Four year build plan, the actual limitation is special resources.

We have enough crew to build more ships, and we have enough berth space to build more ships, but we are chronically short on special resources.
Yeah, it would really be nice if we can discover some more SR colonies, or more SR in general :p

I'm betting though that we'll be getting more SR per month from Amarki. Also, we can always simply request a budget increase if SR becomes a real problem.
I did play SC a fair bit, so I know things about them.

Like the idea of Lyran defenses being shields made out of plasma that they ram into other ships. Good times, good times.

There's actually a Gorn campaign in SC, been playing that recently.
You know, I would like it of research into doctrines didn't immediately translate into implementation. Instead the research is understanding the theory and potential implementation of said strategic designs. That way, we can also devise counters for said plans if implemented by our opponents.
So since Plan Balanced Diplomacy, Industry, and Refit seems ahead at the moment, I'm going to postulate a build schedule assuming it goes into effect. It will not take into account Amarki membership, since I don't know the effect of that. I am planning to scrap all 4 Soyuz in 2309. We are done with them. Also anticipating spending political will in 2308 for an Explorer Corps Draft.

EDIT: Also assume that we spend political will to get an Excelsior's worth of resources to start the Renaissance Prototype, if we start it before 2311. Not noted below,

I think @OneirosTheWriter mentioned that some of the local governments are going to ask for their own Excelsiors soon. Do those fit in your plan, or did you want to deny them?

EDIT: I'd assume they take up a berth, but we don't pay the resource or crew costs.
This is a bit of a mess.

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 185 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally
[X]Plan Balanced Diplomacy, Industry, and Refit
No. of Votes: 15
Plan: ◈Balanced Diplomacy, Industry, and Refit

Iron Wolf
Void Stalker
[X]Plan Balanced Diplomacy and Refit 140
No. of Votes: 5
Plan: ◈Balanced Diplomacy and Refit 140

Random Member
[X] Plan Constellations and more diplomacy
-[X] Request approval to formally add a Cardassian Border Zone to the Key Sector list, 15pp (Adds a new Border Zone, Cardassian events will take place there instead of potentially in home sectors)
-[X] Request Refit Program for Constellation class [+1 C,S,D, for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns 40pp (NB: new unit cost for Constellation will be 70/45)
-[X] NEW Request expansion of Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Rigellians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Betazoids
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caldonians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Amarki
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caitians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Gaeni
-[X] Request approval to make the Ship Design Bureau a Vice Admiral billet, 15pp (Ship Design Bureau will be commanded by a Vice Admiral instead of a Rear Admiral)
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈Constellations and more diplomacy

[X]Plan Balanced Diplomacy, Industry, and Refi
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Balanced Diplomacy, Industry, and Refi

-[X] Request expansion of Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caitians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Rigellians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Betazoids
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Gaeni
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caldoians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Orion Union
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Amarki
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Sydraxians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Kadeshi
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Pygmalion 337 IV-3, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
-[X] Request approval to formally add a Cardassian Border Zone to the Key Sector list, 15pp (Adds a new Border Zone, Cardassian events will take place there instead of potentially in home sectors)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Plan Return of the Constitution
-[X] Request approval to formally add a Cardassian Border Zone to the Key Sector list, 15pp (Adds a new Border Zone, Cardassian events will take place there instead of potentially in home sectors)
-[X] Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 50pp
-[X] NEW Request expansion of Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Rigellians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Betazoids
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Orion Union
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Amarki
-[X] Request approval to make the Ship Design Bureau a Vice Admiral billet, 15pp (Ship Design Bureau will be commanded by a Vice Admiral instead of a Rear Admiral)
No. of Votes: 0
Plan: ◈Return of the Constitution

[x][COUNCIL] Plan Emphasize Growth MK II
-[X] Request expansion of Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caitians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Rigellians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Betazoids
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Gaeni
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caldoians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Orion Union
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Amarki
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Sydraxians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Kadeshi
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Pygmalion 337 IV-3, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
-[X] Request approval to formally add a Cardassian Border Zone to the Key Sector list, 15pp (Adds a new Border Zone, Cardassian events will take place there instead of potentially in home sectors)
No. of Votes: 8
Plan: ◈Emphasize Growth MK II

Winged One
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Expansion
-[X] Request Refit Program for Constellation class [+1 C,S,D, for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns 40pp (NB: new unit cost for Constellation will be 70/45)
-[X] Request approval to formally add a Cardassian Border Zone to the Key Sector list, 15pp (Adds a new Border Zone, Cardassian events will take place there instead of potentially in home sectors)
-[X] Request expansion of Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caitians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Rigellians
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Betazoids
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Caldoians
-[X] Science Academy Expansion, 20pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Pygmalion 337 IV-3, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
-[X] Request Mining Colony at Galus V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 br / year)
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈Expansion

Total No. of Voters: 34

We have one Constitution and even with the refit I can't see any reason to build more. The design isn't even listed when we go to Shipyard Ops. e:Okay, not true, the math does bear out in their favor. If we do a refit, it ought to be the Constellation or the Centaur - the Constellation refit leans towards improving existing hulls, the Centaur towards building more Centaurs in the future.

[x] Nix

As we're SR limited, I'm going with the plan that does the Constellation refit. Centaurs are a SR-heavy design.
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Yeah, it would really be nice if we can discover some more SR colonies, or more SR in general :p

I'm betting though that we'll be getting more SR per month from Amarki. Also, we can always simply request a budget increase if SR becomes a real problem.

Yes, new advanced affiliates, or full members, are the only non-random solutions we currently have. While I understand the dislike over the 'everyone' diplomacy push, getting folks up to 300 and 500 fast seems the best answer at the moment.

Edit: Argh, I really am tempted to swap to that plan now. Tempted, but won't. I still prefer the 140 or the currently winning option.
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I think @OneirosTheWriter mentioned that some of the local governments are going to ask for their own Excelsiors soon. Do those fit in your plan, or did you want to deny them?

EDIT: I'd assume they take up a berth, but we don't pay the resource or crew costs.

It really depends on when "soon" comes. Once UP opens up in 2309, we'll have plenty of open Excelsior berths. If they want it in 2307 it's a problem, because we don't want to build any more Centaurs until the Centaur redesign is done. If they want it in 2308 it's fine; we can put off starting that year's Excelsior until 2309 when the UP berths open up.

But frankly I think them asking for 2307 would be unreasonable; given ship build times they need to give us at least a year's warning!

From 2308 on even if they want the majority of our large berths we can always build refit Centaurs, which are nicely balanced between Combat/Science/Defense. I approve of anything that keeps our Combat-to-Science at a decent ratio.

This is a bit of a mess.

We have one Constitution and even with the refit I can't see any reason to build more. The design isn't even listed when we go to Shipyard Ops. If we do a refit, it ought to be the Constellation or the Centaur - the Constellation refit leans towards improving existing hulls, the Centaur towards building more Centaurs in the future.

So what's the part where it's a mess? The plan with the Centaur refit is winning by a considerable margin, and you're okay with that even if you prefer the Constellation refit.

I vote for the Constitution refit primarily for reasons of romance, not math, and I apologize not at all for it.
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Yeah, because some of us had the brilliant idea to use a Council tag. Make sorting the plans really eye-watering