Eagles are scavenger assholes that eat garbage.

Crow Bros are where it is at.

*Ignore that AKuz is Crow clan*
"Where Eagles fight, Crows feast"

That's actually kinda bullshit, crows share and hang out and co-operate. They'll even play and do things for fun, they're real smart too (and lazy, which is the same thing > : V) They'll attack people that attack crows, like even crows that never were attacked, they talk to each other and spread news about who the asshole humans are and who the nice humans that feed them and deserve defending are.

Eagles are fucking assholes. They steal from each other; like "Watch another eagle struggle for a fish then steal it when his friend is tired". Or hang around dumps and eat garbage.

I grew up in an area with Eagles and when tourists are like "Where to go see Eagles" the answer is "Drive out to the dump"
That's actually kinda bullshit, crows share and hang out and co-operate. They'll even play and do things for fun, they're real smart too (and lazy, which is the same thing > : V) They'll attack people that attack crows, like even crows that never were attacked, they talk to each other and spread news about who the asshole humans are and who the nice humans that feed them and deserve defending are.

Eagles are fucking assholes. They steal from each other; like "Watch another eagle struggle for a fish then steal it when his friend is tired". Or hang around dumps and eat garbage.

I grew up in an area with Eagles and when tourists are like "Where to go see Eagles" the answer is "Drive out to the dump"
......it was a quote from another game on this forum. About a Crow Deity.
[X][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah)
[X][ROM] To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government
[X][TALK] Flood the broadcasts

Hey, hey Romulan guys. If you think a nonaggression pact doesn't mean "stop screwing with us" then be prepared for screwing back.
So we have one more Arcadian post and two captains logs and the intel choices for this quarter. After that we get to research. Does anyone have the current RP numbers? We need 232 RP to activate all team and I want to boost Isolinear so 242 is a goal to hit. Last year we finished a lot of topics:
2330s Colony Cores
2320s EPS Safety
2310s Starship Durability
2310s Equipment
2320s Targeting Sensors
2310s Message Networking
2310s Affiliates Research
2310s Diplomacy
2310s Intensive Care
2310s Escort - Engineering

With the following teams free:
Daystrom Skill 5 Computer
Yoyodyne Propulsion Skill 5 Warp Tech
ONA Skill 3 Starship Construction
Caitian Frontier Police Skill 3 Personal Tech
Vulcan Science Academy Skill 5 Sensors
Starfleet Science Academy Skill 4 Comms
University of Betazed Skill 4 Xenospych
Spock Skill 6 Xenopsych
Starfleet Medical Skill 5 Medical
Generic Team 3 Skill 1 (Used for Escort and Cruiser research)

Finishing this year:
Utopia Skill 5 Explorer Design-Ambassador Research
Starfleet Infectious Disease Skill 3 Medical-2310 Trauma Medicine

Techs that could use a boost:
Primitive Isolinear Computers-30/80 with a generic team on it-this leads to Production Isolinear which in turn is a prereq for multiple computer techs including the tech that lets us do the 2340 colony core tech (which is more PP and RP).

My thoughts:
Daystrom-Automated Ship Systems has T3 OS, also unlocks automated frame variants that have lower crew requirements (likely power and cost increases) also has a tech that reduces Enlisted crew requirments, next level is Tech reduction and third is Officer Reduction (locked behind a tech that is locked by Production Isolinear)

Yoyodyne-2330s EPS Safety-unlock T4 EPS parts and +.2 crew income (all 3 types). Gives us another small boost to crew income (these can add up) and unlocks a part. We do have a second team doing warp that can work on T3 once it finishes the T2 it is researching

ONA-2320 Starship Armor or Lightweight Frames- The first unlocks Hull tier 3 parts and hull is one of the heavy components, the second unlocks T3 main frames

Caitian- 2320s Equipment or Basic Modern Tricorders- both provide boosts to some events and provide increased crew survival chances which helps.

Vulcan Science Academy-2320 Anti-Cloaking Sensors- with both Romulans and Klingons as neighbors we do not want to fall behind on anti-cloak tech, more so since we have run into cloaked mines

Starfleet Science Academy- 2320s Decryption, 2320 Colony Datanets or 2320 Federation Datanets- Decryption improves our intel info (and considering we are taking actions to increase number of reports that is always useful) and Get Intel reports on new powers sooner which may give us more info on newly met species and who they are in contact with (and maybe insight into the Ittick-Ka), Colony Datanets gives us +1 RP per colony (mining and research) and +1 to diplo rolls with affiliates (so annual roll and diplo pushes), Federation Datanets gives a flat +5 RP (a bit more than half a tech team so nice but not great) and 1 random diplo push on a non-affiliate (we have a tech that gives an annual roll, there are some bonuses that only apply to one or the other and some to both, also if this causes a race to affiliate then if it is like a snakepit diplo push we would get 3 more)

University of Betazed- 2310 Xenospychology- Unlocks T2 diplo parts and a +1 to First Contact by non-explorer corps, also unlocks techs that increases starting relations and give a chance to affiliate from the start

Spock- 2320 Diplomacy or 2320 Affiliate Research- Diplomacy: +10 to starting relations, +1 to diplo rolls, +2 to diplo pushes and increases the non-affiliate annual rolls from 1 to 3, also unlocks 3 techs, one of which reduces integration and membership to 250 and 400, Affiliate Research: increases crew from affiliates from .15 to .2, +2 annual diplo roll and 1 Free Diplo push a turn, unlocks 2 techs one which gives a free diplo posture intel report and the other .25 crew (another .05 increase), and another free diplo push. Both are good options and useful short and long turn. I do lean towards Affiliate research to help with the crew issue and the free diplo push gives us more flexibility and can be used on affiliates if need be

Starfleet Medical-2320 Preventive Care- two techs that give .25 crew each and +2 to Hull/Survival rolls against botched plague rolls, also the three techs are 40 pointers. One of the others is a single 60 point tech while the last is a 1 40, 2 60 and 1 80 techs.

Generic Team 3-2310 Escort-Combat- last of the T2 techs (aside from the 1mt escort design) so finish up this tier before starting the next.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1904 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6

Task: PRIS

[x][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah)
No. of Votes: 56
Chaos Blade
Crazy Tom
Iron Wolf
Mr Tebbs
Nervos Belli
Random Member
Steven Kodaly
Void Stalker

[X][PRIS] Release unilaterally (-15pp from disgruntled Federation members, greatly improve relations with Tartresis, improved relations with Licori)
No. of Votes: 6
Winged One
Driven by Apathy

[X][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah)
-[X] Except for any full-conversion Mentats, who will have to be carefully vetted before we release them.
No. of Votes: 1
Leila Hann

Task: ROM

[x][ROM] We will put forward our case to the Arcadian people but ultimately we are not colonisers
No. of Votes: 40
Chaos Blade
Crazy Tom
Driven by Apathy
Leila Hann
Mr Tebbs
Steven Kodaly
Void Stalker
Winged One

[x][ROM] To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government
No. of Votes: 17
Iron Wolf
Random Member

[X][ROM] The Arcadians have the right to self-determination, we only demand they respect the safety of their neighbours
No. of Votes: 7
Nervos Belli

Task: TALK

[x][TALK] Flood the broadcasts
No. of Votes: 61
Chaos Blade
Crazy Tom
Driven by Apathy
Iron Wolf
Leila Hann
Mr Tebbs
Nervos Belli
Random Member
Steven Kodaly
Void Stalker
Winged One

[X][TALK] Shut down the broadcasts
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 64

Not a great deal of change in leaders.
Welp, looks like we just had an entire vote discussion I got minimal opportunity to have any effect on because work. Knew it'd start happening again sooner or later these days :(

Briefvoice said:
Self-determination my ass. You're talking about the machinations of hereditary nobility to determine who will rule their empire and order "the people" around. You want to let "the people" decide? Well guess what, we'd have to get a hell of a lot more involved than even I want to in order for that to happen. "The people" aren't going to be deciding anything. Given that, I don't see why we shouldn't push for the autocratic regime most favorable to our interests.

I'm with Briefvoice on this. Nationalism and concepts like self-determination only make sense in the context of governments that are at least partially answerable to popular sovereignty. Otherwise you don't have "sovereignty." You just have cuius regio, eius religio: the principle that whoever happens to be the dominant autocrat over a particular area has the right to arbitrarily decide the cultural norms for the people of that area, without outside interference.

From my point of view, this belief is exactly what is wrong with the Licori. Now, I'm pretty unconcerned about outcomes on the other two votes, BUT...

[X][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah)
[X][TALK] Flood the broadcasts
[x][ROM] To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government

I Just don't think it's worth our time. The Romulans say they'll keep the mentats in check? Then we're done. We have succeeded in what we came here to do. And if the mentats cause another problem, we don't have to face a mess of a minor power that's utterly incapable of self-policing, we can just go to Athos and lay our demands with a respected peer who is now responsible for them.
Firstly, this makes it highly likely that the Licori will gradually be subjugated by the Romulans. We only know of one non-Romulan species within the Romulan sphere of influence: the Remans. They are NOT well treated, so I'm skeptical that the Licori would be.

Secondly, this creates long term problems for us. "Gain a reliable affiliate" is a HUGE advantage for a faction in this game. Think about how much utter frustration and trouble we've had as a conseqeunce of the Cardassians staging a single diplomatic success and gaining the Sydraxians as an affiliate.

By not seriously trying to contest Romulan attempts to control the Licori, we are signing over to them a permanent advantage on this scale.
[X][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah)
[X][TALK] Flood the broadcasts
[X][ROM] To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government

I won't be terribly upset if the Licori wind up closer to the Romulon influence space than we would like, but we should at least make an attempt to tempt them our way.
Hm Let's have some lighter fair.

The yan-ros aren't vulcanoid. What they have in common with the Amarki is disturbingly large eyes and tiny, pointed noses.
Yes. From the Amarki point of view the Yan-Ro are among the most amarkianoid of the 'Space Elf' species- at least in terms of overall body plan.

Remember where their definition of 'elf' comes from. :p

I'm a big fan of the Swiss Army Bazooka :V
So, I imagine, is Lavender Blossom, a name I just made up to preserve the 'color scheme and theming character names' tradition. ;)

A male, Nash? Really? Huh.
That wasn't seduction, that was geniuses talking shop about areas of interest.
As the guy who introduced Halkh, Gnarker's analysis is confirmed.

Halkh, being a Gurney Halleck expy, is an accomplished musician and raconteur. He makes for pleasant social company in general, and he went out of his way to be charming to his captors as a whole. I'm already in the early draft stages of an omake or two about his time aboard the Enterprise.

There may have been a little pseudo-flirtation on Halkh's side of the conversations with Nash, as part of the overall hailstorm of banter, humor, wit, and shop talk exchanged between the two senior officers. But it would have been subtle, joking, or both. He never hit on her, and she certainly didn't hit on him. They just got along well.

If we send the Warmaster back, then most of what he says should synergies with the propaganda angle. He's had his first drink of the root beer.
Halkh is the kind of man who'd drink the root beer, invent a half dozen cocktails using it, then sing outrageous songs consisting in large part of sasparilla puns, with alien space lute accompaniment. :D
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Trufax: the "eagle screech" you hear in movies actually came from a red tailed hawk. An odd choice, because this hawk actually has a very distinctive call that doesn't sound like any other bird's.

And yes, while majestic in flight, bald eagles are less impressive when you actually live around the lazy, cranky, foul-smelling scavengers.
I, uh. Did have some views on the Romulan thing if that's even still being discussed.

And that's where my perception of 'push-back' plays a role. Both sides arguing - no problem for me. The Romulans being Romulans (ie, supporting a favored faction, like we might do/have done with the Sydraxians) - not a fan, but I'd see no problem in countering Federation-style.

'Pushing back' reads like 'demonizing them' / 'shedding them in the worst light possible', in degrees.

And that might simply be a failed reading comprehension check, that's why I'm answering like I do.
Thing is, "push-back" is what you do when your adversary is already "pushing forward." If you don't push back, they will go exactly where they want and do exactly what they want. In the context of the Romulans and the Licori, this isn't a desirable outcome.

I wouldn't mind the Licori having a government that is simply neutral towards the Federation, but one that is in a position of dependency on Romulus is... problematic.

We fought and bled alongside the Ked Paddah, and I seem to recall their fleet took a lot more damage in that engagement than ours. There's nothing better for making friends than treating them like they already were all along. MTB convinced me in regards to the Romulan option. There's been more than enough cynical political moves taken in the last decade- let's let some idealism shine through, naive though it may be.
How is it "idealism" to decline to resist an autocratic/oligarchic foreign power's choice to back one aristocratic faction in Licori space at the expense of another?

There is absolutely nothing stopping us from diplomaticing the shit out the the Licori (which we're going to have to do anyhow to ensure a lasting peace) after the war ends, no matter who ends up of the Throne.

Let us break out the free samples of Root Beer.
How is this mutually exclusive with a determined attempt to stop the Romulans from installing a proxy government?
On a non-Rihannsu topic,

I'm actually kinda curious why this thread/quest doesn't have a discord chat or irc or something

Let me answer you're question with a question. What's discord?

Well, the changeover to the new simpler style has certainly netted more voters...

What did you change?

[X][PRIS] Exchange for the Ked Paddah Prisoners (-5pp from disgruntled Federation members, improved relations with Tartresis and Licori, +25 with Ked Paddah)

[][ROM] Romulan intervention must be contested fiercely, at every opportunity

[X][ROM] To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government

[X][TALK] Flood the broadcasts
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@chriswriter90 , I'd like to point out that tactical voting considerations aside, "Romulan intervention must be contested fiercely, at every opportunity" is probably not true. We don't have any reason to specifically whittle down the Romulans, any more than we have to whittle down the Klingons. If the Romulans or the Klingons wanted to intervene in places NOT on our borders, or were communicating with us clearly so as to share influence and respect each other's interests in such an area, that would be okay.

The reason the Romulan intervention is a problem is because of its potential to create a new Lecarre-level or Sydraxian-level problem for us, specifically on our border.

That's why I voted "To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government." Because it's not about us opposing what the Romulans want because we're going all Captain Kruge on them. We're opposing this because the Licori, specifically, are in a place we don't want the Romulans dominating. I wouldn't mind sharing but I do mind just handing over all power within the Licori state to a faction the Romulans have penetrated to an unknown degree.

@chriswriter90 , I'd like to point out that tactical voting considerations aside, "Romulan intervention must be contested fiercely, at every opportunity" is probably not true. We don't have any reason to specifically whittle down the Romulans, any more than we have to whittle down the Klingons. If the Romulans or the Klingons wanted to intervene in places NOT on our borders, or were communicating with us clearly so as to share influence and respect each other's interests in such an area, that would be okay.

The reason the Romulan intervention is a problem is because of its potential to create a new Lecarre-level or Sydraxian-level problem for us, specifically on our border.

That's why I voted "To justify the costs, it is crucial that the Licori end up with a Federation-friendly government." Because it's not about us opposing what the Romulans want because we're going all Captain Kruge on them. We're opposing this because the Licori, specifically, are in a place we don't want the Romulans dominating. I wouldn't mind sharing but I do mind just handing over all power within the Licori state to a faction the Romulans have penetrated to an unknown degree.

Well, hold on a second.

The Licori are in the same general direction from us as the Romulans, and they're no closer to our borders. Its not like the Sydraxians or Lecarre, who can harass our flanks. In a war situation, I'm really not seeing the strategic value of the Arcadian Empire's location.
Let me answer you're question with a question. What's discord?
Discord is a chat application. Skype, but designed for groups rather than individuals.

Well, hold on a second.

The Licori are in the same general direction from us as the Romulans, and they're no closer to our borders. Its not like the Sydraxians or Lecarre, who can harass our flanks. In a war situation, I'm really not seeing the strategic value of the Arcadian Empire's location.
The strategic value is denying access to Mentats and superweapons, as well as pushing the future RBZ extension away from us, giving us more space.