Okay, I'm in way too much pain to make a Captain's Log post that isn't going to suck. Here's hoping for tomorrow being better. The dentist tells me that the second day is the roughest, so hopefully it's all plain sailing from here.

I was a complete wimp when I had my wisdom teeth removed. Operated under general anesthesia, and recovered in about half a week with pain and sleeping pills, then fooling around playing games for the rest of my scheduled time-off :p

Also gained a distaste for applesauce.
[X][PRIS] Release unilaterally (-15pp from disgruntled Federation members, greatly improve relations with Tartresis, improved relations with Licori)
[X][TALK] Flood the broadcasts
[x][ROM] To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government

*Checks charge on his phaser for the first person to try and 'remind' him the vote is closed*
[X][PRIS] Release unilaterally (-15pp from disgruntled Federation members, greatly improve relations with Tartresis, improved relations with Licori)
[X][TALK] Flood the broadcasts
[x][ROM] To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government

*Checks charge on his phaser for the first person to try and 'remind' him the vote is closed*
Why are you voting then if you all ready know the vote's closed? :???:
Okay, I'm in way too much pain to make a Captain's Log post that isn't going to suck. Here's hoping for tomorrow being better. The dentist tells me that the second day is the roughest, so hopefully it's all plain sailing from here.
... I must have been really lucky; when I got two wisdom teeth removed I didn't even need the painkillers afterwards. And I'm definitely not pain resistent.
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As the guy who introduced Halkh, Gnarker's analysis is confirmed.

What analysis now?

Feeling smug because his teeth are so small the wisdom teeth fit right in.

Feeling smug because his mouth is so big the wisdom teeth fit right in. :V

@OneirosTheWriter, will the stronger push having a third of the vote and the discussion behind the votes cast be taken into account when interpreting the result?
You may be waiting a long time. Take a look at the actual text of the winning 'deal' again. It's much more about economic aid for the Federation and its allies, with the Licori being a distant "will also need" after-thought.
While I would have prefered a proposal more focused on the Gaeni, Ked Paddah and Laio instead of the full members, an attempt to send help to rebuild the Licoris economy while the peace hasnt been signed and only a single world has actually been conquered would have been a bit silly.
... I must have been really lucky; when I got two wisdom teeth removed I didn't even need the painkillers afterwards. And I'm definitely not pain resistent.
The accounts of having wisdom teeth out that I've seen have been extremely varied. You didn't need painkillers, someone on staff had all four out and hardly needed painkillers, lbmaian mentioned his tale above, and I've spent the day at a permanent 5~7 on the pain scale. Made work very distracting :X
So just so you know because I didn't, if it's like five days after having your wisdom teeth out and you're alternating between acetaminophen and ibuprofen on a four hour basis, you're not being a big baby and it's actually dry socket. :V
So just so you know because I didn't, if it's like five days after having your wisdom teeth out and you're alternating between acetaminophen and ibuprofen on a four hour basis, you're not being a big baby and it's actually dry socket. :V
That's what I was actually worried about today! Woke up spitting blood with the socket throbbing, so I worried I'd dislodged it in my sleep.

Thankfully, turned out I hadn't, it was just being a more generic sort of jerk to me.
Diplomacy that we've never had a chance to do? Even with the current detente, diplo has only happened when the RSE wanted it to.
If the Gaeni and Ked Paddah become Federation members and the Licori close affiliates or clients (or however the Romulans term that) of the Romulans, I do think Federation and Romulans will talk about borders, flight paths, surveillance. At least.
Even if we get a fed friendly Arcadian emperor, thatll last until the next emperor. Bene may have been the sneaky house, and Tartresis may have been the noble house... but we just blew up their paradigm, so who knows if that's going to be true going forward. And each is still autocratic.

Unless each house leader is at the beginning of a 70 year reign, we'll be back to court the empire in a few decades regardless of who the prevailing house supports. Unless we are able to foster a stable middle class with meaningful representation we will be having problems with the Licori at some point. Which is why I didn't want to push so hard the friends we do have there get pissed at us
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Unless each house leader is at the beginning of a 70 year reign, we'll be back to court the empire in a few decades regardless of who the prevailing house supports. Unless we are able to foster a stable middle class with meaningful representation we will be having problems with the Licori at some point. Which is why I didn't want to push so hard the friends we do have there get pissed at us

A Federation that's powerful enough that the Licori don't have to like us but do have to respect and treat with peaceably is almost as good, especially if the Federation makes a point of being and doing so right back. But do keep in mind a stable middle class with meaningful representation is not enough to ensure that the Licori will remain friendly to the Federation.
If the government is friendly enough, ye olde diplomatic push is a weapon for which there are few counters, and it is by that means that we can convince the Licori to stay friendly even if the structures of power on Morshadd change.

On the other hand, a government aligned with the Romulans may reject a push or even our Marshall Plan entirely. If the government rejects aid in rebuilding, or if the Romulans are the ones providing that aid instead, it becomes easy for the government to poison the people against us in the future.
First, juuust a little bit of salt. Sorry. Can't help it. :(
Honestly I don't have any issues with wording votes like this one so long as those wordings matter.

If Briefvoice was right and the votes were simply fluff for:
[] Maximum Resistance
[] Strong Resistance
[] Light Resistance
[] No Resistance​
then the way the vote was worded would be a very serious issue since it doesn't present itself like that at all.

I however am operating under the assumption that votes actually mean what they say they do. That the way the votes are worded reflects Sousa's opinion on the subject should that vote win. I have issues with the idea that Romulan interference should always be fought, that is how we end up with Cold War style proxy wars, or that just because thousands of federation citizens died in a war we started the Licori need to become an affiliate/ally. So I didn't vote for either option because those aren't views I want Sousa to hold.
The problem is that this leaves us with one vote as a proxy for two separate questions. One is "what are we going to do about the Romulans futzing with the Licori," and the other is "how do we feel about the Licori and imperialism and all this other complicated stuff."

And I get that these two issues are strongly correlated, but the correlation isn't perfect. And when you force correlation on voters, you get counterintuitive results. Especially when one of the two issues is something that's so pivotal to much of the voterbase that you can imagine someone being a single-issue voter on it, like "this is not an empire quest."

Perhaps this kind of vote would have best been implemented as a write in one instead of multiple choice, to properly capture the nuance of what advice the players want to give the president.

At the moment we are split into two groups whom have different ideas ofwhat the options each side has chosen mean.

I think the desired outcomes of both factions in this vote us closer than what the very granular choice available allows.
As Oneiros has noted, write-in votes of this type tend to give him headaches and cause a lot of bad blood, plus we tend to talk ourselves into voting for stupid things sometimes.

I don't have any problem with the 'canned' voting options, I just wish that either of two things would happen:

1) Votes on separate questions like were addressed separately rather than being bundled in such a way that people feel compelled to vote a certain way on the first question in order to stake out a firm anticolonialist position on the second. Here, one issue was "how firmly do we oppose the Romulans." Another was, "how much influence do we actually want ourselves to have over the Licori succession, except insofar as we prevent the Romulans from influencing it?" Most of us don't really want influence over the Licori succession, and don't feel any particular ownership of Licori space. But significantly more voters want to oppose Romulan control of the succession, even if that does not entail asserting our own control. A decision where plausible positions can be plotted on two axes needs to have two separate components.

2) Votes on separate questions might be merged into a single vote, but only if there are enough options to permit nuanced decision-making. Like, if there are at least two "we don't want to colonize the Licori" options, and one of them reads "so we'll just stick to telling the Licori that Romulans are probably bad," while the other reads "but until we're sure the Licori political process is free of outside influence, we will act to neutralize such influences from third parties."

Normal stuff!

...Crap, I have no idea how I wound up falsely attributing to you a correct observation actually made by @pheonix89 . Sorry.

I'm a Nice Power! Why won't anyone affiliate with me?
I quite agree. As I mention below, I don't really feel any claim on Licori friendship as such, but I think it's vitally important that:
1) We don't wind up with a Licori government that can play the "fuck you, the Romulans will let us get away with [thing you fought us over], you're not the boss of me because THEY are, so there" card.
2) we don't wind up with the Romulans taking Licori mentats and turning them into an appalling in-house superweapon development lab that runs on for decades. The Romulans are too good at stealth and deniability, and too fond of crippling their prospective enemies pre-emptively, for that to be anything other than a terrifying prospect.

Because of those, it's really important to me that we specifically oppose Romulan intrusion into the succession crisis, regardless of the overall outcome of that crisis. If the best way to keep the Romulans out of the picture is just to buy off the Bene and put them in charge, installing the exact government the Romulans were backing... I am totally okay with that. I just don't want said government, or any other, to obtain dominance over the Licori while itself being dominated by Romulus.

That must be a violation of some convention! That's grotesquely unfair!

"Pfft. All you've got to do is get the Saurian Temperance League out of office and get 'em back to making their brandy properly. There aren't many bottles left of Saurian brandy from before '68, but that was a drink that could keep up with the Big Green Sneakies! Always the first thing Scotty'd go for, if his idea of proper whisky wasn't around."
That's what I was actually worried about today! Woke up spitting blood with the socket throbbing, so I worried I'd dislodged it in my sleep.

Thankfully, turned out I hadn't, it was just being a more generic sort of jerk to me.
Obviously this is my personal experience, but with dry socket I found it's not so much the hole in your gums that hurts, as it is more a throbbing pain deep into the jaw. Which makes sense, it's because the nerves into your now-removed roots are exposed.

...sorry if anyone feels squeemish about tooth stuff with this digression. :V
Obviously this is my personal experience, but with dry socket I found it's not so much the hole in your gums that hurts, as it is more a throbbing pain deep into the jaw. Which makes sense, it's because the nerves into your now-removed roots are exposed.

...sorry if anyone feels squeemish about tooth stuff with this digression. :V
it's certainly something to chew on
[x][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah).
[x][ROM] We will put forward our case to the Arcadian people but ultimately we are not colonizers.
[x][TALK] Flood the broadcasts.
[x][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah).
[x][ROM] We will put forward our case to the Arcadian people but ultimately we are not colonizers.
[x][TALK] Flood the broadcasts.
Well it's nice to know it's not just my quests where people vote after the vote is closed. :V
[X] ... Human, I am familiar with Earth and her awesome industrial power. We are a people who work selflessly to a common good.

[X] ... Patricia Chen, who is one of the most daring commanders I know, and one of the great escape artists.

Did I miss the vote?